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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    I was under the impression Lady marie that Atlantis was outside the bay
    Maybe I'm remembering wrong, then. I thought the view was of the bridge, out to the ocean.


      Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
      SGA spoilers

      I also didn't care much for the finale, unfortunately. The best thing about it was the appearance of all the secondary characters, like Zelenka, Lorne, Caldwell, even Kavanaugh. I place SGA seasons 1-3 right after DS9 in my all-time favorite shows, so I am sorry I did not enjoy the last two seasons very well.

      I would be interested in the opinion of the San Fran natives--do you think Atlantis would fit in the bay? I always pictured Atlantis as massive (I don't know the measurements, does anyone else?), so I don't think there would be enough room, not with Alcatraz there.
      The appearance of those characters was indeed the best part! I miss Atlantis S1-3 as well. And I did enjoy bits of S4 (Doppleganger, Missing, and Tabula Rasa stand out), but wasn't inspired enough to buy the DVDs. S5 just went way off the rails for me.


        Hi everyone, I hope everyones new year is going along nicely.

        I finally got round to seeing season 5 of SGA over the last few days. I'm not a great fan of SGA (I'm more an SG-1 gal!) and season 5 was hard going to stick with and watch. Seasons 3 and 4 were so much better for me.

        I have to say though, the SGA finale 'Enemy at the Gate' was more satisfying as an ending to the series than SG-1's 'Unending' was for SG-1 . For me 'Enemy at the Gate' was up there as one of the best Stargate episodes of both series' for me. It had the right balance and pace of action that I had only last seen in 'Lost City' pt 2, this way I could overlook the 'convenient' plot devices and just enjoy the show!

        It was good that Stargate could still surprise me....

        Ronon's death, it was such a shock because you always felt he would be the last person to end up losing his life that way, yet at the same time you felt it was the fitting way to go for a warrior like him. It would have had more of an emotional impact if he had stayed dead and the anguish over his loss would hang over the rest of the episode. Add a bit of bitterness to the sweet victory.

        Loved this, very ST 'The Voyage Home' feel to it for me....

        Atlantis landing in San Francisco Bay and looking out at the Golden Gate Bridge...........only George and Gracie were missing in the final shot!


          Ok, the first new quiz of 2009 will be next Monday (1 week from today). The Die is Cast will be in the spot-light for 'episode dedicated question', which means Garak will be spot-light for the 'character dedicated question'.

          I will also be adding a new feature to the quizzes - 'guess the quote' - I will give a handful of quotes from various DS9 characters where you have to guess who they are. It won't be as hard as it sounds.
          Originally posted by Krisz View Post
          Hi everyone, I hope everyones new year is going along nicely.
          Hello Kris, always great to see you. I'm getting excited for the new season of Reaper.

          I love all the SGA Finale talk. I think we can all ditch the spoiler tag considering the series is now over, sadly.
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            Ok, the first new quiz of 2009 will be next Monday (1 week from today). The Die is Cast will be in the spot-light for 'episode dedicated question', which means Garak will be spot-light for the 'character dedicated question'.

            I will also be adding a new feature to the quizzes - 'guess the quote' - I will give a handful of quotes from various DS9 characters where you have to guess who they are. It won't be as hard as it sounds.
            Of course not - the episode you'd be centring on is The Die Is Cast, which means the quotes would be by Garak, which is realyl the only character worth quoting. Ever.
            Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
            Yes, I am!
            Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
            Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
            Peter Pan R.I.P


              Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
              I believe Kanaan was in the PG

              care to elaborate? plot hole
              How do we know where Kanaan and the baby are? we saw them earlier in the season on atlantis, then they disappeared... and teyla was so worried about her baby when Michael came after it.... plothole! As for Jack, we were told Jack wanted Sheppard to "come to earth".... not "go to earth" as it would have been said if jack wasn't on earth. I think it would have made more sense to have someone with the ATA gene near the chair at all times in this crisis (militarily speaking). As for the odyssey's "secret mission"... sam is obviously not a part of that mission, she is at the sgc. and yep, why not get the chair at taonas to replace the one they (idiotically) let the wraith destroy? they continue on and on....

              Originally posted by Starbase View Post
              That's good to hear brother nx. It's to bad Atlantis didn't use this formula more often, we might be getting a sixth season. I wonder if this horrible economy and world wide recession has anything to do with some of these shows getting the ax. I know alot of them are not cheap to produce including Atlantis. I do know that 2 of my favorite Hi-Def channels (Mojo Network & The Golf Channel) had to shut down because of the economy.
              Best deals for DVD's is buying them used on Amazon or E-Bay. I generally buy new DVD's but I have occasionally bought used DVD Box Set's from both E-Bay and particulary Amazon. You usually have many choices of buyers with a accurate description of the condition. It's been all good on everything I have bought used, so far.
              ebay can be great, but I got a killer deal on the complete sg1 at costco just before christmas for half price!
              Last edited by Rac80; 12 January 2009, 07:27 AM. Reason: anything for you jelgate ;)


                Spoiler tags Lady Rac
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post

                  I love all the SGA Finale talk. I think we can all ditch the spoiler tag considering the series is now over, sadly.
                  There are three things that bothered me regarding Atlantis,

                  1) I wish there were more cameos by SG-1 members, specifically going offworld to help Sheppards team.

                  2) How they gave Torri Higginson the shaft. I really enjoyed her character and it was possible to write her character off the show and not end it they way that it was ended with her.

                  3) Same with Ford.

                  Too late now to worry but it's a shame nonetheless imo.


                    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                    Ok, the first new quiz of 2009 will be next Monday (1 week from today). The Die is Cast will be in the spot-light for 'episode dedicated question', which means Garak will be spot-light for the 'character dedicated question'.

                    I will also be adding a new feature to the quizzes - 'guess the quote' - I will give a handful of quotes from various DS9 characters where you have to guess who they are. It won't be as hard as it sounds.
                    Hello Kris, always great to see you. I'm getting excited for the new season of Reaper.
                    I too am looking forward to 'Reaper'.

                    ..........and the quiz! Must brush up on my Garakisms and get back to watching some more DS9.

                    Originally posted by HirogenGater View Post
                    There are three things that bothered me regarding Atlantis,

                    1) I wish there were more cameos by SG-1 members, specifically going offworld to help Sheppards team.

                    2) How they gave Torri Higginson the shaft. I really enjoyed her character and it was possible to write her character off the show and not end it they way that it was ended with her.

                    3) Same with Ford.

                    Too late now to worry but it's a shame nonetheless imo.
                    Oh well, at least with Atlantis finished there won't be anymore 'frustrating' plot holes and bewildering character dumping to annoy people!

                    I really hope they have a better overall plan as to where they are going to go with SGU to avoid these pitfalls.


                      Originally posted by HirogenGater View Post
                      There are three things that bothered me regarding Atlantis,
                      1) I wish there were more cameos by SG-1 members, specifically going offworld to help Sheppards team. Too late now to worry but it's a shame nonetheless imo.
                      Little SG-1 was great. We wouldn't want SGA turning into the final episode of Enterprise. They crossed over enough. We got Carter for a whole season, Daniel for 2 episodes, Jack for 2 episodes and Teal'C for an episode. That's really enough. I enjoy letting the show and the actors stand on their own merits, not the guest factor from the 'parent' show.

                      Besides, can you imagine how much they'd have to pay them to appear?
                      More fun @ Spoofgate!


                        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                        How do we know where Kanaan and the baby are? we saw them earlier in the season on atlantis, then they disappeared... and teyla was so worried about her baby when Michael came after it.... plothole!
                        we have no idea where Kanaan was, I just assumed he was still in the PG with the other Athosians. this is NOT a plot hole
                        A plot hole is a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story's plot. These include such things as unlikely behaviour or actions of characters, illogical or impossible events, or statements/events that contradict earlier events in the storyline.

                        While many stories have unanswered questions, unlikely events or chance occurrences, a plot hole is one that is essential to the story's outcome. Plot holes are usually seen as weaknesses or flaws in a story, and writers usually try to avoid them to make their stories seem as realistic as possible.

                        Kanaan and the baby weren't essential to the plot, TPTB simply didn't mention him.

                        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                        As for Jack, we were told Jack wanted Sheppard to "come to earth".... not "go to earth" as it would have been said if jack wasn't on earth. I think it would have made more sense to have someone with the ATA gene near the chair at all times in this crisis (militarily speaking).
                        true but the fact that they didn't use the chair to destroy the darts doesn't make it a plothole

                        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                        As for the odyssey's "secret mission"... sam is obviously not a part of that mission, she is at the sgc. and yep, why not get the chair at taonas to replace the one they (idiotically) let the wraith destroy? they continue on and on....
                        there probably was no time to get it. also I'd say replacing a chair is a complicated procedure. do we even know how to do this? AFAIK this has never been done before

                        Originally posted by HirogenGater View Post
                        There are three things that bothered me regarding Atlantis,

                        1) I wish there were more cameos by SG-1 members, specifically going offworld to help Sheppards team.
                        why? EatG was SGA's series finale, it shouldn't focus on SG-1 characters imo

                        Originally posted by HirogenGater View Post
                        2) How they gave Torri Higginson the shaft. I really enjoyed her character and it was possible to write her character off the show and not end it they way that it was ended with her.
                        actually it wasn't ended. we'll probably never see TH again in SGA but CB wanted to write a replicator ep in s6 which would've probably included the Weir from GitM

                        Originally posted by HirogenGater View Post
                        3) Same with Ford.

                        Too late now to worry but it's a shame nonetheless imo.
                        who knows, he might be alive...

                        Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                        Oh well, at least with Atlantis finished there won't be anymore 'frustrating' plot holes and bewildering character dumping to annoy people!
                        ah but there'll be movies

                        Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                        I really hope they have a better overall plan as to where they are going to go with SGU to avoid these pitfalls.
                        As I mentioned in a previous entry, Stargate: Universe is a series that draws on established mythology yet blazes a bold, new path for the franchise. It’s definitely more character-centered and intimate in its exploration of the interpersonal dynamics that will drive a lot of the shipboard developments (and, no, I’m not talking about romance). The premise of this ship hurtling through uncharted territories offers up unbounded story possibilities, yet also forces us to adopt a very different approach toward alien encounters and planetary investigation. Twin themes mentioned over the course of today’s conversations: survival and sacrifice.

                        Back on the office today for another day of SGU spinning. We skipped episode 9 (While I like the general premise and think it could be a lot of fun and, really, at the end of the day who doesn’t like fun?, I feel that, unlike the other stories we’ve discussed so far, this one is far more nebulous. Fearing we might well spend our final three days trying to spin a story out of this kernel of an idea, I suggested we move on to #10 and #11 which, at the very least, are somewhat more substantial in comparison) and moved on to the two-parter. I hesitate to call it a two-parter because, the way these episodes have developed so far, there are a threads that run through all the stories, in essence making this season one big 20-parter. Now given that some of you have started comparing SGU to existing shows on the basis of what little information has been released thus far, I thought it might be a good idea to help paint a clearer picture of the show. And so, to those of you looking for standing comparisons, I’d say more Lost than Battlestar, more Dr. Who than Heroes, more The Office than My Name Is Earl.
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                          More Lost? Gods.
                          The Doctor Who's a good thing, but I hope he means the UK [i.e. foreign ] Office.
                          More fun @ Spoofgate!


                            sorry jumper one but
                            the lack of teyla's son and lover is essential to Teyla's storyline over the 2 seasons. she was frantically looking for both her lover and her people, then was frantically protecting her baby from Michael. to have her leave them behind or not mention them is a major plot hole for her character! Her character would demand that she know where her family is and how/when she would return to them.

                            ps you know wiki is NOT an authoritative source for anything right?


                              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                              Ok, the first new quiz of 2009 will be next Monday (1 week from today). The Die is Cast will be in the spot-light for 'episode dedicated question', which means Garak will be spot-light for the 'character dedicated question'.

                              I will also be adding a new feature to the quizzes - 'guess the quote' - I will give a handful of quotes from various DS9 characters where you have to guess who they are. It won't be as hard as it sounds.
                              Sweet. I look forward to the new "guess the quote section" my friend. I watched Improbable Cause (part 1 to The Die is Cast). I assume you will do questions from that episode as well?.


                                Originally posted by HirogenGater View Post
                                1) I wish there were more cameos by SG-1 members, specifically going offworld to help Sheppards team.
                                I'm with ya brother HG - more SG-1 would have been nice, especially Daniel.
                                Originally posted by HirogenGater
                                2) How they gave Torri Higginson the shaft. I really enjoyed her character and it was possible to write her character off the show and not end it they way that it was ended with her.
                                Indeed!. I hated Elizabeth the first season, but sometime around half way through season 2 I started to like her character alot. Carter was a poor subsitute for her, while Woolsey rocked!.
                                Originally posted by HirogenGater
                                3) Same with Ford.
                                Ford was an ok character. I would have liked to seen more of Wraith 'Enzyme Ford'. That character was head and shoulders above the original Ford. Francks showed some great acting prowess as 'Enzyme Ford'.

