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    Originally posted by Starbase View Post
    Word Lady Rac!. I have steered well clear of any and all poltical discussion, and I still am. But I must take notice of that wonderful anti-liberal post you made, good stuff. Sometimes I can't believe I used to be one of those card carrying liberals that liked to get in the face of anything that I didn't agree with. Thankfully a lot liberals will change there tune as soon as they grow a little older and start making good money.
    I agree that was one wonderful little rant by Lady Rac. I used to also be one of those die-in-the-wool liberals that used to go to anti-nuke and anti-Reagan portests. Then around my 30th birthday after I got married and started making a good living my dormant conservative values started kicking in and before I realized it I was just like father politically.

    I think most of us are born with both values (Conservative & Liberal) and it is the influences around us growing up that shape how we vote early on in life. Thankfully most people realize that there values are not in tune with what they once followed so they make the choice to switch there thinkng and voting. I thank God we live in a society that allows us the choice.
    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    I do follow conservatiive values but I have been known to vote for Democrats
    ^5, it's not that hard to vote for both is it brother jelgate. In this recent election I voted about 65% Republican and about 30% Democrat, which is indicative of the way I have voted for 20+ years now.


      Originally posted by Weyoun View Post
      I agree that was one wonderful little rant by Lady Rac. I used to also be one of those die-in-the-wool liberals that used to go to anti-nuke and anti-Reagan portests. Then around my 30th birthday after I got married and started making a good living my dormant conservative values started kicking in and before I realized it I was just like father politically.

      I think most of us are born with both values (Conservative & Liberal) and it is the influences around us growing up that shape how we vote early on in life. Thankfully most people realize that there values are not in tune with what they once followed so they make the choice to switch there thinkng and voting. I thank God we live in a society that allows us the choice.
      ^5, it's not that hard to vote for both is it brother jelgate. In this recent election I voted about 65% Republican and about 30% Democrat, which is indicative of the way I have voted for 20+ years now.
      there have been some recent psychological studies that hint (and only hint mind you) that our political views are genetic in nature. I don't know if you are familiar with "twin studies"-- idents separated at birth and raised apart (oh btw... because of the high abortion rate, twin studies are dying out. Fewer babies are given up for adoption each year.) and there are interesting similarities... tastes in clothing, children's names, politics, and even having similar looking spouses.
      In my family though I am the only dyed in the wool conservative. everyone else are libs... except this elections... seems my lib relatives are all bigots. but then the biggest bigots I knew in my little blue-collar union-worker town were the dems.


        No offense Lady Rac but I take psychological studies with a grain of salt. I just don't believe a lot of stuff they say. I see politics as more enviromental then anything. I think political views come with the ethical values we are taught. As we grew older like brother Weyoun our ethics change which has an effect on political beliefs.
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          No offense Lady Rac but I take psychological studies with a grain of salt. I just don't believe a lot of stuff they say. I see politics as more enviromental then anything. I think political views come with the ethical values we are taught. As we grew older like brother Weyoun our ethics change which has an effect on political beliefs.
          NP there. It's my specialty though. (degreed in psychology here) and I find twin studies remarkable... people genetically identical but raised apart and what things do they now have in common? it's fascinating.
          As for starting lib, I am afraid I missed that stage in life.


            Just caught a bit of the protests in San Fran. And I always thought gay parades were supposed to be happy.

            I've always assumed that loving who you want, having that union recognized by TPTB and accorded the same negatives and positives as accorded to other unions was a human right, just like not being owned by someone while having the right to vote. Perhaps that's what the 'civil partnership' thing is about, independent of the church entirely.

            As for the church, the problem in the Anglican church recently has been the ordaining of an openly gay bishop and that's created rifts between [and within] the western church and the rest of the community across the world. Some Christian denominations or just parts of denominations accept and marry gays and lesbians, but there's obviously strong opposition. For a non-religious lesbian couple, screw the church. For a religious lesbian couple within an accepting religious environment, not being able to have law allow their union to be sanctioned by their God must be torment.

            Twin studies are always fun to read, but are far better to watch. I love a good 'separated at birth' documentary. IMO, humans're pretty much 50/50 nature/nurture. It's genotype/phenotype, potential vs environment.
            Last edited by nx01a; 07 November 2008, 08:29 AM.
            More fun @ Spoofgate!


              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
              Last time I checked the right for women to vote was passed LONG before you were born... and I had a great great aunt who marched with the other women frequently. (poor gal had a long arrest record for public disorder) I thank MY ancestors for MY freedom. They did the work.
              Actually YOUR grandfather wouldn't have fought with those black soldiers if MY ancestors hadn't fought the civil war to free the ancestors of those soldiers. Just as the civil war wouldn't have happened if my ancestors hadn't founded some of the first abolitionist societies in New England. Actually as my daddy used to say-- our family has fought in every war this country has been involved in from the french and indian wars forward (8 Revolutionary war ancestors... 7 patriots, 1 tory--- he was the cannuck in the bunch, a mercenary, after land only--- we are a bit embarrassed by him) and daddy fought his way accross the pacific. I have 5 cousins in Iraq and both of my brother's in law are vietnam vets. (not going to whip it out and measure... I am sure "mine is bigger")
              Had about 100 members of my extended family fought in WW2, 20 came home. (A good number fought for Canada, France, England, and Ireland) And I'm fighting for the rights of every man and woman. That fight never ends until all people accept eachother for who they are.

              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
              As for the marriage in churches issue... visit the websites of the gay & lesbian movement and read what they say. OH aren't they rioting outside the LDS temple in LA today? clue number 1. I also find it funny that they have attacked ONLY the churches and not the minority groups that whole-heartedly supported both Obama and the ban. 70% voted for both.
              I really don't care what someone does in their own life (unlike a liberal ) but I don't want them forcing my church to condone it.
              Yah, i was at the protest last night, so nice to see that members of the church beating up women. Some would say the first blood was spilled in this fight for the freedoms of all peoples. We were having a peaceful protest and then bam, a girl has a broken nose. They are not going to force your church to accept them, they are not going to force teachers to teach about gay civil rights (like teaching that is such a bad thing) they just want the same rights afforded to everyone else.

              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
              it's not a HUMAN right, merely a religious RITE. as previously stated... I could care less what someone does in their private life, but when they want to start interferring with MY religion... THAT gets my dander up. and with my family's history... do you think I support the 2nd amendment... you betcha
              Religon is a tricky thing, so many wars have been fought in it's name, acts of genocide have been commited because of it. I would so like to find a religon that accepts all no matter what your race, gender, or sexual preference. Religon should promote peace and love for fellow man, not hate and discrimination, which the Yes on 8 ads did. Well I have to go get ready for todays protest. And if you are wondering why I care so much about this, my best friend since grade 1 is gay, and she spend 100k planing on a december wedding with her partner, now I also care about civil rights but I also care about Heather and she's gonna get married in December. (in a church none the less (= )


                Originally posted by lieutenant colonel davis View Post
                had about 100 members of my extended family fought in ww2, 20 came home. (a good number fought for canada, france, england, and ireland) and i'm fighting for the rights of every man and woman. That fight never ends until all people accept eachother for who they are.

                Yah, i was at the protest last night, so nice to see that members of the church beating up women. Some would say the first blood was spilled in this fight for the freedoms of all peoples. We were having a peaceful protest and then bam, a girl has a broken nose. They are not going to force your church to accept them, they are not going to force teachers to teach about gay civil rights (like teaching that is such a bad thing) they just want the same rights afforded to everyone else.

                Religon is a tricky thing, so many wars have been fought in it's name, acts of genocide have been commited because of it. I would so like to find a religon that accepts all no matter what your race, gender, or sexual preference. Religon should promote peace and love for fellow man, not hate and discrimination, which the yes on 8 ads did. Well i have to go get ready for todays protest. And if you are wondering why i care so much about this, my best friend since grade 1 is gay, and she spend 100k planing on a december wedding with her partner, now i also care about civil rights but i also care about heather and she's gonna get married in december. (in a church none the less (= )
                i always appreciate it when someone else makes my point for me!


                  Let me now when you're done with politics and religion, and this thread has returned to...well, anything but that

                  "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
                  The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

                  Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


                    Originally posted by ./freelancer View Post
                    Let me now when you're done with politics and religion, and this thread has returned to...well, anything but that

                    Why in Evolution (TNG 301) did they call the replicators food slots
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post

                      Why in Evolution (TNG 301) did they call the replicators food slots
                      Some items have more than one name. We call "automobiles" cars and when I make popcorn, I say, "I'll nuke some popcorn," or "I'll microwave some popcorn." In the same vein, I guess it's possible that replicators could be called "food slots." The name does kinda fit...



                        I am trying to get rid of the politics
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post

                          I am trying to get rid of the politics
                          *sneaks in and quietly disassembles her soapbox and microphone and leaves*

                          Cause TNG was FULL of plotholes!!!!


                            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                            *sneaks in and quietly disassembles her soapbox and microphone and leaves*

                            Cause TNG was FULL of plotholes!!!!
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                              Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                              It was a response to jelgate's question about replicators and food slots way up there ^^^^^ sorry for the confusion


                                Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                                It was a response to jelgate's question about replicators and food slots way up there ^^^^^ sorry for the confusion
                                LOL yes I know but you said TNG was full of plotholes, how so?
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

