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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by gopher65 View Post
    But for a preview of what it looks like if they just slap the show together without remaking the CGI, buy the B5 DVD set (not highdef, just regular DVDs). The CGI was done in 4:3, and the show was shot in 16:9. Oops. During broadcast they just cropped the 16:9 down to 4:3, but on widescreen DVDs that isn't an option.
    I have seen a few of the re-done Hi-Def TOS episodes broadcast on a local station. Very impressive, considering how old it is. I would love to see Paramount do something similar with TNG, DS9 and even VOY in the future. As far as those episodes ever being packaged and sold on Blu-Ray is wishful thinking right now. I would gladly invest in them all if Paramount actually ever did sell them on Blu-Ray.
    Originally posted by gopher65
    Fortunately for us, Stargate was made to be broadcast in Widescreen, so it won't have that particular problem. But who knows how well the CGI will hold up.
    I would also re-invest in any Stargate/Atlantis Blu-Ray made DVD Box Set's if they were produced, that would be sweet!. I wonder why they did'nt offer The Ark of Truth on Blu-Ray. Do you (or anyone else) know if they will be offering any seasons of Atlantis on Blu-Ray?.


      Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
      Oh, that is a bummer. Mine can, so I think I will try that route. I've been able to get a number of books and movies through that service. I don't generally buy DVDs unless it's something I already know I love and will watch repeatedly, so this will be a good way to see how I feel about Farscape.
      I've been meaning to try and get some books through that- specifically the "Absolute Sandman" collection, though how that'll transfer I have no idea since I heard the book is about two feet tall.

      Originally posted by gopher65 View Post
      I don't know if that's possible without a huge infusion of funds, a la ST:TOS: Remastered. I haven't heard about Farscape, but I have heard about the problems they've had transferring Babylon 5 to regular DVD. I assume all Science Fiction shows will have similar issues transferring themselves to HD.

      The problem is that while the original footage can be resampled from the film, the special effects were usually done with CGI in most shows after about 1995. This means that they'd have to completely recreate the special effects, since they don't normally save the original files (Why? Who knows.) And we all know how much it costs for CGI for just one episode of a show like Stargate or Star Trek or Farscape. Hundreds of thousands. Possibly even millions.

      They'd have to be assured of a large consumer base for the product before they'd take a step like that. Star Trek: TOS has a huge fanbase (for some odd reason) and immense brand power. Even if people don't like the show, *everyone* has heard of it. Unfortunately Farscape doesn't have those things, and neither does B5. Maybe someday CGI will be cheap enough that we'll get those shows in high-def without a large investment that studios seem unwilling to make.

      But for a preview of what it looks like if they just slap the show together without remaking the CGI, buy the B5 DVD set (not highdef, just regular DVDs). The CGI was done in 4:3, and the show was shot in 16:9. Oops. During broadcast they just cropped the 16:9 down to 4:3, but on widescreen DVDs that isn't an option. So they expanded the CGI and cropped off the top and the bottom. And it looks truly horrible. Fuzzy and low res. It's jolting when you switch from a pure film scene to one that has a greenscreen (or bluescreen) in it, cause the quality drops so far. Clear, fuzzy, clear, clear, fuzzy. It sucks.

      Fortunately for us, Stargate was made to be broadcast in Widescreen, so it won't have that particular problem. But who knows how well the CGI will hold up. The only defunct show I can think of off the top of my head that won't have any of these problems is Enterprise, since it was originally intended to be broadcast in HighDef. It should be easy. I'm not looking forward to what DS9 will look like if they don't redo the effects though.
      Interesting- personally I couldn't care less about investing in high def. DVDs to me look amazing and I honestly can't imagine wanting anything "better" than that- there is constantly going to be this compulsion to upgrade, but at some point you have to throw up your hands and say "that's it". So until things move to a difference as big as between VHS and DVD and discs go out of style, I won't be "upgrading".

      I also read the other day that Firefly is going to be re-released for BluRay next winter, any idea on how that might look?


        Quiz Time!

        Star Trek: The Voyage Home

        1: How long had Kirk been on Vulcan at the start of TVH?

        2: In the film, Scott, McCoy, Uhura, Sulu, and Chekox were the same rank. What was it?

        3: When it reached Earth, the probe caused
        (a) Earthquakes (b) Catastrophie weather (c) A melting of the ice caps (d) Volcanic eruptions

        4: Who recognized the probe's transmissions as whale songs?
        (a) Uhura (b) Sulu (c) Sarek (d) Spock

        5: What speed did the Klingon bird-of-prey achive to slingshot around the sun into time warp?
        (a) Warp 9.7 (b) Warp 9.8 (c) Warp 9.9 (d) Warp 10

        6: From what evidence did Spock conclude they'd reached the latter half of the 20th-century Earth?

        7: How did Spock disguise his pointed ears?

        8: Why did Kirk and Spock need "exact change"?

        9: What was Dr. Gillian Taylor's job title at the Cetacean Institute?
        (a) Assistant Director
        (b) Director
        (c) Assistant marine biologist
        (d) Senior marine biologist

        10: Who was captured by the U.S. military?

        11: Where did the crew "park" the bird-of-prey?

        12: What part of the bird-of-prey was badly affected by the trip through time?

        13: According to Kirk, no one in the 20th century pays any attention to you unless you
        (a) Hit first and talk later (b) Swear every other word (c) Drink beer (d) Have pointed ears

        14: Who swam with whales?

        15: What did Spock know about Gracie that suprised Gillian?

        16: Which three people rescued Chekov from the hospital?

        17: Between the whales and the water, what was the total weight Scott had to beam into the bird-of-prey?
        (a) 200 tons (b) 300 tons (c) 400 tons (d) 500 tons

        18: True or false: After Gillian Taylor was brought into the 23rd century, she joined the crew of a science vessel.

        Told you I'd have something nice for you today.


          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
          Interesting- personally I couldn't care less about investing in high def. DVDs to me look amazing and I honestly can't imagine wanting anything "better" than that- there is constantly going to be this compulsion to upgrade, but at some point you have to throw up your hands and say "that's it". So until things move to a difference as big as between VHS and DVD and discs go out of style, I won't be "upgrading".
          I'm not sure if you have ever watched anything in Hi-Def on a capable television. The picture is literally intoxicating Lady Trek, you can't take your eyes off of it, especially nature and sporting events (Hockey and Basketball are amazing in Hi-Def). The up-grade from regular defintion (including regular DVD's) to Hi-Def is about 100x better. Not only a much more crisp and brighter picture, but the amount of information that Hi-Def produces is amazing which in turn makes a much bigger and wider picture that you just don't see anywhere other than a movie theater. Once you go Hi-Def you never go back, it's that good!.
          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
          I also read the other day that Firefly is going to be re-released for BluRay next winter, any idea on how that might look?
          Blu-Ray is Hi-Def DVD, but even better than broadcast Hi-Def.
          Last edited by the Fifth Race; 31 March 2008, 04:04 PM.
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            I have a friend who has hi def and I could care less. As long their isn't to much static, I don't care about the picture quality.
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
              I'm not sure if you have ever watched anything in Hi-Def on a capable television. The picture is literally intoxicating Lady Trek, you can't take your eyes off of it, especially nature and sporting events (Hockey and Basketball are amazing in Hi-Def). The up-grade from regular defintion (including regular DVD's) to Hi-Def is about 100x better. Not only a much more crisp and brighter picture, but the amount of information that Hi-Def produces is amazing which in turn makes a much bigger and wider picture that you just don't see anywhere other than a movie theater. Once you go Hi-Def you never go back, it's that good!.
              When my wife and I first got Hi-Def television about 3 years ago, we both sat fixed in front of our set in utter amazement for literally months. There was only a few channels available back then, yet we still watched whatever they were broadcasting. Today we get dozens of Hi-Def channels and I still watch Hi-Def a lot more than my regular digital cable feed. We are supposed to be getting the Scifi Channel and BBC Amercia in Hi-Def in the next few months. Just in time for Season 5 of Atlantis and hopefully a Season 3 of Torchwood.

              Hi-Def is revolutionary and enhances your television viewing experience in a way you never thought it could. To those who don't have Hi-Def, don't hate us that do. One day when you can afford such luxuries you will understand.
              Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
              I also read the other day that Firefly is going to be re-released for BluRay next winter, any idea on how that might look?
              Originally posted by the Fifth Race
              Blu-Ray is Hi-Def DVD, but even better than broadcast Hi-Def.
              Brother Fifth is correct, Blu-Ray is Hi-Def DVD but with a slightly better picture than broadcast Hi-Def.

              I am so down with Firefly coming out on Blu-Ray. I will pre-order my copy as soon as it's made available.


                1) 3 months (as mentioned at the beginning of the movie in Kirk's log)
                2) Commander
                3) B
                4) D
                5) D
                6) Pollution in the atmosphere
                7) By tying a bandana type thingy around his head
                8) To get on the bus
                9) A
                10) Checkov
                11) Golden Gate Park
                12) Drained dilithium crystals
                13) B
                14) Spock
                15) She was pregnant
                16) McCoy, Kirk, & Dr. Taylor
                17) C
                18) True
                Great Quiz brother Davis. Although it could be the 10 or more times I have seen The Voyage Home or the fact that I just re-watched it about a month ago while taking notes for my own trivia purposes, makes taking this quiz a little redundant, I'm pretty sure I aced it.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                  1) 3 months (as mentioned at the beginning of the movie in Kirk's log)
                  2) Commander
                  3) B
                  4) D
                  5) D
                  6) Pollution in the atmosphere
                  7) By tying a bandana type thingy around his head
                  8) To get on the bus
                  9) A
                  10) Checkov
                  11) Golden Gate Park
                  12) Drained dilithium crystals
                  13) B
                  14) Spock
                  15) She was pregnant
                  16) McCoy, Kirk, & Dr. Taylor
                  17) C
                  18) True
                  Great Quiz brother Davis. Although it could be the 10 or more times I have seen The Voyage Home or the fact that I just re-watched it about a month ago while taking notes for my own trivia purposes, makes taking this quiz a little redundant, I'm pretty sure I aced it.
                  Well I chose TVH because it's a fan fave and everyone should have the chance to beat Starbase at least once.


                    Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                    Well I chose TVH because it's a fan fave and everyone should have the chance to beat Starbase at least once.
                    LOL, Indeed.

                    I don't think brother Starbase is going to making this quiz. He and his lovely wife are on vacation down in Mexico this week.
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                      LOL, Indeed.

                      I don't think brother Starbase is going to making this quiz. He and his lovely wife are on vacation down in Mexico this week.
                      Lets hope he doesnt drink the water.


                        Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                        Quiz Time!
                        Star Trek: The Voyage Home

                        1: How long had Kirk been on Vulcan at the start of TVH?
                        2: In the film, Scott, McCoy, Uhura, Sulu, and Chekox were the same rank. What was it?
                        3: When it reached Earth, the probe caused
                        (a) Earthquakes (b) Catastrophie weather (c) A melting of the ice caps (d) Volcanic eruptions
                        4: Who recognized the probe's transmissions as whale songs?
                        (a) Uhura (b) Sulu (c) Sarek (d) Spock
                        5: What speed did the Klingon bird-of-prey achive to slingshot around the sun into time warp?
                        (a) Warp 9.7 (b) Warp 9.8 (c) Warp 9.9 (d) Warp 10
                        6: From what evidence did Spock conclude they'd reached the latter half of the 20th-century Earth?
                        7: How did Spock disguise his pointed ears?
                        8: Why did Kirk and Spock need "exact change"?
                        9: What was Dr. Gillian Taylor's job title at the Cetacean Institute?
                        (a) Assistant Director
                        (b) Director
                        (c) Assistant marine biologist
                        (d) Senior marine biologist
                        10: Who was captured by the U.S. military?
                        11: Where did the crew "park" the bird-of-prey?
                        12: What part of the bird-of-prey was badly affected by the trip through time?
                        13: According to Kirk, no one in the 20th century pays any attention to you unless you
                        (a) Hit first and talk later (b) Swear every other word (c) Drink beer (d) Have pointed ears
                        14: Who swam with whales?
                        15: What did Spock know about Gracie that suprised Gillian?
                        16: Which three people rescued Chekov from the hospital?
                        17: Between the whales and the water, what was the total weight Scott had to beam into the bird-of-prey?
                        (a) 200 tons (b) 300 tons (c) 400 tons (d) 500 tons
                        18: True or false: After Gillian Taylor was brought into the 23rd century, she joined the crew of a science vessel.
                        1. 6 months
                        2. Commander or Lt. Commander
                        3. B
                        4. D
                        5. D
                        6. Pollution or Smog in the air
                        7. A head wrap as worn by martial artists
                        8. Needed change for the bus
                        9. A
                        10. Checkov
                        11. Golden Gate Park
                        12. Damaged engines
                        13. B (double dumb azz) LOL
                        14. Spock
                        15. Gracie was pregnant
                        16. Kirk, Bones and Uhuru
                        17. B
                        18. True
                        That was fun quiz Lt. Col. Davis. The Voyage Home is one of my favorite movies of all time. Like brother Fifth I have "probably watched it a dozen times over the years".


                          1 2 years
                          2 Commander
                          3 B
                          4 D
                          5 C
                          6 The level of pollution in the atmosphere.
                          7 Tied his belt round his head like a head band
                          8 To get on the bus
                          9 A
                          10 Chekhov
                          11 Golden Gate Park
                          12 The Dilithium Crystals were depleted
                          13 B
                          14 Spock
                          15 She was pregnant
                          16 Gillian, Kirk and McCoy
                          17 D
                          18 True

                          That was a nice surprise Lt Col Davis. My favourite Trek movie and I still got caught out by a couple of questions.

                          Well, I'll be spending the next few days having fun at the old Vancouver Stargate convention over the next few days so don't be surprised if I don't look in too much in the Superior thread over the next few days. All this having fun takes up all the time, dinner with Mr Mallozzi tomorrow evening, that should be interesting!!!


                            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                            I'm not sure if you have ever watched anything in Hi-Def on a capable television. The picture is literally intoxicating Lady Trek, you can't take your eyes off of it, especially nature and sporting events (Hockey and Basketball are amazing in Hi-Def). The up-grade from regular defintion (including regular DVD's) to Hi-Def is about 100x better. Not only a much more crisp and brighter picture, but the amount of information that Hi-Def produces is amazing which in turn makes a much bigger and wider picture that you just don't see anywhere other than a movie theater. Once you go Hi-Def you never go back, it's that good!.
                            Blu-Ray is Hi-Def DVD, but even better than broadcast Hi-Def.
                            My tv isn't even capable of playing broadcast high def without some upgrade boxy thing and even then probably not worth it- it's about twelve years old minimum and high def probably wouldn't make much of a difference.

                            I just find that the DVDs are real pretty as they are- I remember the first time we turned on our DVD player about five years ago and it was an absolute shock- I'd only ever seen DVDs a few times before that at friends' houses, otherwise I'd only ever watched VHS, and just seeing something that wasn't full of static and lines running through it was amazing! But we only really got it because VHS was just starting to run scarce around that time- for people who love science fiction we're not very with the time. Overall I'm generally just happy that I can actually get the cable in the first place I absolutely shudder at the thought that we nearly cancelled the package that contains the SPACE channel before I discovered it because at the time we didn't watch anything on that tier. Then I'd never have seen Trek or any other of the lovely shows I watch!

                            It is amazing how far televisions have come though, we've got one from the late 40s/early50s as a table in our living room- which we actually plugged in a few years ago to try and it could still play the audio for CBC, which I thought was pretty neat. But wow, if you sat that thing next to a big widescreen high def home theater etc. you wouldn't think they were of the same "family" of appliance. But I do like the charm of it and I wish it did work properly.
                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            I have a friend who has hi def and I could care less. As long their isn't to much static, I don't care about the picture quality.
                            Exactly. For me the fact that I can watch my favourite shows in the first place is more than enough for now, if it works it works, that's all I need to know!


                              1. six months
                              2. lieutenant
                              3. b
                              4. a
                              5. b
                              6. radio transmissions
                              7. with a bandana (belt from that white robe?)
                              8. for the bus
                              9. c
                              10. Chekov
                              11. in the park
                              12. the warp drive
                              13. b
                              14. Spock
                              15. that she was pregnant
                              16. Kirk, Bones, Gillian
                              17. c
                              18. false - she stayed to look after the whales


                                Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                                That was a nice surprise Lt Col Davis. My favourite Trek movie and I still got caught out by a couple of questions.

                                Well, I'll be spending the next few days having fun at the old Vancouver Stargate convention over the next few days so don't be surprised if I don't look in too much in the Superior thread over the next few days. All this having fun takes up all the time, dinner with Mr Mallozzi tomorrow evening, that should be interesting!!!
                                Nice! Have fun and make sure to tell us all about it!

