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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    1- D
    2- A
    3- C
    4- B
    5- A
    6- B
    7- C
    8- D
    9- D
    10- B
    11- C
    12- D
    13- B
    14- A
    15- Warp Shell
    16- Kobyashi Maru, He cheated by rewriting the program to his favor.
    17- Buster Kinkaid, ?, Satans Robot
    18- Elizabeth, ?
    19- Laughter
    20- Food and Drink, Sisko
    21- ?
    Sorry for being late to the party. Thank's for waiting for me brother Fifth. You stumped me on a few of these.


      Please excuse this odd drop in. But I just got to season 4. This is the first time I had ever seen these episodes and just finished "Way of the Warrior" and "The visitor" today.

      I just wanted to publicly thank Brother 5th for getting me into this.

      "The Visitor" was an astonishing piece of TV film making on every level. I was really blown away.

      Any way thanks to all of you for keeping this thread going as well.


        Originally posted by kmiller1610 View Post
        Please excuse this odd drop in. But I just got to season 4. This is the first time I had ever seen these episodes and just finished "Way of the Warrior" and "The visitor" today.

        I just wanted to publicly thank Brother 5th for getting me into this.

        "The Visitor" was an astonishing piece of TV film making on every level. I was really blown away.

        Any way thanks to all of you for keeping this thread going as well.
        Hope you come back soon and discuss more about season 4 and keep it going with all of us! It's great how many new faces have turned up here recently. It's wonderful for me here as before I found this thread I didn't think there was anyone who actually liked DS9 and thought it was the best of all the Treks. There are more and more folks realising what a fantastic show it is and that is gratifying.

        I never stop learning more from all the knowledgable people here, the level of knowledge about a whole host of of topics,Trek and beyond astounds me on occasion!


          Originally posted by Krisz View Post
          It's wonderful for me here as before I found this thread I didn't think there was anyone who actually liked DS9 and thought it was the best of all the Treks. There are more and more folks realising what a fantastic show it is and that is gratifying.
          Agreed, and very well said Kris!. And as much as I truly love all Star Trek series and movies, I have always felt DS9 and especially there fans, are a (big) cut above them all!. I am also glad that brother Fifth took the DS9 ball and rolled with it so to speak (I cannot think of a better and more knowledgable person to be the facilitator of this epic thread than Fifth Race. The guy is amazing with his Trek knowledge). This thread and it's subject matter is the main reason I joined GW. DS9 has so much to offer for those who understand it and get into it. - I am sure this thread and the great core group of fellow DS9/Trek brethren has done a lot to get fringe fans to take another look or there first look.
          Originally posted by Krisz
          I never stop learning more from all the knowledgable people here, the level of knowledge about a whole host of of topics,Trek and beyond astounds me on occasion!
          Again, very well said Krisz. I consider myself a definite Trekophile, yet I always find something new an interesting on this thread. Sharing thoughts, idea's and especially opinions about DS9 and anything else Trek related here with our DS9 superior family is always a great time and something I look forward to.


            Originally posted by kmiller1610 View Post
            Please excuse this odd drop in. But I just got to season 4. This is the first time I had ever seen these episodes and just finished "Way of the Warrior" and "The visitor" today.
            Hi ya brother kmiller, it's always good seeing you back on the DS9 thread my friend. The above mentioned episodes you named are truly great. I assume you have'nt seen the rest of season 4 as well?. - Well, you are in for a big treat, season 4 is chalk full of highly rated and memorable episodes.
            Originally posted by kmiller1610
            "The Visitor" was an astonishing piece of TV film making on every level. I was really blown away.
            I can not begin to do justice to the episode "The Visitor". It's just so good. I can explain the story and how it unfolds, but it's just not the same as viewing it. This episode is so wonderfully written and has such poignant, moving details that it soars to new heights of storytelling. Through this, we see many new things about Sisko and Jake--about their lives and their relationship. Above all, this episode stresses the bond between a father and a son, and contains family issues that many people can relate to.

            Michael Taylor has delivered one of the series' best stories, and David Livingston's direction is stunning, stellar execution. As I said before, the flashback elements are wonderfully done and the performances are about as perfect as they could be. The editing and music is all in place, causing scenes to flow terrifically together. Even if you're grabbing the tissues by the end of this episode (I was) there is no way you can call this story maudlin or melodramatic. It's completely absorbing from the first frame to the last; definitely one of DS9's finest moments.


              Originally posted by Starbase View Post
              I assume you have'nt seen the rest of season 4 as well?.
              Yeah. It's all before me. I'll try to get back for the discussion. I look forward to it.


                well i finally did it. finnished season 7 yesterday morning instead of sleeping after working all night. Suffering now but i don't care. Crazy final battle but have too admit that ending was drawn out to much. As for that Quiz eerm maybe gotten 2-3 at most. you guys are to clever for me


                  Originally posted by kmiller1610 View Post
                  I just wanted to publicly thank Brother 5th for getting me into this. And thanks to all of you for keeping this thread going as well.
                  Your welcome brother kmiller. You have added a lot to this thread over the years and have been a very welcomed addition. I look forward to discussing your thoughts on the yet unseen season IV episodes.

                  Originally posted by kmiller1610 View Post
                  "The Visitor" was an astonishing piece of TV film making on every level. I was really blown away.
                  Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                  I can not begin to do justice to the episode "The Visitor". It's just so good. I can explain the story and how it unfolds, but it's just not the same as viewing it. This episode is so wonderfully written and has such poignant, moving details that it soars to new heights of storytelling. Through this, we see many new things about Sisko and Jake--about their lives and their relationship. Above all, this episode stresses the bond between a father and a son, and contains family issues that many people can relate to.

                  Michael Taylor has delivered one of the series' best stories, and David Livingston's direction is stunning, stellar execution. As I said before, the flashback elements are wonderfully done and the performances are about as perfect as they could be. The editing and music is all in place, causing scenes to flow terrifically together. Even if you're grabbing the tissues by the end of this episode (I was) there is no way you can call this story maudlin or melodramatic. It's completely absorbing from the first frame to the last; definitely one of DS9's finest moments.
                  I couldn't have said it better myself brother Starbase. I had forgotten how good you are at reviewing episodes. You brilliantly summarized a very complex, touching and well-written episode. ^5
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    Time for the results.
                    NOTE: A perfect score is 26/26 due to the 2-part & 3 part questions
                    1) D
                    2) A
                    3) C
                    4) B
                    5) A
                    6) C
                    7) C
                    8) D
                    9) D
                    10) B
                    11) C
                    12) D
                    13) B
                    14) B
                    15) Static Warp Shell
                    16) Kobayashi Maru / He re-wrote the program
                    17) Buster Kinkaid / Lonzak / Satan's Robot
                    18) Elisabeth / Trip's sister name
                    19) Laughter
                    20) Food & Drink / Sisko
                    21) ???? Since no one got this one right, I cam going to save to re-use in another quiz.
                    \/ \/ \/ Look for Results Below \/ \/ \/
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      Great job by everyone this week!!!. This week's top dawg's are .... Rac80 .... gopher65 .... Xicer .... USS Defiant .... Starbase .... With honorable mentions to .... Jumper One .... Lt. Col. Davis .... Trek_Girl .... Weyoun .... marielabbot (great job for your first time taking our Quiz mariel) I left the answer to #21 blank since no one got it right so I use it again in a future quiz.
                      Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post

                      1. D*
                      2. C
                      3. C*
                      4. B*
                      5. B
                      6. D
                      7. C*
                      8. D*
                      9. D*
                      10. B*
                      11. B
                      12. D*
                      13. D
                      14. D
                      15. A Paradox.
                      16. Kobiyashi Maru*, Kirk cheated*
                      17. ?, ?, ?
                      18. Elizabeth*, she's named after Trip's deceased sister*
                      19. Laughter*
                      20. The ability to feel pain?, Kira
                      21. ?
                      14/21 for Trek_Girl - I have yet to stump you with an ENT question, well done.
                      Originally posted by gopher65 View Post

                      15)Create an inverse static warp shell*
                      16)Kobiashi Maru, He cheated* *
                      17)Buster Kincade, Lonzac!, Satan's Robot* * *
                      18)_________, ______________
                      20)He enjoyed consuming foods, Sisko* *
                      21)The Wright brothers were known for eating live worms, ritual combat to the death, and concentrating on putting big weapons on their aircraft to the detriment of the energy shielding and flight capabilities. Also their planes lacked proper inertia dampeners. Truly that was a design flaw if there ever was one. On the plus side, Breen dampening weapons are known to have no effect on any plane built by the Wright brothers, but no one is quite sure why. This is the reason why Wright brother aircraft are still flown by the US airforce, as witnessed on The Simpsons.
                      21/26 for brother gopher - You kicked azz on this quiz!, I love your answer for #21.
                      Originally posted by ./freelancer View Post

                      1) D*
                      2) C
                      3) C*
                      4) B*
                      5) B
                      6) D
                      7) C*
                      8) D*
                      9) D*
                      10) B*
                      11) D
                      12) D*
                      13) D
                      14) D
                      15) _____
                      16) Haven't seen TWoK yet
                      17) That was years ago!
                      18) _____, _____
                      19) Laughter*
                      20) I don't know...sleeping?, Quark?
                      21) _____
                      10/21 for brother ./freelancer - At least you gave it a try.
                      Originally posted by Xicer View Post

                      1. D*
                      2. A*
                      3. C*
                      4. B*
                      5. B
                      6. D
                      7. C*
                      8. D*
                      9. D*
                      10. B*
                      11. B
                      12. D*
                      13. B*
                      14. D
                      15. ?
                      16. Kobiyashi Maru*, he cheated*
                      17. Buster Kincaid*, ?, Satan's Robot*
                      18. Elizabeth*, its the name of Trip's sister who died when the Xindi attacked*
                      19. Laughter*
                      20. Eating*, ?
                      21. ?

                      This one wasn't so bad, though there were a few that stumped me (like the last one).
                      19/26 for brother Xicer - Solid as usual, you know your Trek very well my friend.
                      Originally posted by Rac80 View Post

                      10. b*
                      15. antimatter explosion
                      16. Kobyashi Maru*, Kirk reprogrammed the simulation so he could win.*
                      17.buster?*,lunkhead?, chaotica?
                      18.Elizabeth*, named after trip's deceased sister*
                      19. a good belly-laugh*
                      20. eating*, kira
                      21. both crashed in Ohio!
                      20/26 for Lady Rachelle - Wow the ladies are representing quite well. Great score Lady Rac, you only got 2 wrong on the multiple choice, you rock!.
                      Originally posted by Weyoun View Post

                      1. D*
                      2. A*
                      3. C*
                      4. B*
                      5. A*
                      6. C*
                      7. C*
                      8. D*
                      9. D*
                      10. B*
                      11. A
                      12. D*
                      13. B*
                      14. A
                      15. ???
                      16. Kobayashi Maru* -- He re-wrote the program*
                      17. Buster Kinkaid* -- ??? -- ???
                      18. Elizabeth* -- ???
                      19. Laughter*
                      20. Food and Drink* -- ???
                      21. ???
                      18/26 for brother Weyoun - Steady as usual, very well done!.
                      Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post

                      15.static warp shell *
                      16.Kobiaisy Maru* / Reprogramed it so he could win.*
                      17.Buster Kinkaid* / ?? / ??
                      19.The Gift of Laughter*
                      20.Eating* / Troi
                      18/26 for brother Lt. Col. Davis - You always get all the VOY questions right, well done!
                      Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                      1- D
                      2- A
                      3- C
                      4- B
                      5- A
                      6- B
                      7- C
                      8- D
                      9- D
                      10- B
                      11- C
                      12- D
                      13- B
                      14- A
                      15- Warp Shell*
                      16- Kobyashi Maru*, He cheated by rewriting the program to his favor.*
                      17- Buster Kinkaid*, ?, Satans Robot*
                      18- Elizabeth*, ?
                      19- Laughter*
                      20- Food and Drink*, Sisko*
                      21- ?
                      21/26 for brother Starbase - Great as always my friend.
                      Originally posted by marielabbott View Post

                      1. D*
                      2. A*
                      3. C*
                      4. C
                      5. B
                      6. C*
                      7. C*
                      8. D*
                      9. D*
                      10. B*
                      11. B
                      12. B
                      13. D
                      14. D
                      15. ???
                      16. Kobiashi Maru* / He reprogrammed it*
                      17. ???
                      18. Elizabeth* / Trips sisters name*
                      19. Laughter*
                      20. Eating Drinking* / Sisko*
                      16/26 for Marielabbot - Well done Mariel, great job for your first Quiz.
                      Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post

                      1) D*
                      2) C
                      3) C*
                      4) B*
                      5) A?*
                      6) C*
                      7) C*
                      8) D*
                      9) C (no idea)
                      10) B*
                      11) C?*
                      12) D*
                      13) B?*
                      14) A?
                      15) a static warp shell*
                      16) Kobayashi Maru;*he cheated (reprogramed it)*
                      17) ???
                      18) ??
                      19) laughter*
                      20) eating* Kira?
                      21) ?
                      17/26 for brother Jumper One - Great job as always brudder J1
                      Originally posted by Krisz View Post

                      1 D*
                      2 C
                      3 C*
                      4 B*
                      5 C
                      6 A
                      7 4*
                      8 D*
                      9 D*
                      10 B*
                      11 D
                      12 D*
                      13 A
                      14 B*
                      15 Tachyon beam (sp!) if it’s even right!
                      16 Kobyashu Maru,*
                      19 Laughter*
                      20 stroking cats ?, Kira
                      12/21 for Krisz - Good try Krisz. Interesting answer for #7. LOL
                      Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                      LOL, I know exactly what you mean.

                      1] D*
                      2] C
                      3] C*
                      4] B*
                      5] A*
                      6] C*
                      7] C*
                      8] D*
                      9] D*
                      10] B*
                      11] C*
                      12] D*
                      13] B*
                      14] B*
                      15] Static Warp Shell*
                      16] Kobyashi Maru*-- He proudly cheated by re-writing the program*
                      17] Buster Kinkaid*-- ?? -- Satan's Robot*
                      18] ?? -- ??
                      19] Belly Laugh*
                      20] Food and Drink*-- He told Sisko in Quarks bar*
                      21] ??, ughh
                      21/26 for brother USS Defiant -- Amazing as usual my friend. I knew #21 was going to stump even the best of Trek trivia buffs.
                      the Fifth Race

                      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                        I should of gotten question 4 right, they are
                        shouldn't I at least get points for catching the spelling error?


                          I aplogize to my DS9 brothers and sisters, but college are upon me and prevented me from taking the quiz. Two weeks to spring break (hint Brother Fifth)
                          Last edited by jelgate; 27 February 2008, 02:47 PM.
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                            I should of gotten question 4 right, they are
                            shouldn't I at least get points for catching the spelling error?
                            I did give you credit (a point) for it in your score brother Davis (and thanx for pointing out the mis-spell), I just forgot to put a star next to it. I also gave everyone (including yourself) a point for #21 because no one knew what it was.
                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            I aplogize to my DS9 brothers and sisters, but college are upon me and prevented me from taking the quiz. Two weeks to spring break (hint Brother Fifth)
                            I got Quizzes planned for the next 2 Mondays in a row brother jelgate, and there kind of tough.
                            the Fifth Race

                            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                              My rewatching of DS9 is speeding up--I'm already in the middle of the 6th season. I watched The Magnificent Ferengi last night. I laughed and laughed at Keevan's line, "I hate Ferengi." This episode, imo, is one of the funniest of the series.


                                Way to go to every one who took the quiz. I think I figured out the link between Star Trek and the Wright Brothers, if i'm right it's very obscure. (I will save the answer in case brother Fifth does re-use that question.)
                                Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
                                My rewatching of DS9 is speeding up--I'm already in the middle of the 6th season. I watched The Magnificent Ferengi last night. I laughed and laughed at Keevan's line, "I hate Ferengi." This episode, imo, is one of the funniest of the series.
                                I am huge fan of Quark and the Ferengi and The Magnificent Ferengi is one of the better Ferengi dedicated episode. Sure, it has some problems and doesn't always seem to know exactly what it's trying to say, but it's light, has some respectable zip, and proves genuinely amusing.

                                Keevan plays the part of the annoyingly keen observer perfectly by adding his two cents to the Ferengi problems whenever he feels the need. Much of his dialog is delivered straight, used to explain the plot rather than fuel the humor - but he is the central figure in many of the show's biggest laughs. Only Ferengi negotiators could inadvertently kill the prisoner they brought along to use as their bargaining tool...LOL...
                                Last edited by USS Defiant; 28 February 2008, 11:06 AM.
                                The USS Defiant Rocks!

