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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by gopher65 View Post
    Kinda of a side question (though people may not want to answer until after the quiz answers are posted):

    That actress who played Doctor Phlox's love interest. Does anyone know what her storyline was going to end up being? I know the character disappeared because the actress died suddenly. I'm just curious if the producers and writers had something in mind, long term.
    Everything you ever wanted to know about Crewman Cutler (good question brother gopher) .....
    Crewman Elizabeth Cutler was a crewmember and an entomologist assigned to the sciences division aboard the Enterprise NX-01 in the early 2150s.
    Professional Life
    In 2151, Crewman Cutler had her first away mission experience while serving in her capacity as an exobiologist; Sub-Commander T'Pol, the Enterprise's Vulcan science officer, specifically requested her presence and participation to explore and evaluate the recently discovered class M planet later known as Archer IV, as the planet had a "diverse insect population."

    Cutler explored by herself for the duration of the mission, and was prompt in returning to the shuttlepod at the end of the mission. She remained on the planet at T'Pol's behest for what was to be the remainder of the day and the upcoming night, to continue her studies. Cutler was exposed to and soon fell under the effects of airborne tropolisine, as were all personnel that remained on the planet. Fortunately, unlike fellow crewmates Ethan Novakovich and Commander Charles Tucker III, Cutler was not pronouncedly psychologically affected by the compound and did not endanger her own life before being successfully treated by Dr. Phlox. (ENT: "Strange New World")

    Crewman Cutler and Dr. Phlox.Later that year, in her expanding capacity as an in-training medic, Cutler accompanied Phlox to the surface of the planet Valakis to assist in the attempted treatment of one of the planet's indigenous species, the Valakians. While planet-side, Cutler and Phlox studied the physiological differences between the Valakians and the Menk (the Valakians' co-evolvants) to discover the key to why the Valakians were susceptible to and subsequently ravaged by an apparent virulegenic pathogen, when the Menk were not. While Cutler appeared to appreciate and relish the work she was performing on Valakis, she was troubled by what she perceived to be the exploitation of the lesser-evolved Menk by the Valakians. (ENT: "Dear Doctor")

    Continuing to serve in the position of an interim medic, in February 2152, Cutler assisted in the initiation of Phlox's yearly hibernation requirement while the crew partook of shore leave in orbit of Risa. She was to assume the role of Chief Medical Officer in Phlox's stead, and was entrusted this position as a result of her continued training as "a capable medic." The proceeding day, however, while attempting to treat an injured Ensign Travis Mayweather, her limited medical training was exhausted when it became evident that the Risan painkiller was inducing an anaphylactic reaction in the ensign that was beyond not only her experience, but that of T'Pol, who was the acting Captain. Cutler and T'Pol were forced to wake Phlox from his hibernation to seek his counsel. After much coaxing, the doctor made his way to the sickbay to assist Cutler in treating the ever-worsening Mayweather, but Phlox was certainly not performing at his peak, having been interrupted mid-hibernation. After a few false starts and miscommunications, Cutler was able to both understand and apply the treatment that the patient required. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights")

    In 2153, Cutler was apparently working in the exobiology lab when she suffered a broken arm due to a manifested spatial anomaly (which was the result of Enterprise's voyage through the Delphic Expanse). (ENT: "Rajiin")
    Cutler's rank insignia.Cutler wore a rank insignia of a crewman (first class) on her uniform.

    Personal Life
    Crewman Cutler.Cutler was extremely dedicated to her course of study, to the extent that she would study even in her off-duty hours while consuming meals with her crewmates. While Humanity as a whole tended to be xenophobic, Cutler exhibited more xenophilic tendencies, as evidenced by her interest in developing both congenial and personal relationships with the only aliens to serve aboard Enterprise with her: Sub-Commander T'Pol and Dr. Phlox.

    In an effort to gain common interests with her Vulcan superior, Cutler sampled Vulcan cuisine (specifically plomeek soup) as well as other aspects of Vulcan culture. However, as T'Pol was neither interested in having nor permitted to have anything other than a professional working relationship with the crewmen under her command, Cutler's friendly advances were politely rebuffed. (ENT: "Strange New World")

    In mid-to-late 2151, while beginning her training under Phlox as an interim medic, Cutler began to exhibit romantic interest in her alien tutor. She frequently accompanied the doctor to movie night, inquired into his personal life, and frequently found excuses to be in close proximity to him. It was while on her mission to Valakis that Phlox confronted Cutler with the advances she had been making and made her fully aware that not only was he already married, but to several Denobulan women. While surprised by Phlox's admission to his culture's polygamist nature, Cutler took this information well and surprised Phlox by her insistence that this cultural divide neither bothered her, nor did it dissuade her from pursuing her burgeoning friendship with the doctor. (ENT: "Dear Doctor")

    Crewman Elizabeth Cutler was played by the late Kellie Waymire until her sudden death in November 2003. It is not known whether the character was to have appeared in later episodes as she had not appeared in any episodes of the series' second season, although Cutler was mentioned in an episode in Enterprise's third season. The creators, however, had at one point discussed acknowledging the actress' death during the 2003-2004 season.

    It has been speculated that the episode "The Forgotten", which centers on the death of a relatively minor crewman, may be a reference or tribute to Kellie Waymire.
    The USS Defiant Rocks!



      1] C
      2] D
      3] A
      4] C
      5] C
      6] C
      7] D
      8] B
      9] A
      10] D
      11] B
      12] B
      13] C
      14] C
      15] ???
      16] Data ... Duras Sister
      17] Dakur Provence (Bajor) ... Shakar Cell
      18] ??? ... Crewman Cutler
      19] New Zealand ... Maquis ... Ensign?
      20] Praxis ... Ozone ... 50 years
      21] 2,000 ... 7,000
      Sorry I'm late, I almost did'nt make this weeks quiz.
      The USS Defiant Rocks!


        Time for the results.
        NOTE: A perfect score is 29/29 due to the 2-part & 3-part questions

        1) C
        2) D
        3) A
        4) C
        5) B
        6) C
        7) D
        8) B
        9) A
        10) D
        11) B
        12) B
        13) C
        14) C
        15) Insurrection or Nemesis
        16) Data / Du'ras Sisters
        17) Dahkur provence / Shakar resistance cell
        18) To study humans on a deep space exploration / Crewman Cutler
        19) New Zealand / Joined the Maquis or crashed a shuttle pod / Lt.
        20) Praxis / Klingon's Ozone / 50 years
        21) 2,000 / 7,000

        \/ \/ \/ Look for Results Below \/ \/ \/
        the Fifth Race

        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


          Everyone got amazing scores this week, I am very proud of all of you!, especially the ladies. Top Dawg's this week are ... Lt Col. Davis ... USS Defiant ... Starbase ... gopher65 ... Xicer ... jelgate ... Rac80 ... Honorable mentions ... Trek_Girl, Weyoun & Whitestar
          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post

          1. C*
          2. D*
          3. A*
          4. C*
          5. B*
          6. B
          7. D*
          8. B*
          9. A*
          10. D*
          11. B*
          12. B*
          13. C*
          14. A
          15. Insurrection*
          16. ?, Cardassians
          17. Bahalla Province?, Shakkar Resistance Cell?*
          18. He'd grown attached to humans,* Crewman Cutler*
          19. it's in Australia....., joining the Maquis*, Ensign
          20. ?, They were dying out,* 200 years
          21. 10 000, 30 000
          19/29 for Trek_Girl - Very well done this week Lady Trek, you only got 2 wrong on the multiple choice.
          Originally posted by Rac80 View Post

          15. insurrection*
*,the duras family of the klingons*
          17.bajor, shakar resistance*
          18.loyalty to archer, ens. cutler (female)(
 zealand*, he cheated on a test?,ensign
          20. praxis*,the explosion of their moon had caused widespread natural destruction on their planet*, 50 years*
          21.1476 (?), 2000 (?)*
          20/29 for Rac80 - Another outstanding score this week young lady.
          Originally posted by Weyoun View Post

          1. C*
          2. D*
          3. A*
          4. C*
          5. A
          6. C*
          7. D*
          8. B*
          9. C
          10. D*
          11. B*
          12. B*
          13. C*
          14. C*
          15. Nemesis
          16. ??? / ???
          17. ??? / Shakar cell*
          18. ??? / ???
          19. New Zealand* / Maquis* / Ensign
          20. Praxis */ Klingons atmosphere was damaged */ 50 years*
          21. approx. 2,000* / approx. 10,000?
          19/29 for brother Weyoun - Solid as always my friend.
          Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
          1)-C)The Badlands*
          2)D)The Borg*
          3)A)Bashir and Kira*
          5)D)Seven years
          6)B)Tractor beam
          7)D)Quark's Treasure*
          8B)To destroy the particle at all costs*
          9)A)Egg drop soup*
          12)C)Captain Janeway
          14 B)Strawberries
          15) Insurrection*
          16) ???
          17) Bajor*/D'Kor provence*/Shakar resistance*
          18) ???
          19) New Zealand*/Deadly stunts/Lt.*
          20) ???
          21) ???
          17/29 for marielabbot - Another great showing this week.
          Originally posted by Whitestar View Post

          1) C*
          2) D*
          3) A*
          4) D
          5) B*
          6) B
          7) D*
          8) C
          9) A*
          10) A
          11) B*
          12) B*
          13) C*
          14) C*
          15) Insurrection*
          16) ?/?
          17) Bajor*/Spiders?
          18) To observe humans*/Kellie Waymire
          19) New Zealand*/disobeyed orders*/lt. commander *
          20) Praxis*/their moon's atmosphere was depleting*/50 years*
          21) ?/?
          19/29 for brother Whitestar - It's always great seeing you on the superior thread my friend.
          Originally posted by jelgate View Post

          1. C*
          2. D*
          3. A*
          4. C*
          5. B*
          6. C*
          7. D*
          8. B*
          9. C (Pure guess)
          10. A
          11. B*
          12. B*
          13. C*
          14. B
          15. That is actually a tick question as the Dominion War is mentioned in both Insurrection* and Nemesis*
          16. Data*, House of Duras in the Klingon Civil War*
          17. Bajor*, Shakkar’s Resitance*
          18. ????? Lt. Sulter
          19. New Zeeland*, falisfied reports*, lieuteanat (j.g)*
          20. Paraxis*, Their empire was weaken*, 70 years
          21. ?????, ????
          21/29 for brother jelgate - Great job, and I'm glad you made it this week.
          Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post

          1. C*
          2. D*
          3. A*
          4. C*
          5. B*
          6. C*
          7. D*
          8. B*
          9. A*
          10. D*
          11. B*
          12. B*
          13. C*
          14. C*
          15. Trek 8 & 9*
          16. Data* / Duras family*
          17. Bajor */ Shakar*
          18. ??? / Cutler*
          19. Federation Penal Colony* / Bad piloting* / Lt (jr.grade)*
          20. Praxis */ Ozone */ 80 years
          21.3000-3500 / 6500-7000*
          26/29 for brother Lt. Col. Davis - Awesome!, you aced the multiple choice. ^5
          Originally posted by Krisz View Post

          1 C*
          2 D*
          3 A*
          4 C*
          5 C
          6 C*
          7 D*
          8 B*
          9 C
          10 D*
          11 B*
          12 B*
          13 C*
          14 B
          15 First Contact
          16 Data*, The Cardassians
          17 Dakar Province*, ?
          19 Mars, ?, Lieutenant*
          20 Praxus*, Economic collapse, 50 years*
          21 1600, 3400
          17/29 for Krisz - A big improvement over last week young lady. Very well done!.
          Originally posted by Xicer View Post

          1. C*
          2. D*
          3. A*
          4. C*
          5. B*
          6. B
          7. D*
          8. B*
          9. A*
          10. D*
          11. B*
          12. B*
          13. C*
          14. C*
          15. IX Insurrection*
          16. Data*, Klingons (Duras family specifically)*
          17. Bajor*, ?
          18. ?, ?
          19. New Zealand*, he tried to cover up an incident that got his crewmates killed and was caught after joining the Maquis*, Lieutenant*
          20. Praxis*, the explosion was making their planet unhabitable*, 50*
          21. ?, ?
          23/29 for brother Xicer -- Fantastic as usual my friend. You know your Trek!
          Originally posted by gopher65 View Post

          16)Data; Du'rass Sisters (Klingons)*/*
          17)Kinthora Province; ________
          18)Because he felt at home there; _________
          19)________; He tried to cover up an accident;* Lieutenant*
          20)Praxis;* Their Ozone Layer had been depleted;* 50*
          21)2000*; 7000*
          23/29 for brother gopher -- Outstanding as always.
          Originally posted by ./freelancer View Post

          1) C*
          2) D*
          3) A*
          4) D
          5) B*
          6) B
          7) D*
          8) B*
          9) A*
          10) A
          11) B*
          12) B*
          13) B
          14) B (I STILL haven't seen TWoK )
          15) _____
          16) Data*, The Maquis?
          17) Bajor (oh, you wanted something a bit more specific?)*, I guess "Shakaar's Resistance Cell" won't suffice?*
          18) He was fascinated by humans*, _____
          19) Europe?, He accidentaly crashed a shuttle causing one or more deaths and tried to cover it up (it was pilot error)*, Lieutenant*
          20) _____, _____, _____
          21) I know Odo mentioned this once...2000?*, 7000*
          18/29 for brother ./freelancer - Best showing in awhile my friend, very well done.
          Originally posted by Starbase View Post

          1- C*
          2- D*
          3- A*
          4- C*
          5- B*
          6- C*
          7- D*
          8- B*
          9- B
          10- D*
          11- B*
          12- B*
          13- C*
          14- C*
          15- Insurrection*
          16- Data* -- Duras Sisters*
          17- Dahkur Provence* -- Shakar Resistance Cell*
          18- Study Humans in deep space* -- ?? I remember when she was cute
          19- New Zealand* -- Maquis member* -- ??Ensign
          20- Praxis* -- Ozone depletion* --75 years
          21- 2,000* -- 7,000*
          25/29 for brother Starbase -- Ho-Hum brudder Base kicks the quizzes azz once again.
          Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post

          1) C*
          2) D*
          3) B
          4) C*
          5) C
          6) C*
          7) D*
          8) B*
          9) A?*
          10) B?
          11) B*
          12) B*
          13) C?*
          14) B
          15) either FC or Insurrection.* hm let me think... ok I think it's First Contact because IIRC there should've been a scene with Quark in Insurrection that didn't make the final cut. am I right? anyway, my answer: ST: VIII First Contact
          16) Data;* the Klingons
          17) on Bajor,* in one of the camps; ?
          18) ?; Hoshi?
          19) San Francisco; I think he stole something and got into a barfight; Ensign?
          20) Praxis;* they wouldn't be able to survive the next century;* 80 years
          21) 3000; 6000-7000*
          17/29 for brother Jumper One -- Great job as always.
          Originally posted by USS Defiant

          1] C*
          2] D*
          3] A*
          4] C*
          5] C
          6] C*
          7] D*
          8] B*
          9] A*
          10] D*
          11] B*
          12] B*
          13] C*
          14] C*
          15] ???
          16] Data* ... Duras Sister*
          17] Dakur Provence (Bajor)* ... Shakar Cell*
          18] ??? ... Crewman Cutler*
          19] New Zealand* ... Maquis* ... Ensign?
          20] Praxis* ... Ozone* ... 50 years*
          21] 2,000* ... 7,000*
          25/29 for brother USS Defiant -- Glad you made it.
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Yay! Highest score yet.


              And I was expecting an arguement because I said Nemesis and Insurrection. I get lucky again
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                Yay! Highest score yet.
                Wtgo Trek Girl!. It's my first time on the honarable mention list. I must say this thread has got me and my wife back in to watching a lot more Star Trek than we have in years. Trek is King!.


                  Originally posted by Weyoun View Post
                  Wtgo Trek Girl!. It's my first time on the honarable mention list. I must say this thread has got me and my wife back in to watching a lot more Star Trek than we have in years. Trek is King!.
                  I think this thread might also get me to re-watch some more Trek too. The quizzes show me where I need some refreshers. I'm nearing the end of DS9 season 6, so only one more season to go. I have mixed feelings about that...I wish there was more DS9!


                    Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
                    I think this thread might also get me to re-watch some more Trek too. The quizzes show me where I need some refreshers. I'm nearing the end of DS9 season 6, so only one more season to go. I have mixed feelings about that...I wish there was more DS9!
                    A 17 is actually a good score for a newbie. I spent a lot of time exploring Memory Alpha to do better.
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      My trick is to watch Trek on the weekend.


                        My problem is that the Trek dvds are so expensive, even when compared to other tv dvds. I have seasons 6 and 7 of DS9, but I can't afford any more.


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          And I was expecting an arguement because I said Nemesis and Insurrection. I get lucky again
                          well done dude

                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          A 17 is actually a good score for a newbie. I spent a lot of time exploring Memory Alpha to do better.
                          17? *cough* um yes absolutely *cough* (check my score )
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                            Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                            well done dude

                            17? *cough* um yes absolutely *cough* (check my score )
                            The embarrassing part is that your not a newbie.
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              The embarrassing part is that your not a newbie.
                              I would'nt be talking smack just yet brother jelgate. Brudder Jumper 1 has scored in the top group quite a few times since the quizzes started.


                                Well done everyone on there scores this week. I like how brother Fifth Race incorperated some questions in the quiz about some recent Trek subject matter we have discussed here on the superior thread.
                                Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                                My trick is to watch Trek on the weekend.
                                Excellent score this week brother Davis, very well done!.

