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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by MB.Eddie
    2'14 'Whispers' - Very good ep. The whole conspiracy thing was interesting, and how O'brien was good enough to get the job done, and showed he knew every inch of the station. I liked how it was told through flashbacks too. That 'clone' had me convinced he was O'brien until the very end.
    Originally posted by the Fifth Race
    Another brilliant and truly memorable episode from season 2. I really like the style of storytelling that this episode employed. One that would recant on past events. In for a while, I was expecting O'Brien to find out that the Commander and senior DS9 staff where being dominated or perhaps made in the likeness of the Paradas. Only do we find out that the defector was him, or better yet a fascimile of O'Brien. Nice surprise ending, indeed. This sort of like ties up with the previous episode ("Armageddon Game"), where O'Brien coffee habits where in question. In this ep, he drinks a lot of coffee. I know that the two eps are completely irrevelant of each other, but it seems like they were correlated somewhat though.
    Every once and a while, an episode of television comes along which is so invigorating and intellectually dazzling that it just revives your hope in the medium. "Whispers" is one such episode. It is perfectly paced, wonderfully allegorical, and it asks such interesting questions about identity and consciousness at its conclusion that a programmed assassin turns out to be incredibly sympathetic.

    The genius of the episode is in the minor touches. A throwaway glance by Sisko after a meeting. Jake asking for help on a science project, then calling in sick. Enough of these events, and the only logical conclusion is that a conspiracy is afoot. The episode sticks to O'Brien's point of view, to great effect. At the end of the episode, it is remarkable how much we still mistrust the show's heroes.

    The episode seems deliberately inspired by Phillip K. Dick--the word "replicant", for one, but also the story about a non-human who thinks he's human, and the episode uses non-humans to define what it means to be human, as Dick often did. O'Brien might not be a human, but he has memories, feelings, and noble inclinations. In what way wasn't the duplicate O'Brien human?
    Originally posted by MB.Eddie
    2'15 'Paradise' - This ep was just sad imo. How someone could crash a ship full of familes and then keep them on a planet just to promote their ideals is beyond me. Was well acted by all, especially Sisko when he went back into the torture box instead of taking the water and giving in.
    Originally posted by the Fifth Race
    Make no mistake....I believed this was a good episode. However, the central character, Alixus, enraged me to no end, while Sisko made me proud!.

    The manner in which Alixus wantonly destroys everyone's lives just to conform to her personal views is sickening. How many families were destroyed, or made never to be because of her actions? Imprisoning people in metal boxes, torturing people with glasses of water when parched.....these are the acts of a truly twisted, sadistic, and evil person.

    I can understand why the people chose to remain there - it was now home to them - but the circumstances leading up to that, and her conduct in forcing this life upon them, is reviling.

    Television and movies rarely evoke strong emotions in me, which makes this a wonderfully done and acted episode.
    Paradise's intent seems to be allegory, making a statement about cult leadership and how strong opinions and followings can oppose the general consensus. But the social commentary is heavy-handed and only marginally effective; some of Alixus' long-winded speeches, particularly the one at the finale, ring false because they feel completely scripted. And considering how unlikable Alixus ultimately comes off, it's hard to see her as much more than a villain, albeit with a sincere motive. Still, on that level, "Paradise" works quite well.

    Sisko's adamant opposition and strength in the face of such a situation is commendable, and both Brooks and Meaney deliver solid performances. I have some problems with the colonists' over-simplified reactions to finding out Alixus planned both their marooning and the deletion of technology, but the grey-area makes the Sisko/Alixus hero/villain conflict that much more interesting.


      Originally posted by Captain Davis View Post
      It was a fun vacation. I went on a 4 day cruise to mexico.
      Sweet, was it over New Years?. And welcome back by the way.
      Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
      Ferengi episode.....a good one? Excellent!
      Ferengi heaven , it is as much a fun episode as it is entertaining, I will be curious to see what ya think. You do get introduced to a couple of new Ferengi characters.


        That was my favourite Ferengi episode yet, really shows how far these Ferengi characters have come from their irritating-early-seasons-selves. They're still irritating, but they've become very likable over the course of the show.

        Favourite moment: when Quark and Rom were crawling through the jeffries tubes and ended up in Sisko's office.


          Aiiee! I must not read that Brothers in Space article.

          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
          Actually, Exodus is in season three. But it will be well worth the wait.
          Oh yeah, I can't wait, but it'll be ages before I get the chance to watch Exodus. I haven't watched season two yet and I've been trying my hardest not to spoil myself.
          "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


            Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
            That was my favourite Ferengi episode yet, really shows how far these Ferengi characters have come from their irritating-early-seasons-selves. They're still irritating, but they've become very likable over the course of the show.

            Favourite moment: when Quark and Rom were crawling through the jeffries tubes and ended up in Sisko's office.
            I just re-watched The Magnificent Ferengi for the 20th time tonight,. I swear I never get tired of that wonderfully silly and quite hair-raising episode.
            What this episode is about more than anything is comedic relief. Take, for example, the scene where they engage in combat simulations in the holosuite. Rom runs into a wall. Brunt surrenders (all too easily). Gaila is shot. Leck shoots Moogie. And Nog is just a big pain as drill sergeant, Keystone Ferengi.

            There's plenty of dialog between Quark and Yelgrun - played by Iggy Pop,
            much of it ending with Yelgrun making a reluctant concession and/or sarcastic remark. Some of this works, though some of it doesn't. While Iggy Pop delivers deadpan reasonably well (Quark: "Family. You understand." Yelgrun: "Not really. I was cloned."), he just can't keep up with the whimsically engaging performances of Shimerman and the other Ferengi players. At the same time, few of Yelgrun's concessions strike me as plausible for a member of the Dominion. Yelgrun proves the diversity of the various Vorta, he is completely different than Weyoun and Keevan.

            Meanwhile, prisoner Keevan plays the part of the annoyingly keen observer, adding his two cents to the Ferengi problems whenever he feels the need. Much of his dialog is delivered straight, used to explain the plot rather than fuel the humor; but he is the central figure in many of the show's biggest laughs. He's the victim, in the biggest and funniest display of Ferengi ineptness in recent memory - being caught in the crossfire of one Ferengi (Gaila) infuriated at learning he has been cheated by another Ferengi (Quark)......LOL......Only Ferengi negotiators could inadvertently kill the prisoner they brought along to use as their bargaining tool.

            In a move that borders on gallows humor (but which proves uproariously funny), Nog rigs Keevan's corpse with neural stimulators in order to create the illusion Keevan is still alive long enough for the rest of the Ferengi to gain the upper hand on Yelgrun and his two soldiers. The use of Keevan in an idea spawned by Weekend at Bernie's, it manages to work as portrayed. Seeing the dead Keevan standing like a statue with eyes wide open and head lodged at an unnatural angle was still a hilarious sight. (Yelgrun: "What have they done to him?" Indeed.)
            Tomorrows episode on Spike is Waltz, which IMHO is one the very best episodes from the entire series Lady Trek. It is written by Ronald D Moore and directed by Rene Auberjonois (Odo), It is one of the handful of great Sisko vs. DuKat episodes that stands out, Marc Alaimo (DuKat) is particulary brilliant in this one!.
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom



              Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
              Ferengi episode.....a good one? Excellent!
              A Ferengi episode? If it's a Ferengi episode, it's definitely going to be
              funny. Want to know something really funny? My brother refers to the Ferengi as "those guys whose heads look like butts". lol

              A question, are we into Season 7 yet on Spike TV yet?


                That training scenario scene.....that was priceless. Actually the whole episode was. Can't wait for it to come back round again.

                Originally posted by Falcon_06 View Post

                A Ferengi episode? If it's a Ferengi episode, it's definitely going to be
                funny. Want to know something really funny? My brother refers to the Ferengi as "those guys whose heads look like butts". lol

                A question, are we into Season 7 yet on Spike TV yet?
                Nope, we're in the middle of season six.

                I'm rather sad.....just realized there must be only 30-something Star Trek episodes left that I haven't seen. *sniff*


                  Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                  I'm rather sad.....just realized there must be only 30-something Star Trek episodes left that I haven't seen. *sniff*
                  On the bright side, the 30 or so unseen DS9 episodes that cover the rest of season VI and all of season VII are some of, if not the very best Trek ever made. Trust me, DS9 ends it right without leaving you with that unsatisfied feeling that a lot of endings of TV series do.

                  Plus, as I am sure that most Trek fans that watch DS9 realize, the show and its storyline are rather deep and complex, that with each time you watch,
                  get's better and better. Cherish those last yet unseen episodes.
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post

                    I'm rather sad.....just realized there must be only 30-something Star Trek episodes left that I haven't seen. *sniff*
                    I remember being a tad upset when I finally finished watching the DS9 sets.


                      There are plenty of episodes left.

                      Anyway, even if you finish watching all the DS9 episodes,
                      you can check out similar science fiction series like Babylon 5.

                      Here's something you can imagine if you've been watching too much DS9.
                      Quark in the grocery store!



                        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                        On the bright side, the 30 or so unseen DS9 episodes that cover the rest of season VI and all of season VII are some of, if not the very best Trek ever made. Trust me, DS9 ends it right without leaving you with that unsatisfied feeling that a lot of endings of TV series do.

                        Plus, as I am sure that most Trek fans that watch DS9 realize, the show and its storyline are rather deep and complex, that with each time you watch,
                        get's better and better. Cherish those last yet unseen episodes.
                        Yes- repeats! I'm just glad DS9 sounds as if it ends on a great episode- best finish watching Trek with one of the best. Unlike Voyager. The last Voyager episode that I hadn't seen was.....really boring. And cringeworthy.

                        Today's That is one sick madman. If I were in Sisko's position and had gotten my hands on a phaser.....I don't think I would have hesitated to blow his head off.....Not very Starfleet of me.


                          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                          Yes- repeats! I'm just glad DS9 sounds as if it ends on a great episode- best finish watching Trek with one of the best. Unlike Voyager. The last Voyager episode that I hadn't seen was.....really boring. And cringeworthy.

                          Today's That is one sick madman. If I were in Sisko's position and had gotten my hands on a phaser.....I don't think I would have hesitated to blow his head off.....Not very Starfleet of me.
                          Which episode did you just watch?


                            Originally posted by Falcon_06 View Post
                            Which episode did you just watch?
                            "Waltz" Fantastic episode.


                              Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                              "Waltz" Fantastic episode.
                              I can see what you meant by blowing Dukat's head off.

                              Yeah, Dukat is one madman. I, too, would certainly want to kill
                              Dukat if I were in Sisko's position. Pardon me, but, I 've read most of the
                              spoilers for the rest of the DS9 series so I kinda know what's going
                              to happen, but my lips will be sealed.

                              Are beginning to suspect what Dukat's true intentions are?


                                Originally posted by Falcon_06 View Post
                                I can see what you meant by blowing Dukat's head off.

                                Yeah, Dukat is one madman. I, too, would certainly want to kill
                                Dukat if I were in Sisko's position. Pardon me, but, I 've read most of the
                                spoilers for the rest of the DS9 series so I kinda know what's going
                                to happen, but my lips will be sealed.

                                Are beginning to suspect what Dukat's true intentions are?
                                He's so delusional he probably thinks that he and the Dominion can retake the station, devestate the alpha quadrant, then he'd betray the Domionion, blow up their ships, kill Weyoun, possibly re-mine the wormhole, then kill all the citizens of Bajor. Then he'd follow that up with a very big meal, before moving on to annialate the population of Earth.

