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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Starbase View Post

    By the way, Congratulations to everyone that posts on this wonderful thread. We made it to a hundred great pages of posts and replies. ^5
    Wow I did not realize that until you pointed it out brother Base.....

    I echo that sentiment. This is still the smartest and IMHO, the best damn thread on GW, it is because of you all that this thread remains a juggernaut and keeps it thriving.
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Not only is it one hundred pages we've reached, but post number 2000 is almost upon us. I think that post should be left for the thread creator. the Fifth Race, will you do us the honours?
      "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


        Yeah, the Fifth Race should get the 2000th post!

        Did anyone here like the episode: "A Time to Stand"? I
        was watching it earlier today.


          Originally posted by Falcon_06 View Post
          Did anyone here like the episode: "A Time to Stand"? I
          was watching it earlier today.
          Although this episode ends with some great action, what I liked most about it was the great character moments prior to that ..... Bashir snaps at Sisko because the war is going badly, Kira spars with Dukat and Weyoun, Dukat hits on Kira, Dukat accuses Weyoun of enjoying lording it over the Jem'Hadar ..... and in one of my favorite scenes of all time, Bashir, Dax, Nog, and O'Brien complain about the Jem'Hadar ship.

          The suspense at the end is so thick you could cut it with a knife, and the surprise ending is a good twist. Great episode Falcon!.
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Originally posted by Missster.Freeman View Post
            Not only is it one hundred pages we've reached, but post number 2000 is almost upon us. I think that post should be left for the thread creator. the Fifth Race, will you do us the honours?
            Originally posted by Falcon_06 View Post
            Yeah, the Fifth Race should get the 2000th post!
            If you guy's insist

            Again, this thread is great because of you all and the great subject matter we all have to discuss. This thread will remain viable and fresh, that I promise.

            Here's to another 2,000 posts and another 100 pages of brilliance.
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
              Although this episode ends with some great action, what I liked most about it was the great character moments prior to that ..... Bashir snaps at Sisko because the war is going badly, Kira spars with Dukat and Weyoun, Dukat hits on Kira, Dukat accuses Weyoun of enjoying lording it over the Jem'Hadar ..... and in one of my favorite scenes of all time, Bashir, Dax, Nog, and O'Brien complain about the Jem'Hadar ship.

              The suspense at the end is so thick you could cut it with a knife, and the surprise ending is a good twist. Great episode Falcon!.
              Saw this one yesterday, again fantastic. I loved the scene where Nog was complaining about the lack of a chair, Chief about Field Rations, and Dax about the lack of a viewscreen.

              And again, such wonderful character moments in this episode, Kira in Dukat's office, Kira and Odo, Bashir and his genetic enhancements, etc. And I definitly wasn't expecting another cliffhanger ending.

              And I was very happy that this one was three months later- definitly adds to the urgency that there's this whole war going on and....not too well. The longer that they're away from the station, the higher the tension I think.

              And Dukat is an evil b******.


                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                Saw this one yesterday, again fantastic. I loved the scene where Nog was complaining about the lack of a chair, Chief about Field Rations, and Dax about the lack of a viewscreen.
                LOL, that was a very funny scene.
                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                And again, such wonderful character moments in this episode, Kira in Dukat's office, Kira and Odo, Bashir and his genetic enhancements, etc. And I definitly wasn't expecting another cliffhanger ending.

                And I was very happy that this one was three months later- definitly adds to the urgency that there's this whole war going on and....not too well. The longer that they're away from the station, the higher the tension I think.
                The confrontation between Dukat and Kira exhibits so much tension that it nearly defies belief. Dukat is drunk off his own power; he thinks he has already won the war and the entire Alpha Quadrant. He's convinced he is a hero to Cardassia for saving it when it was "on the edge of an abyss." And his overconfidence has gotten the better of him. He's set on building an "intimate relationship" with Kira. When Kira is angered, Dukat makes a gesture that infuriates her further. "I'm a patient man," he notes smugly. The look of utter contempt that Kira gives Dukat as she leaves the office is unforgettable. I don't think I've seen so much barely restrained rage inside Kira since "Duet." Marc Alaimo is equally convincing, and his true motives are open to speculation.

                There's a moment when Sisko is forced to exchange fire with a Starfleet ship (a captain he knows) because he can't risk blowing his cover. The scene is thick and full of suspense, because the episode is structured so dark up to this point that I honestly considered the possibility that Sisko might end up accidentally destroying it. Great stuff, Brooks is amazing as Sisko at this point of the series.
                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                And Dukat is an evil b******.
                LOL, amen sister Trek!


                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                  Although this episode ends with some great action, what I liked most about it was the great character moments prior to that ..... Bashir snaps at Sisko because the war is going badly, Kira spars with Dukat and Weyoun, Dukat hits on Kira, Dukat accuses Weyoun of enjoying lording it over the Jem'Hadar ..... and in one of my favorite scenes of all time, Bashir, Dax, Nog, and O'Brien complain about the Jem'Hadar ship.

                  The suspense at the end is so thick you could cut it with a knife, and the surprise ending is a good twist. Great episode Falcon!.

                  I hear that there is some ground combat in the next episode. One thing
                  that Star Trek needs is some ground combat vehicles, which is what
                  ST Nemesis hit on the mark!

                  I can see why they would complain about the Jam-Hadar ship. "No Viewscreen." "No medical bay." I kind of like the Jem-Hadar ships, but I guess their drawbacks outweigh the cool looks.

                  Is it true that the Jem-Hadar don't eat? I could have sworn I heard that in the ep. They are kind of like the Brutes from Halo 2.

                  The episode that I'm looking forward too is "Sacrifice of Angels". The battle scene looks great! Do our group of heroes retake DS9 in that ep?

                  Don't worry, Dukat gets what he deserves in, "What you leave behind".

                  "I fell in to a burning ring of fire."
                  Last edited by Dark Falcon; 13 December 2006, 10:20 AM.


                    Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                    LOL, that was a very funny scene.

                    The confrontation between Dukat and Kira exhibits so much tension that it nearly defies belief. Dukat is drunk off his own power; he thinks he has already won the war and the entire Alpha Quadrant. He's convinced he is a hero to Cardassia for saving it when it was "on the edge of an abyss." And his overconfidence has gotten the better of him. He's set on building an "intimate relationship" with Kira. When Kira is angered, Dukat makes a gesture that infuriates her further. "I'm a patient man," he notes smugly. The look of utter contempt that Kira gives Dukat as she leaves the office is unforgettable. I don't think I've seen so much barely restrained rage inside Kira since "Duet." Marc Alaimo is equally convincing, and his true motives are open to speculation.

                    There's a moment when Sisko is forced to exchange fire with a Starfleet ship (a captain he knows) because he can't risk blowing his cover. The scene is thick and full of suspense, because the episode is structured so dark up to this point that I honestly considered the possibility that Sisko might end up accidentally destroying it. Great stuff, Brooks is amazing as Sisko at this point of the series.

                    LOL, amen sister Trek!
                    He has been amazing- I thought that he might destory the Starfleet ship as well I'm really surprised at how dark they were willing to take this. Between the suicide on the promenade and the slaghter of that group of Jew Anyway, Rocks and Shoals was yet again, another great episode! And I really liked Kira's role in it as well, how she's judgeing herself as a collaberator, bound to make for some more great material over the next few eps.

                    And yay for another cliffhanger ending!


                      I never watched this star trek series when it first come out, only being young at the time. But i watched all the repeats on sky one about a couple of years ago and really got into it.

                      Thats why ive just bought all season 1-7 for a great deal of 60 pounds off ebay.

                      Cant wait.

                      STARGATE ATLANTIS'S
                      legacy continues with New Movies

                      Visit my new Stargate Atlantis Blog @



                        Originally posted by bcfc View Post
                        I never watched this star trek series when it first come out, only being young at the time. But i watched all the repeats on sky one about a couple of years ago and really got into it.

                        Thats why ive just bought all season 1-7 for a great deal of 60 pounds off ebay.

                        Cant wait.

                        60 pounds each season- or 60 pounds for the entire series?


                          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                          60 pounds each season- or 60 pounds for the entire series?

                          60 pounds for the lot.

                          Good yeah
                          STARGATE ATLANTIS'S
                          legacy continues with New Movies

                          Visit my new Stargate Atlantis Blog @



                            Originally posted by bcfc View Post
                            60 pounds for the lot.

                            Good yeah
                            At that price, are you sure it's.....authentic, and not a bootleg?


                              Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                              At that price, are you sure it's.....authentic, and not a bootleg?
                              It is an import but still excellent, and Multi -region
                              STARGATE ATLANTIS'S
                              legacy continues with New Movies

                              Visit my new Stargate Atlantis Blog @



                                Originally posted by bcfc View Post
                                It is an import but still excellent, and Multi -region
                                Hate to be a little black coud of misery, but I'd worry about that.....most bootlegs tend to be "multi-region imports".
                                Last edited by Trek_Girl42; 13 December 2006, 03:28 PM.

