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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by kmiller1610 View Post
    I adore Kira and the actress that played her.
    I wholeheartedly agree, Nana Visitor is a great actress and Kira is a brilliant character that has an attitude yet is likable and very reasonable, I also like how she, like all the characters from DS9 are protrayed as being far from perfect.


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
      I'm curious Pitry, what in your mind specifically changed about Kira from season I throughout the rest of the series?.
      To be comepltely honest, I'll have to wait a couple fo weeks before replying that... I'm speaking from recollection, rather than actual memory - maybe I'm dissing the character without justification? I can't recall any specific thing at the moment, buit rather an impression. As time passes on I'll go forward in my re-watching of hte show and could reply that more intelligently.
      (It could be this somewhat nagging feeling that I remember compeltely disliing Kira, and so far I've been enjoying her )

      Speaking of Kira, just reached Duet. That was a great Kira episode. It's a tad bit annoying, because as I rewatch these things memory does start floating in and I do all of a sudden remember the entire point...
      Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
      Yes, I am!
      Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
      Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
      Peter Pan R.I.P


        Oooh, Spike is so Star Trek on whatsoever this week, but it looks like DS9 is back next Monday with "Doctor Bashir, I Presume".


          Originally posted by Pitry View Post
          To be comepltely honest, I'll have to wait a couple fo weeks before replying that... I'm speaking from recollection, rather than actual memory - maybe I'm dissing the character without justification? I can't recall any specific thing at the moment, buit rather an impression. As time passes on I'll go forward in my re-watching of hte show and could reply that more intelligently.
          (It could be this somewhat nagging feeling that I remember compeltely disliing Kira, and so far I've been enjoying her )
          That I completely understand, I didn't care much for Kira in the
          beginning myself, her arrogant attitude kind of rubbed me the wrong way. But I eventually learned to appreciate her. I wasn't a big Sisko fan in the first couple seasons either, but the end of the series both Sisko and Kira were at the top of my list.
          Originally posted by Pitry
          Speaking of Kira, just reached Duet. That was a great Kira episode. It's a tad bit annoying, because as I rewatch these things memory does start floating in and I do all of a sudden remember the entire point...
          Duet is a great episode!, as a matter of fact Nana Visitor (Kira) counts Duet among her all-time favorites because it has "such important things to say".
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            Duet is a great episode!, as a matter of fact Nana Visitor (Kira) counts Duet among her all-time favorites because it has "such important things to say".
            It's pretty interesting BTW, comparing the things they had to say to, let's say B5's "The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari". While both things are quite the opposite, both have a very good point. I think Duet took the more humanistic approach - while B5 mainly emphasised the importance of speaking out, with no consequences to the individual, it;s DS9 who acknowledged that sometimes people are just people, and would, what was it? Cower in their beds try to shut the screams away, being unable to speak out... What B5 had to say is damn important... but so is the message o Duet, methinks.

            Oooh, Spike is so Star Trek on whatsoever this week, but it looks like DS9 is back next Monday with "Doctor Bashir, I Presume".
            Oy! I recall I really enjoyed that one. And it has Robert Picardo in it, hooray.

            So, onwards to At the Hands of the Prophets... I ahve to say somethig really bugged me there. When Sisko gives Jake the ever-so-american speech (yes, there's a reason I don't liek Sisko, that's it! Well, one of the reasons...) - he tells him it's a matter of an interpretation. It does bother me. And if there is no "proof", if it's just faith - does it make the faith any less legit? I s'pose it's bad wordings on their part, cos I don't think they'd ever go for something like that... just bugged with.
            Well, and Sisko altogether *whistles*
            Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
            Yes, I am!
            Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
            Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
            Peter Pan R.I.P


              Going to another show, I loved the Reg episodes on VGR. They should of had him on DS9.


                Originally posted by Captain Davis View Post
                Going to another show, I loved the Reg episodes on VGR. They should of had him on DS9.
                Ooh I agree! He gave Voyager some life! He definitely should have been on DS9.


                  Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                  It's pretty interesting BTW, comparing the things they had to say to, let's say B5's "The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari".
                  What B5 had to say is damn important... but so is the message o Duet, methinks.
                  Great call on the B5 reference, it is episodes like Duet that remind me of certain B5 episodes. There are a lot of great similarities between the two shows, like BSG today all three shows are not afraid to tackle tough issues that most shows (scifi or otherwise) wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
                  Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                  Oooh, Spike is so Star Trek on whatsoever this week, but it looks like DS9 is back next Monday with "Doctor Bashir, I Presume".
                  Originally posted by Pitry
                  Oy! I recall I really enjoyed that one. And it has Robert Picardo in it, hooray.
                  Great episode!, and a big episode in that what is learned (I don't want to give the spoiler away before Lady Trek has a chance to see Doctor Bashir, I presume?. Picardo was brilliant, especially since he was playing the same character Dr. that they based the hologram Dr. from Voyager on. You definetly see where the hologram Dr. got his attitude from.
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                    Great call on the B5 reference, it is episodes like Duet that remind me of certain B5 episodes. There are a lot of great similarities between the two shows, like BSG today all three shows are not afraid to tackle tough issues that most shows (scifi or otherwise) wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

                    Great episode!, and a big episode in that what is learned (I don't want to give the spoiler away before Lady Trek has a chance to see Doctor Bashir, I presume?. Picardo was brilliant, especially since he was playing the same character Dr. that they based the hologram Dr. from Voyager on. You definetly see where the hologram Dr. got his attitude from.
                    I think I know the spoiler.
                    Doctor Bashir is genetically engineered?

                    And of course Robert Picardo! Can't wait!!!


                      Originally posted by Captain Davis View Post
                      They wont be dropping DS9. They are making room for VGR. That means DS9, VGR, and TNG will all be on in a row!

                      Yes, something to look forward to in the afternoons!


                        I am also a DS9 Acolyte, I was young when it started, so I took it for granted, but now I look back and realize that it was good, not good in it's genre, just good

                        some sci fi needs the gimmick of being sci fi to be an acceptable, or good show, deep space nine could have taken place anywhere and still been good, being star trek was just how it got on t.v.

                        it communicated good ideas, the episodes where sisko went to earths past, with the internment camps and when he went back to the 40's were, I think, some of the best hours of television ever written

                        nog was pointless, as was sisko's kid, never got the point of yates either, and I do wish jadzia had stuck it out, ezri was just annoying


                          Originally posted by Quest_techie View Post
                          I am also a DS9 Acolyte, I was young when it started, so I took it for granted, but now I look back and realize that it was good, not good in it's genre, just good

                          some sci fi needs the gimmick of being sci fi to be an acceptable, or good show, deep space nine could have taken place anywhere and still been good, being star trek was just how it got on t.v.

                          it communicated good ideas, the episodes where sisko went to earths past, with the internment camps and when he went back to the 40's were, I think, some of the best hours of television ever written
                          Welcome to the DS9 thread Quest_techie.

                          I think a lot of people took DS9 for granted originally. Star Trek was on quite a high from the success that TNG enjoyed and when DS9 started it was something totally different which kind of dismayed some Trek fans. I too, found the first 2 seasons rather blase, (although when I now re-watch those first 2 seasons I enjoy and appreciate them a lot more) but by season 3, I knew that DS9 had potential to be very special. The writing, the characters the special effects, the dark edge the show had all made DS9 superior to not only any other Trek series but IMHO superior to any other scifi show I have ever watched. Even by today's standards I only rank very few shows that are as cutting edge as DS9. It was an important series to the Trek franchise, TPTB especially Ronald D. Moore created something unique in that they were not afraid to show character flaws and portray characters that were far from perfect, which was something different in the Trek universe. It's to see RDM brought that dark edge back into scifi with the current BSG.
                          Originally posted by Quest_techie
                          nog was pointless, as was sisko's kid, never got the point of yates either, and I do wish jadzia had stuck it out, ezri was just annoying
                          LOL, although there were some truly great episode and moments where the above mentioned characters starred in, those characters are not at the top of my favorites list. I would also add the Kai Winn, Ishka (aka. Moogie) and the Grand Negus himself as other "annoying" characters.

                          If you like Quest_techie, give us a favorites character list, maybe your top 5 or 10 favorites with a little explanation why. I find this a great way to learn about different perspectives each fellow DS9 fan has.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                            I think I know the spoiler.
                            Doctor Bashir is genetically engineered?
                            He sure is, but to what extent is interesting, his enhancement leads to a few great episodes down the road involving a group of "others" that are also genetically enhanced, but do not have the social skills to deal with everyday life. Great stuff!.
                            Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                            And of course Robert Picardo! Can't wait!!!
                            If you have never seen the episode Doctor Bashir, I Presume you are in for a treat. Picardo's portray of the real Doctor Lewis Zimmerman (who the Voyager hologram Dr. is based on) other than the attitude is nothing like the fuzzy and warm hologram Dr. we all know and love.
                            the Fifth Race

                            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                              He sure is, but to what extent is interesting, his enhancement leads to a few great episodes down the road involving a group of "others" that are also genetically enhanced, but do not have the social skills to deal with everyday life. Great stuff!.

                              If you have never seen the episode Doctor Bashir, I Presume you are in for a treat. Picardo's portray of the real Doctor Lewis Zimmerman (who the Voyager hologram Dr. is based on) other than the attitude is nothing like the fuzzy and warm hologram Dr. we all know and love.
                              Sounds like a great ep!

                              I remember Zimmerman from the episode where the Doctor was sent to the Alpha Quadrant in the data stream to save his life (it also prominantly featured Troi and Barclay). Loved the character, and how Picardo was able to make him different from the docter, yet retaining the basic similarities.


                                I've been thinking (in light of the new Voyager Superior thread, which I believe has every right to exist). How about a change of title for this thread? I think the initial topic of this thread has been done to death now, and we've long since moved on to discussing episodes and anything in general to do with DS9.

                                I know GateWorld's policy on threads is that once they are created, they become public property and not the thread starter's. But I'd like this to be an agreement between Fifth and everyone who frequents this thread before making a decision. How say you, folks?
                                "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."

