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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    Invasive Procedures
    Sweet, a new brother jelgate review. Now you gave me something to watch tonight.
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
      Sweet, a new brother jelgate review. Now you gave me something to watch tonight.
      So basically you're saying me doing a rewatch in DS9 has prompted you (and I suspect brother Defiant ) to do a rewatch
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
        So basically you're saying me doing a rewatch in DS9 has prompted you (and I suspect brother Defiant ) to do a rewatch
        It doesn't take to much prompting to get me to re-watch any Star Trek or Stargate for that matter my friend. I assume brother USS Defiant is re-watching, I do know brother Starbase and his wife have been following along with your reviews. I really appreciate the opportunity you are giving us all.

        I haven't re-watched Invasive Procedures in about a year and I have the day off of work manana. I'm fixing a green leaf salad and a Protein shake for the viewing.
        the Fifth Race

        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
          It doesn't take to much prompting to get me to re-watch any Star Trek or Stargate for that matter my friend. I assume brother USS Defiant is re-watching, I do know brother Starbase and his wife have been following along with your reviews. I really appreciate the opportunity you are giving us all.
          I don't need to much persuasion to watch Star Trek, especially DS9. And yes I am following brother jelgates series rewatch. I might not rewatch all the episodes because of time restraints, but I am going to watch the very good Invasive Procedures this afternoon.


            Invasive Procedures is a great character story with some surprising depth, that being said, it also has some evident flaws. The premise that sets the episode in motion - the convenient abandoning of DS9 - is rather contrived. And the idea that Quark bypasses station security and unwittingly allows these mercenaries to board the station comes off as transparent. But the core of this episode is very strong, featuring some excellent characterizations. John Glover's portrayal of an inept, confidence-lacking Verad is brilliant. Equally brilliant is his change of personality once he steals the symbiont and joins with it, becoming an interesting blend of Verad and Dax.
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
              Invasive Procedures is a great character story with some surprising depth, that being said, it also has some evident flaws. The premise that sets the episode in motion - the convenient abandoning of DS9 - is rather contrived. And the idea that Quark bypasses station security and unwittingly allows these mercenaries to board the station comes off as transparent. But the core of this episode is very strong, featuring some excellent characterizations. John Glover's portrayal of an inept, confidence-lacking Verad is brilliant. Equally brilliant is his change of personality once he steals the symbiont and joins with it, becoming an interesting blend of Verad and Dax.
              I liked how Sisko also slowly wears down Verad's girlfriend Mareel, who watches in dismay as the man she knows transforms into a personality who subtly reveals he doesn't "need" her anymore. The B-story involving Bashir, Quark, and the Klingon mercenaries (with Tim Russ as a Klingon) proves amusing, albeit routine. But the psychological twists and turns involving Sisko, Mareel, and the tragic Verad keeps this episode in top form, I enjoyed rewatching Invasive Procedures. .


                This is in a way a follow up to Duet. While in no way as brillant a good episode in its own right. It uses the abadoned Cardassian child orphan to examine the social structure of Cardassians in particular how Cardassians view their family. I don't think the Cardassian politician was holding on an act. Unlike Dukat he generally care for his family in particular his son which reaffirms what I said in my Duet review. Just because the Cardassian government did some barbaric things doesn't mean they all did. Palidar (Sp) despite being a politician seems like a good person.

                Furthermore it gives us some more history and insight into the Cardassian history. Which is why its such a treat to see Marc Alamino and Andrew Robhinson return as Gul Dukat and Garek respectively. They give us some insight of the past and the Cardassians stance on the Occupation.

                While the story is defiantly about a Cardassian boy abandoned on Bajor and trying to reunite him with his family and solving the mystery revolving around him I think thier is a deeper meaning like the ones I talked about above.

                Their is a love hate relationship with this episode. I see what the writers were trying to accomplish in this episode but a lot of it falls flat. For example I can understand Melora wanting to be self sufficent to overcome her limitations but seriously what does bashing heads with Sisko and the senior staff hope to accomplish. It just comes off wrong.

                I actually like it more when she starts taking Bashir's treatment and we see Melora starting to adjust to normal gravity and she starts lowering her barrier see a more kind and confident person. To that end I never really bought her ending the treatment. The whole episode she whines about her limitied mobolity and special treatment and when that opportunity to lose that "disablity" she refuses. I just don't buy it.

                Given my Quark attitude I don't really care for the B plot. I'm uninterested in a criminal wanting revenge against Quark. I imagine he has a lot of people mad at him and want revenge.

                Rules of Acquisition
                Yeah for first Dominion reference.

                Besides that the episode is quite lacking. Like Cardassian the show examines the social structure of alien culture. This time its the Ferengi's turn. In particular it studies the social stigma of Ferengi females as Zek tries to expand the Ferengi economic interests into the Gamma Quadrant. I find the submissive nature of Ferengi women so laughable its hard to take this episode seriously watching Pel crossdress as a male. I find it hard to be interested in her struggles
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  Rules of Acquisition
                  All 3 of these episodes were pretty good, especially Cardassians. I'm going to watch at least 2 of these tonight. I wish you only did maybe 3 or 4 a week so I can keep up.


                    Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                    All 3 of these episodes were pretty good, especially Cardassians. I'm going to watch at least 2 of these tonight. I wish you only did maybe 3 or 4 a week so I can keep up.
                    Thats just not going to happen especially when I go away from my vacations. I might come back with 10+ episodes to review when I'm away. I just would do the ones you like or important ones. But I do plan to spend the next few days watching the S2 special features
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Just finished watching 'Family Business'.

                      I'm tempted to say that this is perhaps the best Quark and/or Rom episode,perhaps the best Ferengi episode in general. What makes it stand out, it's the first episode with Brunt who interestingly says "I hope to never see any of you again". I hope he didn't get his hopes too high.

                      Was also the first episode with Kassidy Yates. I had forgotten how well she and Sisko got on during the episode, and I liked how baseball was used to further connect the characters.

                      'Shakaar' has just started. I'm looking forward to rewatching this episode.



                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        Thats just not going to happen especially when I go away from my vacations. I might come back with 10+ episodes to review when I'm away. I just would do the ones you like or important ones. But I do plan to spend the next few days watching the S2 special features
                        I was just suggesting that you hold off posting some reviews to better space them out. This way each episode gets the discussion it deserves. But you are the boss, so I will review and rewatch them all, and then post my mini-reviews when I can. I only got around to rewatching Cardassians last night (I will post a review later this afternoon). I will definitely get around to watch both Melora and Rules of Acquisition (I love Ferengi episodes) this evening.


                          Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
                          Just finished watching 'Family Business'.
                          I'm tempted to say that this is perhaps the best Quark and/or Rom episode,perhaps the best Ferengi episode in general. What makes it stand out, it's the first episode with Brunt who interestingly says "I hope to never see any of you again". I hope he didn't get his hopes too high.
                          The true core of this episode surrounds Ishka (aka Moogie - Quark and Rom's mother) and the fortune she has accrued. A lot of it runs like a cliche, and although this apparently intends to be a character development episode of Quark and Rom, it does nothing for either character because both remain as rigidly transparent as usual. Rom is less selfish than Quark, but he says the dumbest things at the dumbest times that it makes it hard to think of him as anything but an idiot. I did like the rather humorous, mostly due to Shimerman's talents, gags of gratuitously expensive Ferengi customs.
                          Originally posted by SaberBlade
                          Was also the first episode with Kassidy Yates. I had forgotten how well she and Sisko got on during the episode, and I liked how baseball was used to further connect the characters.
                          The B-story of Sisko meeting freighter captain Kasidy Yates at Jake's persistent insisting is very agreeable. I also enjoyed how Sisko and Yates connect through the dead sport called baseball. Good call brother Saber.


                            Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                            I was just suggesting that you hold off posting some reviews to better space them out. This way each episode gets the discussion it deserves. But you are the boss, so I will review and rewatch them all, and then post my mini-reviews when I can. I only got around to rewatching Cardassians last night (I will post a review later this afternoon). I will definitely get around to watch both Melora and Rules of Acquisition (I love Ferengi episodes) this evening.
                            I understand where you're coming from but my rewatch is first and foremost to revisit the enjoyment of DS9. I don't want to go too slow because long wait dampers the enjoyment and its just something to do free time. We are all ringers here (Right brother Fifth?) so it doesn't take a massive rewatch to recall the episode and your thoughts on that episode. That enought can be feedback to an episode.
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              This is in a way a follow up to Duet. While in no way as brillant a good episode in its own right. It uses the abadoned Cardassian child orphan to examine the social structure of Cardassians in particular how Cardassians view their family. I don't think the Cardassian politician was holding on an act. Unlike Dukat he generally care for his family in particular his son which reaffirms what I said in my Duet review. Just because the Cardassian government did some barbaric things doesn't mean they all did. Palidar (Sp) despite being a politician seems like a good person.
                              Good point - One thing for certain has been reiterated by this episode: The Cardassians are not simply villains to be exploited for shallow plots -- they're a fountain of potential for asking probing, intelligent questions that force us to think about a situation from many sides, as this episode does. The complex plot is put together with extreme adeptness, and benefits from the always entertaining pairing of Bashir and the incredibly interesting and observant Garak, who persistently investigates the political intrigue as it unfolds. Overall Cardassians is a rather quiet episode, but it's still pretty darn good!.


                                Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                                Good point - One thing for certain has been reiterated by this episode: The Cardassians are not simply villains to be exploited for shallow plots -- they're a fountain of potential for asking probing, intelligent questions that force us to think about a situation from many sides, as this episode does. The complex plot is put together with extreme adeptness, and benefits from the always entertaining pairing of Bashir and the incredibly interesting and observant Garak, who persistently investigates the political intrigue as it unfolds. Overall Cardassians is a rather quiet episode, but it's still pretty darn good!.
                                Like many DS9 storylines, this episode brings up some sophisticated and relevant themes with tough gray areas such as racial hatred, the problems of making generalities, the burden of prejudices by a devastated people, and even agonizing child custody issues. I enjoyed the scenes with Miles, Keiko, and Rugel which are also enlightening and very well-acted. With the fury of revelations supplied at the end of the episode, it's not exactly clear how Dukat was able to obtain the young Rugel all those years ago, but overall this plot is very sensible and very well executed.
                                the Fifth Race

                                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom

