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Firewall (302)

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    It looks like Sanctuary is getting better with every episode. I hope it will last
    I loved this episode - actors are finally a group of people who have been doing this for some time. Their team interactions were great, I loved how we could see every team member with someone else - my favorite, Will and Henry, or Henry and Kate, Magnus and Kate, Big Guy and Henry/Will...I loved the scene with the whole team, where Henry probes Will´s mind. It was funny and touching.

    I also liked that they didn´t forget about events in previous episodes (as was a bad habit with SG1 and SGA) but they were dealing with consequences (especially Will), and, there is a great potential story-arc ahead.

    This show could be great, so I am glad they got a full season this time. Hopefully there will be more story-arcs episodes than stand-alone ones.

    For me, the turning point was the second half of S2. I love Kate, I think she brought an incredible energy to the show. It would be interesting to see her deal with some return of Ashley but I have to admit, I don´t miss Ashley at all. Maybe because her death (or disappearance) is one those things they forgot about in next episode....

    (sorry for my English, I have a flu and it´s hard to think )

    "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
      Having just watched the newest episode, I thought I wasn't going to be wowed - boy was I wrong.
      Think my favourite line was when Helen looked at Declan and said "Cheeky *******"...way better than cheeky monkey but I somehow don't think that would be appropriate to wear on a t shirt!
      Three words - Well done Anthem! The graphics are just wicked.
      Kinda liked Helen's reference to the coffee again - but really....comparing drinking coffee to political favours?? No comparison.
      Biggie was brilliant - loved his glasses and the Twilight reference...even though I have never seen/read the series.
      Terrance getting put in his place - he is so not a happy camper and it wouldn't surprise me if he had something devious up his sleeve...I wonder if it's more a personal vendetta against Helen rather than just his hunger for power? Either way, it was so cool to see him pulled down a peg or three. So glad he's no longer head of any house.
      Henry and his doohickeys - gotta love Henry and how he just lights up with his big boy toys! Loved the "Magnus slinger"...hope they keep the name.
      Kate - cute...simply cute.
      Helen - what can I say...full of "naw-ness" for Helen is me.
      I didn't really like the little white abnormals....reminded me of the little white peoples from the SG ep "False Step". I'm kinda wondering if they live a little like a phoenix...maybe them burning up was a way for them to escape...burn up and go invisible and leave the crispy shell of their bodies behind....perhaps we may yet see them again. Were they bad abnormals?? Or just misunderstood? Who knows.

      But all in all, I loved the episode. Am hoping to be totally wowed again next week.

      Um do realise that Sally was saying that as a jest...not fun?? Just thought maybe someone should point that out. I'm sure there was no intention of offending anyone who likes the other characters or any suggestion in any serious way to imply that other characters not be given the same opportunity to shine as Helen does. Sally just loves Helen....a lot...and was just having fun.

      I'm looking forward to seeing Tesla return. And John. *sighs*
      As was I.
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        I bet that city turns out to be Atlantis.

        It's always Atlantis.


          Originally posted by Galileo_Galilee View Post
          I bet that city turns out to be Atlantis.

          It's always Atlantis.
          I thought the same thing.

          "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


            you guys remember the first tv episode of sanctuary? They had just taken down that boy. Magnus said to ashley "this chaos was completly avoidable" In this episode right after they took down that giant salamander. helen says to will "this was completly avoidable" Just thought that was interesting.


              Worked my way through the first two seasons of Sanctuary over the past week or so, and it seems to be going from strength to strength.

              I'm really liking the plot threads that are opening up. Just a few guesses i have.

              The city, it looked almost identical to rapture from Bioshock. I wouldn't be surprised if it's more of a grander vision, an entire city for abnormals to live. Wouldn't surprise me if it's out there already, cloaked (thinking of the little white guys) Magnus has only been around for just over 150 years, it wouldn't surprise me if others have been protecting abnormals for allot longer than she has been alive (like the cult of Kali and the Macri which has been around for thousands, so we were told)


              The two guys standing next to Kali, I'm guessing they are very powerful, god like abnormals like Kali. I imagine the three have some sort of trinity between them, with each being integral to the world.

              I'm guessing that Will still has a major part to play, as he seems to have caught the attention of at least one of the avatars/gods that was with Kali.

              Looking forward to the rest of the season .
              Last edited by Demoniser; 24 October 2010, 01:36 PM.


                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

                I loved that. Did you see the face Helen made walking down the hall to her office before that happened? She made a crooked grin that reminded me of Sam.
                cap please!



                  Originally posted by charles582 View Post
                  A great episode. Loved seeing wexford get what he deserved. You guys think wexford will cause more trouble this season?
                  i just can't help thinking he will. he gave up too easily.

                  Loved the city at the end. You guys don't think they will end up naming the city atlantis do you?
                  now that's funny!



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    she must have it well hidden.

                    multiple accounts in multiple places and possibly under multiple names
                    I had the feeling Kate sees it as a way of keeping her skills sharp or fun to find Magnus' money. And Magnus seemed to take a pretty tolerant attitude about it. A good sign that Kate is definitely part of the team.

                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    I never meant that Amanda Tapping was an actress who just wants to dominate the screen just that the characters should be embraced beside the lead. Its a problem I've noticed in the past with Sanctuary. Neglecting the supporting in favor of the lead. Luckly so far S3 hasn't done that.
                    I find Helen the most interesting character, but she wouldn't be without other characters around her. I think they have a very team feel, which I like.


                      random question(s)-

                      is kali the pretty woman the same entity as kali the spider? i mean, are they really one and the same?

                      kali collapsed in 'kali 3', but did she die?



                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        random question(s)-

                        is kali the pretty woman the same entity as kali the spider? i mean, are they really one and the same?

                        ANS: Yes they are the same, the pretty lady is an avatar for Kali just as the other two 'guys' were.

                        kali collapsed in 'kali 3', but did she die?
                        ANS: No, after Helen tells Terrance it's over and the wave is stopped when she is told that it's stopped standing with the Captain Helen asks if it's Bertha. The guy giving the information said negative, she was alive but non-active so she's alive according to Kali Pt. 3. Based on the last episode aka Firewall she's now in containment and happy, Helen's information shared during the conference call.
                        Sanctuary RULES!!!!


                          Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                          I thought the same thing.
                          me three

                          and yes, it's ALWAYS atlantis

                          although, you know, it's been found so many times there must have been dozens of them
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            i hope they come up with something more orginal then Atlantis lol.. its been done to death

                            General Of The Tesla Troopers, Proud Member of Magnett, MOP and SHIP


                              how about 'Shangri-La'?



                                Just wanted to share with you some of my thoughts on the ep before going back and reading the discussion going one. ^^

                                - "Currying political favor, I'd rather drink coffee." Or after her conference call with the other HOHs, the look she gave Declan was adorable. I loved her in that ep! She had great lines as well a some more dramatic scenes.
                                - I felt that this show had I life of its own, and yet, at the same time, felt connected to Kali III. I don't know how to explain it, but I definitly like the way season 3 is heading. ;DD
                                - The city was AMAZING. Where are they going with that? I don't remember. <3

                                And now more in general:
                                I think you realise a show has hit its third season (or you know, whatever later season than 1 and 2) when something like I think is happening now on Sanctuary happens. Let me explain. You can see how at ease the characters - and cast I must assume - are at ease with eachother. Each scenes seems to have a flavor. The on-screen chemistry between everyone is absolutely great.
                                IMO, anyway. ^^
                                Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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                                Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!

