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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    Originally posted by sanctuary girl View Post
    but a real kiss, not like in The Five, a real one
    exactly Real passionate kiss ...
    The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


      Obsessed fangirls can dream, can't they?
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        Obsessed fangirls can dream, can't they?
        Hey, it's what we do^^

        2 DAYS LEFT!!!!


          Originally posted by CorinaEder View Post
          Hey, it's what we do^^

          2 DAYS LEFT!!!!
          True that.

          And Ayeeeeeeeee!!!
          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            Look what I've found on FB!!!!


              Originally posted by CorinaEder View Post
              Look what I've found on FB!!!!
              Ooooh! *shivers*

              Sanctuary on FB says that Tesla fans are in for a treat!
              "Are you like, a crazy person?"
              "I am quite sure they will say so."


                *slinks in* Oohhhh 30 mins... woohooo... *bounces back out.*


                  OMG OMG OMG!!! AWESOME EPISODE!! ENOUGH SAID! You guys will love it
                  artwork by the creative genius Glitch

                  "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
                  My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

                  "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
                  When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
                  And I held your hand through all of these years
                  But you still have
                  All of me..." Evanes



                    1) Will: The man comes with a hidden agenda. Every time. EVERY TIME!
                    Helen: *dreamily * But that's what makes him so interesting...

                    ahahahah SQUEEE!!!!!!!

                    2) Niko's little "you look amazing" bit to Helen while he was all tied up. Aww

                    3) The thank-you scene when Niko took Helen's hand. *INSANE SQUEE-AGE!!* You could tell he was actually being sincere about it. Just, the tone of his voice and the look on his face gave it away. It was so adorable. And amazing for him b/c it was a very vulnerable position to put himself in emotionally. But you could SO tell he meant it.

                    4) When Helen got angry at him for going after the Source Blood. HIS FACE OMG. And the way he kept trying to explain himself even though Helen wouldn't let him. And his sensitivity towards the Ashley subject. Just the way he reacted to Helen's outburst made me want to burst into tears. You could totally tell he hadn't meant to hurt her and that all he wanted was to get enough blood to make a serum to re-vamp himself and that was it; that he didn't want to do anything else destructive with it like the Cabal did. IT WAS WRITTEN ALL OVER HIS FACE. Just the way he kept interrupting Helen and looking at her... It was so sad. Like, he was just SO desperate to feel better about himself again but that he didn't want to do anything else. And he wanted Helen to understand that but she wouldn't listen to him and...AGH I thought it was so sad. He was just so insecure. And scared but didn't want to show it. And he wanted Helen to know that he'd never do anything to hurt her like that (see: the way he avoided mentioning Ashley directly so as not to hit at Helen's raw spot). AWWW.

                    5) Helen's reaction to Nikola blowing himself up--LOVED IT. She totally did NOT want to leave him. And she was in total shock after the explosion, like she couldn't believe he was actually gone...

                    6) Nikola at the end LMAO I love how happy he was. Aww. And how Helen was so relieved that he was alive <3 And how she was relieved enough that she let him have his little moment of victory. SO FREAKING CUTE.

                    All-in-all, Nikola still has serious repressed lack of self esteem, but he and Helen are adorable together
                    "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                    Sig by ME!!!


                      ‎"What if he's posing as the King of a lost mountain tribe and he wants ME for his Queen?"

                      I'm not a teslen fan most of the time... but even I had to Squee


                        Originally posted by Emengee View Post
                        ‎"What if he's posing as the King of a lost mountain tribe and he wants ME for his Queen?"

                        I'm not a teslen fan most of the time... but even I had to Squee
                        I'm watching the ep again ...
                        This ep took all my words away ... I just love it ♥
                        The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


                          *runs in squeeing like mad*
                          OMG SUCH A TESLEN SQUEE FEST!!!

                          "What if he's posing as the King of a lost mountain tribe and he wants me for his Queen?" = EPICSQUEE!!! Damian has been looking through our thread! the King and Queen? come on, this can't be a coincidence! I bet Helen thought quite a few times about the possibility of her being his Queen

                          "That makes him so interesting." - look who's coming into her sense I knew she can't resist him. Nobody could!

                          "You look fabulous by the way. *huge flirty grin* " Nope, he hasn't lost his touch Even in the worst and darkest situations he still can't help himself from being snarky <333

                          Finally Will did the only good thing in his life and left with Henry leaving those two alone!
                          "THANK YOU" well I never thought I'll live to hear the words from Nikola! awwwwwwww the hand holding and smiling <333

                          "Carry me?" AAAHHH I LOVE HIM! taking advantage of the situation way to go!

                          "I want my life back!"
                          "What am I? Human with benefits?" aawwwhhh I hope Helen understands he's not just being selfish. He just wants back that part of his life. and as Mimzy pointed out very well he doesn't want anything having to do with the Cabal. He just desperatly hangs on any hope of getting his vampire life back because he doesn't quite know how to deal with his new life and because he's afraid of change
                          but still "Selfish *******!" Helen swearing <333

                          "Speak well of me" okay I knew he wouldn't die but still NOOOOO and yet awwwww he tried to save his beloved Helen and she SO doesn't want to leave him behind. I bet if Will and Henry weren't there she would've hugged him to death when she'd found out he survived

                          CAN HE MOVE TO THE SANCTUARY NOW???


                            Trail of Blood was awesome!

                            And oh Helen and Niko. All the scenes that had them together, even the ones in which they were arguing and the Will and Helen convo made me even more of a shipper than I already was.
                            AT and JY did such a great job on this one. The looks, the banter, the (hidden) concern.. It all played out beautifully. All those little moments. Awesome, awesome, awesome!

                            Now... Artwork.
                            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                              I'm still alive^^
                              So freaked out... couldn't stop squeeing (is that a word???) all night

                              I actually huggen my laptop when Helen was mad at Niko because he tried to get the source blood... he looked so hurt.


                                Originally posted by CorinaEder View Post
                                I'm still alive^^
                                So freaked out... couldn't stop squeeing (is that a word???) all night

                                I actually huggen my laptop when Helen was mad at Niko because he tried to get the source blood... he looked so hurt.
                                I liked the chat between Will and Helen when Will was trying to convice Magnus tat it was a trap.. that Nikola is up to something .. hehe .. her looks and faces and I was really freaking aout when helen said : "Maybe he is in need." or something like that. I love Teslen ... Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
                                Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
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