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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    leather..riding dirty mind is working overtime now because of the about massage oil and a hot tub shaped like a champagne glass..
    I am going to the Poconos and our room will have one of those and a heated private indoor pool..can't wait!
    artwork by the creative genius Glitch

    "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
    My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

    "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
    When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
    And I held your hand through all of these years
    But you still have
    All of me..." Evanes


      leather..riding dirty mind is working overtime now because of the about massage oil and a hot tub shaped like a champagne glass..
      I am going to the Poconos and our room will have one of those and a heated private indoor pool..can't wait!
      artwork by the creative genius Glitch

      "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
      My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

      "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
      When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
      And I held your hand through all of these years
      But you still have
      All of me..." Evanes


        Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
        Something for GUTTER-maniacs


        Title : Wet
        Genre : Gutter
        Lenght : Very short

        Helen swum in a swimmingpool when Nikola appeared.
        "Hey, Nikola, will you join me?"
        "What are you doing in there?" Nikola asked.
        "Water is cold. You will suffer from flu." Nikola tried to help Helen to stay healthy.
        "No, water is great." Helen answered.
        "Ok, I will join you, only because it is you." Nikola told and took off his clothes except underwear.
        "Oh, come on, Nikola. Are you ashamed ?" Helen asked.
        "No, but you have swimsuit, am I right?" Nikola asked and took a deep look at her.
        "Ehm.. no. I am naked." Helen whispered and showed a smile upon her face.
        "Ok, but I will take off my underwear under water." Nikola said and he came in the swimmingpool.
        He didn't manage to take off his underwear because Helen was so fast next to him.
        "Can I help you?" Helen asked and she reduced the space between them and looked into Nikola's eyes.
        "I d..." he didn't finish his sentence because Helen kissed him.
        "What are you doing?" Nikola asked when he took a break to breath in.
        "I love the gutter." Helen answered and kissed him again.

        I hope you like my little story about GUTTER !!!
        Your Sammie.

        Sorry for possible mistakes, I didn't correct it
        hahaha cuuute

        Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
        gutter-maniacs?! *looks around*
        I don't know any. I have no idea what you're talking about!
        *blink* *innocent face* *blink*

        hahahahaha your story
        poor Nikola, he didn't stand a chance
        oh please you know that me and you are gutter maniacs dont try and deny it
        Originally posted by Aurora7783 View Post
        leather..riding dirty mind is working overtime now because of the about massage oil and a hot tub shaped like a champagne glass..
        I am going to the Poconos and our room will have one of those and a heated private indoor pool..can't wait!
        hahaha niiiiceee
        thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


          Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
          wet look = guttery thoughts
          LMFAO Haha same thoughts here.
          My tumblr


            Originally posted by Nad1993 View Post
            Hey guys
            I'm new here but I guess most of you guys know me already XD

            To the last what I've read: sglover4ever-The fic is awesome! Buut I already told you ><

            Anything new about Season3 with Tesla?

            Hello there! (I think I don't need to tell you who I am...)

            Hope you'll have fun here, but I'm pretty sure you will (already have actually....)

            anyway, see you around!


              Awsome story Sam great work i could see that so clearly
              (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                Sam, I really liked your story...very nice
                Ughhh...I feel so horrible and I have horrible cramps and nausea thanks to my "monthly" gift....I hope I don't feel this way tomorrow...I am going to a family picnic....just what I need...more food....yuck!
                artwork by the creative genius Glitch

                "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
                My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

                "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
                When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
                And I held your hand through all of these years
                But you still have
                All of me..." Evanes


                  Sam, I really liked your story...very nice
                  Ughhh...I feel so horrible and I have horrible cramps and nausea thanks to my "monthly" gift....I hope I don't feel this way tomorrow...I am going to a family picnic....just what I need...more food....yuck!
                  artwork by the creative genius Glitch

                  "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
                  My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

                  "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
                  When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
                  And I held your hand through all of these years
                  But you still have
                  All of me..." Evanes


                    Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
                    Something for GUTTER-maniacs


                    Title : Wet
                    Genre : Gutter
                    Lenght : Very short

                    Helen swum in a swimmingpool when Nikola appeared.
                    "Hey, Nikola, will you join me?"
                    "What are you doing in there?" Nikola asked.
                    "Water is cold. You will suffer from flu." Nikola tried to help Helen to stay healthy.
                    "No, water is great." Helen answered.
                    "Ok, I will join you, only because it is you." Nikola told and took off his clothes except underwear.
                    "Oh, come on, Nikola. Are you ashamed ?" Helen asked.
                    "No, but you have swimsuit, am I right?" Nikola asked and took a deep look at her.
                    "Ehm.. no. I am naked." Helen whispered and showed a smile upon her face.
                    "Ok, but I will take off my underwear under water." Nikola said and he came in the swimmingpool.
                    He didn't manage to take off his underwear because Helen was so fast next to him.
                    "Can I help you?" Helen asked and she reduced the space between them and looked into Nikola's eyes.
                    "I d..." he didn't finish his sentence because Helen kissed him.
                    "What are you doing?" Nikola asked when he took a break to breath in.
                    "I love the gutter." Helen answered and kissed him again.

                    I hope you like my little story about GUTTER !!!
                    Your Sammie.

                    Sorry for possible mistakes, I didn't correct it
                    Ok sweetie I have to say your fic changed my mood ...
                    I LOVE IT Like Nad said ... that was so epic
                    The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


                      Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                      oh please you know that me and you are gutter maniacs dont try and deny it
                      *looks around*
                      yeah I guess we are
                      you know, it's probably time for me to have a rank in your court Grand Duchess

                      Jenn I like the massage oil idea bwhahahaha


                        Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
                        *looks around*
                        yeah I guess we are
                        you know, it's probably time for me to have a rank in your court Grand Duchess

                        Jenn I like the massage oil idea bwhahahaha
                        Thank to you guys ... everyone in here is now gutter maniac
                        The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


                          Originally posted by Martina Magnus View Post
                          Thank to you guys ... everyone in here is now gutter maniac
                          thing I am very proud of!!!

                          I've posted this before, a while ago, but I'll post it again cuz it fits with the guttery teslen thoughts I have right now

                          *evil grin*


                            TELSEN GUTTER MANIACS !! Hehe .. I am so proud of myself that I though out this name but it really fits to us very well.
                            I am in a mood of writing fanfiction. I have two ideas for two short stories. I write it in czech and then I will translate it for you

                            Teslen forever.
                            Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
                            / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


                              Sorry, for double post. My browser sometimes does it.
                              Criss, I love the picture, I haven't seen it before. It looks great. Helen just stares at Nikola and she is in a shock because Nikola looks so hot. Am I right ?
                              Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
                              / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


                                Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
                                TELSEN GUTTER MANIACS !! Hehe .. I am so proud of myself that I though out this name but it really fits to us very well.
                                I am in a mood of writing fanfiction. I have two ideas for two short stories. I write it in czech and then I will translate it for you

                                Teslen forever.
                                oh yesss you write them!!!! I'm in a mood of READING FF
                                my take on that pic is slightly different
                                from that angle it looks like Helen's staring at Nikola's
                                "devamper" bwhahaha

