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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
    I hope I'm not making everyone else sad...I'd hate to do that. I'll think I'll go
    Dont you leaveee!!! we want you here, you dont bring anybody down!!! *huggles*if you do go, be sure to come back! we'd miss you way too much around here!

    Originally posted by _SocraticMethod View Post
    lol, yup! .....Does that mean I can blame you for distracting me from my homework too?? jks
    I blame all of you for my lack hw doing and such all the time

    Originally posted by es! View Post
    Thank you guys! And I'm glad to be back

    Re: The Five
    I agree with you, this ep is made of awesome! Niko is so manipulative and cool and it's so sexy!!
    I'm so itchy to draw something Niko-related, but I'm occupied with two other drawings atm...

    I have to thank you again for recommending me the arc eps to watch.
    I watched Kush the other day and it's my absolutely favorite non-shippy ep so far! The thrill, the danger, the confined space, the cool abnormal - WOW, just WOW!
    first of all, maybe stick around this time tee-hee
    secondly, uhmm pretty sure Niko art should take precidence over any other art
    thirdly MY PLEASUREE
    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      I was like this: untill I realised that you hadn't actually seen the eps yet
      But yes. It's gooood!

      I was a H/N shipper even tho I hadn't seen him in action until yesterday Yes, he's that good!

      Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
      first of all, maybe stick around this time tee-hee
      secondly, uhmm pretty sure Niko art should take precidence over any other art
      thirdly MY PLEASUREE
      I'll try to do my best
      "Are you like, a crazy person?"
      "I am quite sure they will say so."


        Originally posted by es! View Post

        I was a H/N shipper even tho I hadn't seen him in action until yesterday Yes, he's that good!
        you've been missed!! haha anychance you'll grace us with some teslen artwork?? *begging eyes*

        I'll try to do my best
        A wise person once told me, "Do or do not, there is no try"
        thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


          Originally posted by es! View Post

          I was a H/N shipper even tho I hadn't seen him in action until yesterday Yes, he's that good!
          haha teslenite devotion


            Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
            haha teslenite devotion
            thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic



              i heard this song on the radio going to school yesterday, but not the artist or title, and just found the lyrics for it!!! this is basically the song i want Helen to play druitt and at the end of which scream "IM IN LOVE WITH NIKOLA!!!"

              Halestorm, It's Not You:
              Edit: LISTEN TO THE ACTUAL SONG TOO:
              I'm in love with somebody
              Found someone who completes me
              I'm in love with somebody
              AND IT'S NOT YOU!

              You may now think of what you're gonna do
              see These lips are all done talking to you
              I don't mean to bruise your ego
              But I've had you nailed down for so long
              I don't see your name on my tattoo

              I hope you understand, it's been a long time comin'
              It's for the best, no offense

              I'm in love with somebody
              Found someone who completes me
              I'm in love with somebody
              AND IT'S NOT YOU!

              I know who you think you are
              I'm sorry I've turned you on but I'm kissing you off.
              Lies whiskey and cigerette not enough to make me forget
              I've got someone who has raised the bar
              I've heard it all before still spinning in your wheels
              Show you the door

              No hard feelings

              I'm in love with somebody
              Found someone who completes me
              I'm in love with somebody

              You've probably never been shot down before
              I'll try and make it easier

              I'm in love with somebody
              Found someone who completes me
              I'm in love with somebody
              AND IT'S NOT YOU!
              IT'S NOT YOU

              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                haha great song

                I just came back from school all wet because I did the stupidity to forget my umbrella home and when I got back I had to walk 15 minutes through rain not to metion that I was close to miss the bus
                I have to do my homeworks and after that I want to start working on a new teslen vid


                  Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
                  haha great song

                  I just came back from school all wet because I did the stupidity to forget my umbrella home and when I got back I had to walk 15 minutes through rain not to metion that I was close to miss the bus
                  I have to do my homeworks and after that I want to start working on a new teslen vid
                  Awh wet thats only a good thing when its Helen and Niko
                  YAY for new videos
                  thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                    Keaira, yes, you are right. Niko and Helen get wet. LOL I can imagine it.
                    I would like to write fanfiction in english, but I don´t have idea. I work on one FF about Helen and Niko, but I write it with my friend in the czech language . It is sad.
                    Helen died 20 years ago and Nikola misses her so much. He made a clone from Helen´s DNA and DNA from one abnormal and he created "new Helen". He has to teach her everything ( speaking, writing, reading ). And he has a secret. He worked with Big Bertha and she run away from him and she destroyed the city. Nikola is alone in Sanctuary, Will, Kate and BigFood are gone. This FF is succesful on my blog, where I always posting a new chapter. :-) I hope that I didn´t stole the idea ..

                    Edit : Sorry for my english, I don´t know how to explain things in english ..
                    Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
                    / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


                      Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                      Awh wet thats only a good thing when its Helen and Niko
                      YAY for new videos
                      lmao Oh I hope they make an eppy with Helen & Nikola gettin wet!...and kissin.
                      My tumblr


                        Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
                        Keaira, yes, you are right. Niko and Helen get wet. LOL I can imagine it.
                        I would like to write fanfiction in english, but I don´t have idea. I work on one FF about Helen and Niko, but I write it with my friend in the czech language . It is sad.
                        Helen died 20 years ago and Nikola misses her so much. He made a clone from Helen´s DNA and DNA from one abnormal and he created "new Helen". He has to teach her everything ( speaking, writing, reading ). And he has a secret. He worked with Big Bertha and she run away from him and she destroyed the city. Nikola is alone in Sanctuary, Will, Kate and BigFood are gone. This FF is succesful on my blog, where I always posting a new chapter. :-) I hope that I didn´t stole the idea ..

                        Edit : Sorry for my english, I don´t know how to explain things in english ..
                        Your english is fine *says sg4ever whose native language is romanian *
                        interesting idea for a fic. maybe you decide some day to write it in english too


                          It's just some random low therapist said it's nothing to freak out over and it'll pass, but I have to force myself to do things and right now it's really hard b/c I'm supposed to be writing a paper due online at midnight tonight and I just CANNOT force myself to write
                          "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                          Sig by ME!!!


                            Originally posted by Mimzy View Post

                            It's just some random low therapist said it's nothing to freak out over and it'll pass, but I have to force myself to do things and right now it's really hard b/c I'm supposed to be writing a paper due online at midnight tonight and I just CANNOT force myself to write
                            Hey, I'm sorry to hear that. *HUGS*

                            I've been there, and I totally know the feeling. It's rough. You know you need to do the work, and you're stressing because you need to get it done, but when you actually sit down to do it you end up just staring at the screen and can't focus. THEN, you're even more stressed because you haven't gotten anything done. It's a brutal, vicious cycle.

                            I know we've just 'met', but if you ever feel like talking, I'm totally willing to listen. I know how hard it is to get through on your own.


                              *sigh* Thanks... idk there's nothing really to talk about in this case, though It's just random and came out of nowhere
                              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                              Sig by ME!!!


                                Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
                                lmao Oh I hope they make an eppy with Helen & Nikola gettin wet!...and kissin.
                                THIRD THIS TO THE MAXIMUMMM!!!!

                                Samnatha Majika your english is just fine! i hope you decide to translate the story to english id love to read it

                                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post

                                It's just some random low therapist said it's nothing to freak out over and it'll pass, but I have to force myself to do things and right now it's really hard b/c I'm supposed to be writing a paper due online at midnight tonight and I just CANNOT force myself to write
                                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                                *sigh* Thanks... idk there's nothing really to talk about in this case, though It's just random and came out of nowhere
                                *giant bear hug to the loveliest mimzy *
                                thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic

