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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Well... Helloooo Mr. Tesla!
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      he has to be staying at the sanctuary

      General Of The Tesla Troopers, Proud Member of Magnett, MOP and SHIP


        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        Well... Helloooo Mr. Tesla!
        Indeed! ;D
        I think the first one is my fav. He looks so good! (Oh and her too, but that's for another thread. ;P)
        Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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        Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


          Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
          Indeed! ;D
          I think the first one is my fav. He looks so good! (Oh and her too, but that's for another thread. ;P)
          Thanks for posting these hot pics!! Can't wait to see this episode...and I love the first one as well....the Nikola style hand on the hip it! I always thought that was funny....I do the same thing when I feel insulted or get my mom always yelled at me," Get your hands off your hips, missy and don't backtalk me!" LOL too funny
          artwork by the creative genius Glitch

          "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
          My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

          "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
          When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
          And I held your hand through all of these years
          But you still have
          All of me..." Evanes


            Originally posted by planet_tv View Post
            Well if you in the US then you'll have to wait even longer as Syfy had changed when they put episodes online. There's a whole thread about it here:
            Thanks for letting me know. I noticed "Bank Job" wasn't up this week like it should be. Darn. I missed that one too. Ten pm is a bad time for me. I'm tired by that time.
            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



              *dies of thunkage awesomeness*


                Today in Geography.. wer'e doing some economy stuff and our teacher showed us some vids of a hybid sports car.. guess what car it was? A Tesla Roadster *me.wants.this* XD


                  Originally posted by SnowWhite View Post
                  Today in Geography.. wer'e doing some economy stuff and our teacher showed us some vids of a hybid sports car.. guess what car it was? A Tesla Roadster *me.wants.this* XD
                  I saw one of those in Orlando when I went to the Star Wars convention. I didn't get a good look at it, but it had Tesla on the side and I did a little squee.
                  Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                    Originally posted by Martina Magnus View Post
                    My English teacher mentioned NIKOLA TESLA today ... I don't remember why ... I just remember he did that .... My day was a bit better after that ...
                    Gotta love teachers like that!!

                    Greetings gang!!

                    Yes I have returned!! After a semester of doing four subjects for college (which I will NEVER do again!!) I have returned to grace you with my presence once again.

                    Try to keep up. This may fly over your heads!!

                    Was watching the movie "The Bucket List" which has two of my favourite actors in it, Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. In the opening scene, Morgan Freeman is talking to another young character who is asking him questions from a trivia book.

                    The question was asked "Who invented radio?" to which Morgan was unsure how to answer. When he was pressed by the young man, he answered that most people know Marconi as the inventor of radio (which is true) and went on to describe how Marconi was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1909 for his patent.

                    He then went on to say that the actual inventor of radio was...NIKOLA TESLA!! and that Tesla had the patent for the invention of radio since 1898 which was years before Marconi. I jumped up and down yelling and screaming thinking, "You are not forgotten Nikola. People still know who you are and what you did, even if they don't teach it in schools."

                    I just wonder what our king would make of that?? God knows the Clones were very pleased. They have raided the stash of bottles of red wine I was going to open after my last exam on Tuesday afternoon. I can hear them giggling and tripping over things in the converted garage/library. I'm sure I'll get over it soon as they are rather cute but I was so looking forward to that wine after the semester I've had!!

                    BTW: Saw "Trail of Blood" down here last Thursday. Is it just me or did Tesla look very sexy with the dirt smudged over his face given that the real Nikola would have gone and washed himself as soon as he could??
                    Last edited by Gauky_1976; 14 November 2010, 02:18 AM.
                    "Young love. It's so passionate. So innocent...So utterly doomed"---Nikola Tesla


                      welcome back Megan! *squishes*
                      haha gotta watch that movie!
                      about Trail of Blood
                      Dirty Niko was just too bloody adorable <333333

                      this is slightly OT but I thought you might wanna see


                        Hello Gauky!
                        Did you know that Marconi used 17 of Tesla's patents when he made his radio? And although Tesla did have a patent for the radio, it took the courts until 6 months after his death to award the patent for the radio to Tesla? That's probably why Marconi still gets credit in the text books!
                        By Immortalflame


                          Funny (but really not) on the last Fringe ep one character says Marconi invented the radio.


                            Originally posted by ImmortalFlame View Post
                            Hello Gauky!
                            Did you know that Marconi used 17 of Tesla's patents when he made his radio? And although Tesla did have a patent for the radio, it took the courts until 6 months after his death to award the patent for the radio to Tesla? That's probably why Marconi still gets credit in the text books!
                            I had actually heard that..I'm just glad that Nikola is getting the credit he deserves.
                            "Young love. It's so passionate. So innocent...So utterly doomed"---Nikola Tesla


                              Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
                              this is slightly OT but I thought you might wanna see
                              Love it! Very funny indeed!!
                              "Young love. It's so passionate. So innocent...So utterly doomed"---Nikola Tesla


                                Haven't read any posts. Just HAD to pop in to say I'm FINALLY watching "Trail of Blood"

                                It just got to the theme song when Helen said "This is a distress call. From Nikola Tesla." And I had an uncontrollable fangirl attack all over my dorm room and HAD to squee to someone.
                                XD AAHHHHHHHHH--so excited!!!!

