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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    arlight troopers ive had a thought while doing a Nikola Tesla Episode rewatch to celebrate Teslentine....and James Watson just died and thus my thought arose.

    Ok so IMO Nikola always has and always will hate Druitt but im not sure what i think Nikola really thought of James Watson.

    im just curious what other peoples thoughts are
    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


      Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
      arlight troopers ive had a thought while doing a Nikola Tesla Episode rewatch to celebrate Teslentine....and James Watson just died and thus my thought arose.

      Ok so IMO Nikola always has and always will hate Druitt but im not sure what i think Nikola really thought of James Watson.

      im just curious what other peoples thoughts are
      Well... I think he actually liked or at least respected him in pure Nikola fashion. He probably never said it in so many words, but yeah. The whole ''big shoes to fill'' thing... IMO, Watson was OK.
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

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        Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
        Welllll sure! haha

        Basically in this dream, thats kinda connected to other dreams ive had, it wasnt the five it was the six and i was the sixth member and when i got the source blood i was turned into a vamp and a teleporter...idk my minds wack...anyways i was hooked up with nikola anddd in this particular dream its pre-the trip to Bhalasaam for the source blood and im on the run with Nikola from the Cabal and we stop in London but get attacked. Im gravely wounded and he brought me to the London Sanctuary and im all healed and we're laying low and Nikola and I realize that James machine is failing and we know Helen would be crushed beyond belief if he died bc in my dream she never got with Druitt she was with James instead and so the rest of the dream Nikola is working to find a way to stop James from dying...

        yeah im cool hahaha

        Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
        LOL, that's a pretty cool dream Well, in my soon to be written fic, Nikola will have to figure out how to remove someone else's mind from James' body and return James' mind to it. Yes, you will get to witness Watson acting somewhat out of character, but will James be himself?
        That sounds pretty awesome.
        Sig by ME!!!


          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
          Well... I think he actually liked or at least respected him in pure Nikola fashion. He probably never said it in so many words, but yeah. The whole ''big shoes to fill'' thing... IMO, Watson was OK.
          thats basicaly my take on things. i mean when nikola watched as James died to me the look on his face was a slight upset one, i mean obviously seeing somebody youve known legit for a century die slowly before is going to be upsetting whether you liked him or not, but i also think that there was some kind of respect for James in that way nikola has of respecting people. if you think about the only real dig he made at watson was about "feeling his age" which to me, is kinda not the best nikola could have technically come up with so to me that suggests perhaps a level of unspoken respect...IMO ofcourse
          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


            Hmmm. I've been actually wondering the same thing, whether or not Niko actually was fond or had a degree of respect for Watson. I mean, he was a fellow genius. At the risk of sounding like I'm jumping on the bandwagon, I was thinking about writing a story when Helen asks Nikola to help her figure out a way to bring Watson back to life... And the Cabal have the technology they need to do so. They manage to get what they need, and are on the run, darting into a night club to try to blend in. A night club. Lots of dancing. And getting up close... *evil grin*


              Originally posted by VickixLee View Post
              Hmmm. I've been actually wondering the same thing, whether or not Niko actually was fond or had a degree of respect for Watson. I mean, he was a fellow genius. At the risk of sounding like I'm jumping on the bandwagon, I was thinking about writing a story when Helen asks Nikola to help her figure out a way to bring Watson back to life... And the Cabal have the technology they need to do so. They manage to get what they need, and are on the run, darting into a night club to try to blend in. A night club. Lots of dancing. And getting up close... *evil grin*
              uhmm please write that! haha
              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic




                I tried to write. So. Fecking. Rusty :|


                  Originally posted by VickixLee View Post


                  I tried to write. So. Fecking. Rusty :|
                  hahaha i loved the wtf one!! perfect picturee for it! lol

                  ugh i know what you mean about writing, sorta. with me thought its more like i have two active fanfics already and yet im writing a whole new fic as we speak....*sighs* i guess thats what i get for doing a rewatch of all the Nikola episodes today haha
                  thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                    Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                    ugh i know what you mean about writing, sorta. with me thought its more like i have two active fanfics already and yet im writing a whole new fic as we speak....*sighs* i guess thats what i get for doing a rewatch of all the Nikola episodes today haha
                    haha, someone's busy


                      Originally posted by VickixLee View Post
                      haha, someone's busy
                      haha yeah shoot me! dont get me wrong i loveee my King but three fics at once? little much even for me! haha
                      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                        I really do think there had to be some sort of friendship or bond b/t Niko and James. Maybe it was a bit shaky, but my theory is maybe Niko looked up to James as a big brother type, sort of like Dane. The expression on his face when James died really gave something like that away Maybe they were competitive, but in a sibling-type way, so Niko only traded banter with him and nothing more. Anyway, thinking of his sad face is making me sad

                        Originally posted by VickixLee View Post
                        Hmmm. I've been actually wondering the same thing, whether or not Niko actually was fond or had a degree of respect for Watson. I mean, he was a fellow genius. At the risk of sounding like I'm jumping on the bandwagon, I was thinking about writing a story when Helen asks Nikola to help her figure out a way to bring Watson back to life... And the Cabal have the technology they need to do so. They manage to get what they need, and are on the run, darting into a night club to try to blend in. A night club. Lots of dancing. And getting up close... *evil grin*
                        Um, yeah. I agree w/ Keaira...please write that. LOL


                        OMG pairs skating is on...uh...I might uh, go now LOL

                        but btw, I posted this pic awhile back but I thought I might's JY and his wife and it is the most ADORABLE thing ever
                        "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                        Sig by ME!!!


                          Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                          I really do think there had to be some sort of friendship or bond b/t Niko and James. Maybe it was a bit shaky, but my theory is maybe Niko looked up to James as a big brother type, sort of like Dane. The expression on his face when James died really gave something like that away Maybe they were competitive, but in a sibling-type way, so Niko only traded banter with him and nothing more. Anyway, thinking of his sad face is making me sad
                          awh i never thought of the older brother idea...yeah i could totally see that. and yes his sad face is very depressing to think about.

                          OMG pairs skating is on...uh...I might uh, go now LOL

                          but btw, I posted this pic awhile back but I thought I might's JY and his wife and it is the most ADORABLE thing ever
                          THAT IS SOOO ADORAABLLEEEE! awwwh they have got to be the cutest couple on the planettt

                          oh and i have new fic called His Blood. I plan on writing and finishing it all tonight/tomorrow so i can focus on my other two stories
                          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                            Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                            THAT IS SOOO ADORAABLLEEEE! awwwh they have got to be the cutest couple on the planettt

                            I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW!!!!! (notice the three ) AAAAHHHHH I want a guy like that. SOOOO CUTEEEE <33333333
                            "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                            Sig by ME!!!


                              Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                              arlight troopers ive had a thought while doing a Nikola Tesla Episode rewatch to celebrate Teslentine....and James Watson just died and thus my thought arose.

                              Ok so IMO Nikola always has and always will hate Druitt but im not sure what i think Nikola really thought of James Watson.

                              im just curious what other peoples thoughts are
                              Now, this hasn't really been said by TPTB, but if when Watson was Visualizing what Ba'alesom would have looked like back in the day, that's what Watson actually saw (like the real Tesla's vivid visualization ability), I think Nikola looked up to or at least respected Watson. That being said, and since Dane (Tesla's unfortunate older brother also shared this same ability, that perhaps Tesla looked at Watson as another older brother. Whether he said it out loud or to the other members of The Five, is a whole nother story though.

                              That's my 2 cents
                              ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


                                Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
                                Now, this hasn't really been said by TPTB, but if when Watson was Visualizing what Ba'alesom would have looked like back in the day, that's what Watson actually saw (like the real Tesla's vivid visualization ability), I think Nikola looked up to or at least respected Watson. That being said, and since Dane (Tesla's unfortunate older brother also shared this same ability, that perhaps Tesla looked at Watson as another older brother. Whether he said it out loud or to the other members of The Five, is a whole nother story though.

                                That's my 2 cents
                                I think watsons ability to visualize Bhalasaam comes from him having gotten the Source Blood injection and not so much anything like Nikola or Dane had. that being said i agree i think Nikola had some kind of respect for Watson, though, it was most likely unspoken or even really noticeable since Watson and Druitt were BFF's and Druitt is Nikola's mortal enemy hahaha
                                thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic

