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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    More Nikola guard artwork:

    ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


      Originally posted by Rose "Snapjinx" McKnight View Post
      Mahahaha! That's a fanfic waiting to be written! Can you just imagine if Niko kept this whole menagerie of pets?

      Helen stepped out of her office only to be nearly run over by a large German Shepherd loping down the Sanctuary hallway. Unaccustomed to normal creatures running amok in the halls, she blinked for a moment. This gave her ample time to see a certain genius slide around the corner. His excessive speeds nearly flung him into the wall with momentum, but he straightened out his gait and took off again, blurring past Helen with a smirk and a sloppy salute.
      Nikola's athleticism surprised her every time he let it show. And he wasn't even a vampire at that moment! Curious, she turned and walked back into her office. She had only to search the multiple security camera screens before finding the one of the main entrance hall. She snorted at the sight and clapped a hand over her mouth.
      A small flock of pigeons was trying to eat some spilled bird seed that had evidently come from a ripped bag on the floor. The poor birds were being harassed from this goal, however, by two black cats, who were hunting like jungle cats. The German Shepherd stood on the fringe, barking like mad in an attempt to restore order.
      Nikola stood on the fringe of it all, one hand on his hip, the other kneading his forehead as his shoulders heaved from his run. Then, as if sensing that she was watching the circus, he glanced up at the camera. His steely eyes seemed to lock onto hers through the screen and he smirked.
      "Maybe you were right about keeping so many pets..."

      Hee hee! Sorry, I'm on writer's spree and it was begging to be written!
      Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
      More Nikola guard artwork:

      LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are awesome!!!!!!!!!
      Sig by ME!!!


        Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
        More Nikola guard artwork:

        thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


          Originally posted by Rose "Snapjinx" McKnight View Post
          Mahahaha! That's a fanfic waiting to be written! Can you just imagine if Niko kept this whole menagerie of pets?

          Helen stepped out of her office only to be nearly run over by a large German Shepherd loping down the Sanctuary hallway. Unaccustomed to normal creatures running amok in the halls, she blinked for a moment. This gave her ample time to see a certain genius slide around the corner. His excessive speeds nearly flung him into the wall with momentum, but he straightened out his gait and took off again, blurring past Helen with a smirk and a sloppy salute.
          Nikola's athleticism surprised her every time he let it show. And he wasn't even a vampire at that moment! Curious, she turned and walked back into her office. She had only to search the multiple security camera screens before finding the one of the main entrance hall. She snorted at the sight and clapped a hand over her mouth.
          A small flock of pigeons was trying to eat some spilled bird seed that had evidently come from a ripped bag on the floor. The poor birds were being harassed from this goal, however, by two black cats, who were hunting like jungle cats. The German Shepherd stood on the fringe, barking like mad in an attempt to restore order.
          Nikola stood on the fringe of it all, one hand on his hip, the other kneading his forehead as his shoulders heaved from his run. Then, as if sensing that she was watching the circus, he glanced up at the camera. His steely eyes seemed to lock onto hers through the screen and he smirked.
          "Maybe you were right about keeping so many pets..."

          Hee hee! Sorry, I'm on writer's spree and it was begging to be written!

          That was excellent!
          ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


            Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
            hahaha ROSE I LOVED IT!!! go on a writing spreee anytime you want that was fabulous <3 <3
            Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
            That was excellent!
            Thanks so much guys!
            This writer's spree is also good news for my chapter fic Don't Die Before I Do. *mad scientist chuckle, muttering to self* My masterpiece is nearly complete!


              Originally posted by Rose "Snapjinx" McKnight View Post
              Thanks so much guys!
              This writer's spree is also good news for my chapter fic Don't Die Before I Do. *mad scientist chuckle, muttering to self* My masterpiece is nearly complete!
              REALLY?! *joy dance* Excellentee!!! cannot express my excitement for this!!! haha

              im taking the day off tomorrow so i should have chapter 4 of mine up sometime tomorrow
              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                REALLY?! *joy dance* Excellentee!!! cannot express my excitement for this!!! haha

                im taking the day off tomorrow so i should have chapter 4 of mine up sometime tomorrow
                Yessssss! *high-fives Keaira* Hooray for fanfiction untouched by the eeeeeevil writer's block!


                  Which is me most of the time
                  "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                  Sig by ME!!!


                    Originally posted by Rose "Snapjinx" McKnight View Post
                    Hooray for fanfiction untouched by the eeeeeevil writer's block!
                    LOL, yeah writer's block can be evil sometimes.
                    ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


                      Originally posted by Rose "Snapjinx" McKnight View Post
                      Yessssss! *high-fives Keaira* Hooray for fanfiction untouched by the eeeeeevil writer's block!
                      hahaha indeed! i lovee it

                      awh mimzy its ok, just think of Nikola shirtless or wet and wearing a shirt and maybe that'll help
                      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                        A picture of Jonathon in glasses!!! From "A Bear Named Winnie"

                        ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


                          Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
                          A picture of Jonathon in glasses!!! From "A Bear Named Winnie"

                          omgomgomgomgomg adoraableeee *squeeee and dies*
                          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                            Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
                            A picture of Jonathon in glasses!!! From "A Bear Named Winnie"

                            "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                            Sig by ME!!!


                              I think more oval shaped glasses would have fit his face better, but i don't know the context of that picture.

                              Are his eyes a dark color again too? i can't tell because of the glare of the glasses.
                              ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


                                *joins Keaira in death*
                                The man could wear anything and still be adorable. Or nothing for that matter.
                                Aaaaaand, into the gutter I go. *splash*

