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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    awh. again more in common. i love reading
    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


      Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
      awh. again more in common. i love reading
      The more i read up on the real Tesla, the more commonalities I found we had.

      EDIT except his OCD about germs. I'm actually kinda the opposite.
      ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


        Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
        The more i read up on the real Tesla, the more commonalities I found we had.
        i totally agree. i mean im not a genius or have OCD or anything but some of the little things and the loneliness, dear god to i get that! haha
        thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


          Kinda of a bit off current topic, but I was reading some stuff on the Spoilers section and I could soo see Jonathon playing a Cortexiphan kid. I mean Olivia *can't* be the only success and she's going to need an army to "fight this so called war with the althernate reality", so why not have Jonathon play another success?
          Last edited by kivawolfspeaker; 27 January 2010, 04:25 PM.
          ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


            Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
            Kinda of a bit off current topic, but I was reading some stuff on the Spoilers section and I could soo see Jonathon playing a Cortexiphan kid. I mean Olivia *can't* be the only success and she's going to need an army to "fight this so called war with the althernate reality", so why not have Jonathon play another success?
            i dont watch FRINGE and just to be far to those that dont put your OT chatter into spoilers
            not sure though, i want him that show, i want him spending as much time as he can with Sanctuary
            thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


              Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
              i dont watch FRINGE and just to be far to those that dont put your OT chatter into spoilers
              not sure though, i want him that show, i want him spending as much time as he can with Sanctuary
              Thanks for the advice and good point, he's busy enough with this theatre company and Sanctuary, why add more than he can handle?
              ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


                Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
                Oh and I had another REALLY strange dream last night with BOTH Tesla and JY in it where me and JY where actually Tesla and Helen's kids (by genetic engineering though).

                Yes, the Sanctuary Network really did exist in my dream as well as The Five, but Tesla WASN"T a vampire! He just had his reported abilities Jon and I had both had same 4 parents (Nikola, Helen, my mother and his father). Anyways Nikola had to come for the both of us or inform us that our parents weren't exactly who we thought they were. My mother's family was having a family get together and Nikola ended up coming. It was kinda fun but strange.

                I think I might write a fic about this, with the only names remaining the same Nikola and Helen's.
                Wow that IS strange HAHAHA

                Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
                As father and daughter of course oh and JY got lectured about not having an accent on the show
                the lack-of-accent...

                Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
                The more i read up on the real Tesla, the more commonalities I found we had.

                EDIT except his OCD about germs. I'm actually kinda the opposite.
                I have the creativity, poetic...ness, and DEFINITELY the OCD Although it's nowhere near as bad as he had it. But it definitely makes it easier to understand his behavior b/c I had behaved/still do behave similarly.
                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                Sig by ME!!!


                  Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                  Wow that IS strange HAHAHA

                  the lack-of-accent...

                  I have the creativity, poetic...ness, and DEFINITELY the OCD Although it's nowhere near as bad as he had it. But it definitely makes it easier to understand his behavior b/c I had behaved/still do behave similarly.

                  Im soo going to write a fic based on this dream and I KNEW Mimzy would find the dream strange/funny.

                  Yes, I have the creativity and poeticness as well. and I do understand a lot of his behavior just by having been a Psych major in college. I actually wrote a MySpace blog on how ALL humans have OCD!

                  And Jonathon did NOT like getting lectured in my dream.
                  ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


                    lol well thankfully im just a poet whose only friends real friends seem not to be actual people and completely misunderstood by basically everybody and am completely overshadowed by an older sibling whom my parents care more about so i have to strive for damn near perfect to be noticeable and i kinda totally understand Nikola on a pyschological level...and oh jeez im starting to spiel again...*goes off to find clone so as to stop turning completely into spiel-miester*
                    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                      LOL all people actually do have OCD tendencies But people with clinical OCD have more pronounced "tendencies," and it's often really hard to find them all b/c unlike w/ "normal" people, the OCD for one thing often seeps into several other areas of life. That's how it is for me from personal experience, anyway. My main OCD problem is being overly perfectionistic in regards to schoolwork. But I also have OCD related to being perfectionistic in praying (this is a really weird one...but there's actually a real term for it: scrupulosity), being afraid of going to class/a meeting/etc. when I'm already late, having classes be very structured, organizing things, there's a LOT of little things I can't even begin to explain b/c honestly they make no sense if you haven't had any experience with them. Not that I'm totally overwhelmed, though...I actually deal with all of these very well, thanks to therapy (my therapist is the greatest person ever. ).

                      Anyway, that was random. But personally, knowing just how annoying having OCD can get when it's mild, I can kind of tell how much harder it must have been for Tesla to suffer through all of that When you have irrational fears that are THAT pronounced and you feel forced to succumb to them, it's just terrible. I know what it's like on a lesser scale...but Tesla...poor man

                      And Keaira, I know how you feel. I grew up being a weird, shy kid who could write really well. And now I'm a poet And I always hung out with the "nerds"...still do, actually Except, now nerd is cool

                      And I hate it when people mention feeling overshadowed by a sibling... I swear, I'm so paranoid about not doing that to my kids when I get older...b/c I REALLY REALLY don't want to My mom experienced the same thing.
                      "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                      Sig by ME!!!


                        Mimzy Thanks for the information and glad to see you're dealing with it all well. Yes, it helps to have a great therapist

                        and Keaira That just sucks, I wasn't overshadowed, but I kinda wanted to keep to myself anyways,

                        I'm kinda the same way and kids weren't nice to me when I was growing up and my mother wasn't really there for me (NOT her fault though and my aunt and uncle took over), but yeah, my early childhood set up a lot of crap for me to deal with (still trying to deal with). Outside of on-line, I don't make friends easily. It's not that I don't know how to socialize outside of on-line, I just don't make close friends easily. Ok, I think I'll stop rambling now.
                        ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


                          Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                          LOL all people actually do have OCD tendencies But people with clinical OCD have more pronounced "tendencies," and it's often really hard to find them all b/c unlike w/ "normal" people, the OCD for one thing often seeps into several other areas of life. That's how it is for me from personal experience, anyway. My main OCD problem is being overly perfectionistic in regards to schoolwork. But I also have OCD related to being perfectionistic in praying (this is a really weird one...but there's actually a real term for it: scrupulosity), being afraid of going to class/a meeting/etc. when I'm already late, having classes be very structured, organizing things, there's a LOT of little things I can't even begin to explain b/c honestly they make no sense if you haven't had any experience with them. Not that I'm totally overwhelmed, though...I actually deal with all of these very well, thanks to therapy (my therapist is the greatest person ever. ).

                          Anyway, that was random. But personally, knowing just how annoying having OCD can get when it's mild, I can kind of tell how much harder it must have been for Tesla to suffer through all of that When you have irrational fears that are THAT pronounced and you feel forced to succumb to them, it's just terrible. I know what it's like on a lesser scale...but Tesla...poor man

                          And Keaira, I know how you feel. I grew up being a weird, shy kid who could write really well. And now I'm a poet And I always hung out with the "nerds"...still do, actually Except, now nerd is cool

                          And I hate it when people mention feeling overshadowed by a sibling... I swear, I'm so paranoid about not doing that to my kids when I get older...b/c I REALLY REALLY don't want to My mom experienced the same thing.
                          glad your able to handle yours
                          Yeah poor Nikola *huggles clone*
                          its not that hard to not do to your children. but im still not having any! ahaha

                          Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
                          Mimzy Thanks for the information and glad to see you're dealing with it all well. Yes, it helps to have a great therapist

                          and Keaira That just sucks, I wasn't overshadowed, but I kinda wanted to keep to myself anyways,
                          I'm kinda the same way and kids weren't nice to me when I was growing up and my mother wasn't really there for me (NOT her fault though and my aunt and uncle took over), but yeah, my early childhood set up a lot of crap for me to deal with (still trying to deal with). Outside of on-line, I don't make friends easily. It's not that I don't know how to socialize outside of on-line, I just don't make close friends easily. Ok, I think I'll stop rambling now.
                          i totally yet that bolded part! i have an easy time making friends whereever i go, which is odd bc im such a say-whats-on-my-mind-no-matter-who-you-are, stubborn, wierd, loud mouthed oddball, but i still prefer to spend more time alone than out "socializing" and nobody gets that! my therapist included! she always like "did you go out this weekend? how the upcoming one any plans? why not? why not go out with your friends." and i go "Look lady, im a big girl, scratch that, im an ADULT whose almost 19 and im quite capable of making my own decisions as to whether or not i wanna stay homd and read and write all night, or go online and talk with my friends there, or if i wanna go out and watch all my friends get piss drunk and play designated driver."

                          hahaha im very sassy at times
                          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                            Yeah, and I don't like bars or alcohol either, in fact get headaches and don't feel well afterwards most of the time. Plus, large crowds aren't my thing either. I'd rather hang out at coffee shops/caffees and the library, than go to the bar.
                            ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


                              ^I'm the same way...I mean, I like spending time with my friends on the weekends; don't get me wrong. We're not the "get drunk and pass out" kind anyway...mostly all we do...nerdy things? like watch Mulan and hardly remain quiet the entire movie b/c the one guy there--who is the music nerd type who talks about random music theory things and theatre and wears a fake cravat every day (NOT KIDDING )--has to keep making random comments and then everyone else has to banter with him/make him shut up ...yes, I have strange friends... But I like to spend a lot of my time to myself too, writing, reading...doing nothing... Sometimes I feel more like being alone than with other people b/c I'm able to be more free with my imagination that way. Although after awhile I get tired of the lonliness and start needing to be around people. But it's not like I need that all the time. Actually, it's a really good thing that I can interact normally with friends now, b/c I had very pronounced social phobia as a child (which went undiagnosed until I was about 14) and really felt uncomfortable in situations with a lot of people. I still don't feel totally comfortable in large crowds, and sometimes when I'm with a huge group of friends I feel like the "left out" one even if it's not really true. But anyway...I like being with my friends. But sometimes I need to be alone.

                              And I know how you feel about the therapist, Keaira--the psychiatrist I see every 3 months to get my new prescription for my medication ALWAYS asks me if I'm doing anything "fun" or enjoyable and and it is the most annoying thing ever. Why the heck wouldn't I try to fit some kind of fun in my life--I am not an automaton. lol
                              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                              Sig by ME!!!


                                I can do big crowds for short periods of time, but not all the time and I do actually work as a sales associate, so I obviously know how to be personalable, I just like my "me time"

                                And what's even worse than a therapist saying all that, is when your parents/aunt bug you about it!
                                ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks

