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Helen Magnus/John Druitt Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by yessika View Post
    IT'S FRIDAY!!! *runs around in circles*
    Meeee toooo! Though I'm not going to get to see it until tomorrow for a variety of reasons.

    Isn't it nice to be in fandom where one can look forward to new canon rather than dreading it?
    sigpicsig by Isolde


      Originally posted by yessika View Post
      WOW!! I absolutely love all of these fics!!

      IT'S FRIDAY!!! *runs around in circles*
      Originally posted by Artie View Post
      Meeee toooo! Though I'm not going to get to see it until tomorrow for a variety of reasons.

      Isn't it nice to be in fandom where one can look forward to new canon rather than dreading it?
      How I wish I could watch it tonight but Christmas date with my mate. hehe, that made the date sound like my second choice. hehe. I'll never tell the truth. But later tonight I'll sneak downstairs and watch. So I get a double treated night. *Smiling wickedly*


        *Spins in circles*

        One hour and fourteen minutes!


          *spins with Em *
          So soooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!




              I'm bored... 34 minutes


                Just watched the promo, it looks like John is wearing another purple shirt...



                  Originally posted by Emengee View Post
                  Just watched the promo, it looks like John is wearing another purple shirt...

                  Really? *goes to watch promo*
                  Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                    Originally posted by Emengee View Post
                    Just watched the promo, it looks like John is wearing another purple shirt...


                    That shirt makes him look HAWT!!

                    So totally loved Helen with her hand wrapped around his wrist after he teleported them to the gateway! Totally loved John's worried nature all through the episode after the tracker went down. LOVE MAGNETT!!


                      awwwwwhs! i loved how defensive he got when Hyde/Adam was taunting him. ahh. and how concerned he was about the team in the gateway. <3MAGNETTT


                        AAAAAH! How can they just end like that and make us wait until January to find out what happens?
                        How is John supposed to save Helen and her entourage if he's been captured by Albino Hobgoblins? How is Helen supposed to escape and find Gregory if she's been electrocuted?
                        Loved the part where John fakes out Tesla. Tee Hee! I have to admit, Tesla is one of my favorite characters. Obviously he's nowhere near good enough for Helen. To paraphrase what she said in Kush, she has standards. Nikola Tesla? Well below them.

                        And now for the shippy blow-by-blow analysis:
                        We're still seeing those little moments of unspoken communication between John and Helen. When Tesla is throwing his first tantrum of the day, John and Helen exchange looks as if to say, 'Here he goes again.' After all this time, they can still speak volumes to each other without saying a word.
                        Then at the gateway, he says, 'Let me come with you,' but of course she refuses in no uncertain terms since they only have one shield. Notice he says LET me come with you. She's leading the mission and he's asking for permission to join them, not trying to force her into anything. And if you notice, once she's said no she just turns away and gets to work. She simply assumes he'll respect her decisions as he always has. As we saw in Vigilante, despite his tremendous power he doesn't try to control her. I think it's so much a part of their dynamic that she takes it for granted. Unlike Tesla, John doesn't argue, doesn't wheedle, he just accepts it-- although from his expression we can see he's not happy to see her forge into unknown territory and not be there to watch her back.
                        It must have been one of the things that made her fall in love with him in the first place. Unlike James Watson, who for all his virtues still couldn't imagine working for a woman at the ripe old age of 160-something (remember the question he asks Will in Revelations?), John considers Helen at least his equal. Back in the Victorian era, spending time with such a forward-thinking man must have been intoxicating to an intelligent, ambitious and unconventional woman like the young Helen Magnus.
                        Despite his confidence in Helen, we can see that he's afraid. When he tells Henry to keep the tracking system broadcasting, and he looks back towards Helen one last time before teleporting away, he's clearly none too pleased. So when Worth keeps saying that Helen is going to die down there, it's a very painful reminder that they have no idea what she's going to face in Hollow Earth. Worth is goading them, looking for a weak spot that he can use to manipulate them. Tesla, not being blinded by love, keeps his head on straight. When John shouts 'STOP talking', Worth realizes that one of his arrows has found a chink in the armor.
                        So he immediately exploits it by going after John's great weakness-- his love for Helen. He mocks him, voicing John's worst fears. She never really loved you. She just pities you the way she does all suffering creatures. She's just using you for your abilities, like searching for Ashley, saving the empaths in Haunted, taking out the Cabal and helping her get the keystone. John is already a walking exposed nerve. He's still imprisoned by the energy creature. He's lost his only child. Even if Helen makes it back from Hollow Earth alive and cured of her illness, she may never take him back. So Worth's words are like acid in an open wound. When he's strangling Worth, the look on his face isn't the sick pleasure that Jack got when he killed that prostitute in Sanctuary For All. What we see is John's fury and anguish. Ultimately what gives John the power to rein Jack in is Tesla's reminder that they need Worth alive in case Helen needs help.
                        Once they lose the tracking signal, John springs into action. He would have immediately jumped into a totally unknown situation if Tesla hadn't held him back. When they find the evidence of the rock slide, as he leaves he shoots Tesla a poisonous look that seems to say, 'She might be hurt-- why did I let you talk me out of going right away?'
                        After his abortive attempt to follow them through the gateway, John turns to Tesla (whom he despises) and Worth (who he doesn't trust any farther than he can throw him). He takes Adam into the underground cavern, knowing that it might be a trap. As they walk through the tunnels, you can see that he's growing suspicious. But with Helen's life at stake he keeps going. I love the part where Adam suggests Helen may already be dead and John says that Adam better pray Helen made it to the city. You just know that if anything happens to Helen, Adam Worth is going to get a hands-on history lesson on the infamous Ripper case.
                        So while this definitely wasn't as shippy an episode as the last two, and I'm more than a little freaked out that John might be killed by Worth's creepy bleached oompah-loompahs, there was plenty of shippy subtext. Fortunately for the good people of Magnettland, shippers are second-to-none in their ability to interpret absolutely anything as evidence of undying love.


                          5th Part in the 12 Days of Sexmas Marathon has been posted!!!

                          "Eggnog and Embers" by MajorSam





                          Please leave reviews on your way out
                          The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                          |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                            Originally posted by Dvorak Symphony No. 8 View Post
                            AAAAAH! How can they just end like that and make us wait until January to find out what happens?
                            How is John supposed to save Helen and her entourage if he's been captured by Albino Hobgoblins? How is Helen supposed to escape and find Gregory if she's been electrocuted?
                            Loved the part where John fakes out Tesla. Tee Hee! I have to admit, Tesla is one of my favorite characters. Obviously he's nowhere near good enough for Helen. To paraphrase what she said in Kush, she has standards. Nikola Tesla? Well below them.
                            Way they ended it..... I have fours words for that...... CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT.

                            Tesla.... well Below Helen's standards.... lmao! John is the only one tough enough to take Helen on... lol!! If Tesla was half the genius he claims to be he should have seen John going to fake him out... lmao!! Loved that BTW !! it was hilarious. And then John laughs about it! LOVE HIM!!

                            When I saw Magnus and gang hanging by those Purple electro dealies I was like.... "Ok Magnus, get out of this one.."


                              Originally posted by Dvorak Symphony No. 8 View Post
                              AAAAAH! How can they just end like that and make us wait until January to find out what happens?
                              Don't shoot the messenger here, but the horrible thing is, that we have to wait until April!! Yes! APRIL, people! At least those of us in the US, the UK will start back up in January.

                              I have bolded all my favorite parts!!
                              Originally posted by Dvorak Symphony No. 8 View Post
                              How is John supposed to save Helen and her entourage if he's been captured by Albino Hobgoblins? How is Helen supposed to escape and find Gregory if she's been electrocuted?
                              Loved the part where John fakes out Tesla. Tee Hee! I have to admit, Tesla is one of my favorite characters. Obviously he's nowhere near good enough for Helen. To paraphrase what she said in Kush, she has standards. Nikola Tesla? Well below them.

                              And now for the shippy blow-by-blow analysis:
                              We're still seeing those little moments of unspoken communication between John and Helen. When Tesla is throwing his first tantrum of the day, John and Helen exchange looks as if to say, 'Here he goes again.' After all this time, they can still speak volumes to each other without saying a word.
                              Then at the gateway, he says, 'Let me come with you,' but of course she refuses in no uncertain terms since they only have one shield. Notice he says LET me come with you. She's leading the mission and he's asking for permission to join them, not trying to force her into anything. And if you notice, once she's said no she just turns away and gets to work. She simply assumes he'll respect her decisions as he always has. As we saw in Vigilante, despite his tremendous power he doesn't try to control her. I think it's so much a part of their dynamic that she takes it for granted. Unlike Tesla, John doesn't argue, doesn't wheedle, he just accepts it-- although from his expression we can see he's not happy to see her forge into unknown territory and not be there to watch her back.
                              It must have been one of the things that made her fall in love with him in the first place. Unlike James Watson, who for all his virtues still couldn't imagine working for a woman at the ripe old age of 160-something (remember the question he asks Will in Revelations?), John considers Helen at least his equal. Back in the Victorian era, spending time with such a forward-thinking man must have been intoxicating to an intelligent, ambitious and unconventional woman like the young Helen Magnus.
                              Despite his confidence in Helen, we can see that he's afraid. When he tells Henry to keep the tracking system broadcasting, and he looks back towards Helen one last time before teleporting away, he's clearly none too pleased. So when Worth keeps saying that Helen is going to die down there, it's a very painful reminder that they have no idea what she's going to face in Hollow Earth. Worth is goading them, looking for a weak spot that he can use to manipulate them. Tesla, not being blinded by love, keeps his head on straight. When John shouts 'STOP talking', Worth realizes that one of his arrows has found a chink in the armor.
                              So he immediately exploits it by going after John's great weakness-- his love for Helen. He mocks him, voicing John's worst fears. She never really loved you. She just pities you the way she does all suffering creatures. She's just using you for your abilities, like searching for Ashley, saving the empaths in Haunted, taking out the Cabal and helping her get the keystone. John is already a walking exposed nerve. He's still imprisoned by the energy creature. He's lost his only child. Even if Helen makes it back from Hollow Earth alive and cured of her illness, she may never take him back. So Worth's words are like acid in an open wound. When he's strangling Worth, the look on his face isn't the sick pleasure that Jack got when he killed that prostitute in Sanctuary For All. What we see is John's fury and anguish. Ultimately what gives John the power to rein Jack in is Tesla's reminder that they need Worth alive in case Helen needs help.
                              Once they lose the tracking signal, John springs into action. He would have immediately jumped into a totally unknown situation if Tesla hadn't held him back. When they find the evidence of the rock slide, as he leaves he shoots Tesla a poisonous look that seems to say, 'She might be hurt-- why did I let you talk me out of going right away?'
                              After his abortive attempt to follow them through the gateway, John turns to Tesla (whom he despises) and Worth (who he doesn't trust any farther than he can throw him). He takes Adam into the underground cavern, knowing that it might be a trap. As they walk through the tunnels, you can see that he's growing suspicious. But with Helen's life at stake he keeps going. I love the part where Adam suggests Helen may already be dead and John says that Adam better pray Helen made it to the city. You just know that if anything happens to Helen, Adam Worth is going to get a hands-on history lesson on the infamous Ripper case.
                              So while this definitely wasn't as shippy an episode as the last two, and I'm more than a little freaked out that John might be killed by Worth's creepy bleached oompah-loompahs, there was plenty of shippy subtext. Fortunately for the good people of Magnettland, shippers are second-to-none in their ability to interpret absolutely anything as evidence of undying love.
                              Wonderful!! You hit on all the beautiful details.

                              I was at work yesterday, and one of the other people there that watches SANCTUARY came up to me immediately and was like, "How are they going to continue the show if they are all dead!!" Four months of torture to see what happens.
                              || acrazyobsession on AO3 & Tumblr || My DeviantArt ||


                                CC you are lucky we love you.
                                -sighhhh- APRIL?! and i thought the way they ended it was cruel, making us wait is worse.
                                ...-am going through withdraws-

