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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by antoa View Post
    I would just like to clarify my statement about it being 'gutsy'. I didn't mean that it was gutsy for them just to be exploring the idea of same sex relationships (since that does seem to be the 'in' thing to be doing in Hollywood these days), but their reasoning behind it is gutsy. They aren't doing it because it is the 'in' thing to do, rather they are doing it because it is just logical to them - a 'no-brainer' in terms of the character.
    i can't see this being a no-brainer. if you're not attracted to a certain sex, being bored isn't going to suddenly make you. i don't see it as a 'logical' step.

    not being argumentative, just stating an opinion (whether it be opposite or not).



      Originally posted by majorsal View Post

      as time has went by, i'm realizing i'm not really that crazy about the abnormal of the week storylines, mainly because other ones, the ones that follow some arc, seem to be the ones with the biggest impact or drama. i wouldn't mind another arc (not the cabal) to take some time, but i'm not sure 'what' that arc idea could be.

      i'd still like to see how helen was in her lowest hours/years. probably, helen: the rough years. but like you said in another post, sky, i'd like to see the wilder side of helen, but not the party side of it, the more down and depressive side. as helen said, when she couldn't bear the loneliness anymore, is when she decided to have ashley. i'd like to 'see' that loneliness side played out.
      i think they'll be a cliffhanger, but since i avoid spoilers (mostly anyways), i have no idea what the cliffie could be.
      I agree. We do like to punish Magnus, huh? And AT as well, I guesss. But she plays this stuff so well.

      I don't mind the abnormal of the week--in fact I prefer it to a getting bogged down in a big arc where everything is about that--such as the Cabal. I didn't mind the Cabal, but I think they they were wise to wrap most of that up. Doesn't mean we won't see elements of them again, but it's not a Sanctuary vs. one Big Evil show imho.
      I think the tricky thing to do for Damien, et al, is to write the abnormal of the week stories while still delving into Helen's backstory. Does something remind her of another time & so we get a flashback? Is the whole episode a flashback or just a piece of an episode? Through something in Helen's past we also learn something about Will? So much cool stuff that is potentially there to explore. A good problem to have, I guess.


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        we've had hints about WWII. tesla said that he called helen for help after he sold weapons to both sides and got in trouble.

        and, she was in the room when Yodl surrendered to Gen Smith. so she seemed to be very involved.

        and, given the genocide, i can't help but wonder if she wasn't involved trying to save teh abnormals from the nazi's...and from simple habitat loss. I mean, if you've had a bunch of abbys hiding in the remote forests of Germany or France and an army trundles through, someone has to get them out

        I think she saw a lot of WWII, and from very close
        spoilers for 'pavor nocturnus'

        one of the times when i was watching the shower scene in 'pavor nocturnus', an image of helen being trapped in a concentration camp came into my mind. now 'that' would be horrific.



          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
          I think she would have embraced that time period. The basic ideals of the hippie movement - to love one another despite differences - is at the core of her beliefs.
          i'd *love* to see the hippie helen!

          and i'd also love to see the writers put in a scene of helen with one of the beatles. i'd prefer paul (drool), but john would prob be the grittier choice. i guess.

          out of control helen is fun.

          what if the dalai lama was an abnormal? helen goes to capture him, meets the beatles (she fangirls them ), and realizes dalai lama isn't hurting anyone. then she gets to know the beatles, has that sunset with one of them, and this would make a great fanfic.



            Originally posted by Carterfan View Post
            Hi guys,

            There is a guy called Pete over at the syfy sanctuary forum asking for questions for Amanda.

            Its in the 'Amanda Tapping 101' thread.

            Quote "Hi guys,

            Hopefully I'll be meeting and interviewing Amada Tapping next week for the UK SCI FI channel.

            I'd love to hear from the Sanctuary fans in respect of what they think are the most important elements of Sanctuary and Amanda as an actress. Would be great to get your input. And do any of you have any burning questions you'd like to ask Amanda?
            Pete" end quote

            It would be great if some folks here who has access to that forum to put forth some questions to Amanda in regards to storylines about WW2. I think that would be such a awesome backstory. I would really love to find out that Helen, throughout history has either directly or indirectly influence the coarse of history. Plus we'd get more awesome acting from the likes of JY and AT.

            For those who have access to the syfy forum, please, pretty please, could suggest a question about Helen and Tesla during WW2?
            two different times when submitting questions for amanda has come up, i've asked about ever meeting helen's mother. (i adore those mom/daughter relationships ), but it's never been picked/asked. i don't try anymore. i can't really think of anything else (that i haven't had answered in amanda interviews).



              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              i can't see this being a no-brainer. if you're not attracted to a certain sex, being bored isn't going to suddenly make you. i don't see it as a 'logical' step.

              not being argumentative, just stating an opinion (whether it be opposite or not).
              Have you heard of the Kinsey Scale?, which was developed as far back as 1948. While it has recently been deemed 'to simplified', it is still a a good basis (and if you want more complex, there is Klein's Grid).

              Helen could have been a 2 on the scale from the start. 'Getting bored' would have nothing to do with it. No one just wakes up one day and decides to be 'gay' for the day or week. Even without the scale, it is a common belief that you are predisposed to one sex or the other (or both) to varying degrees. Which is why I abhor the use of labels that society tries to slap on us, but that's a rant for another place. It is even thought that one could slide a notch either way depending on the time in their life.

              And even though you won't respond to these comments - I still find it odd that the one thing about the character that you cannot relate to would be her possible attraction to women, but the 158 year old Victorian England Doctor who has a child with Jack the Ripper is perfectly fine and relate-able to you. And I don't mean that to sound snarky, I am just genuinely confused. And also, don't think that I am trying to tell you how to feel, because it's really no skin off my nose - I am just trying to sort out your reasoning behind it.

              But I am done with this subject. Arguing on the internet.... and all.


                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                I don't mind the abnormal of the week--in fact I prefer it to a getting bogged down in a big arc where everything is about that--such as the Cabal.
                i guess i don't really mind those abnormal of the week eps; as long as it's about helen in some way.

                but i know every storyline isn't going to be about helen. i know.

                I think the tricky thing to do for Damien, et al, is to write the abnormal of the week stories while still delving into Helen's backstory. Does something remind her of another time & so we get a flashback? Is the whole episode a flashback or just a piece of an episode? Through something in Helen's past we also learn something about Will? So much cool stuff that is potentially there to explore. A good problem to have, I guess.
                just reading this made something pop into my head (i've had this idea another time) -

                spoilers for s2
                i'd like to see helen start to treat henry as a son. others see her acting towards henry in a more mother like way and smirk, but while henry is getting kind of a laugh from it too, it also kind of freaks him out. and then he realizes what she's doing... she's transfered her mother instincts and feelings to henry, because of her daughter's death.

                helen did find henry as a child, wouldn't there be some kind of parental bond she'd have with him? and him with her?



                  Originally posted by antoa View Post
                  Have you heard of the Kinsey Scale?, which was developed as far back as 1948. While it has recently been deemed 'to simplified', it is still a a good basis (and if you want more complex, there is Klein's Grid).

                  Helen could have been a 2 on the scale from the start. 'Getting bored' would have nothing to do with it. No one just wakes up one day and decides to be 'gay' for the day or week. Even without the scale, it is a common belief that you are predisposed to one sex or the other (or both) to varying degrees. Which is why I abhor the use of labels that society tries to slap on us, but that's a rant for another place. It is even thought that one could slide a notch either way depending on the time in their life.
                  i'm actually going to check out those links. i used the getting bored (boring) line from something amanda tapping said in a recent interview.

                  And even though you won't respond to these comments - I still find it odd that the one thing about the character that you cannot relate to would be her possible attraction to women, but the 158 year old Victorian England Doctor who has a child with Jack the Ripper is perfectly fine and relate-able to you. And I don't mean that to sound snarky, I am just genuinely confused. And also, don't think that I am trying to tell you how to feel, because it's really no skin off my nose - I am just trying to sort out your reasoning behind it.
                  i said it in another post: i can't relate, and don't *want* to go into relating to. it's a road i'm not interesting in exploring. but i find it fascinating that helen fell in love with a once good man, then saw him slowly turn into a monster. no, i can't 'relate' to that, but i don't mind going down the road to wondering. it's kind of chilly to think about it.

                  i'll debate this with anyone, i just won't reply to purely venomous smack.



                    Originally posted by Carterfan View Post
                    Hi guys,

                    There is a guy called Pete over at the syfy sanctuary forum asking for questions for Amanda.

                    Its in the 'Amanda Tapping 101' thread.

                    Quote "Hi guys,

                    Hopefully I'll be meeting and interviewing Amada Tapping next week for the UK SCI FI channel.

                    I'd love to hear from the Sanctuary fans in respect of what they think are the most important elements of Sanctuary and Amanda as an actress. Would be great to get your input. And do any of you have any burning questions you'd like to ask Amanda?
                    Pete" end quote

                    It would be great if some folks here who has access to that forum to put forth some questions to Amanda in regards to storylines about WW2. I think that would be such a awesome backstory. I would really love to find out that Helen, throughout history has either directly or indirectly influence the coarse of history. Plus we'd get more awesome acting from the likes of JY and AT.

                    For those who have access to the syfy forum, please, pretty please, could suggest a question about Helen and Tesla during WW2?
                    Anyone can register, so you can ask your question yourself.

                    So far the only questions posted are ones she's already answered at one time or another.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
             about we move on from this and get back to the show please. I mean, we're getting down to the 'final stretch', the last handful of episodes for the season.

                      where do you think they're going? Are we going to have a cliffie? What do you think they're building up to?
                      I think they are building up to dastardly doings by diabolical dudes with destruction in mind!

                      Seriously, I would love to see what happened after Druit followed Dana. I have a feeling that will be addressed closer to seasons end and that could be the cliffie. Maybe?


                        Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                        While she may have agreed with some of the ideals, I don't think she would have had the time of day for the indulgence and stupidity of the era. As jckfan said, she was far removed from that generation.
                        I think it would depend where she was emotionally at that time. It would have been prior to Ashley, and if she had never really allowed herself to cut loose before, she may have jumped into the mud with both feet.
                        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                        William Shakespeare

                        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                          spoilers for s2
                          i'd like to see helen start to treat henry as a son. others see her acting towards henry in a more mother like way and smirk, but while henry is getting kind of a laugh from it too, it also kind of freaks him out. and then he realizes what she's doing... she's transfered her mother instincts and feelings to henry, because of her daughter's death.

                          helen did find henry as a child, wouldn't there be some kind of parental bond she'd have with him? and him with her?
                          This isnt spoilers lol I've always seen the way Helen treats Henry as motherly. She's always sweet and caring with him.
                          Like Edward, Nubbins (when she's treating him), a bit in Hero lol Fragments...


                            Originally Posted by Carterfan
                            Hi guys,

                            There is a guy called Pete over at the syfy sanctuary forum asking for questions for Amanda.

                            Its in the 'Amanda Tapping 101' thread.

                            Quote "Hi guys,

                            Hopefully I'll be meeting and interviewing Amada Tapping next week for the UK SCI FI channel.

                            I'd love to hear from the Sanctuary fans in respect of what they think are the most important elements of Sanctuary and Amanda as an actress. Would be great to get your input. And do any of you have any burning questions you'd like to ask Amanda?
                            Pete" end quote

                            It would be great if some folks here who has access to that forum to put forth some questions to Amanda in regards to storylines about WW2. I think that would be such a awesome backstory. I would really love to find out that Helen, throughout history has either directly or indirectly influence the coarse of history. Plus we'd get more awesome acting from the likes of JY and AT.

                            For those who have access to the syfy forum, please, pretty please, could suggest a question about Helen and Tesla during WW2?
                            I have subbmited my question's and 1 of them is about Helen and Nickola durring WW2 hope that's ok ?
                            (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                              with henry, my impression is, she found him as a child/baby 'on the moors' and took him home. so she raised him.

                              I have to wonder, given his proximity in age with ash if he and ash were raised as siblings, or if raising henry gave helen the idea to have ash, or if having ash gave her the idea to bring henry home.

                              could bring up a question, from what she said, there were abbys like Henry where she found them...did she take him with his community's blessing? or did she play the 'i know better' card? did she adopt him for his own good, or hers?

                              we've seen that helen's motives aren't always for the altruistic greater good, sometimes it's for her own
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                I always had the impression that 'rescued' Henry

