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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by parsifal View Post
    Download here.


      Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
      Yeah, I'm with you guys too.

      I think it does kinda of play to Henry's inexperience in the field, and he can be distracted by pretty women ala Instinct and Nubbins. But mostly I think Henry just fell victim to the plot requiring Kate to escape after meeting up with Helen and co., so the Cabal would kick her out and onto the Sanctuary's doorstep.

      For EU's accent, I've never really noticed anything weird, but then I'm not really good with accents in general. But I think it'd make sense that Ashley would have traveled with her mother throughout her childhood and for that to have affected her accent like it affected Helen's.
      I agree about EU's accent. I've never noticed it even though I have known that English is not her first language. I also think Amanda does a nice job with her accent. Are either of them perfect, most likely not. But it's not enough for me to even notice when I'm watching. I know alot of Americans whose regional accent makes them sound like they are from a completely different country so, I don't think that EU's or AT's for that matter, should be forced to fit into a certain mold.

      As far as Henry goes, I was really hoping that he didn't fall for the bait on the warehouse escape. Not only did it show his own inexperience, it was also way too predictable and is one of the most overused methods of escape on t.v.


        I've never had a problem with Helen's accent. It's pretty obvious that it's been many years living in various places. Old City seems to be North America & it seems like she's probably been there for at least 20 years given as established as the Sanctuary is--probably more like 50. [She may have been in England in WWII from what's been said. I wonder if she was caught in the Blitz? I can see her pitching in --I wonder if abnormals lived in the EAst End? ]
        People I know who have lived in the US but are from abroad have modified accents after as little as 10 years. I think AT's instincts were right that Helen would have a kind of softened accent.

        Oh, and cool idea of EU's to show that Ashley knows a couple languages. Will could say, "I didn't know you knew (language x)" and she could say "we spent 5 years there when I was a kid." or something like that.
        Last edited by jckfan55; 14 October 2009, 07:07 PM. Reason: add


          Airlock Alpha has a brief description and a short clip from EoN part 2 at their site (for those that don't mind being spoiled of course). Check it out here


            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            I've never had a problem with Helen's accent. It's pretty obvious that it's been many years living in various places. Old City seems to be North America & it seems like she's probably been there for at least 20 years given as established as the Sanctuary is--probably more like 50. [She may have been in England in WWII from what's been said. I wonder if she was caught in the Blitz? I can see her pitching in --I wonder if abnormals lived in the EAst End? ]
            People I know who have lived in the US but are from abroad have modified accents after as little as 10 years. I think AT's instincts were right that Helen would have a kind of softened accent.

            Oh, and cool idea of EU's to show that Ashley knows a couple languages. Will could say, "I didn't know you knew (language x)" and she could say "we spent 5 years there when I was a kid." or something like that.
            Even if Ashley didn't live in another country growin up it seems pretty obvious they traveled extensively. She may be one of those people who are just good with languages. And Helen's old school enough that she likely insisted on her daughter learning several languages, not necessarily the Latin and Greek she was probably taught as a girl but Spanish and French (which would have been part of Helen's schooling) &/or German, plus maybe Russian, Chinese or Japanese. We always see Ashley as the "warrior" but I imagine she had a thorough if unconventional - most likely home schooled and probably didn't go to college - education.


              It's Friday!

              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                It's Friday!
                Tonight's the night... again, and it's going to happen, again and... again. It has to happen.

                According to the episode's summary on Cogeco, it looks really good.


                  The podcast for End of Nights 2 is uploaded



                    Hi Everyone (especially my fellow Samandans) ... er, are we now officially Helenians or something?!

                    I have been away from the Forum this past year because of personal demands and family crises. However, I do want to say something about Amanda, Damian, Martin and the amazing cast and crew of Sanctuary - this seems like a good place to post my comment.

                    This past March I was 'treated' to a surprise birthday gift: Tagger had won a charity auction bid early in the year and she and SamFan31 conspired to gift me with their good fortune! This is how lovely and kind our group of Sam fans can be. I had no idea of what was going on until an email arrived telling me that I was going to Vancouver and meeting AT for lunch and spending an afternoon touring the set! That afternoon in July was amazing. What I have not done is post about it (for personal reasons).

                    What I do want to post is that, should you be financially able to bid on any of the future charity auctions for a set tour of Sanctuary, it is definitely worth going after! We were treated so kindly and everyone (I mean everyone from the top on down to the accountant and van drivers!) made us feel part of the scene: lunch from the craft-service truck (where we talked briefly with Paul McGillion who was filming on set that day), in and out of Amanda's and Martin's office (they share space), kidding around with Damian, Martin and production staff writers and editors. As busy and hectic as they all were, they 'opened the door' and gave us access to almost every nook and cranny in the building and on the lot. In fact, Damian insisted on letting us sit behind the cameras in the director chairs (with headsets on!); Amanda would come over in between her many moments in front of the cameras (I'm still in awe of her make-up not wilting in front of those hot lights); Chris and Ryan were so much fun to actually chat with in between their scenes too. Yes, Chris takes four hours for his metamorphosis right down to his literal big, big (and hairy) feet! Ryan, so sweet, pulled out his iPhone just to show us a pic of himself as Charles Manson - another project he was filming. That part will certainly be a stretch - Ryan is just so, so friendly that I hate thinking of him as a mass murderer!

                    You cannot meet a nicer group of professionals. You could tell that they all have a great vibe working together. Of course, those of us who have followed Stargate for ten years, knew that already, eh? You just want these folks to continue to grow professionally and build on their success. I love that Amanda calls Damian and Martin (and probably Chris, Robin and Ryan) her 'boys'.

                    Here is one thing I will always remember: the many, many times we watched Amanda and Chris (as Bigfoot) film one small scene. Hot, really hot lights on her set and on his - and they had to continue repeating dialogue while cameras and script editors got what they wanted. I realized then that the tediousness of daily filming has to be so hard on the actors. We, as viewers, see the final cuts and dramatic riffs. A 3-5 minute scene flies by but Amanda and her cast may have sat and labored in front of cameras all day to give us that short dramatic moment. Also, the sets, themselves, tend to fool the eye. We walked down the main Sanctuary hallway and went into the elevator - everything seemed downsized in person yet so much bigger onscreen through the magic of filming and CGI.

                    Hats off to everyone involved! And many, many thanks to Amanda, Damian and Martin for letting us wander about while they were wrapping up S2. There are many surprises ahead I'm sure! I hope S3 soon gets a green light and they keep rolling along - they all deserve it.
                    Last edited by ChopinGal; 20 October 2009, 04:23 AM.


                      YAY!! Thanks CG for telling us a little about your well deserved trip!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time!! Super Kudos to those that gifted you the awesome trip!!! You just confirmed what I have heard many others say about all those that work in front of the camera and behind the scenes for the show! Thanks again for sharing!


                        Thanks for posting CG. I'm so glad you had such a great time (but, of course, I knew you would). As one of the other lucky people to have had the opportunity to participate in the lunch/set tour (on a different occasion for those who don't know) I echo your comments about how wonderful all of the cast and crew were to us. While the cost is significant I fully agree that it was worth every penny. Besides, the money goes to a worthwhile charitable cause so that alone is worth it.

                        I also have to add that the rest of my group was from the U.S. and Europe. I am Canadian and I was so proud of my fellow Canadians at Sanctuary. They were fabulous hosts to our visitors and prove that we can make quality television that is successful around the world.

                        Kudos to you, Tagger and SamFan31.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          SQUEEEEE!! Tx for sharing CG It makes me happy reading.


                            Thanks for sharing


                              Thanks for sharing CG sounds like you had a great time!!

                              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                                Hi Everyone (especially my fellow Samandans) ... er, are we now officially Helenians or something?!

                                I have been away from the Forum this past year because of personal demands and family crises. However, I do want to say something about Amanda, Damian, Martin and the amazing cast and crew of Sanctuary - this seems like a good place to post my comment.

                                This past March I was 'treated' to a surprise birthday gift: Tagger had won a charity auction bid early in the year and she and SamFan31 conspired to gift me with their good fortune! This is how lovely and kind our group of Sam fans can be. I had no idea of what was going on until an email arrived telling me that I was going to Vancouver and meeting AT for lunch and spending an afternoon touring the set! That afternoon in July was amazing. What I have not done is post about it (for personal reasons).

                                What I do want to post is that, should you be financially able to bid on any of the future charity auctions for a set tour of Sanctuary, it is definitely worth going after! We were treated so kindly and everyone (I mean everyone from the top on down to the accountant and van drivers!) made us feel part of the scene: lunch from the craft-service truck (where we talked briefly with Paul McGillion who was filming on set that day), in and out of Amanda's and Martin's office (they share space), kidding around with Damian, Martin and production staff writers and editors. As busy and hectic as they all were, they 'opened the door' and gave us access to almost every nook and cranny in the building and on the lot. In fact, Damian insisted on letting us sit behind the cameras in the director chairs (with headsets on!); Amanda would come over in between her many moments in front of the cameras (I'm still in awe of her make-up not wilting in front of those hot lights); Chris and Ryan were so much fun to actually chat with in between their scenes too. Yes, Chris takes four hours for his metamorphosis right down to his literal big, big (and hairy) feet! Ryan, so sweet, pulled out his iPhone just to show us a pic of himself as Charles Manson - another project he was filming. That part will certainly be a stretch - Ryan is just so, so friendly that I hate thinking of him as a mass murderer!

                                You cannot meet a nicer group of professionals. You could tell that they all have a great vibe working together. Of course, those of us who have followed Stargate for ten years, knew that already, eh? You just want these folks to continue to grow professionally and build on their success. I love that Amanda calls Damian and Martin (and probably Chris, Robin and Ryan) her 'boys'.

                                Here is one thing I will always remember: the many, many times we watched Amanda and Chris (as Bigfoot) film one small scene. Hot, really hot lights on her set and on his - and they had to continue repeating dialogue while cameras and script editors got what they wanted. I realized then that the tediousness of daily filming has to be so hard on the actors. We, as viewers, see the final cuts and dramatic riffs. A 3-5 minute scene flies by but Amanda and her cast may have sat and labored in front of cameras all day to give us that short dramatic moment. Also, the sets, themselves, tend to fool the eye. We walked down the main Sanctuary hallway and went into the elevator - everything seemed downsized in person yet so much bigger onscreen through the magic of filming and CGI.

                                Hats off to everyone involved! And many, many thanks to Amanda, Damian and Martin for letting us wander about while they were wrapping up S2. There are many surprises ahead I'm sure! I hope S3 soon gets a green light and they keep rolling along - they all deserve it.
                                Welcome back CG, and thanks for the wonderful story.

