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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
    Just because you recognise the actor doesn't mean it is stunt casting. Quite frankly I don't class any of the casting I've seen so far as stunt casting.

    stunt casting is dragging in a heavily pimped actor, promoting it to pieces and then the episode that they're in is usually a filler or something that exists for little more than to say 'hey, look, so and so is on the show'

    a non-promoted guest star isn't really stunt casting.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      from wiki (yeah, i know, wiki but it came up first and i'm not in the mood to search forever

      Stunt casting is a term in casting that refers to hiring well known actors, such as movie stars, to play bit parts on television series and in films.Stunt casting now also occurs in Broadway productions.Stunt casting makes roles traditionally played by character actors unavailable to them.

      The Simpsons is credited with starting the trend of bringing celebrities to television for bit parts.

      Stunt casting is used to generate media attention.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
        I think you'd rather see Rick or Ben on it . Or both.
        well, that goes without saying.

        but i really meant it about tim. when he played tomin... he was almost too good for the show, you know? you could really see what a good actor he was. i'd like to see him on sanctuary.



          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post

          I forgive them the stunt casting in season one. They need to establish themselves. Though I think they went overboard with it, even then (I know two girls who stopped watching because the stunt casting was such a cheap gimmick and very distracting). However, I would hope that they at least LESSEN that stunt casting in season two.
          which stunt casting are you talking about? that girl from battlestar? i don't watch that show. what others are you talking about?

          (i say this was basically answered after i asked, so forget it )
          Last edited by majorsal; 14 February 2009, 08:42 PM. Reason: because the toothpaste monster fought with the toothbrush monster and they made a mess in the bathroom



            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            well, that goes without saying.
            Of course .

            but i really meant it about tim. when he played tomin... he was almost too good for the show, you know? you could really see what a good actor he was. i'd like to see him on sanctuary.
            When you saw he was too good for the show, of course you mean he wasn't too good for Amanda/Sam?


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            which stunt casting are you talking about? that girl from battlestar? i don't watch that show. what others are you talking about?

            (i say this was basically answered after i asked, so forget it )
            The real reason I replied to this post was to to say, wow, that's quite a reason for editing .


              As much as I like RDA, I really don't see him guesting on Sanctuary--at least not until say season 5. I think he'd come off as a stunt casting decision. There's also the element of being a distraction from Amanda's show if you get the main SG1 people guesting. I think MS said at one point when asked about being on the show that it was Amanda's show--I don't remember the exact wording, but I took it to mean he didn't want to be a distraction as the show was getting off the ground.


                If someone from Stargate does guest star it has to me in later season when the show is stable and can do anything or a minor character that wont have the same impact that, lets say, RDA would.
                Like the Morgan chick or Radek. Dont know the actors names.
                Or under heavy make up LOL but still we would see their names and be looking for them.


                  radek's already been on the show.

                  david nykl, he was the co pilot and died in Kush
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    radek's already been on the show.

                    david nykl, he was the co pilot and died in Kush
                    LOL, I had such a hard time recognizing him in that one

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      radek's already been on the show.

                      david nykl, he was the co pilot and died in Kush
                      I know. That's why I mention him. Both of them.


                        It is the last week of nominations for the Sanctuary Fanfiction Awards 2009. I know several of you have expressed an interest in nominating stories for the awards but have yet to do so. This week is the big countdown and you won't be able to say I didn't warn you.

                        Nominations close at 11.59pm GMT on Sunday 22nd February 2009

                        Now, so far we have had an incredible 46 unique nominations for our ten awards categories. That is not including duplicate nominations which we have, obviously, received numerous times due to the high quality and calibre of the stories available in the Sanctuary Community. Having said that, one or two categories are still struggling and I would like to try a final push to get as many of our deserving authors nominated for these awards as possible.

                        We have now been in contact with the authors nominated so far in order to confirm their participation and I'm happy to announce that all our writers have agreed to take part, meaning that we are (touch wood) going ahead and on schedule.

                        If you haven't received a notification yet, don't worry. There are still seven days left for nominations. Just to recap on criteria: all English language fiction on all websites are eligible for nomination (though we would hope authors would consider uploading their stories to for ease in later rounds). This means all categories, ratings, pairings and kinks. We also accept crossovers, works in progress and those stories involving historical figures.

                        Our ten categories are General, Angst, Romance (includes ALL pairings; het, slash, femslash and polyamorous), Action, Helen, Will, Ashley, Recurring Character (includes Druitt, Tesla, Henry, Big Guy and others), Best Original Abnormal (any creatures, monsters, people with unusual powers created by the author) and Webverse (stories involving the characters from the webisodes rather than the TV series).

                        As we count down to the close of nominations, I am going to post some story ideas for you in different categories. If you feel you would like to nominate these stories (or any others) you may send me a PM here, or you can email us at [email protected]

                        7 Days: Will Stories

                        Urges by Hopeless Romantic
                        A short ficlet set after the fireside scene in Nubbins. Rated general, pairing Helen/Will

                        Silence by TracyT
                        A six chapter story exploring Will's concern for Helen following the events of The Five and Requiem. Rated mature, pairing Helen/Will

                        Questions by Tracy
                        A webisode based ficlet that could be applied to the TV series, looking at the questions Will has about his new boss. Rated general, no pairing.

                        One Day, One Room by Dollymop
                        A short snapshot into Helen and Will's friendship and a pivotal moment in their relationship. Rated general, no pairing.<

                        Long Way Home by Rolleson
                        A short post-Requiem tag with Helen and Will questioning potential feelings for each other. Rated teen, Helen/Will pairing

                        Just When I Thought I Was Getting Used To This Place by The Blue Raven
                        A one-chapter story about Will getting a little unusual attention. Rated general, no pairing.

                        Claim by Nqaar
                        Two chapter fic about Will and Henry's various owies. Author rated as adult for slash and bad language, I would rate more as mature. Pairing is implied Henry/Will though not explicit.

                        Bananas by talkofcake
                        One shot Nubbins based fic about bananas. Oh yes, your mind has already gone there. Rated mature, Helen/Will pairing


                        Announcement over and I have to say, I'm surprised at how little Will fic there is out there, ship fic aside. He has the potential to be a very interesting character to write, yet he's been relegated into the role that was often reserved for Sam in SG Fic (not always, but there is a substantial amount that uses Sam as one half of a pairing).

                        It might be time to issue a Will challenge at some point *wanders off musing*

                        I'll be back tomorrow (later today) with some more fics on a different theme. You'll regret ever suggesting having fic recs here. Lol. I'm nothing if not determined!
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          I do agree with Tracy re the Stunt casting but was interpreting it as largers stars. Whilst they will never get the likes of Brad Pitt I was thinking more along the lines of RDA, MS, CJ and the other main sci-fiers. I think with them it would take away from the show and the story as it would become "oh look we've got Rick in Sanctuary".

                          It doesn't bother me about all the other actors they've had in it like David and Alex Z because it didn't become a huge issue. They were more than a bit part for their particular story but not OTT.

                          It would also be ok to have the big guys in if it was subtle.


                            to me, stuntcasting comes into play when the promos are:

                            Battlestar galactica's kandyse mcclure
                            stargate's richard dean anderson
                            stargate's michael shanks
                            farscape and stargate's ben browder


                            when the promo is less 'this is the plot of the eps, doens't it look cool' and is more 'hey kids look who's on the show'

                            when the focus is on the identity of the guest star, it's stunt casting.

                            Sam in Letters from Pegasus was stunt casting. the sole extent of her participation was in the promo for the episode.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              to me, stuntcasting comes into play when the promos are:

                              Battlestar galactica's kandyse mcclure
                              stargate's richard dean anderson
                              stargate's michael shanks
                              farscape and stargate's ben browder


                              when the promo is less 'this is the plot of the eps, doens't it look cool' and is more 'hey kids look who's on the show'

                              when the focus is on the identity of the guest star, it's stunt casting.

                              Sam in Letters from Pegasus was stunt casting. the sole extent of her participation was in the promo for the episode.
                              I beg to disagree (at least in part). Even if the promo relies heavily on promoting the guest star I don't think it's stunt casting if said guest star has an important, meaty part in the episode...


                                See... I'm sort of on the same wavelength as sillysally.

                                To me, stunt casting is putting a named actor, who will draw in their fanbase from another show, into a small bit part that could easily be played by a character actor. Or an unnecessary part that's just there for show.

                                So I can pass off the casting in Instinct, as that WAS a central role and you DID need an actor who could pull her weight. And, you know, actors get their well-known roles for a reason. It's because they can pull their weight. (or because they're hot, young and can kick butt, but Emilie's not turned out too bad in the end )

                                But Meg... that for me was classic stunt casting. I mean... you didn't even NEED the character of Meg. Personally, I thought it was wasted time that could better have gone on character development elsewhere. And then you give the role to a fairly well-known genre actress who will bring in her fanbase.

                                No they didn't plug, plug, plug it. But her picture was one of the ones released in the original batch of promo shots. In fact, the ITV site uses a shot of her as one of the main banners. They don't use one of Henry at all.
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

