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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    in...warriors i think, cabal lady/dad said

    'the asset is in place'

    now that could refer to him being accepted, it could also refer to him placing some sort of listening device, or maybe even sneaking in some sort of abby that can an invisible one or a morphing one that's lurking about, being a spy.

    It could even by why biggy got sick. biggy could -theoretically -small the creature,but not if he's down in the infirmary
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      It would make an interesting opening ep for S2
      would it not if it where Will. Her daughter's turned to the Cabal, Will (inadvertantly or not) is spying for them, Big Foot is down and very likely on his way out. Who knows what they really did to Henry. Watson is dead. Her world is crashing around her, the people she trusted, those who were her world have died, are dying or have betrayed her. The only person on her side is the one person she probably never thought would be in that position again (John). All of her safetly nets may fail!


        Originally posted by Mousie View Post
        Ok here's a question for you all. When ITV4 replayed all the episodes I re dvr'd them all to enjoy later and have been working my way through them all when I get a moment. I've just rewatched Edward but managed to watch The Five the same night and the 'previously on Sanctuary' for The Five made me think of something.

        As the series has now finished and we know a lot more about stuff that at the beginning of the series seemed so intriging, there are bits that seem odd in hindsight.

        In the first episode when Helen gave John the tainted blood, after he injected it and started fritzing he said "The others......The Five......they will come". At that point we where all thinking about who where the five amongst other things.

        However, now that we have seen the series what exactly did John mean by this? At the time it seemed like he was saying that the Five would come as a response to Helens actions, that by giving him the tainted blood she was setting a group into motion that would take action against what she had done.

        However knowing what we know now The Five is not what it seemed at the begining. The Five consisted of Helen, John, Nikola Tesla, John Watson and James Griffen. Of The Five, John was talking to Helen so it counts them out, Griffen is dead (Granted John might not have known that but they had to have assumed it seing as he didn't have longevity, or a device for keeping him alive like Watson did), Tesla was in the wind but still technically on their side at that point and Watson works for Helen. Granted he seemed to have issues with working for a woman but it wasn't significant, not enough to turn against her.

        So what exactly did John means by that statement when of The Five, one is dead, one works for Helen, one is neutral/self interest oriented, and the other 2 are Helen and John themselves? Was it just an oversight in the writing? Something to make the episode more dramatic, to lead into the Cabal?

        I think it was the writing and done on pourpose. Since "the others will come" wouldnt have the same impact once you saw the title The five in the later ep. We wouldnt have made the conection, since the others could have been anyone.


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post

          ...nave of the Seminary into the main circular atrium of the Sanctuary. We all know how much electrical equipment is down there. I mean.... OUCH! At the very least, I want to see Henry have a tizzy fit about the state of the roof and his babies!
          There appears to be a glass dome covering everthing. Working as a cealing. At least to me.

          I actually mention this before. I think its for sun light to stream in LOL


            Ok, I know we were talking about fanfic stuff the other day, and I've just done an update on the sfa livejournal community with all the stories written in the last three weeks on I have to admit, there is one on the list I haven't read, but I thought it might be a starting point for those of you who don't really know where to start. I would definitely recommend "Gifts of the Heart", "Until I Could Bear The Loneliness No Longer" and MajorSam's "No Good Deed". Not going to plug my own stuff though

            Going Home by LannaKitty [General]
            10 February 2009 08:13
            They're one transatlantic flight from home. At least geographically. Helen's thoughts in an airplane cabin in 1988.

            Polyamory by tracy [Mature]
            09 February 2009 15:34
            Romance isn't about one true love. It's not about monogomy or saving yourself for that one special person. Romance is about special ties, special people. It's about bonds of love, and for Helen, John, James, Nikola and Nigel, the bonds not only ran deep, but in multiple directions.

            Old City PD by Lizzieanne [General]
            08 February 2009 19:35
            The Chief of the Police Department had had enough of all the bizarre reports and unsolved cases on his patch. He decided it was time to investiagte the enigmatic Dr. Helen Magnus but he wasn't about to get his own hands dirty, hell no, not when he had Detective Joe Kavanaugh to do it for him.

            Nemesis by JenniferJF [General]
            08 February 2009 17:03
            Short ficlet from Ashley's POV set during Revelations 1. Spoilers for S1. "Sometimes she wondered..."

            People of the Sand by ellymelly [Teen]
            08 February 2009 08:50
            There's something hunting in the tombs of Egypt, and Helen wants to bring it home. The others aren't so sure that this is a good idea!

            Paternal Instinct by JenniferJF [General]
            07 February 2009 03:50
            John Druitt's thoughts and feelings between his first encounter with Ashley and the events of The Five. Mostly about John's relationship with Ashley but with strong Helen/John undercurrents as well. Complete one-shot head-piece.  Spoilers for Sanctuary for All and The Five

            Frozen by JenniferJF [General]
            05 February 2009 00:55
            Helen told Will "I kept the embryo frozen for over a century until I could bear the loneliness no longer" Why exactly did Helen finally bring Ashley to term?

            The Idles of the Gods by Geoon [Adult]
            30 January 2009 23:57
            The "immortal five" have been granted the powers of the gods. The question is how they are going to use their newfound gifts. Helen/Druitt/Watson, Druitt/Watson, Helen/Tesla. WARNING: There is a bit of non-consensual sex within. Be warned!

            Battlelines by The Blue Raven [Mature]
            30 January 2009 03:05
            Will is more than just a passive observer in the world of abnormals. The Cabal wants him (again) and, while Magnus knows she should have seen this coming, she's not about to take it lying down. Spoilers through Warriors.

            A Revelation of His Own by The Blue Raven [General]
            30 January 2009 00:11
            While preparing to raid the Cabal weapons factory, Henry experiences a revelation of his own. (Henry Foss, Ashley Magnus). Spoilers for Edward. Technically takes place during Revelations, Part 1 but no spoilers for that ep.

            Soul Searching by The Blue Raven [General]
            30 January 2009 00:04
            A young Henry suffers through all the normal pre-adolescent doubts and insecurities, and he has one important question for Helen Magnus. (Henry Foss, Doctor Magnus: Magnus’ POV.) Minor spoilers for The Five and Edward.

            Killer Instinct by The Blue Raven [General]
            29 January 2009 23:58
            When Druitt taunted Magnus about Ashley's killer instinct, he could not have known how right he was. When Ashley was six, Helen started to realize that she was not like other girls. (Ashley Magnus, Doctor Magnus, minor Henry Foss)

            Getting Away With Things by groovekittie [General]
            28 January 2009 18:48
            Helen notices a few things on the security tapes that don't quite fit ...

            Stay by a_loquita [General]
            28 January 2009 14:58
            As Bigfoot recovers from injury he reflects back on first coming to the Sanctuary and on the friendship he has developed with Helen and others since his arrival.

            Communication by LannaKitty [Adult]
            27 January 2009 05:41
            Talking is hard. The conversation after the kiss doesn't go quite the way Ashley thought it might. Set during and after the episode Edward. Sequel to the fic More Issues than National Geographic Ashley/Henry

            A Touch of Myth by Geoon [Adult]
            26 January 2009 21:29
            In the entire universe, there are only three of their kind. Helen/Jack Harkness/Tenth Doctor (Torchwood/Doctor Who crossover)

            Until I Could Bear the Loneliness No Longer by TracyT [General]
            24 January 2009 04:00
            Post Revelations, Helen thinks about losing Ashley.

            Against the Measure by tracy [General]
            23 January 2009 03:03
            Time, for Helen Magnus, is a curse that pierces the heart. When the inevitable happens, she is left alone and grows weary of life.

            No Good Deed by MajorSam [Adult]
            20 January 2009 04:56
            No good deed goes unpunished.

            Silence by TracyT [Mature]
            20 January 2009 02:41
            Will is worried about Helen; Post The Five, Warriors

            These are only the author's summaries and they may not include all warnings (I remember that No Good Deed has some non-con in it, and I know that's a no-go area for many people, so be warned).

            If you like these stories, you might want to consider them for a Sanctuary Fanfiction Award (how's that for a nice tie-in, eh?). To do so, email the title, author and story link (preferably with author details and the category you would like to nominate for, but we can always sort that out later!) to [email protected]

            Can't be bothered to email? There's a few like that, so we now accept nominations via Facebook, Livejournal and even PM on the forums. Antoa and I are the ones to contact.

            Do we seem desperate? Maybe. But we just want to give the authors a little recognition and something to fuel the creativity.

            K.... back to the regularly scheduled Sanctuary Mayhem.
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              I find reading all these discussions really interesting. I don't have anything to contribute cause I only seen every ep once. But I find myself wanting to rewatch asap!

              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post

              But, again, for years I've made myself believe we're virtually the only ones in three galaxies smart enough to figure out how to bar our planetary front door, so I can pretty much believe anything at this point...
              Hehehe ... this made me LOL

              Originally posted by Mousie View Post
              It would make an interesting opening ep for S2
              would it not if it where Will. Her daughter's turned to the Cabal, Will (inadvertantly or not) is spying for them, Big Foot is down and very likely on his way out. Who knows what they really did to Henry. Watson is dead. Her world is crashing around her, the people she trusted, those who were her world have died, are dying or have betrayed her. The only person on her side is the one person she probably never thought would be in that position again (John). All of her safetly nets may fail!
              Man ... that would be great terrible!


                Ok, just showed Jeni the "facebook it is" scene from Sanctuary For All (it was cut from the UK version, or at least the UK repeat) and it brought up a rather good point... who the hell has Ashley got on her Facebook?
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Facebook scene? Hmmmph don't recall that at all so maybe it was cut from the first playing as well.

                  I'll have to remembert o watch out for it on the DVD's (if we ever get them!)


                    Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                    Facebook scene? Hmmmph don't recall that at all so maybe it was cut from the first playing as well.

                    I'll have to remembert o watch out for it on the DVD's (if we ever get them!)
                    It was the bit where Helen was patching Ashley up. The equivalent bit in the webisode version was where she talked about having a "hot date with Ernie". Helen says there were fluctuations in the EM field and asks Ash not to go out, so she says "facebook it is then".

                    I was rather disappointed that it got cut in the UK version I saw because it dropped a few nice subtle hints about Druitt's appearance amongst other things.
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      Hmmm, thanks, I'll have to double check the ep tonight, to see what is there, what they left in that scene.


                        I rewatched it and it was on there. I've got the repeat eps that ITV4 played all over 2/3 nights after the last episode aired.


                          Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                          I rewatched it and it was on there. I've got the repeat eps that ITV4 played all over 2/3 nights after the last episode aired.
                          Right... that's interesting. Because I watched the late night repeats with Jeni, Amanda and the gang and it didn't have it. It showed a brief bit in the "recap" at the end of 102 but not the full scene. Course, it's entirely possible that we missed it because little squirt was babbling at full volume (cute as she is, that kid has a gob on her!) but after watching the episode 3 times, it wasn't til I showed them my US version that they saw it.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                            Ok, just showed Jeni the "facebook it is" scene from Sanctuary For All (it was cut from the UK version, or at least the UK repeat) and it brought up a rather good point... who the hell has Ashley got on her Facebook?
                            I remember that scene, it made me laugh lol. And good question, I don't know, maybe Henry, also maybe some of the ....
                            other Sanctuary's from around the world?

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              i wish time guinee (tomin) would guest star on the show.



                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                i wish time guinee (tomin) would guest star on the show.
                                I think you'd rather see Rick or Ben on it . Or both.

