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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
    It may have something to do with the November sweeps, removing the ease of catching it online and trying to get people to watch it live.
    No. nothing to do with the November sweeps. The NBCU policy (and SciFi is part of NBCU) is that the first five episodes are online immediately after broadcast, and then the remaining episode have to wait for eight days -- on some of their series, which unfortunately, includes Sanctuary.

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      Originally posted by morjana View Post
      Sanctuary - Multichannel News: Sci Fi Renews ‘Sanctuary’:

      This article contained this bit of information:

      Episodes two through five have averaged 2.2 million total viewers each on their initial airings, according to the channel. Including the series premiere, it’s averaging more than 2.5 million total viewers per episode, with a 1.7 average household rating of 1.7, a 70% improvement over the network's performance in the 10 p.m. Friday timeslot a year ago.


      Woah. Very cool!

      more for all of those at S3M

      Thanks once again morjana.


        hmm, i just clicked/experimented on a button, AND LOST MY ENTIRE POST.

        so let's try this again. *sighs, with pieces of ticked off*

        i'm still on a high from sanctuary's renewal!!!

        i'm not bummed about a 13 ep order. maybe slightly disappointed, but i agree with sky, less eps means less filler eps between the great ones.

        i'm also really thinking into what i'd like to see for a season two:

        1- without a doubt, MORE helen!

        2- some real backstory on helen's life before what we're seeing now. and not just minor flashbacks, but some good amount of screentime shown to what helen's been through.

        2.5- i'd really like to see what helen was going through when she *finally* decided to bring ashley into the world. what lonliness she must have felt...

        3- helen-ashley relationship.

        4- more tidbits between helen and druit.

        5- a lover for helen! and pleeeeease, make it a hunk! (my usual list: ben browder, richard dean anderson, and steve bacic (the gould camulus). i'm picky when it comes to love interests for amanda's characters. he better make ME drools too!

        other than that, just more of what we've been seeing. i mean, we've only seen 6 eps so far, so .




          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          hmm, i just clicked/experimented on a button, AND LOST MY ENTIRE POST.

          so let's try this again. *sighs, with pieces of ticked off*

          i'm still on a high from sanctuary's renewal!!!

          i'm not bummed about a 13 ep order. maybe slightly disappointed, but i agree with sky, less eps means less filler eps between the great ones.

          i'm also really thinking into what i'd like to see for a season two:

          1- without a doubt, MORE helen!

          2- some real backstory on helen's life before what we're seeing now. and not just minor flashbacks, but some good amount of screentime shown to what helen's been through.

          2.5- i'd really like to see what helen was going through when she *finally* decided to bring ashley into the world. what lonliness she must have felt...

          3- helen-ashley relationship.

          4- more tidbits between helen and druit.

          5- a lover for helen! and pleeeeease, make it a hunk! (my usual list: ben browder, richard dean anderson, and steve bacic (the gould camulus). i'm picky when it comes to love interests for amanda's characters. he better make ME drools too!

          other than that, just more of what we've been seeing. i mean, we've only seen 6 eps so far, so .

          Try Adrian Paul.

          NO Stargate people, we already have enough. Sanctuary needs it's own voice, it shouldn't rotate in "names" <<wanders off mumbling about "names" not being the pull that tptb thought they were>>

          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            yeah, i don';t mind the 'no names' from the shows...back ground or ...oh there's not a nice term, but 'lesser' actors - as in those in lesser, recurring roles.

            but no stunt casting please. Let it stand on its own two feet

            they can indulge themselves in a stargate/sanctuary crossover for their 100th eps
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by suse View Post
              Try Adrian Paul.

              NO Stargate people, we already have enough. Sanctuary needs it's own voice, it shouldn't rotate in "names" <<wanders off mumbling about "names" not being the pull that tptb thought they were


              i can go with that. but ben could be made up to look like not quite himself. sorry.

              but i understand. i just want a HUNK!!! *drools and sighs*

              but while adrian is HOT, i've seen him with amanda before. how about... *thinks*

              i know! the hunky guy from Lost! argh, i can't remember his name! wait, sawyer! yes, hunky and hot sawyer! *sighs proudly*



                Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                As happy as I am that it we're [officially] going to get more, I'm a little bummed that only 13 more episodes were ordered. Then again, Amanda did run herself ragged for three months, so another ~2?
                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                You didn't take it home? I wish they would sell some. I'd buy one.


                Only 13 eps. But the show had such a post production demand that 20 would probably be really difficult.
                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

                I never doubted it for a moment. It's the most unique thing on TV right now.

                But why not 20 eps?
                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                i did wonder for just a minute why only 13 (instead of 20), but i quicky thought it had to do with the cost.

                but 13 is better than NONE, so i'm freakin' happy to have more!!


                good work, sanctuary peeps!
                Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                Originally posted by mr_kennedy View Post
                so theres only 13 eps in season 1? booooo i would rather an extension then a renewal oh well atleast its sticking around for now

                heres hoping season 2 gets a full season order
                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                Season 2 will be as long as season 1 I'm afraid...I'm just grateful we have a season 2...even if it is only 13 eps again...I think they were hoping for 20 though...still...gotta be happy for all of the Sanctuary team and the fans who love the show!
                Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                I believe that SciFi Rewind and Hulu were able to post the first 5 episodes the day after the TV broadcast, but because of some streaming restrictions they have to wait 8 days after broadcast for the rest of the episodes. 'Nubbins' should hopefully be up this Saturday.

                I agree. I thought BSG worked great the 1st season with 13 episodes, but the next two 20-episode seasons had several, IMO, poorly written filler episodes that it almost turned me completely off the series.

                It just occurred to me, but with Sanctuary's renewal, I wonder how much time AT or MW will have to spare for the next Stargate movie? I know both have said they'd be willing to make time, so hopefully they'll be able to get the logistics will work out.
                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                Yay for season2!!!!

                I'm glad we are picked up for season 2! It would have been great for a full 21 episodes but 13 is still very good!!! Eureka started it's first 2 seasons with only 13 episodes and now in it's 3rd season they have 21 episodes. Of course they ran 8 episodes in a two month period and now we wait 3 months for the next 13 episodes to start airing in January.

                Sounds like they will air season 2 this summer for Sanctuary!
                Final Episode of season 1 airs in January. If they are going to run 13 episodes of Sanctuary this summer then it will not be to long a wait for season 2. Maybe runs mid May to August. Busy busy time for Stage 3 Media! I'm excited for them!
                Originally posted by antoa View Post
                I could be mistaken, but I think Eureka is still only 13 eps this season. This seems to be working for that show, I which might be why SciFi is doing the same for Sanctuary.
                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                Here is an article talking about Eureka and the 21 episodes this season
                I think the 3 month hiatus throws people off. They aired 8 episodes starting in late July running until the end of September and then air the remaining 13 episodes starting in January, but it's all the same season.

                There is also a Eureka website that give you little synopsis for each episode that they have so far. Beware of spoilers!

                I'm hoping Sanctuary follows in Eureka's footsteps! They really build up their fan base in the first 2 seasons (Eureka is one of the highest rated shows on SciFi) that they are rewarded with 21 episodes in season 3.

                Go Sanctuary!! I can't wait for this Friday night's eppy!!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                well, in many cases, 13 isn't a short season.

                dr who, primeval, torchwood, robin hood, eureka all have 13 episode seasons.

                back in the 'dark ages' of tv, seasons were up to 26 episodes....half the year. Now they get smaller and smaller.

                it may be a money thing, it may also be a practical thing. 29 week lead time....folks that's over 6 months from writing/conception to post production. that's a long time, and would be even longer if they had to make 20 eps. That's almost twice the work.

                and, for me, look at how much filler and 'cheap' shows we've seen on SGA and some of the SG1 years....personally, i'd rather have 13 solid episodes than 15 solid ones and 5 cobbled together cheap/bottle eps, clip shows, to fulfill an order that may put too much of a strain on their creative abilities
                Wow, a lot of talk about S2 (I love saying that, S2 ) only having 13 eps, and not 20, I was also expecting 20 myself because I had read about it, and Amanda talked about it, but I agree with Sally, rderoch, Chelle and Sky, 13 is still great and I definitely agree with Sally when she said 13 is WAY better than NONE . Besides, when I came here yesterday, and saw the words "Tapping's Sanctuary renewed for Season Two" I was so happy I didn't even notice that it was 13 episodes and when I read about it, I didn't really care, I was just so happy a S2 was coming, and that we'd get more Amanda/Helen . Besides, maybe S3 will have 20.

                Oh, S3 *Crosses fingers* .


                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  hmm, i just clicked/experimented on a button, AND LOST MY ENTIRE POST.

                  so let's try this again. *sighs, with pieces of ticked off*

                  i'm still on a high from sanctuary's renewal!!!

                  i'm not bummed about a 13 ep order. maybe slightly disappointed, but i agree with sky, less eps means less filler eps between the great ones.

                  i'm also really thinking into what i'd like to see for a season two:

                  1- without a doubt, MORE helen!

                  2- some real backstory on helen's life before what we're seeing now. and not just minor flashbacks, but some good amount of screentime shown to what helen's been through.

                  2.5- i'd really like to see what helen was going through when she *finally* decided to bring ashley into the world. what lonliness she must have felt...

                  3- helen-ashley relationship.

                  4- more tidbits between helen and druit.

                  5- a lover for helen! and pleeeeease, make it a hunk! (my usual list: ben browder, richard dean anderson, and steve bacic (the gould camulus). i'm picky when it comes to love interests for amanda's characters. he better make ME drools too!

                  other than that, just more of what we've been seeing. i mean, we've only seen 6 eps so far, so .

                  So basically you want more Helen?

                  We think alike Sally, I want MORE HELEN!

                  MORE HELEN
                  MORE HELEN
                  MORE HELEN
                  MORE HELEN
                  MORE HELEN
                  MORE HELEN
                  MORE HELEN!!!

                  Don't don't worry, I'm sure you'll get a drool worthy hunk .

                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  i can go with that. but ben could be made up to look like not quite himself. sorry.

                  but i understand. i just want a HUNK!!! *drools and sighs*

                  but while adrian is HOT, i've seen him with amanda before. how about... *thinks*

                  i know! the hunky guy from Lost! argh, i can't remember his name! wait, sawyer! yes, hunky and hot sawyer! *sighs proudly*
                  Wow Sally, you're like super Amanda, Sam, Helen and guy crazy

                  Me, I'm just Amanda, Sam, and Helen crazy . As for a hunk for Helen, how about a character that's just right for her, let's name him-- oh-- I don't know, Rocky?
                  Last edited by Rocky89; 13 November 2008, 07:45 PM.


                    Originally posted by mr_kennedy View Post
                    dont get me wrong i am too, seeing how it probably had a slim chance of renewal but i just cant stand short seasons oh well if it ever makes it to australia ill still buy it on dvd
                    Another Aussie!
                    I don't think it stood a "slim chance" of renewal...I personally believe it had it in the bag from the start. And I'm not biased...nuh uh...I just know a good thing when I see it!
                    I'm not too bugged about the shorter a way, it's kinda good...keeps the audience on their toes wanting more and therefore getting more cram too much in one year and you could bore the audience and they might lose interest...I suppose there's always a flip side to everything!
                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    hmm, i just clicked/experimented on a button, AND LOST MY ENTIRE POST.
                    so let's try this again. *sighs, with pieces of ticked off*

                    i'm still on a high from sanctuary's renewal!!!
                    i'm not bummed about a 13 ep order. maybe slightly disappointed, but i agree with sky, less eps means less filler eps between the great ones.
                    i'm also really thinking into what i'd like to see for a season two:
                    1- without a doubt, MORE helen!
                    2- some real backstory on helen's life before what we're seeing now. and not just minor flashbacks, but some good amount of screentime shown to what helen's been through.
                    2.5- i'd really like to see what helen was going through when she *finally* decided to bring ashley into the world. what lonliness she must have felt...
                    3- helen-ashley relationship.
                    4- more tidbits between helen and druit.
                    5- a lover for helen! and pleeeeease, make it a hunk! (my usual list: ben browder, richard dean anderson, and steve bacic (the gould camulus). i'm picky when it comes to love interests for amanda's characters. he better make ME drools too!
                    other than that, just more of what we've been seeing. i mean, we've only seen 6 eps so far, so .
                    Ditto on all of the above...except one thing...tidbits my butt...I want a whole lot more Helen/Druitt!!
                    Originally posted by suse View Post
                    Try Adrian Paul.
                    I was thinking about him...he and Amanda looked good in The Void...but I still have a little thing for JR Bourne...but if we want to avoid SG people then who would be a great candidate??? I don't watch much telly so I'm kinda blank on ideas!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                      Season 2 will be as long as season 1 I'm afraid...I'm just grateful we have a season 2...even if it is only 13 eps again...I think they were hoping for 20 though...still...gotta be happy for all of the Sanctuary team and the fans who love the show!
                      I am happy just having the show.

                      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                      Viagra effect maybe? Considering the influence they seemed to have on everyone. Oooo, or will he discover he can camouflage/turn invisible?

                      I think we all give a little squee everytime we think of it. At least I do.
                      Oooh...a la Hollow Man. That could be fun...


                        Originally Posted by majorsal
                        hmm, i just clicked/experimented on a button, AND LOST MY ENTIRE POST.
                        so let's try this again. *sighs, with pieces of ticked off*

                        i'm still on a high from sanctuary's renewal!!!
                        i'm not bummed about a 13 ep order. maybe slightly disappointed, but i agree with sky, less eps means less filler eps between the great ones.
                        i'm also really thinking into what i'd like to see for a season two:
                        1- without a doubt, MORE helen!
                        2- some real backstory on helen's life before what we're seeing now. and not just minor flashbacks, but some good amount of screentime shown to what helen's been through.
                        2.5- i'd really like to see what helen was going through when she *finally* decided to bring ashley into the world. what lonliness she must have felt...
                        3- helen-ashley relationship.
                        4- more tidbits between helen and druit.
                        5- a lover for helen! and pleeeeease, make it a hunk! (my usual list: ben browder, richard dean anderson, and steve bacic (the gould camulus). i'm picky when it comes to love interests for amanda's characters. he better make ME drools too! other than that, just more of what we've been seeing. i mean, we've only seen 6 eps so far, so .
                        Me too i'd love to see all the above
                        (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                          Extreemly happy with the announcement about S2 but have to say reading the comments on the announcement page is very depressing. I don't mind people being negative, but there are more than a few that are being down right nasty on there and I hate it.


                            Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                            Extreemly happy with the announcement about S2 but have to say reading the comments on the announcement page is very depressing. I don't mind people being negative, but there are more than a few that are being down right nasty on there and I hate it.
                            I's one thing to have criticism but to be downright nasty for the sake of trying to stir folks...that really irks me.
                            You know the saying...if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.
                            And what's with the insinuation that Sanctuary was the reason why SGA was cancelled??? Where did that come from??
                            Mind you, having read some more of the posts, a lot of people are happy for the renewal even if they don't watch that's good.
                            Except that apparently Amanda and her fan club ruined Atlantis...go figure that one out!
                            Its obviously not monitored or moderated...some are just outright rude!
                            BUT...Sanctuary is back for another season...YAY!!!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              ignore the trolls.

                              It's just sour grapes. Let them be what they are and just concentrate on taking care of yourself.


                              If there are any posts on the comments that are inappropriately rude towards a real person, report them to webmaster @ and let Darren decide. He's the only mod over there. (a fact that the trolls take advantage of)

                              so, let's stop with the talking about folks posting there please, and keep the topic on Sanctuary.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Sorry...zipping up!!
                                So Sanctuary will be airing very soon yes?? Yay!! Can't wait to see the new ep!!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

