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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    sounds like the 'rule' for this thread should be

    Minimize spoilers and take in depth discussion to the appropriate episode thread
    Tag what spoilers are in here
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
      My bet is on

      the scene where Helen says Ashley is her daughter, and Will is shocked. Like they finshed the 2nd webisode.
      Yeah, then

      They'll probably throw in a commercial in between Will looking at the card, and waiting for Helen's car.


        I've just see the first hour of Sanctuary and all I can say is it totally ROCKED!! I absolutely loved it!!

        Kudos to the entire Sanctuary Team

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Ok, I finally got to watch my tape. I liked it. There were a few things I liked better about the webisodes, but I'm looking forward to the next episode.

          The visuals were waaay better than what I saw on my computer. I liked the backstory for Will & the little revelation by Helen re: Will. Very cool. I loved the scene on the roof. On the other hand, I thought Helen's scene revealing her age etc. was better in the webisode. Druitt continues to be a great villain.

          Lots to look forward to & on a superficial note AT looked great.


            *sighs* Okay...I've watched the first hour of the 2-part première episode of Sanctuary. I'm only posting now because I wanted to wait a bit just to let the episode settle in and think back over it and how I was during it.

            I'm sorry I need to be honest with myself and all of you and with Amanda if she's reading failed to grab me. There was nothing interesting enough. I was waiting for something big, shocking, new, and bold that set it apart from other things I've seen and it just didn't deliver. It wasn't pushing any boundaries. I'm so sorry and so disappointed. I built myself in to such a high state of excitement in the build-up to Sanctuary...and I feel like I've come down even harder from that high. It hurts to say all that because I love and respect Amanda and all of her work and to be saying so many negative things...I don't like that. I don't like doing this at all. I always like to try and find the best in anyone and anything and build up the confidence or respect...but I can't find anything with Sanctuary

            I really think that if Amanda wasn't in this I don't think I'd be tuning in for Part 2. It's good to see Amanda back on TV. I am forced to ask myself "is one person, no matter how amazing Amanda is, enough?"

            You can RED me now if you all like. I know I'd RED myself if I could.

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
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              Originally posted by Alan View Post
              *sighs* Okay...I've watched the first hour of the 2-part première episode of Sanctuary. I'm only posting now because I wanted to wait a bit just to let the episode settle in and think back over it and how I was during it.

              I'm sorry I need to be honest with myself and all of you and with Amanda if she's reading failed to grab me. There was nothing interesting enough. I was waiting for something big, shocking, new, and bold that set it apart from other things I've seen and it just didn't deliver. It wasn't pushing any boundaries. I'm so sorry and so disappointed. I built myself in to such a high state of excitement in the build-up to Sanctuary...and I feel like I've come down even harder from that high. It hurts to say all that because I love and respect Amanda and all of her work and to be saying so many negative things...I don't like that. I don't like doing this at all. I always like to try and find the best in anyone and anything and build up the confidence or respect...but I can't find anything with Sanctuary

              I really think that if Amanda wasn't in this I don't think I'd be tuning in for Part 2. It's good to see Amanda back on TV. I am forced to ask myself "is one person, no matter how amazing Amanda is, enough?"

              You can RED me now if you all like. I know I'd RED myself if I could.
              Alan - you get no red from me. In fact, you got a GREEN for your polite and kind manner in which you shared your opinion. Sanctuary is not going to be a show that everyone, even Amanda fans, will like. That should not be something you get RED for.

              It's hard to get worked up for show and then have it disappoint. I've been there....I think we all have. So don't worry about it. And if anyone reds ya, send 'em to me.
              I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                Originally posted by morjana View Post
                I have a suggestion -- perhaps a proposal, or hey, a mission ...

                NEXT Wednesday, Oct. 8, I propose that everyone at approximately the
                same time -- say, 1pm ET -- go to Yahoo, and type in:

                sanctuary+"SciFi Channel" or

                "amanda tapping"+sanctuary (etc., "emilie ullerup"+sanctuary)

                in the search box -- and press enter.

                That means everyone in their time zone (or as close to it as they can
                manage), to 1pm ET searches for sanctuary PLUS a delineator.

                The result?

                I'm hoping that with so many fans all searching for the same thing at
                the same time -- that Sanctuary makes Yahoo's Today's Top Searches
                (found on the bottom right hand side of the Yahoo main page) by
                Friday, when the next episode airs.

                And maybe even hits the Yahoo Top Buzz meter!


                It would be important to ADD a delineator to Sanctuary, as sanctuary
                is a common word.

                Tell your friends. Ask your friends to ask their relatives. Etc.;
                lather, rinse, repeat; and so on...

                What do you think?

                Too crazy?

                Too odd?


                Mission worthy?

                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                Is it better to have as many people as possible at the same time??

                How about:
                4 pm US
                8 pm UK
                7 am Australia?
                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                Hehe, I have no idea. And thinking about it, aren't there huge timedifferences in the US anyway??

                Someone who knows about these things can make a proposal for a good time? Or maybe 2 times?

                I do really like the idea though, something we can do to somehow help the show. If we decide on times, I'm going to tell about it everywhere I visit
                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                ...Oi! I'll be dreaming!!! Hopefully about Sanctuary or something real nice...but 4am!!...ouch!!

                Even 7am is painful!! I'm not a morning person! Not unless I'm going to bed in the wee hours of the morning!! I'm gonna have to sleep on it! Lets just see if the rooster/alarm clock/hubby wakes me up and I stay awake while booting up the ol' computer!
                But it's a great idea all the same!!
                Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                Flipping. Genius.

                To those wondering about time, just google your location and "gmt". England IS GMT (though I think the acronym has changed with day light savings, something with an S, don't worry about it though), East coast US is GMT -5, West coast US is GMT -8.
                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                Rocky, you're EST, so same as 4pm US EST
                Again, that's a great idea morjana, and I suggest you post that on other boards too, Samanda of course . Thanks Mandy for telling me my EST, so so far we got:

                4 pm US
                8 pm UK
                7 am Australia?
                and Canada 4pm .

                I think this is a great idea morjana, you should get green for this . Alright, Oct 8, 4 PM, got it , but isn't there more we can do? Like search for "sanctuary+"SciFi Channel" or

                "amanda tapping"+sanctuary (etc., "emilie ullerup"+sanctuary at the Sci-fi network too?

                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                I want to know what shampoo she uses!!
                Seriously...I love her's so shiny and it behaves...most of the time!!
                . I love Amanda hair, blonde and/or dark .

                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                I've just see the first hour of Sanctuary and all I can say is it totally ROCKED!! I absolutely loved it!!

                Kudos to the entire Sanctuary Team

                I'm glad you loved it Julia .


                  I never saw the webcast, but I really enjoyed the pilot. I love the dark, gothic tone. And Amanda Tapping was very good; I like seeing her playing somebody other than Carter for a change (don't get me wrong, I love Carter to bits).

                  Looking forward to seeing more.


                    No reds from me either Alan Like Sunny said it's not a show for everyone, maybe because you only got to see the first half it's not as appealing to you. The first half is a bit slower than the second half, just remember pilots are usually a bit 'slower' because of all the set up and explanations. Give it a couple of more episodes to see if you change your mind. If not, hey it's okay

                    my fanfic


                      I totally agree with SunKrux and Mandy, no red. Mandy makes the perfect point that the first half is slower. It really is. Pilots are usually two hours because they have a crap load of stuff to set up with story, characters, and whatnot. Sorry that you guys didn't get the whole thing. But yeah, you really must watch the second half (watch the first half just before if possible), if not a couple more episodes.


                        Alan this type of genre is not everyone's cup of tea. My mom isn't too crazy about monster shows, but the last 30 minutes of the 2 hour premiere had her attention and she said she would tune in next week. I am not sure where they ended the UK episodes as we have seen the entire 2 hour premiere. The first hour is just the intro of the characters. I thought the 2nd half had more action, mystery and revelations. I'm guessing that's why the US and Canada aired the entire premiere at one time and that is probably what S3M had intended. But again this isn't everyone's type of genre.
                        Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 06 October 2008, 04:08 PM.


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          No reds from me either Alan Like Sunny said it's not a show for everyone, maybe because you only got to see the first half it's not as appealing to you. The first half is a bit slower than the second half, just remember pilots are usually a bit 'slower' because of all the set up and explanations. Give it a couple of more episodes to see if you change your mind. If not, hey it's okay
                          I think you have a good point there. To some degree it seemed slow to me too, in part b/c I knew a lot of the setup from the webisodes. But it was different enough to keep me going.


                            Some ratings news :

                            VIEWERS SEEK 'SANCTUARY' ON SCI FI

                            #1 Program Among Adults 25-54

                            2.7 Million Tune In For Series Premiere
                            Last edited by RealmOfX; 06 October 2008, 03:38 PM. Reason: spelling


                              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                              Same ratings news :

                              VIEWERS SEEK 'SANCTUARY' ON SCI FI

                              #1 Program Among Adults 25-54

                              2.7 Million Tune In For Series Premiere
                              WOW!! That's great news! Thanks Rox!!

                              It won't let me green for the news


                                Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                                Some ratings news :

                                VIEWERS SEEK 'SANCTUARY' ON SCI FI

                                #1 Program Among Adults 25-54

                                2.7 Million Tune In For Series Premiere
                                WooHooo time to celebrate!

                                my fanfic

