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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    let's not forget the bottomless cooler of various sodas and juices from around the world, which is right next to the equally bottomless freezer with the ice creams of the world
    OMG!!! How could I forget all the beverages from around the world and The ICE CREAM, my own personal food group. Why the ICE CREAM alone will need its own freezer in the room off from the kitchen!!!!

    <<<<<<<<<<<Edb last seen with tape measurer in hand, mumbling something about, "Space, space, I need more space for all the goodies!"


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      i was under the impression that an abnormal (ok, anyone else having Young Frankenstein flash backs and Abby Normal????) 'gifted' helen with immortality.

      my personal ideas, perhaps a 'healing' gone 'bad' with her getting healed forever, or something meant perhaps in the rashness of helen's youth 'let me live longer so i can finish my father's work' without realizing that 'forever' is a very, very long time and not all it's cracked up to be, or maybe just an accident that haunts her

      they also never explained how helen, with 19th century technology, managed to successfully freeze an embryo and then implant vitro is not fool proof, and i seem to think that its' success rate is 50/50 at best, and that's with current tech. This wasn't even possible until a few decades ago, much less 20ish years
      Yep, and can I call you Abby

      my fanfic


        Abby it is
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
          Mmmm Reese. Had a white chocolate Reese yesterday. I think my heart literally stopped beating for a second it was that naughty...
          naughty or nasty? reese's pieces rock, but white chocolate is blah! only MO of course!

          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          *checks pocket...pulls out lock-picks*

          Not me yet
          I'll arm wrestle you for them!

          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
          I will be a trustworthy keeper of the keys!
          Sorry Neep, but the rest of us MIGHT want a smidge every now and then without having to go out and get more because the entire stock has been consumed

          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          let's not forget the bottomless cooler of various sodas and juices from around the world, which is right next to the equally bottomless freezer with the ice creams of the world
          Mmmmm, Dryer's Chocolate Chocolate Chip or Orange Sherbert with dark chocolate chunks *wipes drool*

          My absolute favorite junk foods are Chocolate Oreos and Peanut Butter M&M's. I'm infamous for them with my friends.

          Originally posted by antoa View Post
          I don't think it was addressed in the webisodes, but I know there were interviews where it was mentioned that Helen's longevity is a sort of by-product of working with abnormals. They've purposely left it vague and will be revealing more bits as the series goes on, from what I understand.

          So in short, we really don't know what caused her long life.
          She says in wep 4 I believe, "When you work with beings of extrordinary power, sometimes the rewards can be...unexpected."
          Or something like that. I take that to mean her longevity is a byproduct of dealing with an abnormal.

          BUT after much research and delving into the Sanctuary archives, not to mention a whole lot of speculation, I wrote Life Amaranthine to explain how she got it. Which of course means absolutely nothing.

          "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

          SG-1 FanFiction
          Sanctuary Fanfiction


            Originally posted by Edb View Post
            Okay, okay, I'm guilty of one typo error. The line should have read
            Mary-Jane, did you say you wouldn't trust a cat with keys or fleas? But you saved the joke with your, "geez, please don't tease." Nice!

            As to the cat, it has no fleas. He's just curled up in front of the fireplace at our Sanctuary Home away from Home waiting quietly for October 3. So, no fleas but no keys either. Who has those darn things anyway?
            Hehe well both....

            Am glad it's a hygenic feline

            Actually considering getting a cat from the RSPCA. Miss not having a cat around the place....

            Haha I completely forget what the keys were for in the first place....


              Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
              naughty or nasty? reese's pieces rock, but white chocolate is blah! only MO of course!
              Naughty - pure salt and fat. A little nasty on the side too I guess....


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                You know, I think that was probably just Ashley being a teenage brat and exaggerating. I'm intrigued to know how old Ashley is meant to be.
                I agree...Ashley tends to exaggerate a bit. I'm guessing Ashley is around 20 - 22...I think we discussed this in the Sanctuaryfans forums a while back and we almost came to the conclusion that she had to be aged between 18 and 22. I just can not for the life of me see her being aged 18.
                Originally posted by tagger View Post
                Yeah. With the "allowance"? That seems to imply younger?
                Depending on what one means or understands allowance to be. I'm thinking that in return for free lodging, food and her motorbike and other such things, Ashley basically works for her mother or rather the Sanctuary and gets an allowance instead of a wage.
                Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                Hi Kef! Yes, most of us are here, since sadly the sf forum is dead. though hopefully it'll pick back up come october.
                Don't give up on the forum's just a little slow...I hope it gets going again when the show begins in October.
                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                Nod. I remember it being in an interview that she's got a normal lifespan and was born in the 80s etc.
                She may have a normal lifespan, but does anyone here think that it might be possible to have inherited something from her father??
                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                I would hope she's younger than early twenties. That would be around my age and I have to say that all my friends have outgrown that petty, brattish behaviour. Saying that, I suppose growing up in her circumstances may have led to her maintaining it longer than your average.
                Tracy...I know people older than me who still act brattish and spoiled!!!
                I guess when you do think about her life, her childhood, she must have had to grow up pretty quickly in a lot of ways. But underneath it all, she's still just a young woman with a huge chip on her shoulder and no doubt feeling the weight of the world also...I mean think but what she does for a living...I think I'd grow up and probably be a little snippy and sarcastic too if I had to deal with what she does.
                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                However, from Ashley's spiel about how she's been doing this since before she could walk...
                Another one of Ashley's exaggerated points???
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                and also, ashley isn't long lived. Helen WILL see her daughter die of old age. so, she might see her pregnancy as the ultimate selfishness...she couldn't stand to be alone any more, yet that companionship comes at the price of seeing her child die
                Helen may yet not see her daughter die of old age...if they find a cure that is!!!
                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                Which wine/beer you have with a meal can affect the taste. You don't want either the food or beverage to overpower the other.
                I figure if the drink is good and the food is good...than what the hay...I'll take whatever comes!!
                Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                Helen wasn't born long-lived, so it's not a genetic thing. The weps imply her longevity is a result of an enounter with an abnormal at some point along the way. And since it most probably happened after Ashley was conceived and frozen as an embryo, she wouldn't have inherited the longevity even if it could be passed down.
                I think the longevity occurred before Ashley was reason is because why would Helen freeze the embryo for a later time unless she knew she actually had that time. I'm not saying that this means that Ashley is now genetically coded to have the longevity curse but that wuld be cool...I'm still hoping that she has something from John...maybe not the same but maybe a slightly altered which is more stable.

                That be my thoughts on Sanctuary today!! Now...where's my chocolate???
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally Posted by Bekah See
                  Helen wasn't born long-lived, so it's not a genetic thing. The weps imply her longevity is a result of an enounter with an abnormal at some point along the way. And since it most probably happened after Ashley was conceived and frozen as an embryo, she wouldn't have inherited the longevity even if it could be passed down.
                  I think it is still possible for Ashley to have gained some of that longevity but she may also have the same if not simmiler ability as Druitt so maybe having some of boath like a 50/50 thing what she has affects her differantly and maybe if she does have what Druitt has (i hope she does) plus some of the longevity (i hope) like Magnus , with how Druitts ability affects him becase Ashley could posses boath maybe it slows the prosses down thats my thoughts i hope it makes scence .
                  (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    let's not forget the bottomless cooler of various sodas and juices from around the world, which is right next to the equally bottomless freezer with the ice creams of the world
                    What a loada chocolate-scoffing, soda-swigging, cookie-guzzling, self-indulgent lounge-abouts you all are! It's time someone took charge and turned this place into a boot camp, so it is!

                    Wipe that jelly off your faces, get your weapons, and go hunt down some Abnormals!

                    *shakes head* dear dear dear dear...



                      Gargh! I'm indulging in a dreaded muliquote post.... but there are reasons!

                      Originally posted by antoa View Post
                      I don't think it was addressed in the webisodes, but I know there were interviews where it was mentioned that Helen's longevity is a sort of by-product of working with abnormals. They've purposely left it vague and will be revealing more bits as the series goes on, from what I understand.

                      So in short, we really don't know what caused her long life.
                      Yes and no, answered below.

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      i was under the impression that an abnormal (ok, anyone else having Young Frankenstein flash backs and Abby Normal????) 'gifted' helen with immortality.
                      Extract from Wep 4:

                      Will: How is any of this possible?

                      Helen: When you treat beings with extraordinary powers sometimes the rewards are, well, unexpected.

                      Will: So that means that you...

                      Helen: I am 157 years old.

                      So yes, it is implied that Helen was "gifted" by an abnormal. Though we don't know details, it does sound like someone gave this to her as a gift. I originally wondered whether it was Druitt himself, given his line in the webisode about loving Helen "for all eternity". Although that might have been a reference to his own longevity rather than hers. I've since rather gone off that idea.

                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      Yep, and can I call you Abby
                      Sigh, I thought Abby was our cat's name!

                      Originally posted by Bekah See View Post

                      BUT after much research and delving into the Sanctuary archives, not to mention a whole lot of speculation, I wrote Life Amaranthine to explain how she got it. Which of course means absolutely nothing.
                      And you beat me to the wep 4 quote... I need to read a little more thoroughly.

                      Can I just do a quick rec on this fic? I think it's a great story, although it is heavy stuff in places. Let's put it this way; due to some violence Bekah didn't think I would be able to stomach the story. I read it and enjoyed it and bypassed the violence on the grounds that it was necessary to the storytelling. It's a wonderful fic.

                      but... IMPORTANT NOTICE we do have an issue over at Sanctuary Fiction at the moment. We've been informed that there's some sort of trojan / malware, so I would suggest giving it a miss (unless you use a mac) for the time being. It's on server level which means that neither myself nor Antoa can do much and we're waiting for the all clear from the fifth "silent" partner of the Sanctuary Fiction team who does our hosting.

                      Rest assured that we are working on it and Antoa has backed up the site etc, so nothing should be lost in the process.

                      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                      She may have a normal lifespan, but does anyone here think that it might be possible to have inherited something from her father??
                      I think so yes. I had great fun playing with that aspect of Ashley in a fic I wrote (Quod Sum Eris - Bekah will know the one). If you go back to the wepisodes and listen to the way Ashley says "he's even quicker than me, if that's possible".

                      Helen: Through certain genetic abnormalities he is able to bend dimensional space at will. Warp from place to place

                      Now, although this speculation is unfounded, I have wondered two things about Ashley. The first is regarding the silver locket around her neck. She wears it all the time. Now, for a girl her age and with her sense of style, it's an unusual piece of jewellery. So either it's got some sentimental significance or something else.

                      One of the things about silver (And the locket is a silver locket for anyone who is unsure) is that according to legend, it guards not only against werewolves, but against all "dark magic". Now, pull this into a slightly more Sanctuarian / Scientific setting. We know "monsters" are actually creatures with genetic abnormalities, right? Well, how about if the way their DNA has shifted means that they are "allergic" to silver? This would make Ashley's pendant the equivalent of Buffy's cross.

                      Of course, it could work the other way and have something that binds the powers that she's inherited from John.

                      This is the path I went down with Quod Sum Eris, but there's an alternative explanation you could use for Ashley not being able to use her latent abilities...

                      If you look at Montague John Druitt's history, you can see that many of his relatives were incarcerated for being insane. Okay, ripperologists will remind you that women got locked up for all sorts of reasons, that having your hair loose on your shoulders was cause for insanity, but what if they were genuinely insane from warping time and space so often? What if it was an inherited abnormality and John wasn't first generation. What turned John into the ripper was a separate experience that tipped him over the edge into violence.

                      So if we assume that he inherited his "ability"... Okay.... some people have a natural ability to sing or to act, maybe to dance. But they can't use this ability fully without training. So Ashley has this ability. It makes her strong and fast. But without someone to train her and guide her, she can't do the big stuff like jumping.

                      And Helen doesn't want her to do the big stuff until she's found a cure, right? So John had his mother and aunt around when he was little, to show him how to use his ability. Ashley never had John around so she never learnt.

                      Just some random, wild theories for y'all.
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post

                        but... IMPORTANT NOTICE we do have an issue over at Sanctuary Fiction at the moment. We've been informed that there's some sort of trojan / malware, so I would suggest giving it a miss (unless you use a mac) for the time being. It's on server level which means that neither myself nor Antoa can do much and we're waiting for the all clear from the fifth "silent" partner of the Sanctuary Fiction team who does our hosting.

                        Rest assured that we are working on it and Antoa has backed up the site etc, so nothing should be lost in the process.

                        Rats, well, it's on LJ too if you'd rather.

                        Oh, and thanks for the rec, Tracy.

                        "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                        SG-1 FanFiction
                        Sanctuary Fanfiction


                          Last night during Eureka a longer Sanctuary commercial came on ... It was essentially the first commercial with more scenes.
                          NEW SCENES Big Foot was handing Will a cup tea... Will, fully clothed, seemed rather surprised by his appearance.... Alexi is in the streets with a someone riding a motorcycle behind him. OLD SCENES this time the crypt shootout scene was included, Helen's reunion with John (John was just out of camera range), Ashley loading a rifle, there were a few more scattered throughout oh Helen, Will and Ashley.
                          I'm sure you will see it a few more times... they showed it twice last night.


                            Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                            What a loada chocolate-scoffing, soda-swigging, cookie-guzzling, self-indulgent lounge-abouts you all are! It's time someone took charge and turned this place into a boot camp, so it is!

                            Wipe that jelly off your faces, get your weapons, and go hunt down some Abnormals!

                            *shakes head* dear dear dear dear...

                            Okay, okay, before we strap on our guns, arm ourselves with our weapons and our night vision goggles and wipe that jelly off our faces in order to hunt down some fiercesome-looking Abnormals lurking out there in the dead of night; we absolutely need to hang some lovely drapes in the sunny livingroom near that gorgeous blossoming azalea plant in our Sanctuary Home away from Home Home. INDEED!!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                              What a loada chocolate-scoffing, soda-swigging, cookie-guzzling, self-indulgent lounge-abouts you all are! It's time someone took charge and turned this place into a boot camp, so it is!

                              Wipe that jelly off your faces, get your weapons, and go hunt down some Abnormals!

                              *shakes head* dear dear dear dear...

                              You say that like it's a bad thing. I thought those were our positive traits.
                              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                              William Shakespeare

                              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                                Originally posted by Bekah See View Post

                                I'll arm wrestle you for them!
                                *wonders if Bekah is allergic to cats?...Pets Sam the cat before commencing arm wrestling*

                                Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                                What a loada chocolate-scoffing, soda-swigging, cookie-guzzling, self-indulgent lounge-abouts you all are! It's time someone took charge and turned this place into a boot camp, so it is!

                                Wipe that jelly off your faces, get your weapons, and go hunt down some Abnormals!

                                *shakes head* dear dear dear dear...

                                What?!?! Now we are going after Sky Abby

                                my fanfic

