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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    And they conveniently seem to forget thaat if it hadn't been for a Mr. John Logie Baird of Helensburgh, Scotland, there would be no television - at all.
    Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
    To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

    Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
    And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
      I understand that they needed to go to Scifi in order to continue the project. My problem (because it's all about me! ) is that Sanctuary is now just another US based tv show. Gone is the global community that came together and bought the webisodes which got them this deal in the first place.

      I'm sure that Scifi don't give a damn about the fans in the rest of the world.....the ones that helped get the ball rolling in the first place.
      They are still 7 months away from airing Season 1. I don't know what's going to happen or which deals they are still working on, but AT and DK have said in interviews they are looking into global markets.. stations in other parts of the world. Now whether those other stations are interested. I don't know. Those other stations may want to see how well the first seasons does on TV rather than internet before committing to it. Those other stations may sign on the dotted line when they see fan interest... or they may not. All S3M can do is try to pitch the idea and show them the numbers, it's ultimately up to those other stations.

      As far as some of the other posts... MGM produced the DVD boxsets didn't they? So S3M would be in charge of that as well. I believe S3M maintains the digital rights to the show. If they could somehow maintain that internet presences... I honestly don't know how they do that. Currently the webisodes are still on Vuze for purchase.
      Can those of you in the UK and elsewhere access this site? Could they use that site to distribute to the fans a day after it airs in the US Scifi channel and Cananda's pay channel? They already have a deal with this website constructed late in the websiode distributions.


        I know everyone is sick of hearing me say this, but I just don't get the international distribution timetable - why does it exist and why is it so out of touch with the global nature of fan communication?
        No one does. networks are making decisions still based on the ancient philosophy of 'who in ..... country would want to see this?????'

        delays in releasing movies/shows can sometimes be attributed to financial means. sometimes it's the simple practicality (of a hollywood movie) well we want to do a star studded premiere, but our main actors can't be on 3 continents at once.

        other times it boils down to compensating the actors. the actor can get paid royalties for each country that it's shown in. Other times it can be content. the government of a country can literally say 'you're not showing that here unless you edit so and so out'

        One thing the networks are abyssmally behind on is the concept that i can sit here in kansas and talk real time to someone in Oz. we regularly talk to people from other countries and when i'm talking here about how great a show is, thepeople in other countries want it too. but they can't be distributed yet.

        maybe it's in teh contract that ...ooh, NBC has exclusive rights to a show from oct 1 2008 to sept 30, 2009, thus exclusive means taht NO ONE but nbc can air it...even BBC

        Most often it is the network or studio need to 'own' rights that means that others aren't allowed to have any

        add to that the idea that if they just sic enough lawyers on it they can control the internet, and you get a hostile and excllusive environment that flies in the face of advertising that is 'get it now'

        heck, look at our home page. you're gonna see ads for AOT, whether you're from the UK or Oz or anywhere. You guys aren't 'allowed' to buy it yet, but they're sure gonna advertise to you
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by tagger View Post

          Sanctuary, as a story, and S3M, as a company, have some new ideas -I don't want those ideas taken away!

          Helen and Sanctuary have enormous science fiction potential. A sexed up or dumbed down Helen/ Sanctuary and a rigid approach to story telling may not have the same potential for originality. (for me, at least)

          I think a formulaic approach to scifi fans sometimes fails because we represent so many different demographics.

          I hope Scifi helps S3M produce an original, thoughtful, yet entertaining product.
          My hope is that there is currently in the show enough of what SciFi thinks SF is (i.e. sexy babes & monsters) to leave alone the creative storylines and character development that *I* think are a hallmark of good SF.


            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            My hope is that there is currently in the show enough of what SciFi thinks SF is (i.e. sexy babes & monsters) to leave alone the creative storylines and character development that *I* think are a hallmark of good SF.
            Yeah I agree I think well thought out plots and character developments make the story for me too... I don't like the superficial stuff taking center stage while the story and characters take a back seat. I like to guess what's coming... I like to talk about what this new twist in the character may mean for future episodes.

            That's what I am hoping for Helen, Will and Ashley. John is a pretty nasty guy, but in the back stories he can be very sweet too. I can't tell if John is just putting on a front or if he truly wanted to change but he snapped at some point. John was Helen's first patient, so how did their paths cross? Did he come to her willingly. Did she see him flashing through time?

            Here are some of DK's comments in the interview regarding some changes to the pilot
            More of a fleshed out back story of who Magnus is…what her back story is in regards to Druitt and other people from the past. And who’s got a problem with her now and what they intend to do about it. ... you’re going to see a wider vision of what it means to hunt monsters, protect them or protect the world from them. You’re going to see newer and darker levels of the actual sanctuary facility that house some very nasty creatures. And we’re just trying to really flesh out the palette more and use more than just primary colors for the concept.


              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
              I think most of us are waiting to see, but we're just voicing our concerns in regards to how SCIFI has treated a lot of their "original/flagship" shows in the past, not just SG1. I'm coming from the FS experience as well as the SG1 experience. If you did a search for articles that came out when Bonnie Hammer was president of SciLie, you'd better understand why I personally am not very trusting of SciFi. I totally trust Amanda, Damian, S3M and the rest of that gang. I know they'll do what's best for their baby, provided that SciFi hasn't negotiated the right to have more than a passing suggestion into the show.

              When Bonnie Hammer was president, she pretty much said she didn't care about the fans. She had the mentality that the ONLY people watching "her" network (my emphasis) were the horny teenage/young adult males. Women as fans didn't even enter into her way of thinking. But considering that at most if not all of the FS cons I've attended and the 1 SG1 con I attended, (as Sky mentioned) 90% of the attendees were WOMEN. That leads me to believe that SciFi under Hammer were targeting the WRONG demographic and were also pissing of the demographic they really shouldnt' have...women. Women don't get mad...we just get even.

              I have nothing against the article or Morjana for posting it. We were all just discussing our gut feelings on the fact that SciFi is sort of a partner now. How much of a partner and how much control do/will they have over Sanctuary. That worries me. But as I've said, I trust Amanda and co and wish only the best for them and their deal with SciFi. I'm willing to give SciFi another chance, but I'm not holding out any great hope that they'll treat this show any better than they have any other big draw show, especially if it starts to loose ratings..since in SciFi's eyes even loosing a 1/2 rating is grounds for cancelling shows.
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i think what a lot of people are .... uneasy about???? if we so much as express the SLIGHTEST thing other than 'omg, how great and wonderful' we're disloyal and disrespectful to S3M.

              We're NOT. We support them. but we've also been burned more than once by the fine folks running the scifi channel.

              I'm taking a break posting on the sanctuary forum because of the 'don't you dare voice anything but unbridled optimism' air. i support damian and amanda. but support doesn't mean that i'm not allowed to say anything but praise and wonder.

              I support the job that they're doing and i loved the product that they made. I understand why they made the decision that they did and i have no issue with it.

              but, after years of watching shows that i like getting frakked over by scifi, i'm not going to believe that they're not going to change andpossibly ruin sanctuary until i see it for myself. and saying that isn't a suggestion that damian and amanda and co. are 'bad' or 'wrong'....but they have to answer to the folks at scifi now. scifi is paying the bills. And they will have to - to a certain extent - do what scifi tells them to do.

              will scifi's advice be good for the franchise???? only time will tell

              but folks please, and this is NOT aimed at anyone personally, just because we're spooked doesn't mean that we're insulting S3M, to put my own feelings forth, we're afraid for them. We're afraid for what they're going to be 'encouraged' to do.

              Scifi - as a company - has a rotten reputation. they treat their shows like crap and 'advise' them into poor copies of what they once were. Personnel have changed, and maybe its for the better. Or maybe we just have a new batch of lieutenants carrying out the same crappy old orders.

              we won't know until october.
              Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
              My problem with Scifi being involved has nothing to do with the quality of their shows, because I've never seen anything aired on this channel as I don't live in the US.

              No, my problem with Scifi being involved, is that a very large part of the fandom that grew from the online availability of the show will now be unable to view the show.
              I'm sure that, if Scifi do provide internet downloading, it will be through something like iTunes, which is unavailable to folk outside the US.

              I liked the idea of an international community that could watch the webisodes at the same time. It didn't matter where in the world you lived, as all you needed was an internet connection. We didn't have to rely on national tv companies buying the show, and perhaps airing it a year after the US......and that's only if you are in a country that has a tv company willing to try the show, as there will be many countries that will miss out.

              What will now happen to the Sanctuary website? (not that there seems to be much happening there anyway, as it looks like all that you can do there is buy merchandise.) Will Scifi use their own boards for the official Sanctuary stuff?

              I understand why S3M need money to continue the show, and so had to involve Scifi, but I am very disappointed with the fact that we are now back to the US seeing the show first, whilst the rest of the world will either have to wait for tv screenings in their own country, buying dvds when they are eventually sold, or resorting to illegal downloading. *sigh* It's just the same old, same old....
              I feel bad saying this but I have to agree with you all, I trust S3M and I want Sanctuary to be successful, but I fear that with SciFi's involvement things might not go as sanctuary's PTB planned, also as a UK viewer I will be disappointed if we can't see new eps until months after the US and Canada (no offence meant to the Sanc fans in those countries of course) that was one of the things that attracted me to Sanctuary in the first place was the fact that no country in the world couldn't watch the latest ep.

              I keep my fingers crossed that we're all worrying about nothing and that Sanctuary will turn into a big success

              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                I don't understand people who feel bad for voicing their concerns over SciFi's involvement with Sanctuary. It is possible to be 100% behind the Sanctuary team and not trust SciFi. Don't feel bad because you have concerns about SciFi's're not bad mouthing Amanda, Damian or any one else on their "team" as it were. You're just sharing that you don't trust SciFi - like a lot of us don't. There is nothing wrong in that or to be ashamed of or feel bad for.

                Just my 2 cents on that.

                Carry on. Sanctuary rocks!
                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                  I agree I don't think anyone should feel bad about voicing their concerns or their optimism on any subject regarding Sanctuary. There are many varying opinions and we aren't all going to agree on all of them. I think majority of the posters here know and respect one another and do the same for S3M and those people working behind the scenes there.
                  Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 28 March 2008, 06:45 PM.



                    I've been thinking know that Sanctuary is going to be on sifi do you think later on they will bring out an offical magazine to collect like with the Stargate one ?

                    I was just reading through one of my stargate ones and it got me thinking how it would be if there was a Sanctuary one
                    (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                      Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post

                      I've been thinking know that Sanctuary is going to be on sifi do you think later on they will bring out an offical magazine to collect like with the Stargate one ?

                      I was just reading through one of my stargate ones and it got me thinking how it would be if there was a Sanctuary one

                      That would be fun.

                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                        I think most of us are waiting to see, but we're just voicing our concerns in regards to how SCIFI has treated a lot of their "original/flagship" shows in the past, not just SG1. I'm coming from the FS experience as well as the SG1 experience. If you did a search for articles that came out when Bonnie Hammer was president of SciLie, you'd better understand why I personally am not very trusting of SciFi. I totally trust Amanda, Damian, S3M and the rest of that gang. I know they'll do what's best for their baby, provided that SciFi hasn't negotiated the right to have more than a passing suggestion into the show.

                        When Bonnie Hammer was president, she pretty much said she didn't care about the fans. She had the mentality that the ONLY people watching "her" network (my emphasis) were the horny teenage/young adult males. Women as fans didn't even enter into her way of thinking. But considering that at most if not all of the FS cons I've attended and the 1 SG1 con I attended, (as Sky mentioned) 90% of the attendees were WOMEN. That leads me to believe that SciFi under Hammer were targeting the WRONG demographic and were also pissing of the demographic they really shouldnt' have...women. Women don't get mad...we just get even.
                        What happened to Bonnie Hammer? As recently as the latest SciFi release party a couple of weeks ago, I saw a picture of her at the event.

                        As far as women not getting mad but getting even, I still have a couple of businesses I do not patronize because of incidents that happened two decades ago. And I tell people not to go there as well.

                        In memory of Deejay.
                        May we all be so well loved.


                          there was a store in town. And i needed some good work shoes. Something like black tennines that i could wear with my uniform but still be good for my feet for 10 hour days.

                          so i went in there...dressed in my jeans or sweats or the like and had 70 dollars to spend on shoes (and this is out of the ordinary for me....i buy stuff off the clearance rack or on sale)

                          so there i was, looking for a good pair of tennies...but the two sales people were obsessed with the little west sider, in her coordinated track suit...and totally ignored me

                          my money and i walked out the door and i never went back
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                            What happened to Bonnie Hammer? As recently as the latest SciFi release party a couple of weeks ago, I saw a picture of her at the event.

                            As far as women not getting mad but getting even, I still have a couple of businesses I do not patronize because of incidents that happened two decades ago. And I tell people not to go there as well.
                            I thought she was no longer president of SciFi. I could be wrong but the last thing I heard is that she's no longer in charge.
                            I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                              I thought she was no longer president of SciFi. I could be wrong but the last thing I heard is that she's no longer in charge.
                              She was recently promoted to head NBC's Cable Entertainment Division. This includes the SciFi and USA Networks. There's a thread about it in the Stargate News section of GW.



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                there was a store in town. And i needed some good work shoes. Something like black tennines that i could wear with my uniform but still be good for my feet for 10 hour days.

                                so i went in there...dressed in my jeans or sweats or the like and had 70 dollars to spend on shoes (and this is out of the ordinary for me....i buy stuff off the clearance rack or on sale)

                                so there i was, looking for a good pair of tennies...but the two sales people were obsessed with the little west sider, in her coordinated track suit...and totally ignored me

                                my money and i walked out the door and i never went back
                                It scares the hell out of me, how differently sales ladies in posh stores treat me now. I may have lost weight, dress a bit more professionally and not carry my school bag most of the time, but I'm still the same girl as I was in jeans and ratty sneakers. Dude.

                                Since I realised, I stopped shopping in those places. I love the stores were everyone feels welcome.
                                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!

