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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
    So long as selling Sanctuary to TV doesn't involve the network(s) in on the creative process, it will be great
    Hey sunshine, what network would be stupid enough to take on & help pay for something with having no say in the creative process ? None would be not even FOX or Sci-Fi. They may be able to keep Sanctuary as internet first then TV but the creative process will get ****ed over. The fact that no one has mentioned aside from the fact that they like complete freedom during the creation process they WILL loose it when they sign a TV deal. Nothing else has been said on the type of impact signing a TV deal will have on the creative process & I wonder why ? Expect the worst.
    Last edited by DeanWinchester; 06 November 2007, 04:00 PM.


      Originally posted by DeanWinchester View Post
      Hey sunshine, what network would be stupid enough to take on & help pay for something with having no say in the creative process ? None would be not even FOX or Sci-Fi. They may be able to keep Sanctuary as internet first then TV but the creative process will get ****ed over. The fact that no one has mentioned aside from the fact that they like complete freedom during the creation process they WILL loose it when they sign a TV deal. Nothing else has been said on the type of impact signing a TV deal will have on the creative process & I wonder why ? Expect the worst.
      Actually there are lots of shows that are bought as completed products, not every show has a network sponsor and therefore studio input. Until more is said on the subject by people in on the deal I think it is extremely presumptuous of uninformed people going around saying what will categorically happen. Perhaps you'd get further if you asked polite well constructed questions to the people who actually know what is happening and is being planned for the future.

      I'm just curious though what country do you come from??


        Originally posted by DeanWinchester View Post
        Hey sunshine, what network would be stupid enough to take on & help pay for something with having no say in the creative process ? None would be not even FOX or Sci-Fi. They may be able to keep Sanctuary as internet first then TV but the creative process will get ****ed over. The fact that no one has mentioned aside from the fact that they like complete freedom during the creation process they WILL loose it when they sign a TV deal. Nothing else has been said on the type of impact signing a TV deal will have on the creative process & I wonder why ? Expect the worst.
        plenty of shows get fairly free reign in their creative process on tv. in fact, i can think of two on Fox - The Simpsons and Futurama.


          Oh yeah I almost forgot -

          Friendly reminder time :

          Don't forget to vote (and vote often) for Sanctuary at the TV Guide 2007 Online Video Awards


            Originally posted by DeanWinchester View Post
            Hey sunshine, what network would be stupid enough to take on & help pay for something with having no say in the creative process ? None would be not even FOX or Sci-Fi. They may be able to keep Sanctuary as internet first then TV but the creative process will get ****ed over. The fact that no one has mentioned aside from the fact that they like complete freedom during the creation process they WILL loose it when they sign a TV deal. Nothing else has been said on the type of impact signing a TV deal will have on the creative process & I wonder why ? Expect the worst.
            There are networks that purchase programs strictly for syndication. CBS shows Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis (on a weekly bases where I live) and they have no say on the creative process. So I can see that happening for Sanctuary. Damian and the other Executive Producers have stated time and again they like not having to go through a Network for creative decisions. So I am guessing that will be in the contract negotiations. They are also talking to global networks that have no creative say in the show as well... strictly buying the episodes. Like many countries throughout the world who purchase SG-1 and Atlantis and many other shows. So I think its very possible to purchase the unedited version online a season before the edited 42 minute episode airs on television. And let's face it not everyone is purchasing the webisodes now... they are stealing them from other online web sights. So I think Television deal will help even out the high production cost.


              FOlks, let's keep a calm and polite mood please. Along with losing the snarkyness and name calling
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                I'm just curious though what country do you come from??
                Where Im from has nothing to do with the way I think so no to that & it is obvious you would just come to your own conclusions about some things with that info so you can do that yourself with everything else. You seem to be doing a good job so far. We can go back & fourth all night if you want or we can agree to disagree & move on or argue back & fourth it is up to you.

                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                And let's face it not everyone is purchasing the webisodes now... they are stealing them from other online web sights. So I think Television deal will help even out the high production cost.
                This will also hurt it since once it airs on TV it will be even more easier to find for free
                Last edited by DeanWinchester; 06 November 2007, 04:32 PM.


                  Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                  There are networks that purchase programs strictly for syndication. CBS shows Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis (on a weekly bases where I live) and they have no say on the creative process. So I can see that happening for Sanctuary. Damian and the other Executive Producers have stated time and again they like not having to go through a Network for creative decisions. So I am guessing that will be in the contract negotiations. They are also talking to global networks that have no creative say in the show as well... strictly buying the episodes. Like many countries throughout the world who purchase SG-1 and Atlantis and many other shows. So I think its very possible to purchase the unedited version online a season before the edited 42 minute episode airs on television. And let's face it not everyone is purchasing the webisodes now... they are stealing them from other online web sights. So I think Television deal will help even out the high production cost.
                  You make many excellent points, ann. I wonder if the writers strike will actually help Sanctuary. If networks are going to need original scripted programming, perhaps one might be interested in buying the airing rights to a season's worth of Sanctuary eps.


                    Originally posted by DeanWinchester View Post
                    This will also hurt it since once it airs on TV it will be even more easier to find for free
                    Free for us to watch but someone else (networks) actually purchased the rights to air the show on their network. So Sanctaury is getting the money for it. If you mean free on the websites, I'm sure there are already plenty out there sadly I doubt more would pop up. I still think it's a good decision as long as Sanctuary maintains creative control and since that is such a big deal for Damian and company I think they will work that into the contract deals.


                      Originally posted by Melora View Post
                      You make many excellent points, ann. I wonder if the writers strike will actually help Sanctuary. If networks are going to need original scripted programming, perhaps one might be interested in buying the airing rights to a season's worth of Sanctuary eps.
                      Yeah I wondered the same thing, especially if the strike continue for any length of time. I guess it would also depend on how long it took for Sanctuary to complete the first full season


                        Originally posted by DeanWinchester View Post
                        Where Im from has nothing to do with the way I think so no to that & it is obvious you would just come to your own conclusions about some things with that info so you can do that yourself with everything else. You seem to be doing a good job so far. We can go back & fourth all night if you want or we can agree to disagree & move on.

                        This will also hurt it since once it airs on TV it will be even more easier to find for free
                        From what I understand, it is pretty easy to find for free already since it is currently released in a format that is easy to upload to torrents. Airing it on TV at a later date would not change that, IMO. In fact, AT stated that they are re-cutting the webisodes for TV. So the eps that will air on TV will be different, most likely shorter, versions. From what I understand, the ones released online will still be the versions with all the bells and whistles (and extra content).

                        I see no problem with S3M branching out into TV, esp. if it means they can make enough revenue to continue production. As much as you and others might want this to remain a web-only production, it is just not financially feasible in the long run. They have to actually make money to produce episodes and I don't think they are making enough off of web sales to support the production right now. If it's choice between having a condensed version of Sanctuary airing on TV (with full webisodes for sale online) and continuing production or having no more episodes at all, I am going to choose the option that allows production to continue.

                        I don't want jckfan to permanently have the shakes, after all.


                          Originally posted by JamesS3M View Post
                          There's no teasing here. It's logical judging from conversations I've had with Martin and Damian. Remember, around is the key. They haven't even begun writing. Only fleshing out so lord knows what they may come up with.

                          I'm getting that stress knot in the stomach associated with my usual underpreparation for FINALS WEEK in school. Too much to do, too little time.

                          Geez. Busy, busy, busy.

                          Originally posted by JamesS3M View Post
                          Well, Martin has been here a lot lately.

                          Originally posted by DeanWinchester View Post
                          Nothing else has been said on the type of impact signing a TV deal will have on the creative process & I wonder why ? Expect the worst.

                          It might turn out OK. I got a little worried at first, too. Because I like the download format, don't watch much TV, don't have a DVR, etc... the only show I watch regularly is Stargate. BUT, S3M is smart, I think they will keep control.

                          Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                          plenty of shows get fairly free reign in their creative process on tv. in fact, i can think of two on Fox - The Simpsons and Futurama.
                          "nuff said.

                          Originally posted by Melora View Post
                          You make many excellent points, ann. I wonder if the writers strike will actually help Sanctuary. If networks are going to need original scripted programming, perhaps one might be interested in buying the airing rights to a season's worth of Sanctuary eps.
                          Ooooh, cool, hadn't thought of that - the writers strike should help all the Canadian productions. YAY!

                          Originally posted by Melora View Post
                          From what I understand, it is pretty easy to find for free already since it is currently released in a format that is easy to upload to torrents. Airing it on TV at a later date would not change that, IMO. In fact, AT stated that they are re-cutting the webisodes for TV. So the eps that will air on TV will be different, most likely shorter, versions. From what I understand, the ones released online will still be the versions with all the bells and whistles (and extra content).

                          I see no problem with S3M branching out into TV, esp. if it means they can make enough revenue to continue production. As much as you and others might want this to remain a web-only production, it is just not financially feasible in the long run. They have to actually make money to produce episodes and I don't think they are making enough off of web sales to support the production right now. If it's choice between having a condensed version of Sanctuary airing on TV (with full webisodes for sale online) and continuing production or having no more episodes at all, I am going to choose the option that allows production to continue.

                          I don't want jckfan to permanently have the shakes, after all.
                          I would love S3M to grow into a major TV and motion picture production company...

                          Part of the reason the online offerings didn't allow S3M to recoup their initial investment is the stealing illegal downloading that occurred. This ticks me off a bit, since those who downloaded illegally have possibly messed it up for ME. And it IS all about me.

                          Now that that is off my chest, I love that they have other business deals, because I want it to succeed but I prefer the online, watch at my leisure, released all-over-at-the-same-time-so-we-can-all-talk-about-it format.

                          That is all.

                          Grouchiness off.

                          The other thing to think about is...... HOW COOL IS IT that they started their own company, wrote their own script, made their own show, and now they are making major broadcast deals!!!!!


                          Hard to do, and they did it. YAY!!

                          Phew, now I am fully ungrouchified.
                          Last edited by tagger; 07 November 2007, 06:40 AM.
                          Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                          Quint Studer


                            I have to agree with everyone else, as much as I would like Sanctuary to stay a purely online production I don't think its financially viable for S3M (just guessing on that though) and I think as long as S3M keep their creative control and as Ann and others have said sell Sanctuary for syndication only to networks around the world that way they (the networks) can only show Sanctuary and wont be able to change things or force creative decisions (at least I think that's how it works ) like when Skyone air Stargate here in the UK, this way S3M gets the money but keeps their control and Sanctuary gets even more exposure, and that can only be a good thing IMHO. Plus networks will only air the actual ep/wep and nothing else, all the extras and the interactive stuff I imagine anyway, will only be able to be viewed/bought from SFA.

                            Even if/when Sanctuary gets a TV deal, I'll still pay to watch/DL it online b/c then I can watch when its convenient for me and I can talk online while watching it without leaving my PC I also like that we (the fans) are allowed to be so involved too, 'speaking' with Damian, Amanda, James and other members of the Sanctuary Team is amazing, being asked for our opinions and having a little input into what we see on-screen is really unique and refreshing and I hope we never loose that.

                            I have faith that things will work out fine though

                            James you knew I was just messing with you the other day when I said you were teasing us, right???

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              i THINK with the networks getting 'striked' into a corner, it will evetually become a 'creator's market' the networks will be relatively desperate, they will only have a finite pool of talent to draw from....many hours needed to fill, not many to fill them....those that can fill the hours will have more bargaining power than if it was 59 companies trying to fill 12 openings.

                              and, personally, i think all the members of the creative staff have had such experiences with network 'input' that they will do any and everything they can to keep control
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post

                                James you knew I was just messing with you the other day when I said you were teasing us, right???


                                Of course.

                                As for the concerns expressed, patience and faith people, patience and faith.
                                James Graham: Stage 3 Media:
                                Support Guru/Evangelist/Audience Relations

