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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
    I just figured...

    controversial? I dunno...
    That she couldn't bring herself to have an abortion, but wasn't ready to carry John's child after all that he had done... especially if she determined that it was hereditary, and especially if he threatened to do anything and everything to keep his "family" together.

    As for keeping it for so long, she did say she waited until she thought he was gone for good. And if she was living out the rest of her life in various parts of the world, treating each patient in a desperate attempt to make up for John somehow (perhaps out of guilt for not being able to save him), having a child might not have been viable or logical.

    I also don't think she could've known how long it would be before she could carry the a frozen embryo to term... It could've just been coincidence on her part.
    Well, if it was heriditary why did she still have Ashley?
    Knowing the chances the child would end to be just like her father. Wasn't her guilt about not saving John enough, she would have dared to fail again? To still go on with it because she was lonely?

    I do think Helen is wiser than that but we don't know what being 157 can do to a person.

    But knowing he could warp time, I would never think myself safe in that situation.
    There's just something that bothering me about the whole thing...

    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
    Or here's another question!

    Did John really have so much disdain for Helen back then, regarding her wayward behavior and profession, or do you think the dementia has warped his memories and incited so much hate?

    Part of me wondered if he didn't have a little bit of a problem with Helen after the things he said.
    I think it's a case of dementia because he seemed very much in love with Helen.

    He blames Helen for not having saved him and for keeping his daughter (his flesh and blood) from him.


    I don't know if this was already discused but where could John's scar come from?


      Originally posted by Lizlove View Post
      I don't know if this was already discused but where could John's scar come from?
      From the bullet Helen fired at him in ep. 1?
      Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
      To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

      Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
      And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


        I thought that was obvious

        The bullet grazing his face in wep one
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Originally posted by BruTak View Post
          From the bullet Helen fired at him in ep. 1?
          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
          I thought that was obvious

          The bullet grazing his face in wep one
          *slaps forehead*

          Can someone say stupid?



            Regarding Helen and Ashley
            I was thinking maybe she froze the embryo with some experimental technique she (and her dad?) dreamed up b/c as someone said, she didn't want an abortion even though she was concerned about John's craziness being transmitted to the kid. But then she decided it wasn't all genetic and she could influence the child for good. And with the loneliness she decided to risk it. I loved how that loneliness comment wasn't overdone, but you still felt bad for Helen.

            On the news about the delay for wep. 5--I feel a tremor coming on...


              Originally posted by LizLove
              Well, if it was heriditary why did she still have Ashley?
              Knowing the chances the child would end to be just like her father. Wasn't her guilt about not saving John enough, she would have dared to fail again? To still go on with it because she was lonely?

              I do think Helen is wiser than that but we don't know what being 157 can do to a person.

              But knowing he could warp time, I would never think myself safe in that situation.
              There's just something that bothering me about the whole thing...

              I dunno for sure if it's hereditary... That was just a guess. It's possible that she couldn't know for sure, and decided to risk it.

              I was trying to shy away from all of the time travel stuff, because it looks to me like it could very easily be overused. Like suddenly it could become the reason for a whole bunch of little plot points and bits of character development...

              That's why I'm hoping a lot of the time travel stuff is isolated to John and his issues with trying to find Helen for hundreds of years (by the way, I dunno how he could've lost her in the first place, considering she was traveling through time at a "normal" rate), possibly killing many, many people along the way, and becoming more and more enraged as he goes along.

              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
              I thought that was obvious

              The bullet grazing his face in wep one
              Not obvious to me. Then again, by the time I got the HD bundle, I'd already watched the first episode on youtube... That and I'm admittedly not the brightest bulb in the closet.


                it's not just

                re ashley and mom

                freezing the embryo that's a's conceiving it as well. we barely have the tech now for invitro - that was 'perfected' in my lifetime, and we definitely didn't have it 100 years ago.

                we also barely got refrigeration...oh 1940's or so. so i don't see how she could have had the tech to freeze and preserve an embryo for that long cause you don't just pop it into an ice cube tray, it has to be frozen with liquid nitrogen i believe

                all i can think is that helen popped into the future, 'saved' the child, then brought back some sort of tech...that or druitt took her and she found her way back

                also, notice that she said 'brought it to term' she didn't say 'gave birth' or 'carried'...ashley may very well have been carried externally and not as a traditional child would be

                and you can't do this stuff even now with a huge degree of succes...well the invitro, it's easy to toss eggs and sperm in a dish, shake gently and fertilize

                but the implantation procedure has a very small success rate.

                there is a lot more to ashley than we know
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                  A thought

                  maybe an abnormal had the power to freeze the embryo without harming it...
                  That's exactly what I was thinking.


                    Originally posted by starprops View Post
                    That's exactly what I was thinking.
                    that's a possibility


                    it still doesn't explain invitro, fertilizing the egg outside the body and successfully implanting it

                    i'm far from knowledgable on it, but i think you have to freeze the embryo when it's still a in just cells, days after conception. which means it's microscopic. i don't see how she'd have the tech to do that
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                      I dunno if this has been mentioned before, but in Wep 4, what do you guys think Druitt meant when he said...

                      "You cannot control her forever!" about Ashley?

                      Was he pretty much predicting that Ashley could develop the ability/sickness like him, or that she could go to the dark side as well?
                      oh, yeah!

                      when he'd say that, i'd start to think 'ah oh', but then i'd start paying attention to the next stuff and forget about it. but YEAH, what did he mean by that exactly?

                      ~hears doom and gloom music~





                        Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                        Blog has been updated!


                        In short: because of a move they have to bump the next release back a week.

                        I personally would rather wait an extra week and get quality than have them rush it out while they are dealing with getting their new offices up and running.
                        *argh and groan and all that other melodramatic stuff*

                        but there's nothing new or good on! stargate's over! () I NEED NEW SANCTUARY!!

                        *wails and moans quiet down*

                        *for now*




                          Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                          A thought

                          maybe an abnormal had the power to freeze the embryo without harming it...
                          now, hey, that works.




                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

                            On the news about the delay for wep. 5--I feel a tremor coming on...





                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

                              On the news about the delay for wep. 5--I feel a tremor coming on...
                              *nods* me too

                              BTW, don't know if this has already been posted but I saw this on the TV guide, if you live in the UK and have skyone they're showing a documentary/investigation show about Jack-The-Ripper at 9pm on Tuesday

                              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                                Originally posted by Lizlove View Post
                                *slaps forehead*

                                Can someone say stupid?

                                *gives Lizlove a Jethro Gibbs-style smack on the back of the head*

                                Silly girl...
                                Last edited by BruTak; 30 June 2007, 03:36 AM. Reason: Typo.
                                Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                                To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                                Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                                And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.

