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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    i hope you're wrong to

    my 'day jobs' comment comes from, isn't martin and damian working on atlantis? I just assumed that they were, but i certainly could be wrong.

    I know that amanda said on her site that she's just donig atlantis at the moment. It is possible that this delay is a combo of things. scheduling issues, money issues. wasn't there supposed to be interactive gaming stuff? but i haven't heard of that, so there coud be production delays on that front.

    I can certainly see that they're gonna be fighting an uphill battle. As much fun as it is to NOT have 'oh so intelligent' network execs telling them what to do, there is a reason so many shows stick with the interferring networks...they offer an umbrella of safety to show makers. You're playing with the network's money, not your own.

    However, one reason i do support sanctuary is because they're NOT playing the network game. I'm sick annd tired of the networks and tehir censorship and control. They manipulate and play with us and control what they think we shoudl be allowed to see. I'm sick of that stranglehold.

    and for that reason alone, i'll support sanctuary. teh fact that i enjoy it is just a bonus
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Maybe there should be a Prequel Series until the rest of the crew is done with Atlantis.

      "The Ashley Magnus Chronicles"

      They really should have planned better. They have alot of potential to work with. I hope that when Sanctuary does come back we dont have to wait two weeks & pay twice for Webisodes again. But I guess they could have underestimated how popular Sanctuary would get. Lets hope things will get better the second time around.


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        i don't necessarily think it's by choice. I think it's timing and dealing with thier 'day jobs'.

        remember, most of these guys are also working full time or nearly full time on Atlantis. Sanctuary is just a part time gig

        I do agree with you about not losing momentum, but i don't necessarily think it's manipulation on thier parts, but just something brought about by teh demands of time and perhaps money
        I agree, This while I think it's fabulous, seems like something that they got together and did outside of work. Best analogy, if a bunch of us got together after work, filmed something, worked on it for months, and then put it out there for the fans...
        Wait... don't some of us do that already?
        awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          my 'day jobs' comment comes from, isn't martin and damian working on atlantis? I just assumed that they were, but i certainly could be wrong.

          I know that amanda said on her site that she's just donig atlantis at the moment. It is possible that this delay is a combo of things. scheduling issues, money issues. wasn't there supposed to be interactive gaming stuff? but i haven't heard of that, so there coud be production delays on that front.
          Martin is still working on Atlantis (as well as Amanda duh )

          It is a scheduling issue. Like it or not, AT is under contract with Stargate until the fall, so they cannot film anything until she has some free time.


            Actually I think a lot of people (not necessarily here on GW) are not realising that we are being involved at a stage of a project that fans / viewers don't usually get to see. It can take years to get a pilot made and then another year or two to get the money, resources etc etc all lined up to get a series start production.

            It's hard to tell people what's definitely going to happen and a schedule for such things when nothing is set in concrete yet. It's fluid, in motion and something we as viewers are usually not involved in.

            If Sanctuary were a regular type project we would of heard of it by now but we wouldn't actually be seeing anything until maybe March next year, after the pilot and several hours of webisodes were all done and ready for release. So I'm curious, are people taking that into consideration when offering their views? I know I've come across a few people whinging because they haven't got the gaming or interactive stuff yet and the lack of webisodes and it leaves me wondering if they are just part of the "I want it now" generation or if they truely have no idea of what is going on behind the scenes and what stage of the development cycle we are seeing or maybe they're seeing something else that I'm not seeing.

            Do I think this project is going to succeed? To tell you the truth I don't know, as it definitely is something new and groundbreaking plus I like it so I've probably jinxed it already All I do know is that we've gotten to see the pilot as they make it AND they've been given the go ahead for another 10 hours so that's way cool!!

            I think next year people are going to be a lot happier than they are right now, it takes time to get the stuff S3M have planned done. I'm not good at waiting by any means but I do understand the logistics of getting a project like this off the ground so I'm willing to wait (though not patiently). However, have I mentioned before that I HATE cliffhangers!!! (I'm not sure if I can forgive Damian that one!)

            By the way I'm not taking shots at anyone in particular but I am trying to understand where people's heads are at and where / how they form their opinions.


              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
              Do I think this project is going to succeed? To tell you the truth I don't know, as it definitely is something new and groundbreaking plus I like it so I've probably jinxed it already All I do know is that we've gotten to see the pilot as they make it AND they've been given the go ahead for another 10 hours so that's way cool!!
              Isn't the best way that this is going to come back for more episodes is by us giving it the support it needs? I know I'm newer here but to me that just seems logical....
              awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                Isn't the best way that this is going to come back for more episodes is by us giving it the support it needs? I know I'm newer here but to me that just seems logical....
                Unfortunately logical and movie/TV industry don't go well together.


                  Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                  Actually I think a lot of people (not necessarily here on GW) are not realising that we are being involved at a stage of a project that fans / viewers don't usually get to see. It can take years to get a pilot made and then another year or two to get the money, resources etc etc all lined up to get a series start production.

                  If Sanctuary were a regular type project we would of heard of it by now but we wouldn't actually be seeing anything until maybe March next year, after the pilot and several hours of webisodes were all done and ready for release.

                  Do I think this project is going to succeed? To tell you the truth I don't know, as it definitely is something new and groundbreaking plus I like it so I've probably jinxed it already All I do know is that we've gotten to see the pilot as they make it AND they've been given the go ahead for another 10 hours so that's way cool!!

                  I think next year people are going to be a lot happier than they are right now, it takes time to get the stuff S3M have planned done.
                  Agree. I keep wanting the same character backstory, story arcs, etc.. I had from 10 years of stargate. So I am hankering for more info, more story, but it is early.

                  I don't like cliffhangers that last for months and months - 2 week cliffhangers are OK.

                  The other, very important issue about the state in which Bigfoot and Helen were left in is:

                  they apparently won't recieve ANY medical attention until late fall when filming resumes. Left on a cold kitchen floor for months with possibly life- threatening wounds? Poor Helen and Manservant.

                  Back to the regularly scheduled pontificating:

                  I really hope Sanctuary succeeds. I like the people behind it and the idea of it.

                  Too early for me to tell much about all the creative aspects. I think the glitches in DL, CG, webisodes in library will get worked out.

                  I may be completely premature in my opinion, but one of my reservations is how I feel about Helen. Not that AT is not doing a fantastic job. Just that I don't know if I like Helen. No warm fuzzies - she seems fairly cold and aloof thus far, but then again, we hardly know her... The concept of her character is extremely cool, but would I want to have lunch with her? Wouldn't mind hearing about some of her travels, medical history through her eyes, etc.. but I probably wouldn't be clowning around too much - I don't think. Maybe we just haven't seen the quirky humor yet...

                  Please don't flame me hehe, I'm just thinking out loud - I totally support the project and want to see how all the characters develop.
                  Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                  Quint Studer


                    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                    Actually I think a lot of people (not necessarily here on GW) are not realising that we are being involved at a stage of a project that fans / viewers don't usually get to see. It can take years to get a pilot made and then another year or two to get the money, resources etc etc all lined up to get a series start production.

                    It's hard to tell people what's definitely going to happen and a schedule for such things when nothing is set in concrete yet. It's fluid, in motion and something we as viewers are usually not involved in.

                    If Sanctuary were a regular type project we would of heard of it by now but we wouldn't actually be seeing anything until maybe March next year, after the pilot and several hours of webisodes were all done and ready for release. So I'm curious, are people taking that into consideration when offering their views? I know I've come across a few people whinging because they haven't got the gaming or interactive stuff yet and the lack of webisodes and it leaves me wondering if they are just part of the "I want it now" generation or if they truely have no idea of what is going on behind the scenes and what stage of the development cycle we are seeing or maybe they're seeing something else that I'm not seeing.

                    Do I think this project is going to succeed? To tell you the truth I don't know, as it definitely is something new and groundbreaking plus I like it so I've probably jinxed it already All I do know is that we've gotten to see the pilot as they make it AND they've been given the go ahead for another 10 hours so that's way cool!!

                    I think next year people are going to be a lot happier than they are right now, it takes time to get the stuff S3M have planned done. I'm not good at waiting by any means but I do understand the logistics of getting a project like this off the ground so I'm willing to wait (though not patiently). However, have I mentioned before that I HATE cliffhangers!!! (I'm not sure if I can forgive Damian that one!)

                    By the way I'm not taking shots at anyone in particular but I am trying to understand where people's heads are at and where / how they form their opinions.
                    Nice post! I agree I think we just need to stick with it and our patients will I'm sure be rewarded

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      FYI, it's being reported on the Sanctuary forum that some people in Europe have now been able to download sucessfully, so you might want to check


                        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                        Actually I think a lot of people (not necessarily here on GW) are not realising that we are being involved at a stage of a project that fans / viewers don't usually get to see. It can take years to get a pilot made and then another year or two to get the money, resources etc etc all lined up to get a series start production.
                        You make a good point. Usually we see the pilot episode as the first episode of a season. In this case, rather than showing the pilot to a bunch of execs, they showed it to us. I think the stories have great potential so I hope it goes forward. I think the scheduling is complicated by AT's contract.

                        They do need to resolve the technical glitches, though, if they're going to keep viewers.

                        I hope the viewer input about the resolution of the storyline doesn't mean they plan to write by opinion poll. I think taking general ideas, such as "show us more of Helen in Victorian times" are worth considering, but not plot details.


                          Originally posted by tagger View Post
                          The other, very important issue about the state in which Bigfoot and Helen were left in is:

                          they apparently won't recieve ANY medical attention until late fall when filming resumes. Left on a cold kitchen floor for months with possibly life- threatening wounds? Poor Helen and Manservant.


                          Back to the regularly scheduled pontificating:

                          I really hope Sanctuary succeeds. I like the people behind it and the idea of it.

                          Too early for me to tell much about all the creative aspects. I think the glitches in DL, CG, webisodes in library will get worked out.

                          I may be completely premature in my opinion, but one of my reservations is how I feel about Helen. Not that AT is not doing a fantastic job. Just that I don't know if I like Helen. No warm fuzzies - she seems fairly cold and aloof thus far, but then again, we hardly know her... The concept of her character is extremely cool, but would I want to have lunch with her? Wouldn't mind hearing about some of her travels, medical history through her eyes, etc.. but I probably wouldn't be clowning around too much - I don't think. Maybe we just haven't seen the quirky humor yet...

                          Please don't flame me hehe, I'm just thinking out loud - I totally support the project and want to see how all the characters develop.
                          No flames from me. Based on what we've seen so far, I'm not sure I "like" Helen, either in the sense of her being someone I'd want to hang around with. But I do find her fascinating. I think her aloofness is somewhat from self protection. I definitely want to learn more about her. I find her much more interesting than Will, and not just because I'm an AT fan.


                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            No flames from me. Based on what we've seen so far, I'm not sure I "like" Helen, either in the sense of her being someone I'd want to hang around with. But I do find her fascinating. I think her aloofness is somewhat from self protection. I definitely want to learn more about her. I find her much more interesting than Will, and not just because I'm an AT fan.
                            Exactly. I don't think Helen is supposed to be a typical 'likable' character. It's unusual for a show to have it's heroine and main character *not* be likable.

                            She is incredibly intriguing though. I agree the the aloofness is definitely a defense mechanism. She's seem a lot of death, not only because of her line of work, but also her longevity. She knows that she will outlive everyone around her, so she keeps her distance.


                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              You make a good point. Usually we see the pilot episode as the first episode of a season. In this case, rather than showing the pilot to a bunch of execs, they showed it to us. I think the stories have great potential so I hope it goes forward. I think the scheduling is complicated by AT's contract.

                              They do need to resolve the technical glitches, though, if they're going to keep viewers.

                              I hope the viewer input about the resolution of the storyline doesn't mean they plan to write by opinion poll. I think taking general ideas, such as "show us more of Helen in Victorian times" are worth considering, but not plot details.
                              Yes and very few pilots actually make the cut and even fewer become huge successes( lasting longer than five years on television ).

                              I recently ran across this article and thought it was rather interesting.

                              Writing for Television

                              However, since I'm not in the business, I can't really verify if this is true or not, but if it is then it's very interesting to see how the business of writing a television script works.


                                Also, she goes into scientist mode when she's studying the abnormals, so is pretty clinical then. But I don't think she offers them Sanctuary just so she can experiment on them. After all, she gave Bigfoot a home and seems protective of him. As he does of her. There's got to be an interesting story there.

