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Iron Man 2 : More Action , More Bad Guys

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    Leslie Bibb Set to Return for Iron Man 2!

    The actress who played reporter Christine Everhart in 'Iron Man' has revelaed that her character will be back for the sequel...


      Downey Jr: 'Iron Man is horny'

      Robert Downey Jr has claimed that Iron Man is the "horniest" superhero series.

      The actor told Entertainment Weekly that the upcoming sequel features a heated love triangle between his character Tony Stark, Gwyneth Paltrow's Pepper Potts and Scarlett Johansson's new addition the Black Widow.

      "Our signature as a superhero franchise is that we're horny," Downey Jr said. "Not, like, can't-bring-your-kids horny, but just... horny."

      Paltrow added that the battles for Stark's affections are more complex than a "male catfight fantasy".

      "The men want it to be, like, 'Ooh, the girls are fighting over Tony', but it's not as standard as that," she noted.


        New Black Widow Photo


          Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
          Very nice!
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            Newest Iron Man 2 Image Shows Whiplash's Destructive Power



              "Iron Man 2" Comic Con Banner Hints At New Suit



                More New "Iron Man 2" Pics



                  'Iron Man 2' to be based on film, comics

                  The Iron Man 2 video game will use aspects from both the new movie and respective comic books.

                  Penned by comic writer Matt Fraction, the release will feature a brand new story adapted from elements in both mediums.

                  "A game presents an entirely new challenge, where the audience/consumer/player engages with the world, with the big and small aspects of the place and characters," he said. "They're a co-conspirator in the narrative. I hope it's as exciting and
                  challenging to play as it was to write."

                  The title will also include a redesigned control scheme and hand-to-hand combat.

                  Iron Man 2 will be released on 360, PS2, PSP, DS and Wii next spring



                    Righty... the comic-con panel is set it start in about 10 minutes.... i'm going to try and follow anything that appears and post it here when i find it.

                    EDIT- Gad!... the SSH boards, one of the main places i'm following, has gone nuts... can barely get a page going

                    EDIT- 2 Live blogging here...

                    Last edited by Dr Lee; 25 July 2009, 03:32 PM. Reason: removing second link

                    'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                      New post....

                      some details of the teaser....

                      Going to take a little time to write up the footage we just saw... the crowd is going NUTS! We got to see Mickey Rourke's Whiplash in action, as well as Scarlet Johansson's Black Widow.... and holy crap... WAR MACHINE!!!!!!

                      Footage opened with Iron Man without his helmet sitting in a giant donut on top of the donut shop (which we've seen in early pictures). We see the back of Sam Jackson's head as Nick Fury calls Tony Stark to "Come down from the donut" and the next scene shows the two of them talking inside the donut shop, continuing the conversation that began in the ending scene in the first "Iron Man" about him possibly putting together a group of heroes.

                      *The second scene takes place in a courtroom where Tony Stark is being grilled by Senator Stern played by Gary Shandling, who is trying to find out why Tony Stark has a specialized weapon that he's not sharing with the government. We get the same sort of sass and gumption we saw from Downey's Stark in the first movie and hopefully we'll have time to share some of the funnier bits.

                      The third scene introduces Mickey Rourke as Whiplash and unfortunately, the voice over was hard to understand because of his thick Russian accent, but we can see him sitting at a workbench working on something that is revealed to be a similar chest plate as Iron Man's. We then get to see Whiplash in his full costume (similar to the picture that was released a few weeks ago) and he's whipping these insane energy whips on the ground sending up sparks. That leads into a shot of Iron Man flying through the air and the logo, which everyone thought was going to be it...but nope!!

                      *The last bit is the first look at Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer coming up to the original Iron Man armor and asking what it is to which he's told that it's classified by Cheadle but then Hammer starts pulling out all sorts of weapons to retrofit on the armor and Cheadle says "I think I'll take it... ALL OF IT" and sure enough, we then see our first look at the retrofitted Iron Man armor

                      Taken from the first live blog in my last post
                      Last edited by Dr Lee; 25 July 2009, 03:31 PM. Reason: Even more details

                      'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                        Hopefully that teaser hits the web soon.
                        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                        "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                        Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                          SDCC: Fans say Iron Man 2 so awesome it's orgasmic

                          To give you an accurate picture of the reaction I heard from the thousands of fans who streamed out of Hall H at the San Diego Comic-Con just a few hours ago after having seen preview footage from Iron Man 2, I could probably just type the word AWESOME!!! over and over several hundreds of times in all caps with at least three exclamation points and leave it at that.


                          SDCC: Iron Man 2 footage brings crowd to its feet

                          Crediting the attendees of the 2007 Iron Man Comic-Con panel as the reason the movie went on to become a critical and commercial smash, Jon Favreau appeared in a completely-packed Hall H on Saturday at this year's Comicn-Con to premiere footage from the forthcoming sequel, Iron Man 2, with two clips that brought the crowd to its feet.


                          SDCC: Jon Favreau on building a better Iron Man 2

                          Two years ago, Iron Man footage killed at San Diego Comic-Con. On Saturday, Iron Man 2 footage killed again. With hard evidence that the sequel would indeed live up to the hype, director Jon Favreau explained what he learned from the good and bad sequels of other franchises. He held up Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn and The Empire Strikes Back as high watermarks for their approach to continuing stories.



                            SDCC 09: Iron Man 2 Interviews

                            Favreau, Johansson and more suit-up for SDCC 09



                              SDCC 09: Rockwell Dons Armor in Iron Man 2?

                              The biggest panel of this year's Comic-Con has come to an end, giving the Iron Man faithful much to look forward to. And IGN Movies was of course on hand to talk to the cast and crew of the highly anticipated sequel.



                                SDCC 09: Iron Man 2 Panel

                                Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment presented hungry fans with their first look at Iron Man 2 today at San Diego Comic-Con. Director Jon Favreau, leading man Robert Downey Jr., and Marvel's movies honcho Kevin Feige talked up the hotly anticipated sequel and publicly screened for the first time footage from the recently wrapped film, which opens May 7, 2010.


                                Its a information overload!!! im so excited!!

