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Farscape Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Thunderstorm
    About Scorpius outfit - there is a reason he is dressed like that. Don't read below if you don't want to be spoiled.
    It's a cooling suit. He is half sebacen and half scarren. You find out about his parentage and background in a latter ep. Since the sebacen's have problems with too much heat and the scarren's love heat he needs a suit to keep him cool or he would die (technically for sebacens too much heat puts them into something called the living death which is sort of like a coma you'll never awaken from). If you think Scorpius is creepy now wait till you find out about the head gear he wears.

    And I agree I love this show!!
    Already had that spoiled awhile ago, wasn't exactly sure of why the outfit was necessary, but had the basics.

    As for John and Aeryn.....can I have a hint.....must.....know.....are they together by some time in season two? Three? Four? PKWars?

    Going a little insane- I've got two eps to go before I'll have to wait ages for more.


      Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
      Already had that spoiled awhile ago, wasn't exactly sure of why the outfit was necessary, but had the basics.

      As for John and Aeryn.....can I have a hint.....must.....know.....are they together by some time in season two? Three? Four? PKWars?

      Going a little insane- I've got two eps to go before I'll have to wait ages for more.
      Minor spoilers concerning John and Aeryn.

      Lot's of things happen
      between John and Aeryn. They are together, and then they aren't. Then they are together again. A huge event in Season 3 puts a huge strain on them though. You'll know what I mean when you see it.
      Last edited by the fifth man; 14 September 2006, 07:00 PM.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        Originally posted by the fifth man
        Minor spoilers concerning John and Aeryn.

        Lot's of things happen
        between John and Aeryn. They are together, and then they aren't. Then they are together again. A huge event is Season 3 puts a huge strain on them though. You'll know what I mean when you see it.
        Sounds crazy, can't wait!


          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
          As for John and Aeryn.....can I have a hint.....must.....know.....are they together by some time in season two? Three? Four? PKWars?(
          I'll put my answer in spoiler quotes so anyone that doesn't want to know can pass by.
          1st the easy one: PKwars - most definitely, oh boy are they together. I'd like to say more but you obviously haven't been spoiled or you wouldn't be asking

          now to the harder answers. Hey this is Farscape there are no straight answers.
          2nd season - not really, although they are getting there but the big roadblock is mostly that
          big S2 story arc spoiler
          John is going slowly crazy the whole season

          3rd season - yes (Green Monster - which is a big jealously fest - and a really great commentary with Ben Browder who wrote the episode), a really nice scene in Relativity and other scenes) and no - well that would be spoiling another really, really big plot point but also a very well done storyline which is where some of the screaming and crying comes in. And also no because well they get separated sort of but not exactly.
          4th season - yes and no, do to the spoiler alluded to above and also because someone I won't mention takes up residence on Moya.

          The writers and producers at Farscape really know how to do UST and RST. I just want to scream out to the SG1 people and others shows and say - see it can be done. You can get the characters together and still have a great show and tension and UST and all the stuff other shows seem to think can't happen. It can be done, so you're excuses don't work for me anymore (part of the reason I quit watching Stargate in the 9th season)

          I know I've confused you greatly but it's really hard to go past generalities without really spoiling things and the angst of S3 is half the fun.

          To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

          From the wonderful XKCD site


            Originally posted by the fifth man
            Minor spoilers concerning John and Aeryn.

            Lot's of things happen
            between John and Aeryn. They are together, and then they aren't. Then they are together again. A huge event is Season 3 puts a huge strain on them though. You'll know what I mean when you see it.
            Good summary. While I was busy composing a more detailed post you summed up what I wanted to say much more quickly.

            But I had lots of fun putting my post together. And no I didn't get real detailed mostly because of the sticky S3 plot point.

            To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

            From the wonderful XKCD site


              Do you visit Farscape area at There are several interviews with FS actors there (both German and English versions) and they've added one more very recently - HERE
              T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



                Originally posted by Farscapefan
                Do you visit Farscape area at There are several interviews with FS actors there (both German and English versions) and they've added one more very recently - HERE
                Cool site, thanks.


                  Originally posted by Thunderstorm
                  I'll put my answer in spoiler quotes so anyone that doesn't want to know can pass by.
                  1st the easy one: PKwars - most definitely, oh boy are they together. I'd like to say more but you obviously haven't been spoiled or you wouldn't be asking

                  now to the harder answers. Hey this is Farscape there are no straight answers.
                  2nd season - not really, although they are getting there but the big roadblock is mostly that
                  big S2 story arc spoiler
                  John is going slowly crazy the whole season

                  3rd season - yes (Green Monster - which is a big jealously fest - and a really great commentary with Ben Browder who wrote the episode), a really nice scene in Relativity and other scenes) and no - well that would be spoiling another really, really big plot point but also a very well done storyline which is where some of the screaming and crying comes in. And also no because well they get separated sort of but not exactly.
                  4th season - yes and no, do to the spoiler alluded to above and also because someone I won't mention takes up residence on Moya.

                  The writers and producers at Farscape really know how to do UST and RST. I just want to scream out to the SG1 people and others shows and say - see it can be done. You can get the characters together and still have a great show and tension and UST and all the stuff other shows seem to think can't happen. It can be done, so you're excuses don't work for me anymore (part of the reason I quit watching Stargate in the 9th season)

                  I know I've confused you greatly but it's really hard to go past generalities without really spoiling things and the angst of S3 is half the fun.
                  Wow this sounds fun! Thanks !

                  I absolutly agree on the UST and RST- it's why I loath Stargate ships (I also think the show doesn't need ships in generalanyway, but that's a whole other can of worms).


                    My Farscape DVD collection:

                    T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



                      Originally posted by Farscapefan
                      My Farscape DVD collection:

                      Wow those are beautiful! Are the ones with the shiny blue across the top Starburt editions? *starts thinking* Those would look awfully pretty on my shelf between BSG and Firefly..... *snaps out of it* Looking at the big boxes, even if they are overpriced, the packaging looks very nice.


                        Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                        Wow those are beautiful! Are the ones with the shiny blue across the top Starburt editions? *starts thinking* Those would look awfully pretty on my shelf between BSG and Firefly..... *snaps out of it* Looking at the big boxes, even if they are overpriced, the packaging looks very nice.
                        Yup, these are Starburst Edition
                        T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



                          Originally posted by Farscapefan
                          Yup, these are Starburst Edition
                          Anyone have a rough estimate on how much PKWars costs (US$ is fine, I can do the math)? I tried the site of my local future shop where I buy most stuff but they don't even have it listed.....


                            Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                            Anyone have a rough estimate on how much PKWars costs (US$ is fine, I can do the math)? I tried the site of my local future shop where I buy most stuff but they don't even have it listed.....
                            US$ 15-20. Wow just checked and they have it for US $10.99

                            To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                            From the wonderful XKCD site


                              Originally posted by Thunderstorm
                              US$ 15-20. Wow just checked and they have it for US $10.99
                              Nice! Might have to check Wal-Mart though, hopefully I'll find it that cheap somewhere in store.


                                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                                Nice! Might have to check Wal-Mart though, hopefully I'll find it that cheap somewhere in store.
                                Do you have a Best Buy near you? They carry alot of the Farscape DVDs. I find Walmart tends to only carry the latest or more popular stuff.

                                To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                                From the wonderful XKCD site

