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Eureka : Episode Discussion /Speculation

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    I liked this weeks episode. Its different from most shows. The product placement does not bother me one bit, they need to make money some how. It seems like a great idea for SGA, this way maybe they could add a writer with some decent ability and most importantly new ideas.


      The product placement wasn't that 'in-your-face' IMO, they managed to include it in the storyline which I thought was good.

      It was good to see Marco from The 4400 guest starring


        Review of What about Bob? from SyFy Portal:

        I thought this section was interesting:

        For instance, when Thorn decides to do the unthinkable, like forcing people to pay for their food in the restaurant, to purchase library cards, and shut down the museum, she seems perfectly committed to her position.

        At the end of the episode, however, she has done a total about-face (except for closing the museum), presumably based on a few words from Jo and witnessing Carter’s heroics in the biodome. At least I think that’s why she changes completely and lets Eureka run the way it always has. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, but it’s the best I explanation I can come up with based on what was presented
        Now maybe I'm giving the show too much credit, but when I watched it, I thought that was kind of the point. That Thorne planned it all that way. She comes in and makes all these changes, and predictably, people protest. So she puts it all back the way it was, except for, oh yeah, the museum, which no one noticed in the first place, but which might have landed on people's radar if she had singled it out. So she gets to be the nice guy, and gets the museum records without anyone noticing, which was her real target in the first place.

        What does everyone else think? Was Thorne's town makeover and subsequent retreat carefully staged, or did she really just back down because of Jo's comments?
        - Life after Stargate -
        Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
        Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


          I totally agree with you kildeer, it was all in the plan.


            Yeah, I thought the same as you, Killdeer.


              Originally posted by A Wraith Named Bob View Post
              So how would you rate seasons 1 and 2 of Eureka compared to this season so far? I'm thinking about checking out the past seasons...
              I really liked s1 and am half way through s2 on DVD from Netflix.
              I can't compare it to s3 since I haven't watched that yet (I'm anal about watching things out of order).

              So far, I like s2 as well. It's quirky and entertaining. I don't think it's intended to be thought provoking or action packed or anything.


                Originally posted by Pic-CollSwan View Post
                I really liked s1 and am half way through s2 on DVD from Netflix.
                I can't compare it to s3 since I haven't watched that yet (I'm anal about watching things out of order).

                So far, I like s2 as well. It's quirky and entertaining. I don't think it's intended to be thought provoking or action packed or anything.
                Steve, Bob and Todd. What chummy guys!


                  Well, it looks like next week they're doing the old "ratings boost" trick, by killing someone off.

                  Man I hope it's Fargo...
                  Through Life's dull road, so dim and dirty
                  I have dragged to three-and-thirty.
                  What have these years left to me?
                  Nothing, except thirty-three.

                  - Lord Byron

                  Dispatches From the Suburbs of Hell

                  The Pit


                    Aww, I like Fargo. Personally, I can't see the attraction to Allison but meh. Maybe SARAH overloads or something


                      Originally posted by Thermonuclearboy View Post
                      Well, it looks like next week they're doing the old "ratings boost" trick, by killing someone off.

                      Man I hope it's Fargo...
                      I still don't really get why they do that.. *sigh*

                      Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                      Aww, I like Fargo. Personally, I can't see the attraction to Allison but meh. Maybe SARAH overloads or something
                      LOL! Figures, they'd make it sound all dramatic *in deep voice* "It's the last episode for one of the characters" and it's SARAH..

                      Oh well, I'm really excited for the next episode!

                      Shep 'Home' sig made by Luciana! (I made the rest.)

                      "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." -Jimi Hendrix


                        Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                        Aww, I like Fargo. Personally, I can't see the attraction to Allison but meh. Maybe SARAH overloads or something
                        I find Fargo funny, but albeit a little bit annoying.
                        Don't touch Lola


                          Fargo gets on my nerves. He's allegedly some kind of genius, yet he keeps making bonehead mistakes which drive the plot. He's almost destroyed the world HOW MANY times now? And he's still employed by Global Dynamics? Other characters have been fired for less.

                          Besides which, he's the only character we can afford to lose at this point. It's not like he's had a lot to do this season so far.
                          Through Life's dull road, so dim and dirty
                          I have dragged to three-and-thirty.
                          What have these years left to me?
                          Nothing, except thirty-three.

                          - Lord Byron

                          Dispatches From the Suburbs of Hell

                          The Pit


                            Unless the actor has asked to leave it's almost always the most expendable person who gets killed off. It's rarely ever anyone central to the plot whose loss would have a major effect on future eps. Fargo is probably the most expendable, but they could also go for someone like Vincent, just for the unexpectedness of it. Of course, the town would starve to death without him, but TECHNICALLY he isn't vital to the show.

                            As far as spent storylines, though, I'd probably say Henry and Stark, although with all the BS they've done with Henry already that'd be a pretty crummy thing to do. Stark is good for snarking at Carter (and I love him for it) but now that he's fallen and been redeemed and even (general season spoilers)
                            won back Allison
                            I dunno what else they can do with him unless he and Carter wind up on friendlier terms (in a non-slashy way, thanks). Allison rose in the ranks and given recent developments won't be of much interest to Carter anymore, so I guess she could be a candidate, too.

                            Or how about Taggart? I still maintain that awful Aussie accent is supposed to sound fake, but his amusement value wore off two seasons ago. Killing him off would cause even fewer ripples than Vincent.


                              They can't get rid of Fargo...the actor is also the voice of S.A.R.A.H.

                              You don't see much of Taggart, so there's no real impact if he gets knocked off.

                              That being said, the guest stars aren't bad and the stories of the week that revolve around them, keep the show fresh.
                              It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


                                Eureka - Who IS the mysterious Mary Perkins?:

                                S.A.R.A.H. has her own Twitter site now:

                                And just posted something mysterious:

                                Security sensors have detected an alert concerning a Mary Perkins. If you have information regarding her whereabouts, call 202-640-3864

                                And at the Eureka Unscripted site:

                                Their Aug. 15 update includes:

                                Oh. And if anyone has information on Mary Perkins, please call the number on the right. The Department of Defense has identified her as a “person of interest” and wants any traces of her whereabouts reported immediately.

                                WANTED BY THE D.O.D: MARY PERKINS

                                Have information on her whereabouts? Call us at: (202) 640-3864


                                What we CAN tell you about the back thirteen is…

                                Look for Colin Ferguson (Sheriff Jack Carter) and Joe Morton (Henry Deacon) to DIRECT episodes. (Colin is already up for Episode 310 which he’ll be shooting in September.) Also, look for a special episode in which Deputy Jo Lupo gets to be “Sheriff for a Day.” Too bad she picked the wrong day… And how about Eureka in the Old West? Heh. Well after exploding dogs, we have to up the ante somehow!


                                The phone number is a disconnected number in Washington, D.C.


                                Also, according to IMDB, in the following episodes, some former SG1/SGA guest stars will be appearing:

                                Show Me the Mummy (airs Sept. 2)

                                Niall Matter (SGA's Lt. Kemp) and Zak Santiago (SG1's Evolution Parts 1 & 2)

                                Phased and Confused (airs Sept. 9)

                                Niall Matter

                                Here Come the Suns (airs Sept. 16)

                                Niall Matter, Dean Marshall (SGA's Sgt./Agt. Bates)

                                From Fear to Eternity (airs Sept. 23)

                                David Richmond-Peck (SG1's Orpheus and SGA's Harmony)

                                SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                                SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                                Morjana's Blog Twitter

