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Eureka : Episode Discussion /Speculation

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    I liove how everyone goes, "In my Opinion". Of course it's your opnion, everything in this topic is your opinion or my opinion! Did we forget this is a forum in which the point is to talk about our opinions!?!


      Originally posted by Oreo
      I liove how everyone goes, "In my Opinion". Of course it's your opnion, everything in this topic is your opinion or my opinion! Did we forget this is a forum in which the point is to talk about our opinions!?!
      IMO, its a shame not everyone realizes that these days.
      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


        whoa! sounds like most of you's (generic, no one specific)
        are getting bored awful quick... oh my...

        I'm just curious to see how long it will take before that creature behind door # ? shows up. The Eureka series just might drag it out long enough to hold out and not show it, unless they have greater plans later down the road.

        Originally posted by Descent
        Unless they do something drastic with it, I can't see it going past a second season. Then all Sci-Fi will have is BSG and Atlantis...oh and Who Wants to be a Superhero.
        nahhh, SG:Atlantis won't be back until the Spring of 2007, unless it's on in the wee hours of the Friday into Saturday morning. So that would translate as BSG and Caprica as being Sci-Fi's primary programs for now.

        Except there's definitely room for one more... the forgotten one... *THE Doctor*.

        And *please, please!* DON'T forget DOCTOR WHO!!
        us folks who haven't yet seen Seasons 2 and above (or 28 and 29 and beyond) are (and have been) deprived from enjoying the wonders of "Whoville"... that's THE ultimate *highlight* for most of my Friday nights; anyway, and will most likely continue to be, too. Mostly because my hubby doesn't care for BSG, and it took him forever to learn how to enjoy the British humor in DW... At least we both have DOCTOR WHO to enjoy for the duration.

        Of course if the rumors are true about the good Doctor (DW) having a son to continue the series... that'd probably end up being the death knell to most loyal long-termed viewers. Bad idea (and getting bad vibes) on the "son" at this stage of the program.

        EDIT: didn't see Oreo's post above about
        And Dr. Who, but really, that isn't important at all!
        Of course that's important... to those of us who think so, anyway.


          Originally posted by Oreo
          I love how everyone goes, "In my Opinion". Of course it's your opnion, everything in this topic is your opinion or my opinion! Did we forget this is a forum in which the point is to talk about our opinions!?!
          Some people tend to state their opinions as facts rather than their personal feelings about something. "I think House is a boring show" sends a different message than "House is a boring show." The first makes it clear that one person feels that way whereas the latter implies that EVERYONE feels that way. Wording is important, especially on a forum like this. You may know that when you say something it's implied that it's only your opinion, but you can't assume that EVERYONE knows that particularly when there are people out there who really don't understand the difference and will not only claim their opinion as a fact but will flame anyone who disagrees.


            No. Actually I can't wait for Tues. episode. I'm wondering if there'll be a season two.


              Originally posted by LaCroix
              No. Actually I can't wait for Tues. episode. I'm wondering if there'll be a season two.
              I'd be very surprised if there wasn't. The ratings have been pretty good, all things considered. Maybe next season they'll have time to explore more boundaries. And maybe not, too. I'll still watch.

              Until I don't.


                Originally posted by rarocks24
                Actually, a lot of shows on tv are predictable.

                Eureka, it's not something I schedule my calendar for. It's okay, but it has more plot holes than a sponge.
                True. Perhaps I should have said "predictable in a completely non-engrossing way to me". LOL Unlike some shows which I find predictable, but still entertaining.

                Usually I lose interest in a show when there is no character with whom I can identify in some way. Eureka was like that for me. Doesn't mean it's a bad show. Just didn't grab me on any level.


                  the characters on eureka have no depth


                    Originally posted by TheGreatLordGeorgerheaus
                    the characters on eureka have no depth
                    Really? I thought several of the characters were developed quite nicely. They don't seem one-dimensional or shallow to me.

                    I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

                    Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


                      It's an okay show. good premise. but it just doesn't hook you. you know?
                      I think they could have done it better.
                      It's one of those shows that has to force the main ship really early on, cause ppl only watch occationally, and need the sex to keep up ratings.


                        I was hooked from the beginning. The main ship is one of the elements I'm not too keen on, but as with practically every other show on television I'm resigned to the fact that ship is going to happen. *sigh*

                        I can see lots of areas where the show could be improved, but I don't think it's an unsalvageable mess. Yet.


                          Originally posted by neptie
                          It's an okay show. good premise. but it just doesn't hook you. you know?
                          I think they could have done it better.
                          It's one of those shows that has to force the main ship really early on, cause ppl only watch occationally, and need the sex to keep up ratings.
                          It doesn't seem forced to me. I think the two characters have great chemistry and I like the way they're taking it kind of slow and allowing it to develop at a natural pace. There hasn't been any sex yet (well, except for Beverly--but that seems to be a part of her calculating-type character), so I don't see that as affecting the ratings.

                          I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

                          Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


                            I think biggest problem of Eureka is lack of humor, it just seems too "serious".
                            IMO, this kind of show could go with much more humor and then people would forget about how repetative it was. I am not saying it should be SF comedy, but it's way to "serious" when dealing with all these "end of the world" things.

                            And yes, i am aware that there are attempts of humor, but they are very poorly written. With all the gadgets, all those super-brains and everything all they come up are couple lines between sheriff and Stark? c'mon.. you can do better..

                            This is my biggest problem with Eureka, i can live with repetative show (hell, most of them are), but add something extra to it (humor, special story arc) that will keep me interested.

                            BTW :: even that half-attempt of introducing spy since first ep, doesnt add anything to either arc or ....
                            blah, it's becoming to hollow.

                            I liked it in the begining. And i can still watch it, but if they don't change at least something, i'll prolly stop.
                            VISIT AND JOIN


                              Originally posted by TheGreatLordGeorgerheaus
                              Is anyone else getting tired of eureka?
                              In a couple of interviews, the writers of the show made a decision early on to make a lot of their 1st season episodes stand-alone instead of episodic. They felt casual viewers could discover the show and enjoy it without having to follow the show from the beginning. It's also mentioned in the podcasts. Didn't help that the episodes were shown out of order so some character development and overall plot points/story arcs were not in sync to what was shown previously.

                              Eureka is more for the mainstream and casual viewer that wants something the whole family can watch and enjoy together rather than the hardcore SF fan. Eureka is really a hybrid genre type program...drama, comedy, and fantasy/mystery. Eureka is also a throwback to the way SF and detective shows/movies used to be back in the 50's and 60's...with the focus more on the characters and how they cope in their daily lives and situations rather than the tech or gadgets.

                              Personally, the show could be a bit more hard hitting and informative if they explored the science more so each episode could end with the "moral of the week". But this is the first season and the writers only had 13 episodes, so the focus is a bit off. I would suspect if/when a 2nd season is ordered, the characters will be fleshed out more, especially the secondary Jo, Fargo, and Vincent...and hopefully additional screen time for the more interesting and quirky characters of Jim Taggert, Henry Deacon, and Beverly Barlowe. Plus get back telling or adding new elements to the overall story arc/mystery.

                              But to answer the original, not yet. Eureka has potential, it all depends on the writers and where they want the series to go and explore. Eureka may not become a "Classic SF series" or is a "Ground Breaking SF show", it is however a light and charming entertainment and a very nice place to visit once a week.
                              It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


                                I like the show but I think I'm projecting some animosity I feel because of the SG-1 cancellation toward it. I think I need a session with Beverly.......

