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SyFy/Neilsen Caprica Rating Predictions/Discussions

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    Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
    98% negative posts.


      Originally posted by Replicator Todd View Post
      this has been one big caprica is doomed thread.!/Solar_wind84


        Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
        this has been one big caprica is doomed thread.
        True. But the fact are the facts and they paint a very grim picture for Caprica
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          True. But the fact are the facts and they paint a very grim picture for Caprica


            I wouldn't worry for now, it'll get a second season, start to worry if that one gets poor ratings too.


              Ratings for last Friday from the PI forum :

              Caprica (9pm)
              - 1.071 million viewers
              - 0.7/1 HH
              - 0.4/1 A18-49


                Caprica Ratings: Syfy’s Mark Stern Tries To Put Lipstick On the Pig

                THR’s James Hibberd, in a piece on some Syfy pilot pickups that also wanders into the territory that of course Syfy is considering other BSG spinoffs, quotes Syfy VP of development Mark Stern on Caprica’s ratings:

                When asked about the chances of its modestly performing spinoff “Caprica” getting a renewal, Stern was bullish. He pointed to the show recently hitting a series high in the adult demographic using Live+7 ratings, drawing 1.6 million viewers and 913,000 adults 18-49.

                “We have a lot of hope for that show,” Stern said. “The (DVR data) has been very promising and growing week after week. The ratings don’t reflect the potential audience.”


                  This "pig" doesn't need lipstick IMO. I just wish more people would tune in to see that.
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead



                    What sort of reaction have you had to the series so far?
                    "I've had a very positive reaction. The fans have been very kind and people have been great in the online world."

                    Are you pleased with the ratings you've been getting?
                    "I think the ratings could be better but I'm encouraged that they have continued to climb over the last couple of episodes. I think that's good. I'm pleased."

                    Do you think you've successfully managed to win over Battlestar fans?
                    "Some yes, some no. It depends on what people were looking for when they came to the show. We made a big point of saying it was not like Battlestar, so people that came to the show presumably knew they were coming for something completely different."

                    In the event that you don't get renewed, will the season one finale serve well as a series finale?
                    "No! No - it would not be a satisfying way to end the show, I'll put it that way. It's fifty years before Battlestar, so we can't end it at any time we want. It depends how far ahead we want to jump in the story."


                      Originally posted by Commander Zelix View Post
                      You probably mean: "Us soap opera fans", if you're talking about Caprica.


                      Ron Moore himself admits Caprica is a primetime soap opera.

                      As a Sci-fi fans, I have nothing against you guys who likes Caprica, but I'm kind of glad this experiment is an utter failure in ratings and hope it stays down like a good puppy. Hooray for sci-fi "trappings" and hardware (whatever that means). lol

                      *end of "rubbing noses in it" activity*
                      So? Why is a prime time soap an inappropriate format for an SF show? I mean, we've been steadily moving towards arc-driven storytelling since Babylon 5, and a soap is the logical extention of that. Personally, I'm digging the format simply because no one's ever really done it before.

                      Kevin Long
                      (The Artist Formerly Known As Republibot 3.0)


                        Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post

                        Are you pleased with the ratings you've been getting?
                        "I think the ratings could be better but I'm encouraged that they have continued to climb over the last couple of episodes. I think that's good. I'm pleased."
                        The ratings did rebound a bit after the olympics - how could they not? - but they've already boiled away most of that increase, and they're hovering around the 1.1 million mark, where they were *before* the olympics. That's, what, about $2.72 for every viewer of the show? They can't really afford that sort of thing for very long.

                        Kevin Long
                        (The Artist Formerly Known As Republibot 3.0)


                          Originally posted by Republibot 3.0 View Post
                          The ratings did rebound a bit after the olympics - how could they not? - but they've already boiled away most of that increase, and they're hovering around the 1.1 million mark, where they were *before* the olympics. That's, what, about $2.72 for every viewer of the show? They can't really afford that sort of thing for very long.
                          Who is they? And how do you know what they can and can't afford? If you have detailed cost and revenue figures for the show and Syfy do share.


                            'Caprica' ratings rise

                            Syfy's "Caprica" is showing signs of life in the Nielsens. Friday's episode climbed 18% this week to 1.3 million viewers. That's the biggest number for the series since its second week on the air. The show's midseason finale airs on Friday.



                              Ratings for last Friday from the PI Forum :

                              Caprica (9pm)
                              - 1.229 million viewers
                              - 0.8/1 HH
                              - 0.4/1 A18-49


                                What's that now, 3 weeks in a row of ratings climbing?

                                Good news, but I hope it's enough
                                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

