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Daybreak, Part 3 (421)

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    Yep, it was Galactica herself.


      I agree the dying leader is Galactica. Glad someone found the quote from Pythian.
      Another theory on the expansion of the universe collapses!


        166 replies so far...was this an important episode? did something big happen? (end of sarcasm)
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          Originally posted by Mamid View Post
          Starbuck was a construct of the Head Guys. Simple as that.

          Did anyone notice that they showed the animatronic from Japan that looks almost human at the end? I cried out "Skinjob! OMYFrakkingGods! that's a Skinjob!"
          This has probably been brought up, but I disagree that she was just a construct of just a few people. She was either a construct that everyone saw or she wasn't at all given the number of people who saw her and her interactions - not to mention the Viper she showed up in.
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            A clever thing: They asked Adama if he was a Cylon. At that time it was just a stupid question to calibrate the lie detector, 'cos it meant if he looked shiny and had one red eye going from left to right and back.


              Originally posted by TheChosen1 View Post
              You know, truth is stranger than fiction sometimes and sometimes fiction turns out to be truth. Just look up some fiction Jules Verne had written, and you'll see that just perhaps, your comment above isn't too far off in "some" respects.

              Ponder that.

              My opposition to stem cell research and cloning is based on the fact that no one is asking the question "Just because we CAN do this, SHOULD we?". While we can state all day long that only stem cells from deceased fetuses will be experimented on, my skepticism and lack of faith in humanity fully expects that its just a matter of time until things slowly creep away from that. There have already been instances of parents deliberately having a child for the purpose of saving another.
              I can easily see cloning getting to the point where living, viable human clones are made and then treated as second rate beings...and again the argument for it being that you become you're own donor without ever asking the question "Just because we CAN do this, SHOULD we?"'

              I might point out that clones could be considered as technology...
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                Each version of her ceasing to be after fulfilling its purpose.


                Head Six and Head Baltar were Messengers (Angels), seen by those meant to see them.


                  Originally posted by bmwadam View Post
                  I'm glad most people seemed to like it. I am very disappointed by the ending. A prehistoric earth where all of the humans (some 30 thousand of them) agree to abandon tech is unrealistic. Especially considering that cylons are still out in space. They got enough resurrection info to possibly rebuild it, we are not sure.
                  When the label 'advanced' is used to refer to an 'advanced' civilization, you have to consider what 'advanced' is meaning and your own frame of reference. When you consider the Egyptians who built the landing platforms that many consider to be nothing more than tombs (:: snicker : or the Maya ruins, you can easily argue that they were 'advanced' without glimmering shiny buildings and cell phones. There is the notion that as a civilization advances, the tendency is to actually become simpler. Modern day USA is very advanced, but overall we're a much simpler society than 200 years ago - the average person doesn't toil from dusk to dawn to tend to the crops, cattle and children. Star Trek: Insurrection provides a perfect, albeit fictional, example as well.
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                    Did anyone get the impression that red dress six represented evil (devil with the red dress on) and Baltar (cough, cough) represented good?


                      Originally posted by pbellosom View Post
                      Hmm and I thought I was the only one who instantly assumed it was Scotland.

                      Yeah I had that with the greys, looking back though even on Caprica the colours were greyer, I think our sun emits a brighter wavelength than the one the colonies were around.
                      Maybe because he name is GALEN...which is somewhat similar to the word GAELIC?

                      That's it! Galen is the father of all Scots! Hence why Scotty on ST was such a great engineer...and the Borg are the descendants of the Centurions that went of to do their own thing...
                      Last edited by HAL2100; 21 March 2009, 08:36 AM.
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                        Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                        so there are people walking around on earth with cylon blood in their veins
                        Now you know why Iron is a key component of blood and that without it we're not quite ourselves. So for all the ladies out there, when you're not quite feeling yourself, just find a girder, a light pole , a metal bench and take a bite...and if you're in your car, pop the hood.

                        (I'm really sorry, I'm just in a particular mood at the moment...)
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                          Actually I just realized something:

                          Dead Racetrack ( ) would have hit the fire button no matter what happened to Tory.

                          I was really glad that she died and that Galen killed her, actually, I just thought the timing was bad.

                          But the more I think about it... I don't think it mattered.


                            Whatever happened to the Deanna Cylon?


                              I think the 150,000 year reference was meant to say that by destroying the ships and their technology they only prolonged the cylon war. And that in this case the "13th tribe" could be construed as the rebel centurions who were given the basestar.

                              BTW thanks for posting that link to the interview, but here is my problem:
                              Moore: Kara is what you want her to be. It’s easy to put the label on her of “angel” or “messenger of God” or something like that. Kara Thrace died and was resurrected and came back and took the people to their final end. That was her role, her destiny in the show… We debated back and forth in the writers’ room about giving it more clarity and saying definitively what she is. We decided that the more you try to put a name on it, the less interesting it became, and we just decided this was the most interesting way for her to go out, with her just disappearing and [leave people wondering exactly what she was].
                              So why exactly did they pay the writers when they could have just let us use our imaginations the whole time?? Seems like they had no real answer to the question so they just avoided it.


                                Originally posted by Denny Crane View Post
                                Why would you NOT cannibalize your ships to make your home? And the whole spreading around thing, not how I would build a new world. If you wanted to prevent internecine warfare then splitting people up is not the way to do it. 1,000 years down the line different developmental patterns cause irreconcilable differences. Plus you need economies of scale to make such needed products like booze and Dom P.

                                So Earth was one jump away from the colony?
                                1) To start from scratch.

                                2) Galactica's jump ability had been extended...then of course because of the inter-universe rift, it did have all the power of the Black Hole behind it so for all we know Galactica actually jumped to the Alteran/Ori home galaxy...
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