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    The Bucket has FTL. Enterprise has crappy warp drives.


      Photon torpedoes are effectively antimatter bombs. There is no way an unshielded Galactica could survive that weapon alone. The lack of shield really screws over BSG.

      What about the NX-01 Enterprise against Galactica? Neither has shields, althought I think Archer's photonic torpedoes would still finish off Galactica before Adama could destroy Enterprise.
      Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


        With advanced as the phaser arrays are, hitting vipers would be a matter of mathematics for the advanced computers of the Enterprise E. Well... maybe not Starbuck's. And you don't need to hit a viper with full power from the capacitor, so firing from multiple arrays would be cake.

        Even if the phasers fail, photon torpedos could be set to detonate within any sort of proximity to a viper.

        And if the torpedoes fail, tractor beam the sums of nitches. Tractor beam has a wide arc, and its holding power would tear an unshielded viper up.

        As far as capital ship vs capital ship, most of the bases have been covered. I must add, however, you cannot hurt what you cannot hit. Look at the manueverability of the Sovereign class starship in Nemesis. No way cannons could hit that at any sort of range.

        I don't care for the hand to hand.


          Originally posted by apollo123
          Hand-to-hand: We have never seen Adama exercise and sorry but it shows! Whereas did you see Picard in his little tank top number in First Contact? That man is no stranger to the gym!
          Don't forget his skirmish on Ragnar! Give him a flashlight and I'm sure he can hold his own against Picard for a while.

          And ship to ship, of course the Enterprise would win. And that's why BSG is such a better show.


            If Enterprise were to engage Galactica in battle (for whatever reason), assuming both are fully functional (and fully armed), Enterprise would probably make short work of Galactica (whichever alphabet tagged on Enterprise).

            Why? Beam a nuke into Galactica's CAC and bam! Even if it doesn't destroy the ship outright, the entire chain of command is gone.

            As for vipers, since phasers fire at lightspeed (no traveling time), as long as Enterprise has its sensors fighters would be an insignificant threat (1701-E has like, 8 phaser banks assuming each bank gets one viper per second the entire squadron will be gone in less than 1 minute). NX01 however may have *some* trouble dealing with large amount of vipers (look at its engagement against the German Luft... waffles?) but I doubt Viper bullets can penetrate the polorized platings.

            Hand to hand between Picard and Adama? Hmm that's a tough one since we have little to judge their effectiveness in melee combat. I know if they were in a sword duel Picard will probably win...


              Originally posted by Zamboni
              Why? Beam a nuke into Galactica's CAC and bam! Even if it doesn't destroy the ship outright, the entire chain of command is gone.
              Good point! I forgot about that.


                Originally posted by Zamboni
                If Enterprise were to engage Galactica in battle (for whatever reason), assuming both are fully functional (and fully armed), Enterprise would probably make short work of Galactica (whichever alphabet tagged on Enterprise).

                Why? Beam a nuke into Galactica's CAC and bam! Even if it doesn't destroy the ship outright, the entire chain of command is gone.

                As for vipers, since phasers fire at lightspeed (no traveling time), as long as Enterprise has its sensors fighters would be an insignificant threat (1701-E has like, 8 phaser banks assuming each bank gets one viper per second the entire squadron will be gone in less than 1 minute). NX01 however may have *some* trouble dealing with large amount of vipers (look at its engagement against the German Luft... waffles?) but I doubt Viper bullets can penetrate the polorized platings.

                Hand to hand between Picard and Adama? Hmm that's a tough one since we have little to judge their effectiveness in melee combat. I know if they were in a sword duel Picard will probably win...
                Stop!! You can't possibly be waivering on who'd win in hand to hand combatbetween Hardcore Husher & that bald headed sissy Picard?? Adama can crush peoples skulls just by staring at them intensly! His voice can split solid granite!! Whats Picard gonna do? Read poetry to him?

                Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.


                  The Enterprise would win easily. Of course the weird design flaws of the Enterprise would hurt them. Things like only being able to move at quarters of lightspeed and shields that drop down to 60% with one shot.
                  Seriously though the Galactica is relatively slow. Only 1% or 2% of C at best and probably slower. The Enterprise can travel a lot faster in real space. Of course the Galactica can jump away but the Enterprise can go pretty much anywhere anytime they want.


                    I agree with everyone pretty much

                    Enterprise has shields and photon torpedoes(3 at a time) also Galactica's flak barrage is useless against energy weapons

                    Hand to hand? Picard would wimper before the "man"...

                    For BSG, Stargate eps and discussion visit TheBestTrek


                      I find it impossible to compare them. Sure the Starship Enterprise E is highly advanced, for that universe, but the Battestar Galactica is in a universe where subspace does not exist nor do pulsating laser beams and time travel (yet). It's like trying to hold a circle in a 3-Dimensional world.


                        From Soundtrack.Net:

                        Bear McCreary scores "Battlestar Galactica" Season Two Finale!

                        by Dan Goldwasser

                        Click on the link and at the bottom is a link to a podcast from the scoring session.

                        Today "Battlestar Galactica" composer Bear McCreary held a strings and piano session at the Warner Brothers Eastwood Scoring Stage in Burbank, CA. The session was to record music for the upcoming two-episode "season finale", which - according to McCreary - will leave fans yelling at their screens, due to the cliffhanger aspect.

                        There is just over 50-minutes of score over the two episodes (a 60-minute, and 90-minute finale), with only 16-minutes requiring strings. McCreary conducted the 21-piece string session, which included a cue that ran the entire act (approximately ten minutes).

                        "I had 36-hours to write 55-minutes of music, for a 2.5-hour long monstrosity - and only five days to produce it all," explained McCreary. Score mixer and music co-producer Steve Kaplan made sure that the pre-records worked with the strings, and fans of the show are sure to be clamoring for some of these cues when La-La Land Records releases the soundtrack in June.

                        It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


                          Originally posted by titans
                          Adama can crush peoples skulls just by staring at them intensly! His voice can split solid granite!! Whats Picard gonna do? Read poetry to him?
                          No. Shakespeare...
                          Picard: "Now is the winter of our discontent..."
                          Adama: "Says you." *kicks Picard in the nuts*


                            Well if Picard and the Enterprise decided to seek out the Galactica and destroy her..

                            I pick the Galactica..... The crew is part of the ship...

                            1. They got Adama....and he knows that he will have to beat the Enterprise
                            when they are unsuspecting. This means disable the Enterprise's drives,
                            weapons and shields before engaging her. Adama is definitely a savy
                            strategist who knows how to beat a superior force with brains and
                            cleverness instead of just firepower. He will do what it takes....and
                            this tactic to most will seem unfair and ruthless.

                            2. They got Sharon.....she has the ability to create the computer virus that
                            can disable defense and weapons systems.

                            3. All Adama has to do is have Sharon get on a life pod ,and set a distress

                            The Enterprise will pick her up..because that is what they do. Taking
                            advantage of Star Fleet protocol and overconfidence in their superior
                            technology. Once in the ship, Sharon programs the Enterprise with
                            the Cylon virus. When the Enterprise is completely disabled, Sharon
                            escapes in the confusion in a escape pod from the Enterprise...while Kara and Lee in
                            vipers, shoot the big windows on the Enterpise's hull. Eliminating the
                            crew and venting the Enterprise's atmostphere.

                            Also they keep the shuttles from leaving the Enterprise by destroying
                            the shuttle bays with missiles or nukes. Leaving the Enterprise as a
                            empty shell with burning plasma.....inside.

                            Adama hand to hand with Picard? I pick Adama.....because all he
                            has to do is tell Picard that the Prime directive prevents the federation
                            from interfering with less developed civilizations.....and when Picard
                            agrees....Adama will then proceed to knock out Picard while he recites the
                            joys of joining the federation....

                            Welcome to the new Battlestar Universe.
                            Last edited by dec55; 22 February 2006, 09:28 PM.
                            Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


                              Originally posted by dec55
                              2. They got Sharon.....she has the ability to create the computer virus that
                              can disable defense and weapons systems.

                              3. All Adama has to do is have Sharon get on a life pod ,and set a distress

                              The Enterprise will pick her up..because that is what they do. Taking
                              advantage of Star Fleet protocol and overconfidence in their superior
                              technology. Once in the ship, Sharon programs the Enterprise with
                              the Cylon virus. When the Enterprise is completely disabled, Sharon
                              escapes in the confusion in a escape pod from the Enterprise
                              Sir, and I say unto thee a name of ancient renown, one which I had till now not let loose upon this board, for fear of the fervor which it might stir up. And that name is:

                              Lt. Commander Data

                              He, effectively would consume Sharon for breakfast whilst simultaneously analyzing her "intriguing but primitive" subroutines and composing a painting dedicated to American transcendentalists. After which he might (if you provoked him by say, going after Picard) eliminate the Galactica crew single handedly.

                              ... there was once a dream that was: Data


                                Originally posted by ArthurKing
                                Sir, and I say unto thee a name of ancient renown, one which I had till now not let loose upon this board, for fear of the fervor which it might stir up. And that name is:

                                Lt. Commander Data

                                He, effectively would consume Sharon for breakfast whilst simultaneously analyzing her "intriguing but primitive" subroutines and composing a painting dedicated to American transcendentalists. After which he might (if you provoked him by say, going after Picard) eliminate the Galactica crew single handedly.

                                ... there was once a dream that was: Data

                                Yet Sharon can produce a child and love like a human....she can joke....
                                laugh with ease..... She can get upset, and cry.......she can feel.

                                Data has to stuggle just to produce a simple emotion or even interpret it.

                                Sharon is light years ahead of Data in the AI department...or being human.
                                Sharon is way more organic and humanlike than Data could ever dream to be.
                                In fact the Sharon model may even convince Data to join the Colonial fleet with her
                                umm... talent for persuasion....
                                Last edited by dec55; 21 February 2006, 10:58 PM.
                                Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.

