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The Roslin/Adama Shipper Thread

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    OMG me too We were looking at buying a unit in Brazil to branch out overseas with renting, but we didn't end up getting it

    Dudes, cons overseas are teh awesomenest

    Lovebar made by natz099
    My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


      Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen View Post
      OMG me too We were looking at buying a unit in Brazil to branch out overseas with renting, but we didn't end up getting it

      Dudes, cons overseas are teh awesomenest
      Ooh, that would have been cool. Maybe someday, right?

      I've never been to an overseas con, but being overseas is the awesomest! So an overseas con must be even better! Do they ever do any cons in Oz? That might be the excuse I'm looking for!

      Thanks to Dorka for this beautiful sig!!


        They sure do. I was at one just the other weekend actually

        Lovebar made by natz099
        My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


          Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen View Post
          They sure do. I was at one just the other weekend actually
          Fun! You'll have to scream loud if they ever do a BSG one in Oz. I am so there.

          OMG, OT but I am about to go find out if gun silencers work and test it on the frakking neighbor's frakking barking DOG!! Not really, but this animal howls all the damn time. In the middle of the night. It clearly is neglected. Maybe I should call animal control and have them remove the dog. *cranky!*


          Okay, well, dogs...paws...big man hands...pic! How's that for causal chain logic?

          And with that, I must go to bed. If the dog will shut up long enough to fall asleep. Grr...

          Thanks to Dorka for this beautiful sig!!


            Oh man, I was just begging for an excuse to jump into the gutter...

            Ugh, barking dogs, crying babies... seriously... Lately, every damn day, about 2 in the morning, a baby in the apartment downstairs, I think, just starts crying and crying histerically... It's very unsettling, and really impossible to sleep through. Besides, the kid must have an enormous pair of lungs, if he cries so loudly that I can hear it from here!!!

            Night Sidhe
            Last edited by _angi_; 08 November 2006, 11:18 PM.
            Thank you Dorka, for the gorgeous sig.


              *hands sidhe the Blackbird*

              If that doesn't shut it up...

              Night! *big hugs*

              Lovebar made by natz099
              My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                Originally posted by _angi_ View Post
                Yep, I'm sure she and the others would like to go to Rio, if they haven't already been there. Very big with the tourists, as you know. But people here don't enjoy those kinds of things so much. I mean, I'm not much of a Sci-Fi fan, so I know nothing really, don't even know what these conventions are like, or even what they're about. *loweres eyes* I think they do have some comic conventions, or I don't know what, once in a while, but they're not big events.

                Oh, I could never write to Mary, or to anyone like that, really. Way, waaaay too shy.

                You can all come to my doorstep anythime. I live in Brasilia, so not much fun there, but...
                I am Brazilian, I mean, I was born here, but never liked it much, so I'm not the best person to praise Brazil, but I think it is great to visit. People always love it, and usually want to come back. So I do recommend that you visit sometime. I'd have to think up a good list of cities for you to visit, though... Brasilia is good if you're interested in architecture, I suppose, since it's a planned city and has some different buildings and whatever... but other than that, there really is nothing much here.
                *yay* that'd be awesome if we all could meet in Rio for a con!!!!... and the Caipirinhas sound perfect... my favourite drink Maybe we could persuade the actors to join our little chill-out session at the beach

                *lol* you just sound like me with Switzerland. I don't like it here...though I'm not Swiss but Hungarian but born here nevertheless, so I should feel like at home.

                I've never ever been oversea, I'm stuck in europe somehow *sniffles* but at least they are doing some cons in London and Germany, my hope is still there!


                  G'morning everyon!!!
                  Hope everyone is well!!

                  Sidhe I love that pic of EJO you posted last night...just something about it!

                  Throws out shiney shippy pic....


                    Hey everyone...check out this interview by David Eick...


                    Its also posted at the A/R LJ! *thanks bluetrekker*

                    But he answer's a great question about Adama, which in turn kinda turns a bit shippy *happy dances* Light at the end of the tunnell!!!

                    he talks about Mary's character in Season 3, and her character coming into her own, becoming presidnet. They way he talks this leads me to believe she's going to be around for a while. They all just really LOVE Mary McDonnell....who wouldn't she's a fab actress!!


                      Originally posted by k8tbug1 View Post
                      Hey everyone...check out this interview by David Eick...


                      Its also posted at the A/R LJ! *thanks bluetrekker*

                      But he answer's a great question about Adama, which in turn kinda turns a bit shippy *happy dances* Light at the end of the tunnell!!!

                      he talks about Mary's character in Season 3, and her character coming into her own, becoming presidnet. They way he talks this leads me to believe she's going to be around for a while. They all just really LOVE Mary McDonnell....who wouldn't she's a fab actress!!
                      thank you for that!

                      i love david eick a little more now

                      it gives me some hope, by the sounds of it , it is 3.5 where we will all get to be happy bunnies.


                        Originally posted by k8tbug1 View Post
                        Hey everyone...check out this interview by David Eick...


                        Its also posted at the A/R LJ! *thanks bluetrekker*

                        But he answer's a great question about Adama, which in turn kinda turns a bit shippy *happy dances* Light at the end of the tunnell!!!

                        he talks about Mary's character in Season 3, and her character coming into her own, becoming presidnet. They way he talks this leads me to believe she's going to be around for a while. They all just really LOVE Mary McDonnell....who wouldn't she's a fab actress!!
                        SQUEEEEEE!!!! Thank you for posting that link! *tackles* At least now I know
                        Mary will at least be around for the rest of season 3, and it sounds like beyond, as long as she wants. DE fanboys her after all! He CAN be taught! And so squee about the Adama thing. Sounds like they're planning to make them be "normal" characters and get to explore their humanity, rather than making her into a creepy prophet thing and him into this god like idea more than a man. So bring on the A/R!! Sounds promising for at least some tension of some kind...starting with THIS WEEK, perhaps??

                        Thanks to Dorka for this beautiful sig!!


                          Originally posted by sidhe View Post
                          SQUEEEEEE!!!! Thank you for posting that link! *tackles* At least now I know
                          Mary will at least be around for the rest of season 3, and it sounds like beyond, as long as she wants. DE fanboys her after all! He CAN be taught! And so squee about the Adama thing. Sounds like they're planning to make them be "normal" characters and get to explore their humanity, rather than making her into a creepy prophet thing and him into this god like idea more than a man. So bring on the A/R!! Sounds promising for at least some tension of some kind...starting with THIS WEEK, perhaps??
                          Oh I know
                          I so hope that the tension starts this week *sexual tension that is..hehe* And as for her fanboys...I have faith that they won't disappoint us!!!!
                          OH yay...season 3 is looking brighter and brighter!!!! WooT!!!!


                            Glad you all found the link to that DE article. Awesome stuff, isn't it?

                            Also the person at skiffy who was going on about Laura dying now says it was a wind up so today is definitely a good news day

                            Signature by the incomparable ellymelly - worlds most talented A/R shipper


                              Originally posted by k8tbug1 View Post
                              Oh I know
                              I so hope that the tension starts this week *sexual tension that is..hehe* And as for her fanboys...I have faith that they won't disappoint us!!!!
                              OH yay...season 3 is looking brighter and brighter!!!! WooT!!!!
                              That's right--keep the faith, sister! And if EJO has anything to say about it, we'll get plenty of A/R by the time they're ready to quit. He wants to make out with Mary. Can't say I blame him.

                              Thanks to Dorka for this beautiful sig!!


                                Originally posted by bluetrekker View Post
                                Glad you all found the link to that DE article. Awesome stuff, isn't it?

                                Also the person at skiffy who was going on about Laura dying now says it was a wind up so today is definitely a good news day
                                Thank you for finding the link...that so made my day!!! I can't wait for part 3 of his interview!!!

                                Oh so now their singing different tune huh...LOL!! *headesk*

                                Well, I'm going to now attempt to hook up my new printer...WooT!! Well see how that goes...LMAO!!!
                                *Many fraks will be said I'm sure....hehe*

                                Edit - LOL...sidhe Oh you SO know EJO wants a great scene w/ Mary....*giggles*!!!! And the other way around too...who wouldn't want a great make-out scene w/ EJO *swoons*

