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    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post


      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Still sore over the 2016 electorial system..? ..which the Dems went on a raging platform to change who and where any future electorial votes would be coming from, by flooding new people into the areas that voted pro-Republican. My area used to be pro-Republican, until the Dems swamped it out, re-zoned everything, and moved inner city/slum folks into foreclosed and low-income areas -- crime and "drug" use rose, as a result, too. Dems won the state votes -- mostly all the way. Call it what you want, but that is a form of cheating on votes, but showing everything as Legal at the same time.

      If Trump wins in 2020, it will be because *some* USA voters finally woke up to what the Dem agenda is about, and decided to learn from history repeating itself that they didn't want to deal with the nonsense the rest of us had to put up with during Jimmy Carter's and Obama's presidential years. If the Dems change their former agenda plans and campaign on the more conservative side, which some of them actually did and WON... then those fence-sitters will probably vote Democrat -- "just because" they despise (intense dislike or hatred against) the other side.
      The political left, including Clinton, hasn't gotten over 2016, and I doubt they ever will. Just recently, at a college commencement address, she flat out said she hasn't gotten over it. Her entire damned book is about placing the blame for her loss. The DNC leadership is singing the same tune. They keep looking for something to blame. Their limited worldview just refuses to accept that possibility that a lot of people in this country don't agree with their agenda. And they have no qualms about using whatever authority they can muster to silence anyone who doesn't toe their line. I can't say that I blame them there; If I had to argue in favor of their agenda, I wouldn't want to let my opponent speak either.

      Many US voters have been awake for some time, there was just no one on the national stage representing a really different approach till Trump came along.

      I'm fully aware that Trump has his warts and flaws, many of them quite serious. Even so, he won the election, and has current levels of support that aren't bad.

      Here's a thought that ought to scare Democrats right down to their socks. How badly would the Democrats have been spanked in 2016 if Trump was a more polished politician, without the constant foot-in-mouth disease?

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Speeches sound nice when *promised* Freebies for the struggling poor, or impoverished and down-trodden... blah, blah, blah. It's how the method is applied that rots to the core, when many Dem agendas, filled with corruption the general public never sees or not, have gone into action. Current Mueller & company investigations are exposing corruption on both sides, so neither seems better than the other.. but it does seem one side (Dems) is more devious in what they've gotten away with, however.
      Buying votes with the public treasury has been S.O.P for the Democrats for a very long time.
      As far as the Democrats getting away with more crap, that's mostly 'cause the media gives 'em a pass.

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      IF / WHEN the USA Dems get back into 100% gov't power control, say goodbye to nice things, because "YOU" the hard-working employee don't deserve your own hard-earned retirement savings or investments. Instead, Obama's "redistribution" of wealth from the middle class will go back into operation to support those less fortunate now homeless or heading off to life under a street tent. Mega-millionaires and billionaires get to live in luxury and hide in some expensive bomb shelter (if that is ever needed), while the rest of the USA folks suffer with fallout horrors such as high crime rates, and "God knows what else" to make everyone more miserable than they were in any better few and far between "good times".
      “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” - Former sorry excuse for a president.
      'Nuff said.

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Another item the Dems will do is return to PC rhetoric and enforce fines and penalties on people who get NON-PC. They did that under President Obama with the Confederate Flag, and tried to get the famous hillbilly Tv show "Dukes of Hazzard" to remove or cover up "the General Lee" which was painted on top of the car.

      The year was 2015 when that article (within above spoiler quotes) came out. A freaking Tv show prop along with its retelevised eps were being banned from view(ers) because of Political Correctness. Seems the Dems thrive on micro-managing PC everything. Anyone who doesn't follow their "agenda" gets punished and put out of visible sight, if possible. This action of canning the program from the air waves also stopped any income revenues coming in from rebroadcasting. So, the entire cast suffers too (goodbye side-job retirement investment).

      No crocodile tears for the "Dukes" show, since I never watched the reruns, but there is a whole other story attached to that series. Such as people (car dealers) who were given a gift of one of the "General Lee" car copies, shortly before the car's *roof* flag came into question..! I know the people who received it, because my parents used to buy their cars at that particular dealer. So, even tho I may not be emotionally attached, I am saddened from society getting so obsessed with crazy ideas that, like a stack of falling dominoes, it affects people who weren't even connected with the Church murders - and weren't even in that State.
      The "Dukes" situation was quite bothersome to me. I was originally drawn to the show 'cause of the car; the 2nd car I ever owned was a '68 Dodge Charger. (That was a damned sweet ride. Would pass anything but a gas station.) This was about 10 years before the series.

      The idea behind the Dukes was rebellion against corrupt authority, and that's what the confederate flag represents to me. So it was very appropriate to have one on the roof of the General. That car spawned a whole lot of imitators, including my younger brother, who also had a Charger about 10 years after the series; and he did paint his as the General. To this day, there are at least 2 General clones running around this area.

      But in 2015? the whiners came along, and suddenly what had been a good, entertaining and harmless TV show from 30 years ago became a pariah, with demands that it' be taken off the air. I ddin't have to worry about it, as I have the entire series on DVD, but the proper response to those whiners should have been "sit down an d shut up", but CMT and other networks hve been trained to listen to whiners from the left.


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        The political left, including Clinton, hasn't gotten over 2016, and I doubt they ever will. Just recently, at a college commencement address, she flat out said she hasn't gotten over it. Her entire damned book is about placing the blame for her loss. The DNC leadership is singing the same tune. They keep looking for something to blame. Their limited worldview just refuses to accept that possibility that a lot of people in this country don't agree with their agenda. And they have no qualms about using whatever authority they can muster to silence anyone who doesn't toe their line. I can't say that I blame them there; If I had to argue in favor of their agenda, I wouldn't want to let my opponent speak either.
        I'm sorry, are you talking about republicans or democrats? It's hard to tell...

        Many US voters have been awake for some time, there was just no one on the national stage representing a really different approach till Trump came along.
        And for the millionth time, Cruz's politics was and is nearly identical to that of Trump's. Guess what set the two appart?

        I'm fully aware that Trump has his warts and flaws, many of them quite serious. Even so, he won the election, and has current levels of support that aren't bad.
        How many warts and flaws did Cruz have?

        Here's a thought that ought to scare Democrats right down to their socks. How badly would the Democrats have been spanked in 2016 if Trump was a more polished politician, without the constant foot-in-mouth disease?
        If he was a more polished politician he would have lost to Cruz or Rubio. Face it, it's because of his very serious flaws that he got nominated. Without that, he's just an idiot no one would have taken seriously.

        Buying votes with the public treasury has been S.O.P for the Democrats for a very long time.
        As far as the Democrats getting away with more crap, that's mostly 'cause the media gives 'em a pass.
        Here's where you are sanctimonious. I think we have covered just how underhanded the GOP is in this very same manner too. Two words. Voter Suppression.

        The "Dukes" situation was quite bothersome to me. I was originally drawn to the show 'cause of the car; the 2nd car I ever owned was a '68 Dodge Charger. (That was a damned sweet ride. Would pass anything but a gas station.) This was about 10 years before the series.

        I'm sure the Black community would love to apologize to you for having descended from slaves and having grandparents that grew up during Jim Crow south. They would also like to apologize to you that the KKK used that flag (and brought it back to popular use) as a symbol of all that they stood for due to its connections to "southern heritage". They are bound to feel bad that their history inconvenienced you so badly. I'm sure if you call MLK Jr.'s kid, she'll apologize to you personally.

        The idea behind the Dukes was rebellion against corrupt authority, and that's what the confederate flag represents to me. So it was very appropriate to have one on the roof of the General. That car spawned a whole lot of imitators, including my younger brother, who also had a Charger about 10 years after the series; and he did paint his as the General. To this day, there are at least 2 General clones running around this area.
        If only there was a country that flew a flag in rebellion against an unjust ruler in the name of freedom that you could use as such a symbol. Oh well, it must suck that such a country with such a history doesn't exist. Otherwise you could just rally 'round that flag...

        But in 2015? the whiners came along, and suddenly what had been a good, entertaining and harmless TV show from 30 years ago became a pariah, with demands that it' be taken off the air. I didn't have to worry about it, as I have the entire series on DVD, but the proper response to those whiners should have been "sit down an d shut up", but CMT and other networks have been trained to listen to whiners from the left.
        Like I said, I am sorry that the suffering of others is such an inconvenience to you.
        By Nolamom


          In short. That was well over a hundred years ago. You find me someone that was a slave and maybe he will have a valid complaint.

          The attitudes of racists is offensive and should be taken to task when its encountered.

          But to take action against a 30 year old TV show that used the Confederate flag in a completely unrelated manner is absurd. It's posturing at best, and just some idiot trying to get his 15 minutes of fame at the worst.


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            But to take action against a 30 year old TV show that used the Confederate flag in a completely unrelated manner is absurd. It's posturing at best, and just some idiot trying to get his 15 minutes of fame at the worst.
            but to send the Gestapo Secret Service on a woman for using her 1st amendment rights & committing lèse-majesté against the King is ok? (cf. Kathy Griffin)

            btw a special brand of cowards the Secret Service how many of those pigs have even been killed on duty - zero?


              It's not the General Lee people find offensive, it's the bigots hiding behind it as a legitimate reason to be pricks that people find offensive.
              Does that sometimes affect legitimate use of a symbol?
              Is it annoying?
              Learn to deal with it.
              Or, don't, and be branded a whatever cause no one could be bothered with your personal reasoning.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                but to send the SS Secret Service on a woman for committing lèse-majesté against the King on TV (cf. Kathy Griffin) is ok?
                But I didn't like that symbolism...…………….
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  .Big difference there. Trump did not ban anything, all he did was express his opinion. Which I happen to share. That is neither the time nor the place for political protesting/posturiing.
                  Then when is the right time and place?

                  Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                  yeah man just cause someone I don't like and who likes no one but himself - wait he also likes a bunch of dictators - who's corrupt AF, who's equally & self-admittedly egotistical & power-hungry AF, who already stated he'll be running for re "election" in 2020, who as a candidate in 2016 stated he'd refuse any result if the result meant he lost (imagine a sitting president saying that), who wants to remain in power no matter what, who prefers monarchy over democracy (self admittedly again) and to sum it up has the means motive & opportunity (that's what your own cops rely on when investigating common folk right?) to do the rigging wins, doesn't mean it's been rigged :|that's another topic (POS $uckerberg & the Cambridge Analytica folk should roast for that)
                  Worded well my friend!


                    When the Dems are in power so Trump can blame the protests on them
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      When the Dems are in power so Trump can blame the protests on them


                        Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                        Then when is the right time and place?
                        All of those athletes have social media accounts, they can write letters to local newspapers, they can stand on the streetcorners, there are numerous media outlets that will eagerly await interviews with them, most of 'em are financially well off enough to buy advertising time... the list goes on.


                          And Rosanne got her show cancelled. How lovely!


                            Someone was trying to challenge their inner Trump. Only he gets away with saying those things
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              While I never watched Rosanne Barr in any of her former Tv shows (none of those were of my style or liking), I think the fallout from what she tweeted against (VJ) one of the former Obama Admin team - even with an apology for blurting it out, has exploded into an extreme reveal of how the LEFTist agenda works now (as if it wasn't obviously apparent before this tweeting/programming cancellation incident happened). yikes!

                              Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                              And Rosanne got her show cancelled. How lovely!
                              Yep, the *looney Left* is just getting started... revving their engines LOUD...
                              Full throttle into MAJOR warpath mode, regarding PC or NOT platforms, that is.
                              Is this is just the beginning...??! (ummm, yeah, seems like it...)

                              ...and... What *did* I just say/write hours ago...?

                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              IF / WHEN the USA Dems get back into 100% gov't power control, say goodbye to nice things, because "YOU" the hard-working employee don't deserve your own hard-earned retirement savings or investments. Instead, Obama's "redistribution" of wealth from the middle class will go back into operation to support those less fortunate now homeless or heading off to life under a street tent. Mega-millionaires and billionaires get to live in luxury and hide in some expensive bomb shelter (if that is ever needed), while the rest of the USA folks suffer with fallout horrors such as high crime rates, and "God knows what else" to make everyone more miserable than they were in any better few and far between "good times".

                              When the Democrats come back into power, they will find a way to abolish the other (political) voting side.. one way or another (they've been hinting at this for a long while now). This may include altering the Constitution so much that a will be removed and replaced by something else, or some other political system. Not surprised if that *does* happen, since they've been threatening this issue ever since B.H.Obama became USA President in 2008.

                              Another item the Dems will do is return to PC rhetoric and enforce fines and penalties on people who get NON-PC. They did that under President Obama with the Confederate Flag, and tried to get the famous hillbilly Tv show "Dukes of Hazzard" to remove or cover up "the General Lee" which was painted on top of the car.
                              . . .
                              Pro-PC (PITA) nonsense is also a form of peer pressure bullying. Sorry, but it is no longer funny. It never really was, as it was more annoying than some silly joke somewhere. Apparently, the PC world has no limitations as to what will be hit next onto the proverbial "chopping block" either. It's been strange to see the rest of the world caught into the PC net-nonsense, while the USA has had a few months of relief from most of that, which basically went into wildfire mode under President Obama.
                              . . .
                              In the few hours of Rosanne's tweet which may have caused her to commit a *career suicide*, a political tornado swept down to officially OFF her for good. Even her Agency has dropped her. No one supporting or fearing the PC agenda, or insults about *certain* persons/cultures is going to touch her ever again.

                              "'Roseanne' Reruns Pulled From Paramount Network, TV Land, CMT and Laff"
                              by Tony Maglio
                              (The Wrap . com) May 29, 2018 @ 2:00 PM Last Updated: May 29, 2018 @ 4:01 PM

                              Hulu also drops episodes of revival following ABC cancellation

                              Viacom is pulling "Roseanne" reruns from its Paramount Network, TV Land and CMT channels, a person with knowledge of the decision told TheWrap on Tuesday.

                              The syndication scheduling change, which follows ABC's cancellation of the hit series' recent revival, will go into effect on Wednesday.

                              Additionally, Laff, a digital network that programs reruns of sitcoms spanning the past few decades, has made the same call.
                              . . .
                              Amazon owns the streaming rights to "Roseanne" reruns. Reps for that platform did not immediately respond to TheWrap's request for comment on its own plan on how the handle the old episodes.
                              Oh, surely if any Amazon related product continues to air/sell products with Rosanne in them -- Amazon's profits will be next on the hit-list if they don't comply to the Leftist "chopping block" Agenda.

                              I really didn't expect the PC/Leftists to get into this vicious *killing off* business this quickly, tho. With the recent 2014 "Dukes of Hazzard" having its syndicated episodes plus toy/other merchandise yanked from the business marketplace, someone else on a twitter feed asked, as I also wondered, what other shows are the PC/Lefties "going to go after?"

                              Surely the list for axing is going to grow. Yet eventually, this PC killing stuff just might backfire against those who are supporting it in any way, shape or form -- by having their own "buttts" ending up snared into the (proverbial) grinding ax/chop-shop, as well.


                                did someone request a box of rocks?
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

