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    hey look:

    top 10 mostly socialist countries (exception: Switzerland which is capitalist but is also a true democracy so the people can change that if they wish)


      aaand of course the Government propaganda machine revving up for 2020

      kiss on the back of the head? pff newbie even if this were true

      he should've grabbed her by the possy (that's what nets you an election in this country - wait that only applies to the elites nvm)


        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
        aaand of course the Government propaganda machine revving up for 2020

        kiss on the back of the head? pff newbie even if this were true

        he should've grabbed her by the possy (that's what nets you an election in this country - wait that only applies to the elites nvm)
        Govt. propaganda machine, my arse.
        In case you didn't notice, the woman making the accusation is a Democrat. Ever hear the phrase "Hoist upon their own petard" ?

        Oh, and note the article says something I've been saying a while, too.

        For whatever reason, Flores’ story has made waves, creating a serious problem for those centrist Democrats who consider Biden their ace in the hole, their bulwark against the crazies like Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Sanders.

        As their party is pushed hard left by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and others, many Democrats fear they are leaving mainstream voters behind. They know the country is not ready for the Green New Deal, full-term abortions and open borders.


          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Govt. propaganda machine, my arse.
          In case you didn't notice, the woman making the accusation is a Democrat. Ever hear the phrase "Hoist upon their own petard" ?

          Oh, and note the article says something I've been saying a while, too.
          you mean a DINO (like Joe Manchin)

          you didn't have a problem dismissing Roy Moore's Trump-voting accuser (and she had proof unlike this DINO)


            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
            you mean a DINO (like Joe Manchin)

            you didn't have a problem dismissing Roy Moore's Trump-voting accuser (and she had proof unlike this DINO)
            As I recall, Moore was never convicted, and is in fact suing the accusers for defamation of character.

            Again and again, if someone wants to make charges of this nature, it's all BS until a court of law finds guilt. Simply the word of the accuser is not sufficient.

            Moore lost the election he was engaged in at the time, the voters made their choice.

            I don't think Biden been convicted in a court of law. AFAIK, he hasn't even been charged up to this point.

            If the Democrats decide to run Biden in spite of this, that gives the voters a choice too.

            Or are smear campaigns as campaign tools only acceptable if the target is a Republican?


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              As I recall, Moore was never convicted, and is in fact suing the accusers for defamation of character.
              cause "attack the victim" is an unheard of tactic? (King Don itself uses it)

              he'll have to explain how his handwriting found its way on his victim's yearbook

              Again and again, if someone wants to make charges of this nature, it's all BS until a court of law finds guilt. Simply the word of the accuser is not sufficient.

              Moore lost the election he was engaged in at the time, the voters made their choice.

              I don't think Biden been convicted in a court of law. AFAIK, he hasn't even been charged up to this point.

              If the Democrats decide to run Biden in spite of this, that gives the voters a choice too.

              Or are smear campaigns as campaign tools only acceptable if the target is a Republican?
              yet you seem to side with Biden's accuser despite

              1) the total absence of proof (but that was enough to charge & convict Cosby so who knows)

              2) King Don's own argument: she's fugly no one would hit on that unless tottering drunk

              3) forget 1) & 2) the accusation itself pales in comparison to what Moore or Trump were accused of: back of the head? lol is that even illegal what exactly can they charge him with?


                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                And you keep saying it. Why can't the "group" be "customers of businesses"? Or "people who speak English in the United States"?
                You seem to have an odd amount of difficulty here. Let me make it even more simple. If I call Womble dumb, he will be offended but it will be mild offense. That's an individual insult, or a personalized insult. If I call him a dumb Jew he will be really insulted, that's a group insult. "Customers of business" in no way exists as a group. And let's be honest here, if having to press a number for English offends you then who really is the snowflake here? Are you really comparing that to Slavery? Jim Crow? Gas chambers?

                You keep insisting that in order for the state of being offended, the group has to be racially/ethnic or maybe sexual orientation based.
                No I don't. I keep saying that individual, personalized insults are not as offensive as group insults. Insulting you because you are smelly is different than insulting you because you are white or old or a man. The former is inherently less insulting than the latter. You keep focusing on this one tiny strawman to the point of obsession and ignoring the actual argument I made as to why confederate statues are offensive to African Americans, extremely offensive not just an annoying inconvenience like pressing "1" for English. You keep ignoring that their complaints have been existent since the day the first confederate monument went up over a hundred years ago and that this isn't just some modern "snowflake" whining. You keep ignoring the hypocrisy of being "offended" by my nonexistent argument you keep making up that I allegedly say you shouldn't be offended by what offends you while at the same time you argue that African Americans shouldn't be offended by statues of traitors who sought to destroy the US to prop up an explicitly white supremacist slave state.

                I am forced to conclude that you are up against a wall and have no other argument to make, nothing left to counter so you focus on some minor nitpick and stick with it to avoid the possibility that you might, just this one time, be wrong.
                By Nolamom


                  Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                  hey look:

                  top 10 mostly socialist countries (exception: Switzerland which is capitalist but is also a true democracy so the people can change that if they wish)
                  Yay for Austria. I wouldn't want to live anywere else.


                    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                    not just an annoying inconvenience like pressing "1" for English.
                    Annoyed's example is vacuous, he prolly called pizzapizza and got offended for pressing 1.

                    As for the principle, he's dead on target on that one and it is a just and fair position that should never be open to negotiations. I'm a Quebecer living in Quebec, an unilingual French province, and I would never accept to be compelled to "select French" anytime I was to use a private or public service. I am also not offended when I go to Ontario and must communicate in English, French being optional. Our ancestors fought dearly for this very right, and history has show how much we must never take it for granted and fight to defend it, or risk being assimilated.

                    (sorry I got a bit carried away but im strictly sticking on the language aspect)
                    I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post

                      yet you seem to side with Biden's accuser despite

                      1) the total absence of proof (but that was enough to charge & convict Cosby so who knows)

                      2) King Don's own argument: she's fugly no one would hit on that unless tottering drunk

                      3) forget 1) & 2) the accusation itself pales in comparison to what Moore or Trump were accused of: back of the head? lol is that even illegal what exactly can they charge him with?
                      Did you overlook where I said "Again and again, if someone wants to make charges of this nature, it's all BS until a court of law finds guilt. Simply the word of the accuser is not sufficient."

                      That's the exact same standard I used in the Kavanaugh case, as well as the Virginia mess. If someone wants to come out of the woodwork and make accusations, they must be provable in a court of law.

                      How is that siding with Biden's accuser?

                      Sure, the voters can make a choice based on whatever they want, they did in the Moore case, and they might in the Biden case, but the govt. can't take any sort of action based solely on the accusation.


                        Tasty stuff today:

                        1- 25 buddies of Trump got lucky, he reversed the decision on granting them a clearance. Perhaps a couple ruskies filtered in, who knows?

                        2- Biden is game over. Sure a kiss is not much, but still very innapropriate in a work place (honestly would anyone here be okay with this sh**?).

                        3- Mayor Pete somehow became very popular in a short time. A young man, a military man, he knows 7 languages and has extensive governance experience, seems very intelligent and well-mannered. Maybe the first Gay Pres? Not impossible considering a black man became POTUS. Good prospect but my boi is still Bernie. We want the comb.
                        I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                          Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                          2- Biden is game over
                          why game over
                          game was only starting with Trump & his was the real deal not a peck on the head

                          of course Biden's not part of the elites so maybe the tough rules will apply to him


                            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                            why game over
                            game was only starting with Trump & his was the real deal not a peck on the head

                            of course Biden's not part of the elites so maybe the tough rules will apply to him
                            He was a V.P. earlier! What do you consider an elite? Anyone you don't agree with?


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              He was a V.P. earlier! What do you consider an elite? Anyone you don't agree with?
                              Fact is if Biden gets outted for that (I hope he does) it means more Bernie. And you know damn well you need a Bernie in the oval office to fix all your issues Annoyed. You just can't get around admitting it.

                              And yea... I'd say Bernie is an elite sorry Soul. *smells Soul's hair and give him a peck on his forehead*
                              I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                He was a V.P. earlier! What do you consider an elite? Anyone you don't agree with?
                                he's no corporate billionaire
                                correct he was VP
                                VP's term is time-limited
                                VP aka "his superfluous excellency" has no power (you're just being disingenuous if you pretend not to know that)

                                Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                                Fact is if Biden gets outted for that (I hope he does) it means more Bernie
                                problem is Bernie has very little chance even if he makes it through the primary
                                he's anti-system (ie. the opposite of Trump) so the elites will never let it happen

                                even if election ain't rigged what are the odds of a self-avowed socialist being elected in a place like the US? he never should've used that label on himself at least not before election

                                Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                                And yea... I'd say Bernie is an elite sorry Soul. *smells Soul's hair and give him a peck on his forehead*
                                Bernie's abillionaire?

                                (if you're a hot curvy blonde maiden I'm good)
                                edit> or brunette or red haired for that matter
                                Last edited by SoulReaver; 01 April 2019, 11:30 AM.

