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    My boobs

    Do you think it is stupid to like a hot celebrity even though you don't have a chance in hell !
    May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


      No, gotta keep dreaming.

      What hot celebrity do you like?


        It's a toss-up between a few, really.

        What is your least favorite household chore?

        Suffer the dream of a world gone mad, I like it like that and I know it.
        - R.E.M.


          Taking out the trash.

          Can you sense the negativity of a room after something bad happened?
          Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
          Nina: Everything else was taken.


            Yes, which isn't always that handy

            Do you still have all four wisdom teeth?


              No. I had them removed and yeah it hurt.

              Do you believe that some people are toxic in the workplace?
              Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
              Nina: Everything else was taken.


                Yes, I have a friend who's bosses were just plain awful to him (to the point where it was harassment but no one could do anything about it). They would write him up for going to the bathroom for more than a few minutes. It just got worse and worse until he finally quit. I really hope they get what they deserve someday. So yes, a lot of people, especially higher people who shouldn't be in a higher position, are just plain crooked.

                I just realized that Person of Interest has Ben from Lost in it. Did you watch Lost?
                Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                  I only watched a few episodes of Lost and lost all interest in it.

                  Do you agree that people high up in the food chain in the work place are, most of the time, incompetent *bleeps*?
                  Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                  Nina: Everything else was taken.


                    Nice Pun

                    Indeed, I wish they would reconsider higher new people that are "underdogs" that have the actual potential to be a "good boss" because they have experienced such awful bosses in the first place.

                    If you had to die your hair to a different color than what you have now and stay with that color forever, what would you choose?
                    Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                      Lime Green

                      Got any SPOOKY Plans for Halloween?
                      I like Sharky


                        None but I wish that I could get back at some *bleeps*.

                        What's your favourite monster?
                        Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                        Nina: Everything else was taken.


                          Possibly ^ ?

                          Fav Scary Movie?
                          I like Sharky


                            The Fly because it's so gross and has no zombies or cheesy vamps in it.

                            What type of movie are you sick of?
                            Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                            Nina: Everything else was taken.


                              I'm not a big movie fan, and I don't really follow much of what goes on in the film world, so I can't really say I'm sick of any specific type of movies.

                              What was the weirdest date you went on?

                              Suffer the dream of a world gone mad, I like it like that and I know it.
                              - R.E.M.


                                Going on a double date for a friend, only to have the guy driving his huge truck think it was fun to go 4 wheeling, only to get said truck stuck, causing us to hike for a couple hours out of the woods in the dark, in ankle deep mud. Did I mention the police stopping us as we finally made it to a road thinking we were another group they had been looking for?! At least they took pity on us and drove us to town. The idiot actually asked if I'd go out with him again sometime !?!? I think not.

                                What was the best date you've ever been on?

