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Tracking Earth's Future via Current Events, etc.

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    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
    Tracking man-made and natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars (or worse horrors). . .

    hmmm. Firstly, a note about September 11, 2015(A.D./C.E.). ...
    Believe this or not, my reaction to either September 10 or 11 of 2015 event is probably *NOT* what anyone might be thinking.

    Firstly, I didn't want to post anything on that whole 09/11 whatever year. I was working on another project (about the Hebrew letter "Shin") all week, and then the WTC's rainbow and Mecca showed up in the news back to back. If we never had a calendar to mark certain dates and *anniversaries* I think either situation would have been just another day with a rainbow or a tragic crane crash -- seriously speaking.

    I was not one of those obsessed believers in the whole rainbow originating from the WTC complex, because I knew it could be interpreted the wrong way from both sides of the spectrum of thought (so, proceed with much caution!). When I heard about the rainbow on the radio, I thought "What??" ...and my eyes sort of rolled "oh here we go again.." deep sigh, because the reactions from people commenting on it thought it was a beautiful sight (implying the rainbow over the WTC grave site might be some sort of *blessing*). Okay, rainbows are pretty, but does that mean the area won't be destroyed again? I've learned to brace myself for the worst, when some things might look nicely *bowed* on the outside, but in the deeper meaning, something dreadful might happen as well--??? Was this pretty rainbow a sign of "watch what I am about to do"... from (TPTB) above?

    I've read the Bible and the prophecies, and the path leading to the ending is not going to be a pretty ride at all -- for anyone.. Happy ending in the ultimate end, but not in the duration for anyone living in that time frame (and that was on an apparent global scale).

    On a sidenote---
    I saw a video of some guy taping a rainbow somewhere on this planet earth, and then got hit by lightning a few seconds later! He had his pick-up truck window rolled down, while a storm was still rolling off in the distance. Literally, a lightning bolt suddenly zapped out of the blue -- and disabled his engine and punctured holes in his truck as well as the pavement in the road surrounding the truck! Helpful advice -- always be prepared to expect the UNexpected... cause yah never know...
    so "Never Forget!"...

    That truck incident may be a far different scenario than the 9-11 connections, but it was significant enough for me to take notice!

    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    All I'm going to say is that Allah and God are one and the same, and those people who lost their lives at the Grand Mosque are no less important than those who lost their lives in the WTC attacks. Both are tragic events.

    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
    What makes 9/11 so special that would require divine reprisal when stacked up against other atrocities?
    Of course those who lost their lives in this 09/11/2015 Mecca "Grand Mosque" event are just as important as the next person thousands of miles away. Why they lost their life from a crane being thrown over by the wind, is no less worse than a tornado swirling some trapped person off into the land of Oz or dropping their own house on them..

    Honestly, I wasn't sure what to think about the crane. But I did see a lot of Christians saying elsewhere how they were keeping the survivors in their prayers. And I don't know why, but Romans 8:28 kept flashing in my head in giant letters... It's the verse some Christians find comfort in when a crisis situation happens and we lack understanding as to why it even occurred at all.
    For the record, I've been thru many of those sorts of disaster -- one lasted for more than 2 years with one bad event happening after another -- not much relief and relaxation came in between each crisis event either! ... I thought my in-laws were jinxed or *cursed*, and then their jinx jinxed my family!

    Anywho.. I know why many Christians look to Romans 8:28 for some form of comfort; but if the Muslims don't believe in the Bible, how in the universe would it apply to them? (BTW, a fairly reliable Muslim on another website said that the Bible is obsolete, so only the Koran is now valid). Romans 8:28 states that
    (New King James Version (NKJV))
    28) "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

    So, having a crane dropping on someone and killing them is good? No.
    There is a saying that "everything has a reason for happening." We just don't usually immediately *know* what those bizarre reasons are at that moment. Sometimes, we never know until many, many years later.

    I'm not going to venture in explaining something I have no answer to. I can only say that maybe "God" will answer this Romans 8:28 thing to the persons who were directly affected or afflicted by the whole crane incident in their dreams. I've heard that is often how "God" speaks to them when no one else is able to (for whatever the reason that might be). So, the survivors have a huge ton of prayers being sent on their behalf *lifting* them up, so whatever the outcome is, hopefully it will have an eventual happier ending than what appears in the here and now.

    And that is all I can say regarding that.

    As far as the picture of the lightning bolt strike, Oh my!! Scary..! Especially when people who know how electricity works and lightning usually goes to the highest point of elevation and is also attracted to metal ----- EEEEEEEKkkkkk! There were an awful lot of cranes in that area looking like sitting ducks! Why were there any people walking around in the thunderstorm anyway? Common sense should say, stay away from the dangerous storm and seek safety and shelter pronto!! Stay away from potential falling objects too..! The hole from that crane wasn't no little puncture mark -- it was a gaping, giant, serious-looking HOLE..


      Slight back-tracking because there was more to the following conversation that never got mentioned... Putting some info in spoiler brackets for *space*...
      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      (quotes below are from "The-Political-Discussion" topic)

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Even Jesus (of Nazareth) was NOT looking forward to being crucified.. he prayed --if it were *possible* to please not go thru with it-- but knew he wouldn't be able to get out of this destiny and resigned himself to being crucified, because that was how the scriptures were written (prophecy about the suffering Messiah) was set up (Isaiah 53).

      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      I doubt Jesus thought of the crucifixion as his destiny considering it was simply a Roman form of punishment. That's what the bible made of it after the fact.

      (Actually the prophecy starts near the end of Isaiah 52 and continues into Chapter 53.) And...

      Ummm. No. The Bible did not make of it *after the fact*. Someone had to be recording these events along the way, or else the details would be more lost than is speculated. Jesus DID know his destiny would lead him directly to the cross, etc. Read the passages again--

      THREE times Jesus told his disciples that he would be put to death--three times long before he shared his last Passover feast with all 12 of them. Jesus even rebuked Peter for trying to talk Jesus out of getting involved in a situation like that.

      Count the warnings Jesus gave to the 12---

      Matthew 16:21-23 (First prophecy of death and resurrection mentioned)
      Matthew 17:22-23 (Second prophecy of death and resurrection mentioned)
      Matthew 20:17-19 (Third prophecy of death and resurrection mentioned)


      The other item worth noting is that in Matthew 20:17-19,
      Jesus *specifically* states in verses 18-19, the following
      from the New American Standard Bible (NASB)--Matthew 20:17-19
      17) As Jesus was about to go up to Jerusalem, He took the twelve disciples aside by themselves, and on the way He said to them,
      18) "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem; and the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn Him to death,
      19) and will hand Him over to the Gentiles to mock and scourge and crucify Him, and on the third day He will be raised up."

      from the NIV--Matthew 20:17-19
      17) Now Jesus was going up to Jerusalem. On the way, he took the Twelve aside and said to them,
      18) "We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death
      19) and will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!"

      Either Jesus said it or he never existed in the first place.

      According to Messianic belief (the Messianic Jewish believers who teach this stuff), Psalm 22 records the crucifixion of the Messiah--
      Note Psalm 22:16-18 (see verses 17-19 in the Catholic Bible)

      from the Living Bible (TLB)--Psalm 22:16-18
      16) The enemy, this gang of evil men, circles me like a pack of dogs; they have pierced my hands and feet.
      17) I can count every bone in my body. See these men of evil gloat and stare;
      18) they divide my clothes among themselves by a toss of the dice.

      from the New International Version (NIV)
      16) Dogs surround me,
      a pack of villains encircles me;
      they pierce my hands and my feet.
      17) All my bones are on display;
      people stare and gloat over me.
      18) They divide my clothes among them
      and cast lots for my garment

      Above events fulfilled and reinforced in the gospels--
      See Mark 15:16-24
      from the New International Version (NIV), Mark 15:24--states
      24) 'And they crucified him. Dividing up his clothes, they cast lots to see what each would get.'

      Roman guards or soldiers *Casting lots / roll of the dice* for a piece of cloth -- How more accurate of details does one need than that?

      All the way back to the Torah--when Moses received the details in Egypt for the first Passover, and all the way up into the book of Revelation.. everything somewhere interconnects somehow.

      Even down to the hidden Matzo in the Passover feast--Jesus KNEW he was going to be crucified, because THAT was his destiny -- FOR THIS PURPOSE, HE was born. According to our Jewish-Christian teachers, it was during the moment in the Passover feast, where the hidden half of the matzo is pulled out and revealed, when and where Jesus tells his disciples at his last Passover with them, that THIS moment, this piece of striped and strang{e}ly pierced unleavened bread represents HIM--his own body is being offered on their behalf to appease the whole Abrahamic covenant with almighty God (obviously not in those words, but something similar).

      ...Personally, to me, it doesn't matter which day of the week the event(s) took place, it only matters that the Psalm 22/Isaiah 52-53 prophecies were fulfilled right down to the toss of the dice.

      So, either the events that occurred (and that includes all thruout history) are either pure myth, which is too complicated to wrap my brain around in comprehending the numerous other details involved, or it was the truth -- as in the complete truth...

      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      Like I said, crucifixion was a generally accepted form of Roman punishment. While Jesus was aware that he would probably end up dying for spreading his believes, I wouldn't consider it destiny.

      1. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot
      2. A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control
      3. The power or agency thought to predetermine events

      If you break the law, and know you're doing it, then the punishment isn't your destiny -- you could have chosen not breaking the law or get in trouble. Jesus got himself in heaps of trouble and paid the price for it.
      Eeek! That's a long quote. Anywho...
      As previously mentioned, Jesus did *know* where His destiny would lead to. He told his disciples three times that he would die, but his followers were not paying attention or merely dismissed it as babbling nonsense. By the 3rd time Jesus said he would be handed over to the authorities and be "put to death" -- only then did his disciples try to talk Jesus out of it.

      So, not to get dragged back into that conversation all over again, here are some additional new details, where Jesus knew of his destiny. When Jesus shared the last Passover with his disciples, before Judas completely betrayed Jesus, for the price of 30 pieces of silver, Jesus told his followers it was for that purpose HE came into the world. Not to just share the Passover, but because his life *was* represented by and in the hidden Matzo. Jesus said in John chapter 6:51 (from the New International Version (NIV) Bible)

      Jn.6:51) "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."

      Jn.6:58) "This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever."

      Not sure if the translators understood the difference between literal eating and symbolic eating (as in "oh, she's eating that book up! digesting every page of it into every fiber of her being/mind-body). So, I cannot clearly define specifically the Catholic Church's POV of looking at Jesus' physical body as manna or the hidden Matzo bread. I think it is symbolic as in the intellectual reading/eating blurb of the book that I just mentioned. Otherwise, it would be seriously impossible for anyone living after Jesus died and resurrected back into "heaven" to physically EAT his actual flesh. His physical body got nailed to the cross. Jesus lived his life according to Judaeic law. It was written that anyone hung on a tree (piece of wood) was accursed before God. Jesus bore the curse of mankind that was put on Adam & Eve way back in the Garden after they *ate* from the forbidden fruit.

      hmmm. Lots of food for thought or mind/heart-absorbing digestion going on up there. Just saying.

      In Luke 24:44, Jesus reinforces his earlier knowledge of where his destiny would lead him into. ALL of it--
      (from the New King James Version (NKJV) Bible)

      44) Then He said to them, "These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me."
      verses continue in Luke 24:45-47...
      45) And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.

      46) Then He said to them, "Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day,
      47) and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem..."

      So, there it is. Jesus knew from before the very first day he walked into the Temple and read from the scroll regarding that Messiah has come -- directly implying or outright declaring it, that He was/is that Messiah, whom the prophets had written about.

      Coincidentally, Jesus (raised in Nazareth) was also born in Bethlehem.
      Bethlehem in Hebrew, means "House of Bread"
      (definition info found in "New Bible Dictionary" 1962/1987 reprint, Tyndale House Publishers,Inc.; Wheaton, Ill. USA.)

      Oh, just another coincidence on Jesus being the "Bread of Life"? or a divine, complex weaving of history..? either way, the entire structure of compiling all of those itty bitty details reinforce the emphasis that Jesus of Nazareth is THE "manna/bread which/who has come down from heaven". So, either this is all True, or it is not. The choice is up to the reader...


        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        As previously mentioned, Jesus did *know* where His destiny would lead to. He told his disciples three times that he would die, but his followers were not paying attention or merely dismissed it as babbling nonsense. By the 3rd time Jesus said he would be handed over to the authorities and be "put to death" -- only then did his disciples try to talk Jesus out of it.
        No, he didn't. That's what the story in the bible tells you to believe.

        Hindsight is always 20-20 vision - or in this case, if the story had read 2 times, or 4 times. It would still be just a story.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          No, he didn't. That's what the story in the bible tells you to believe.
          Well, that's your (FH) opinion, which you are entitled to believe.

          I choose otherwise. Too many thousands of coincidences don't just add up to everything being a mere *story* and nothing more. *poof*

          PS... there's more to come... I just haven't had time to write the rest out.
          Except what I came across recently has to do with the very mountaintop of Jerusalem, and who will be given control over it. Both the Muslims and Jews will probably be fighting over ownership of the mountain -- this goes way beyond just where the dome of the Mosque is located. It's the entire mountain there that is in the shape of El Shaddai's first "S" initial (as in the Shin letter), which looks like a sideways E or curvy W. Okay, so let the Muslims lay claim to the Mosque -- where the big dome building sits. The rest of the ground belongs to the Jews. Afterall, King David paid the Jebusite for that piece of "threshing floor" property
          (see 2 Samuel 24:21-24).
          Actually, the ground there is considered most holy because it ALL belongs to El Shaddai (all-sufficient and almighty God)--it's HIS name/WORD that is written / etched into the very geographical topography there, His Name's initial.

          This is significant because it is also the same shape embedded into our human heart (see cross section of human heart and compare). It is noted in the Bible somewhere (I forget at this moment) that "God" wrote HIS WORD into our heart. I did not believe in my earlier years that this was to be taken literally, until recently. Cross section of the human heart is the exact same shape as the Shin (Shaddai) first initial letter -- thus, it is literally and physically embedded inside our human heart, unless there are some screwballs out there with heart-shape defects.
          Maybe more later.


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            No, he didn't. That's what the story in the bible tells you to believe.

            Hindsight is always 20-20 vision - or in this case, if the story had read 2 times, or 4 times. It would still be just a story.

            Wait, what? If it is just a do you argue that he didn't know? And if it isn't a do you argue with absolute certainty? Do you have absolute evidence?
            By Nolamom


              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

              Wait, what? If it is just a do you argue that he didn't know? And if it isn't a do you argue with absolute certainty? Do you have absolute evidence?
              Because the author of the tale created the idea...

              Until such a time that actual proof exists that a) Jesus was an actual person, and/or B) there is an actual recording of his words.

              We will never know. Neither I or Alisa is right or wrong at this point.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                Because the author of the tale created the idea...

                Until such a time that actual proof exists that a) Jesus was an actual person, and/or B) there is an actual recording of his words.

                We will never know. Neither I or Alisa is right or wrong at this point.
                Hold on...that Jesus was an actual person? Have you ever read Tacitus? Josephus? I mean, no one seems to doubt the existence of Spartacus or Plato or scores of other historical figures who have just as much contemporary historical evidence. Not to mention the one group of people who had every reason to deny his existence never really did, Jews. In the Babylonian Talmud and other writings from the middle east you see some pretty nasty things written in relation to Jesus Christ, but not one hint doubting his existence. You have ancient commentators quoting pagans arguing against Christianity, but never is there a quote of someone doubting his existence. Not to mention that the vast majority of scholars agree that he did exist (Including harsh critics like Richard Dawkins). What he did and teach is up for debate, but his existence is pretty much affirmed.

                Not to mention the burden of proof people place on the subject simply is not used at all among historians. People really underestimate just how little of the written record has survived from ancient times. Socrates, Spartacus, Homer just to name a few fall under that category. Alexander the Great, while is widely written only written about at least a generation after his death. There are what? Two documents about his existence that are contemporary? But we are all certain he existed. Do we all believe that he was conceived by a union between his mother and Zeus? No...neither did many people but stories about his mother did make an impression.

                I could go on and even look for other sources. The question is, is there any real legitimate reason to doubt that such a person existed?

                But then again, I guess, "Because Christianity" is a very good argument against anything written in the Bible.
                By Nolamom


                  Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                  [COLOR="#000080"]I could go on and even look for other sources. The question is, is there any real legitimate reason to doubt that such a person existed?
                  Such a person - probably existed. Jesus as he is written... not likely.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    Such a person - probably existed. Jesus as he is written... not likely.
                    Ah, thanks for the clarification. This part makes much more sense than what I thought I read. Though as a aside note slightly related. I do question have to say that the letters of the apostles are "contemporary" in that they were written by eye witnesses, minus one...but that minus one is a contemporary though not a witness. Given that they are literally letters, there's no reason to question their value as sources anymore than one would question Latin sources regarding Greek figures (Considering the Roman fetish for all things Greek, they have a vested interest in it).
                    By Nolamom


                      Romans g(r)eeked out.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        Romans g(r)eeked out.

                        I am Aretood2 and I approve this pun
                        By Nolamom


                          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                          This tracking earth's prophecies/current events topic is not entirely devoted to doomsday . . . [/spoiler]

                          * scientific discoveries on both macro (Universe) & micro levels
                          ---- technology increasing? or just getting better at understanding?
                          Tracking so-called energy efficient washing machines that are NOT very energy efficient!!!

                          EPA (*Smart*) Technology complaint--
                          Seems that the *energy star* energy compliant and efficient washing machines are NOT up to the efficiency level they each claim to be. New machine also came with *smart* technology -- being able to calculate water amount needed per weight of fabrics measured, etc., and fix machine by cell phone technology, too. (Woooowhoooo.)

                          Background story---
                          Years ago, when my machine with the center column agitator had a belt break and the machine went into clunk-clunk! mode instead of Wheeeeeeeeeeeee-spin cycle mode, we had to break down and buy a new washer. Well, the new washer looked interesting since it didn't have a column agitator, but some sort of central bop-bop thingy and a HUGE drum to fill lots of clothes in.

                          Well, according to the instructions, the new bopper machine recommended doing *smaller* wash loads for best results. What?! There's this HUGE drum inside for bigger wash loads, but it's only highly recommended to do smaller washes? I can understand the deep drum used on bulky blankets and pillows, but the washer cannot handle a large clothing wash in a big drum? I know too much weight might be an issue, but if I'm using the same amount of clothing weight used from the previous washer (that washer lasted over ten years!), why can't it be done the same in the new washer?
                          I'm used to doing approximately several large loads per week to save on washer time. Now, I'm expected to make twice as many mini-wash loads just to get my wash done properly? Sorry, but how is that being *energy efficient*?

                          I learned years ago *not* to wash my towels with my jeans, because the towels always got holes poked into them; and even the smaller washcloths got poked into somehow; so I never dared to try to wash jeans with towels in the new bopper machine at all. Newer *energy efficient* washes also apparently worked best by same weighted fabrics per wash-load, but still not with towels mixed with jeans. So, now we're not only separating washes by color (whites vs. darker colors), but also by weight -- polyesters/light spandex types vs heavy cotton/jeans.

                          Anyway, I tried my best to work with the new washer's so-called unlimited water levels, which it did an automatic adjustment to fit the size/weight of the wash load. That worked fine until the loads required more water, which went too high for the amount necessary. When the new washer was set to do an extra rinse cycle, it filled the entire drum with (about 2 feet of) water, when there was only eight inches of wet wash in the drum..! The extra rinse setting did this EVERY time, even with only 4 inches of wet wash sitting on the bottom washer plate, which seemed like a complete waste of water! How is that being energy/water efficient? It was either feast or famine..!

                          Naturally, it also seemed the moment the washer's warranty expired, that's when the "unbalanced" wash load problems began. The unbalanced load issues also added an extra hour or 2 making each load doing a 2 to 3 hours to the entire wash cycle! Manually move the clothes around to make all sides equally balanced. By the end of this dying machine's life cycle, it would reset itself back to an extra rinse cycle (filling the washer to the tippy top of water), then go into spin, and go off balance again, reset the timer back to another entire rinse cycle, and so forth. I finally had to stop the washer and physically hand wring out the water as best I could, so I could get the clothes into the dryer. Needed a special old-fashioned wash-wringer to do that, but didn't have one.

                          Being One of the top of the line recommended washers, it had a one year warranty and only lasted 2 years. We kept it for 3 years and tolerated the unbalanced nonsense. I've heard stories about people buying similar *efficient* washers and having them fixed under extended warranties, but having other problems develop that weren't part of the original problems. Those people ended up frustrated and buying a new washer after 2 to 4 years. (And these machines are NOT cheap.. tossing a 1,000 USA buckeroos out every 2-3 years!)

                          I don't want to brag that my (Sears) Kenmore lasted ten years (was also energy star approved for then), while being put thru some heavy-duty, rigorous wash loads, but it did. I don't remember what the warranty was either. But I was very happy with it, and with the middle column agitator system. It worked! I could choose my water level for proper agitation and cleaning, and hardly ever had a problem.

                          So, I was wondering when my last annoying not-so-energy *efficient* washer began to bite the dust of continuous unbalanced loads, if from now on, we consumers of such *efficient* products will have to shell out $1,000.00 (USA/equivalent) dollars almost every other year or less just to get a good working washing-machine? I don't have that kind of money to do that. I've lived in the past with great appliances that lasted well over ten years and got tons of great mileage out of those items as a result.

                          Now, it's the opposite. New fangled bopper washers give a year's worth warranty, with options for extended warranty, and if you don't get the extended warranty, it's almost as if the companies know which appliances are the lemons, because the lemons only last for that one set warranty, so they ship out the lemons to people who opted for a shorter warranty period. Otherwise, no more lemonade could be made in the lemon of a washer..!

                          Unfortunately, we had to break down and buy a new *bopper-hopper* washer -- got a different brand with extra warranty -- but one without the column agitator. I can't afford to dish out a ton of money every year for a new appliance. I know there are other folks in the same situation and living on limited pay. If an appliance is going to be energy efficient, it should last as good if not better than those appliances our parents used to use back in the 1970's and 1980's, where products lasted from 10 to 20 years. Sadly, a one-to-3 year life cycle for an appliance is certainly definitely not *financially* consumer use efficient on
                          total energy used = water, power, minutes/hours required by human attention, IMHO..!


                            Practical suggestion: Garage sales & the used market. You can often find older, pre-whiner era hardware that still works great for pennies on the dollar compared to new.


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              Practical suggestion: Garage sales & the used market. You can often find older, pre-whiner era hardware that still works great for pennies on the dollar compared to new.
                              I found one better than a garage sale, but I have doubts on the current quality of the machine. Two weeks too late, went driving down a road, and lo and behold, there was a washing machine sitting on the curb for anyone to take it -- for FREE!

                              Usually, when such items show up that way, there is a *reason* the item is being tossed out! In this particular case, I think the washer looked like it came from either the 1960's or 1950's, because it just looked *that* old. Old Jenny (GE brand? the washing machine) just must've given up 'er ghost and went ker-put!

                              Probably better machines might end up coming out of home auction sales, or because the owner is moving. But realistically beyond that, we've learned to discover (the difficult route of a cheap sale) that it would take a zillion to one miracle bet on a good working appliance in fairly decent condition. Yes, such items do sometimes show up, but not if (generic) your lot in life is to be on the forever lemon end of attempting to make good tasting lemonade from lemons (same principle in the appliance world).

                              Such a lesson was learned years ago and reinforced more recently --b/c of someone else we know who ended up on the shafted end, both cars he bought lasted less than 2 months each-- where it is probably better to buy new and finance an item if full payment cannot be done on the spot, than to buy something at a cheaper price with full payment. At least, you sort of hope the quality of the purchased item will be better than the cheaper one that poured an entire month's wages into.

                              Anywho. . so far, my new washer has it's oddities, but at least the energy saving water level works on the amount of stuff in the washer, than wasting it as the previous washer performed. Me thinks the genius designers of these things should work out a better system for energy saving than the options they provide in their instruction manuals. . unless that is just their way of covering up the obvious reality that such-and-such appliance really is NOT as energy saving as it is hailed to be by the various evaluations resulting from using or testing it.


                                Who can tell what has been added or erased throughout the years - we know about interpolations in Shakespeare's plays. Why can we be sure that the Bible is 'genuine'?
                                CARPE DIEM

