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Tracking Earth's Future via Current Events, etc.

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    Oh, hell, as far as I know, FH hasn't figured out which team to play for so the whole thing is kinda pointless.


      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      Oh, hell, as far as I know, FH hasn't figured out which team to play for so the whole thing is kinda pointless.
      FH does not play for a "team", and the IS the point.
      S(he) is s(he), is their own individuality, not what other people want..
      She knows who she is, you just don't know how to deal with ith it.
      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        Okay so I'll take a crack at predicting the future considering the evolution of this thread. My lens is prophetic biblical on a pastafarianastican tangent.

        1- Grocery bags have become reusable but not accepted by the general population. Plastic trash is on the rise, MG forgot his bags at home, so is Belzebuth and its minions. We could soon see California's hobo land burn, and Soros rising as the prime evil from the ashes. Confirmed.

        2- Unbeknownst to Jelgate, his words have prophetic meanings. Holy texts (Apostle Jelgate (1-14))

        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
        *sends army of Heightmeyer clones back to the wood chipper*
        10 words, 2 stars. That makes 8. The wood chipper representing GF, heightmeyers is codeword for Lemming. GF is 1976:
        1+9 = 10
        7-6 = 1
        10*1 = 10

        Result: 10 months from now, when the two stars are in orbit around Chulak, the plastic bags will split the waters and enter a new plane of existence, Trump will lose a finger and Annoyed will convert to team Chaka. Meanwhile GF will adopt an Australian lizard which he will call son, and FH will grow wings and fly away towards the sun (flight of Icarus confirmed).
        I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


          Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
          Okay so I'll take a crack at predicting the future considering the evolution of this thread. My lens is prophetic biblical on a pastafarianastican tangent.

          1- Grocery bags have become reusable but not accepted by the general population. Plastic trash is on the rise, MG forgot his bags at home, so is Belzebuth and its minions. We could soon see California's hobo land burn, and Soros rising as the prime evil from the ashes. Confirmed.

          2- Unbeknownst to Jelgate, his words have prophetic meanings. Holy texts (Apostle Jelgate (1-14))

          10 words, 2 stars. That makes 8. The wood chipper representing GF, heightmeyers is codeword for Lemming. GF is 1976:
          1+9 = 10
          7-6 = 1
          10*1 = 10

          Result: 10 months from now, when the two stars are in orbit around Chulak, the plastic bags will split the waters and enter a new plane of existence, Trump will lose a finger and Annoyed will convert to team Chaka. Meanwhile GF will adopt an Australian lizard which he will call son, and FH will grow wings and fly away towards the sun (flight of Icarus confirmed).
          Silly Lizard. Annoyed will convert all Lizards to his minions and they will happily and eagerly serve my every whim or desire.

          I'll put most of them to work painting Trump re-election posters and putting in people's front yards.


            I see a future where Annoyed is launched into the sun
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Thank you for this next page... ...A refresher to what this topic began to cover and might expand beyond...

              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
              before beginning.. *spoiler* NOTE---just to set the record straight (and if allowed, even for humor reasons, which I hope the person who inspired it will understand =)---
              I found this comment in another religion thread, and had to include it here because it's *probably* going to come up here from someone at some point in time...
              --- bold font emphasis added by me, due to gw's automatic forum styling of quotes...

              Quote Originally Posted by lordofseas
              "*yawn* Next thread. Doomsday here, doomsday there, doomsday everywhere."

              This tracking earth's prophecies/current events topic is not entirely devoted to doomsday (so there is plenty of room for *universal* expansion beyond any 2012 specific topics).

              Subjects for possible tracking Earth's future prophecies and discussions thereof --
              (and btw, it's not all gloom and doom.. There are plenty of positive events and things to discuss -- the question is whether or not humans will achieve those goals.)

              * obvious future prophecies mentioned in the Bible---
              ---- Ezekiel 38 and 39 (war against Israel by alignment of nations),
              ---- book of Joel,
              ---- Daniel 9-12
              ---- Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, Luke 21 (signs of "the end of the age")
              ---- Revelation -- all of it, and any other Bible refs discovered along the way.
              * contrasting prophecies from other sources such as---
              prophecies of Nostradamus, Aztecs/Mayan calendar, Native Americans, whoever and from wherever..
              (please be specific in what the prophecy is---if possible)

              * Basically, international news of (Jewish) Israel's survival (Bible prophecy) vs. the world
              ---- Israel's gas discovery as potential sparks in feuding over who will control that region.
              ---- Israel's 3rd Temple (and details thereof) -- to build or not and where...?

              * Financial issues -- collapse of monetary systems locally and worldwide
              ---- includes current protesting going on in USA & elsewhere on planet (will affect all finances globally, including our retirements, if there is such a thing as a real, enjoyable *retirement*)

              * tracking all humans & pets via computer chipping (example-- via VeriChip Corp)

              * natural disasters -- flooding, earthquakes, droughts, megastorms, etc.
              ---- plagues, famines
              ---- health issues (existing progress or lack of progress in medical advances for various diseases & super-viruses)

              * solutions suggested or made pro/con against global warming, pollution, & reforestation

              * scientific discoveries on both macro (Universe) & micro levels
              ---- includes CERN's discoveries, Hubble's wonders
              ---- technology increasing? or just getting better at understanding?
              ---- I have to say that I do love those *dailygalaxy*, *space* and *spacedaily* web sites/articles

              * tracking--- might expand or touch upon some UFO activity in the news (that's been a hubbub theory for one explanation of Jesus {of Nazareth} returning w/his heavenly "army")

              * Potential Wormwood -- what will it be its source from?
              ---- I almost posted a reply into the topic "Russia 'plans to stop asteroid' Apophis" about wormwood, but restrained myself from doing so... someone else answered what the potential failure of that mission might end up as, which I kept thinking... "Wormwood?"
              Afterall, one of the prophecy writers stated that Russia's Chernobyl word also translates into "Wormwood" -- which ended up in disaster.

              REQUEST NOTICE--- Please, No *endless* discussions on abortion or gay living agenda's. Such items may be mentioned in passing, at times, if some news worthy event is causing a reason for including them.
              However, I understand there already are designated topics for those subjects elsewhere on Gateworld, and it would be greatly appreciated if such discussions of these 2 subjects--if/when pursued in endless detail--would be done at those other designated topics. (Thank you! =)

              and thank you!
              . . .

              Please try to remember, this topic is about tracking earth's future prophecies with (many, many numerous) current events guiding, influencing, and redirecting us into the great unknown...
              Well, that's what started this whole topic. Just thought I'd note just how expansively all over the place we've been and heading into.

              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              Gotta remember here dude, while this thread often gets side-tracked, SG is looking at things via biblical prophecy. Right or not, that's her lens for her thread.

              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              We're all over the place really.
              More often than not.
              Yup. I gave the okay for that on page 1 of this topic (see quoted info above).
              Tho, there's been some *spiritual* prophetic aspects that started this whole topic, I'd really like to see more progress with how to resolve the problems our earth is facing... food, shelter, retirement, medical advances, alternative energy that actually works, environmental progress / failures, etc., weather and invasive species affecting food supplies among zillions of other items.

              If people are ever going to go to Mars, they will NEED to resolve fixing most of the above (except spiritual, tho positive spiritual attitudes providing strength during difficult situations are always helpful, and necessary for HOPE with seemingly depressing issues). Water provisions will be a necessity. Fixing the "bottled" water supplies here on earth now could be helpful for easy and sustainable storage later, both on earth and other worlds.

              *Planet Earth* topics come into my daily reading feeds with all sorts of earth related / health, etc., issues. Plastics are a HOT issue that keeps coming up. I've believed for years that plastic bottles and cups *MAY* be leaking some sort of nasty chemicals into the water from the plastics in the container. It was confirmed several years ago that such a problem does exist, which is why the BPA-free plastics became a favorite, hot substitute item. Now, many people want to BAN all plastics and return to glass, metal, or ceramics to drink from.

              Also discovered in recent years--some metals also leach minerals into the container (such as silver milk pourers). Tho, I loved the taste of milk from the icy cold silver mugs, well, obviously, silver poisoning is not healthy. So, options? These are issues currently being explored for a more healthy outlook on our future, whether it is on earth or some made-made colony in outer space somewhere.


                Prophecies are what you want them to be. They are vague, imprecise and the results differ from the POV of the reader. Hell, a small error in translation could change the whole meaning. The absurdity comes from introducing hand picked real life events and applying prophecies after.

                Perhaps you won't admit it, but could it be that in reality it's the other way around? You read about a prophecies then try to give it credence when an event occurs that matches it? How about predicting it before it happens, now I'd be impressed.
                I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                  Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                  Okay so I'll take a crack at predicting the future considering the evolution of this thread. My lens is prophetic biblical on a pastafarianastican tangent.

                  1- Grocery bags have become reusable but not accepted by the general population. Plastic trash is on the rise, MG forgot his bags at home, so is Belzebuth and its minions. We could soon see California's hobo land burn, and Soros rising as the prime evil from the ashes. Confirmed.

                  2- Unbeknownst to Jelgate, his words have prophetic meanings. Holy texts (Apostle Jelgate (1-14))
                  . . .
                  Ha, ha. Funny!! Tho, some of your (Chaka-Z0) first *prophetic* comment may remain true...
                  Woven grocery bags in both canvas material and coated, woven tarp makes the best recyclable bags. Canvas bags may need to be washed, especially when forgetting about leaving food, such as bananas in the bottom of the bag left to rot... tho, might be more efficient to simply toss the bag out to the dumps and get a new one (I've personally used up / been thru several canvas bags because of this problem).

                  The specially treated sealant-coated, woven tarp/canvas bags are easier to clean with just a soapy, wet cloth (sterilizing is the key, tho). Plus, they are rainproof..! Sadly, how do the woven tarp bags get recycled? Haven't found a decent answer yet on what is the best way to toss these particular bags away. Tarp threads are made of special fibers, but more along the lines of waxed spool threads, I think... not sure.

                  So, Chaka-Z0, Do you serve refined flour spaghetti or whole-grain, wheat noodles with or in that pasta stuff?
                  Add garlic and basil for best flavoring, too. Garlic keeps the vampires away, too, so it's been *believed*.

                  Gee.... Wasn't Soros from Hungary or thereabouts...? Might need extra garlic and onions with him around. Tho, his boys seem to be interesting to keep a watchful observation upon, especially with their "humanitarian society" interests.


                    Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                    Prophecies are what you want them to be. They are vague, imprecise and the results differ from the POV of the reader. Hell, a small error in translation could change the whole meaning. The absurdity comes from introducing hand picked real life events and applying prophecies after.

                    Perhaps you won't admit it, but could it be that in reality it's the other way around? You read about a prophecies then try to give it credence when an event occurs that matches it? How about predicting it before it happens, now I'd be impressed.
                    Could it be the other way around from what "such item" has been believed to be interpreted as? Of course..!

                    However, over the recent months, I came across some *very* interesting items (proven research by certain people and high-up authorities), where the items in question reinforce Bible scripture. Two items are on-going investigations, still in progress, so I can't say one way or the other how accurate they fall within the biblical prophecies or supporting how true the Biblical accounts are that they have been attributed to. Both are physical items with social AND *spiritual* values. Let me just say that when I saw the videos, it was definitely one of those WOW!!! reactions that totally blows your mind, IF true. I've seen both pro and negative/con reactions regarding both, also. So, I hesitate to explain what I've learned about them so far, until more details are provided, so that I can rationally and specifically explain these things.

                    I can say that eventually both items will eventually be revealed to the whole world, but by the time they get the exposure they need, the world won't really care one way or another. It's the apathy factor that is also being dealt with in both of these situations, which is also part of the reactions (as noted in the prophecies) to these particular items. Both connect directly to Israel, and then will affect all of us in some way (positive or apathetic negativity).


                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      FH does not play for a "team", and the IS the point.
                      S(he) is s(he), is their own individuality, not what other people want..
                      She knows who she is, you just don't know how to deal with ith it.
                      It's complicated.

                      Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                      2- Unbeknownst to Jelgate, his words have prophetic meanings. Holy texts (Apostle Jelgate (1-14))

                      10 words, 2 stars. That makes 8. The wood chipper representing GF, heightmeyers is codeword for Lemming. GF is 1976:
                      1+9 = 10
                      7-6 = 1
                      10*1 = 10

                      Result: 10 months from now, when the two stars are in orbit around Chulak, the plastic bags will split the waters and enter a new plane of existence, Trump will lose a finger and Annoyed will convert to team Chaka. Meanwhile GF will adopt an Australian lizard which he will call son, and FH will grow wings and fly away towards the sun (flight of Icarus confirmed).
                      Aw, I couldn't green you but this one rules.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      Both connect directly to Israel, and then will affect all of us in some way (positive or apathetic negativity).
                      Benji needs to organize his government... that's what's happening, and it doesn't look like he's getting anywhere other than straight towards new elections.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        I suggest one government that follows the way of bacon. Anyone who doesn't follow can be boiled in bacon grease
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          I suggest one government that follows the way of bacon. Anyone who doesn't follow can be boiled in bacon grease
                          This has to be the worst way to go.
                          I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                            Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                            This has to be the worst way to go.
                            Boiling oil mixed with iron mail... I'd say, there are worse ways...
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              Boiling oil mixed with iron mail... I'd say, there are worse ways...
                              Only medieval kids will remember.
                              I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                                Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                                Only medieval kids will remember.
                                Those good old, boiling days...
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

