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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Yet another take on Josi's tut....

    Last edited by Jumble; 07 November 2012, 12:10 PM.


      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      Since it's tut week, thought I'd do a tut for the sig I made for Sarai


      1. Open a new canvas and position the picture of Stana. It was a lovely high-res picture so I didn't need to resize or anything. Sharpen using filters > artistic > paint daubs.

      2. Duplicate this layer and use the gaussian blur on it. Add a layer mask and using a large soft brush, erase the bit over Stana's face and arm. Leave part of her hair on the right blurred so as to create focus on her face.

      3. New adjustment layer > curves. Only a very slight adjustment necessary here because it's a well-lit original. Just a tweak to brighten: one point - output 194, input 174.

      4. Her face was looking rather orange though, so next add a selective color layer, settings as follows:
      - Reds: C -2, M -17, Y -46, B 0
      - Yellows: C 0, M -12, Y -10, B 0
      - Blacks: C 0, M 0, Y -10, B +7
      This should take out the yellowy browny tones and give the whole thing a much cooler blueish tint.

      5. It was a touch too cool however, so next add a color balance layer, as follows:
      - Shadows: Y-B +2
      - Highlights: C-R +6
      It's very subtle but puts some pinkish tones back in her skin

      6. New layer, fill with #9f6e5a, set to multiply at 20%

      7. New layer, fill with #fbaf5d, set to soft light at 20%. Use a layer mask and erase this layer over the background on the right so the colour effect is only on the left side of the sig over Stana.

      8. Now some textures. First add this one, set to soft light and blurred using the gaussian blur. Use a layer mask to erase the part of it over Stana so it just shows over the background on the right.

      9. Next add this texture, set to screen at 50%, and again erased where it covers Stana. Position it so that the paisley fern bit is centred in the right-hand side of the sig. Use image adjustments and curves to up the brightness/contrast so that the paisley fern stands out.

      10. Next add this texture, resized to the same width as the sig (so that you can use the border), set to screen at 50%. Again use a layer mask to erase the part of it right over Stana's face, but erase over her face only, so that you can still see the texture over her hair/shoulder on the right and her arm on the left.

      11. Next add this texture and position so that the decorative bit is over the right-hand side of the sig. Add a layer mask and use the magic wand tool to delete the background from the texture around the decoration. Set this layer to hard light at 50%

      12. I wanted to use the S in the texture as part of the text, but for that I needed it to stand out more. So duplicate this texture layer and then mask out everything other than the S on this top one. Leave it at hard light at 50%.

      13. Now the text. 'tana' (to complete her name from the S) is in Grad, and 'katic' in Marcelle Script. The colour for 'katic' was picked using the eye-dropper tool - I tried various different shades from the sig to try and find one that complemented it and didn't either stand out too much or fade into the background too much. These two layers are rotated slightly to line up nicely with the S from the texture.

      14. And finally, favourite final step - new colour layer, filled with #ebebeb and set to color burn.
      Great tut, I'll have to bookmark this for later. Maybe I'll have a chance tomorrow to try it.
      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        *iz stunned*
        Jumble, that is ... WOW! That is GREAT! I mean ... REALLY great! LOVE it!
        Sorry, I so would love to green you for this but GW doesn't let me . So ... mental green from me.

        Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
        Sig & Avi by Josi
        LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
        I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


          Thank you Hyn Seems to me that my 'best' sigs are the ones that just seem to pop out of PS all on their own - that one was totally not what I had in my head when I started


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            Wow. That came from my tut? I'd never have guessed!

            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              Originally posted by josiane View Post
              Wow. That came from my tut? I'd never have guessed!

              It did, with a few tweaks and additions I also used a pic that I 'borrowed' from Cags' FB, hence the clouds in the background


                I love it Jumble it just pops off the screen!


                  Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
                  I love it Jumble it just pops off the screen!
                  Thank you


                    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                    Actually, GIMP does have something similar to a magic wand - it's called "Fuzzy Select"
                    Oh! I've seen that tool, tried it, didn't know how it worked. Thank you so much for the link!

                    Alright, I'm gonna give Josi's tut another go!

                    Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                    Nope, you didn't miss it because they didn't say. It was written for Photoshop. Sorry, I don't know if it's translatable for GIMP. I'd love it if someone gave it a try and let us know though.
                    Oh, okay. Thanks.

                    I had a go at Josi's tut. Fun fun fun! Here's my result:


                    Oooooh! Daniel Graig/James Bond!!! LOVE THESE!!!
                    Sig by ME.


                      Okay, not to thrilled with the outcome but, here it is...

                      I really did not know what to do here. I was well and truly stumped!
                      Sig by ME.


                        I really like it!


                          Thanks everyone, who gave me green or said encouraging things about my tut!
                          Fics | Art | Tumblr


                            Josiane, I decided to try yours...and got this....(with a bit of tweaks)

                            Fics | Art | Tumblr


                              Cool arties everyone. I love the flamey letters Jumble!

                              RiG, I really like yours, although the one little bit of blue in the whole sig stands out rather a lot...


                                Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                                I've never written a tutorial before, so I'm going try this today (unfortunately it's for PS and not Gimp). If you're someone who like grunge and blending/duplicating layers, this is for you.

                                We'll be making this:

                                What you will need: Pictures of your models, texture 1, texture 2, texture 3, texture 4.

                                Before we begin, find your models. You will need 2 images. I'm using Cate Blanchett as mine (love that woman).


                                Ikorni, I so wanted to give your tut a try today, but I can't get the link for Texture 3 to work.....Do you mind posting a thumbnail?

                                Edit: And now it works. Such is computers!

