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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
    kk I will from now on I love your new sig btw
    Thanks, but it's not really new - Sarai made both sig and avi for me awhile back. I'd made a sig and avi in which Martin did not appear (shock horror! ), and suddenly all the WooHoos were using similar avis to show that they still loved Martin despite my apparent defection It was really funny So then she made a set for me too
    Last edited by Jumble; 02 October 2012, 12:25 AM.


      Love it Ikorni!

      Coming January 2017


        I didn't think I'd have anything for this challenge since Martin is a Director/Exec. Producer, then I remembered his cameos so I think I've found a way...............

        (pic from SG1 Ascension - quote from Ghostbusters)

        pic from SG1 Fallen - quote from What A Girl Wants)

        (this one doesn't count because the pic is bts from SGA Trio, but I couldn't resist )

        And for this one I simply captioned the pic because the quote just screamed "DAN" at me.....


          Thanks everyone

          Yamii- I love the Tesla banner it's gorgeous
          LG- I love the new wallpaper the quote fits it perfectly! You and Sarai inspired me to do one of my own
          Hyn- I hope everything works out for your brother and your family I'm sure you'll enjoy it when you do go on your vacation!
          Jumble- lol it must have been a huge shock I haven't been on this thread long but all the art I've seen from you has Martin! And awesome job to Sarai they're both lovely I love your challenge entries they all made me smile
          Ikorni- I love the banner The textures you used are amazing!

          Here is my latest entry... it's a little darker but this quote has been bugging me since I heard it used in One Tree Hill *blushes* It's a little wordy :X



            Cool arties everyone!


              Ikorni, great sig!
              Jumble, I love your Martin-art, I hope you know that
              meredithe, I hope he will be better again when I'm going next month. He's a tough guy but living with a half kidney for almost 20 years now but lately he's getting a little sickly. Well, finally he's the reason why I became an organ donor but unfortunately we are not compatible because he's only my half-brother.
              Lovely WP you made! Great entry!

              Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
              Sig & Avi by Josi
              LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
              I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                Thanks Mere and Hyn - glad I made you smile

                What the heck is going on with PhotoBucket??? It's just taken me over an hour to upload 18 pics - every time I tried to upload the screen went blank. Then when I went back I found it had uploaded only one, or none Why do they insist on 'improving' stuff that already works just fine? And I had to reduce the size of a wp because it simply wood not let me upload it


                  The new beta is a bit buggy, but when it works it's pretty good. I love the ability to drag and drop files to the uploader.


                    Yay, that sounds familiar to me, Jumble ... :rolls eyes:. And don't ask me. During the last months PB worked just fine for me, right now it is a pain in the ass! I've to move all the uploaded pics into the right albums because PB only allows me uploading into the main-album. The screencaps I made two weeks ago costed me other three hour uploading (350 pics) and finally I had to move EVERY SINGLE of the caps into the right album.
                    But you know, when something works fine, you have to try to make it work better

                    Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                    Sig & Avi by Josi
                    LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                    I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                      Originally posted by maneth View Post
                      The new beta is a bit buggy, but when it works it's pretty good. I love the ability to drag and drop files to the uploader.
                      A bit buggy? It's a nightmare! I can't see how to name the pics after I've uploaded them - any ideas? On my own PB account I was given the option of staying with the old version, which I did, but the AfA account isn't being offered that option.

                      Hyn, I did manage to upload to the correct album - there's a drop-down menu under 'Library' that lets you choose which album.


                        The only way I figure you can change a filename is by clicking the image in an album to select it, and then clicking the second icon from the left (Edit) and Save As Copy. You'll get a dialog box where you can change the filename. Once you've done that, you can delete the original file.


                          Originally posted by maneth View Post
                          The only way I figure you can change a filename is by clicking the image in an album to select it, and then clicking the second icon from the left (Edit) and Save As Copy. You'll get a dialog box where you can change the filename. Once you've done that, you can delete the original file.
                          Ok, thanks Sounds like a lot of palaver when with the previous version it just took one click


                            Jumble here's another way to change PB filenames:

                            Click on your uploaded picture to open it in another window. In the bottom right corner click the little triangle next to Photo Info. When that box opens, you'll see an edit link for the file name. (The file size and resolution are listed here too.) It's a pain in the mikta if you have to do this for more than one picture though.


                              Thanks Estrela - you're right, I think the whole thing is a pain in the mikta The way it was before, you could name every set of pics as they were uploaded - easy - so how can this new version be an improvement?


                                Okay, BP has been working fine for me. I uploaded a pic earlier tonight with no problem. Weird.

                                Anyways, here's my entry for the challenge...

                                ...I'll PM it to the appropriate person tomorrow.
                                Sig by ME.

