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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
    HAPPY 4th OF JULY to my fellow American friends in here!

    And great entries everyone! Love them all!


    Sorry. Been working on it/them for the last few days...not entirely happy with them but as tomorrow is the deadline I'll post them ASAP. Besides, it's much to hot to be Gimping. Way too damn hot in CT these days. I've been reading fanfic all day since I got home from work.

    Thanks for the heads up lg, now I know who to PM my entries too.
    trade ya! it's been raining here... all our fireworks shows got cancelled due to rain.... and it's not that hot we barely scraped 80 both yesterday and today and it doesn't look like it's gonna heat up any time soon... it's july and cold and i don't like it
    I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


      Originally posted by Lilith View Post
      trade ya! it's been raining here... all our fireworks shows got cancelled due to rain.... and it's not that hot we barely scraped 80 both yesterday and today and it doesn't look like it's gonna heat up any time soon... it's july and cold and i don't like it
      Okay, I'll trade! It was in the 90s yesterday and today. And it will be tomorrow too. Our fireworks got postponed due to flooding. The river front where they have the fireworks every year is flooded due to all the rain we've had up until a few days ago.

      Alright, my Superman sigs, though I do think they're less than super...

      Sig by ME.


        i really like that second one RIG!
        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


          Great stuff RiG!


            Originally posted by Lilith View Post
            ugh.... i'm not actually at all happy with this, but hey! challenge entry! i'd have two, but my computer's being a butt and i have to restart to fix it and i really don't feel like doing that right now....

            OOHH! *Let's do the Time Warp AGAIN!!!
            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            Alright, my Superman sigs, though I do think they're less than super...
            I really like the middle one!


              Last minute call for entries! I'm putting the challenge post together in about an hour!


                Challenge Week 78
                Old Movies











                . . .continued. . .




                  Last edited by ladygris; 05 July 2013, 01:47 PM.


                    Banner by yami

                    Tut Week 23

                    This week is a Tutorial Week. For the first week every month, we don’t issue a challenge, but instead want to encourage thread participants to share their expertise and try something new, using tutorials.

                    This is how it works:

                    1. Share a tutorial: *Write a tutorial for a piece of art you have made recently, or post a piece of art you have made with the link to the tutorial you followed when you made it.

                    2. Follow a tutorial:* Use one (or more) of the tutorials that other thread members have shared during the week to make a piece of art of your own.

                    The idea is that we should both teach something and learn something throughout the week It’s not obligatory to do both, if you’re limited for time, but we’d like to encourage you to please both share and follow at least one tutorial if at all possible.

                    At the end of the week we will post all the tutorials along with any art made following each tutorial, so that we can see all the different interpretations all together.

                    Please PM your entries (both the link to the original tutorial and any art you make following a tutorial this week) to Jumble


                      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                      Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                      ugh.... i'm not actually at all happy with this, but hey! challenge entry! i'd have two, but my computer's being a butt and i have to restart to fix it and i really don't feel like doing that right now....

                      Two of my all time fav movies! And strangely enough, with the same basic plot.


                        Great work everyone!!!


                          really fun arties everyone!


                            Great challenge art everyone.
                            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                              really fun arties everyone!
                              gorgeous, gorgeous arties and great ideas!


                              All the tutorials used were already presented in this very thread, so I'll only name the author and the page where you can find it...

                              ladygris -page 883

                              Josiane -page 902

                              How to change this

                              into this ( the text was suggested by my sis, thanks M.)

                              And I'm quite frustrated with this, but it is what it is...

                              syfyfan page 911 ( the original is gorgeous!!!)

                              I obviously been listening to Bob Marley.
                              Last edited by JadedWraith; 09 July 2013, 03:08 AM.
                              Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                              Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                                Here is how I made my Alex Kingston signature in Photoshop CS5.


                                1) Open a new document, I chose 500×180. Fill with #2a2132.

                                2) Open and paste this gears stock into the document. Set this to Soft Light, 100%.

                                3) Open and paste this set of flowers into the document. Line up the white line to as close to the center as possible. Set to Overlay, 100%.

                                4) Open and paste the path stock into the document. Desaturate and resize to where only the path is visible. Move this layer to one side of the line from the previous step. Duplicate this layer and move this one to the other side of the line. Set both to Overlay, 100%.

                                5) Open and paste this stock of lanterns into the document. Set to Overlay, 100%. Erase what you don’t like.

                                6) Open and paste these lights into the document. Set to Lighten, 100%. Move to just to the left of where you are thinking of putting your character/actor.

                                7) Open and paste these lines into the document. Set to Lighten, 100%. Scale way down and rotate so that the lines are coming from the top. Move to just above the lights from previous step.

                                8) Open your character/actor and paste into the document. I used one of these 4 pictures of Alex Kingston. Resize if need be. Cut out the character/actor completely from the background. Place where you wish them to go.

                                9) Take this texture from KrypteriaHG and paste into the document. Set to Lighten, 100%. Erase whatever you don’t like.

                                10) Take another texture from KrypteriaHG and paste into the document. Set to Lighten, 100%. Move to where the clock is in the bottome left corner. Erase all but the clock and a little above it. Duplicate this layer and move to the right until the stars are on the right side of the character/actor. Erase what you don’t like.

                                11) Take this last texture from KrypteriaHG and paste into the document. Set to Lighten, 50%. Move to where your character is in the center of the triangle.

                                12) Open this PSD by BriniGirl and move the folder into your document. Leave as is.

                                13) I didn’t like how bright the blue was so I created a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and set it to Soft Light, 100%.
                                -Colorize checked.
                                –Hue: 70
                                —Satuarion: 59
                                —-Lightness: -6

                                14) Text. Alex Kingston: Justus, 30pt. Color: #21494f
                                -Drop Shadow: Default except Spread: 20.
                                –Outer Glow: #ede2e7. Opacity: 30%. Rest Default.
                                —Bevel and Emboss/Contour: Style: Pillow Emboss. Rest Default.
                                —-Color Overlay: #7c9b9f. Opacity: 50%.

                                15) Create a stamp and use Topaz Clean, Crispstyle. Everything on Default. Set at Normal, 60%.

                                16) Create another stamp and use Paint Daubs. 1, 1. Set to Normal, 70%.

                                17) Watermark your work, if you do.

                                18) Create one last stamp and open Blending Options. Stroke: Leave at default but for the color, choose the darkest color in your work and let that color be your border.

                                And you are finished!

                                If you wish to follow this same tutorial but with images, you can follow it at my blog, here.


                                FYI: Gorgeous entries!
                                Icon and Sig by me.

