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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
    Steampunk! Maybe it's time I found my way back to the Cantina. I've just been so busy and overwhelmed...
    My God in the other forum I was i spend so much time on the Cantina. Here, for some reason I never posted there.

    Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
    PH is the only steampunk in the Cantina..

    Also not one for making sigs and avatars.. so.. *claims the dark shadowy corner as New Hamenthotepia* *plants flag*
    Aww, but it's such a lovely quaint corner... I love steampunk. I even done a steampunk inspired Wallpapper but not of my best works, I'm afraid. I not good with models ( I built one or two but nothing complicated and they came in a box, I never did one from scratch.)

    I was fighting a tut ( yep, fighting because I went beyond struggling....). Sigh. I've redone the all composition on it and it still doesn't work.

    I'm frustrated right now. It's Monday, right?
    Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
    Aristides de Sousa Mendes


      Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
      I'm frustrated right now. It's Monday, right?
      all day unless it rains


        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        all day unless it rains
        Oh and it's rainning. ;D It actually is.
        Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
        Aristides de Sousa Mendes


          It snowed most of the day here...


            Hi there PH!

            Boy there's a lot of great stuff in here today/tonight...

            Estrella, Nola, Ikorni and Nikki...I love each and every one of your art pieces! They are gorgeous! I just wish GW would agree with me and let me green all of you.

            Did I miss anybody? If so let me know!

            Estrella, I want to give that tut a try but I'm not sure what program it's for. I have PS now so if it's that one than I will be happy to give it a go!

            Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
            You already had those Rodney and dean sigs: that's an head start.
            Yup. That it is. I also have a general SPN one from a few years ago but I can't seem to find it.
            Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 11 March 2013, 04:19 PM.
            Sig by ME.


              Gorgeous arts everyone!

              Here is an entry to a contest on DeviantArt:

              Icon and Sig by me.


                That looks beautiful Yami


                  RiG the tut's written for PS. There's nothing fancy there so I hope you can give it a try. Give a shout if there's anything you don't understand. I'm not the greatest teacher in these lands. I'll give that nod to Nola.

                  And since I'm here, I think I'll decorate the thread with older cartoon influenced artwork. If you can't tell, I love this style.

                  This one's still one of my favorite sigs.

                  I've adopted a new sig in honor of this challenge too.


                    Very nice, Estrela! How did you do the 'Galaxy Defenders' one? Tut....please?
                    Fics | Art | Tumblr


                      Aaack! I'm glad you like it Ikorni but I'm not sure I could do a tut for it. That was one of those sigs where I played and fussed and changed so many things so many times that I'm not sure I could recreate the steps I took. I'll have a look though and see if I can figure out what I did for the medallion, text and maybe post the textures I used.


                        Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                        Aaack! I'm glad you like it Ikorni but I'm not sure I could do a tut for it. That was one of those sigs where I played and fussed and changed so many things so many times that I'm not sure I could recreate the steps I took. I'll have a look though and see if I can figure out what I did for the medallion, text and maybe post the textures I used.
                        I see! It's one of those sorts! I understand completely!
                        Fics | Art | Tumblr


                          Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                          RiG the tut's written for PS. There's nothing fancy there so I hope you can give it a try. Give a shout if there's anything you don't understand. I'm not the greatest teacher in these lands. I'll give that nod to Nola.
                          You got it! And, thank you.

                          And since I'm here, I think I'll decorate the thread with older cartoon influenced artwork. If you can't tell, I love this style.



                          This one's still one of my favorite sigs.
                          Incredible! I love these!

                          I've adopted a new sig in honor of this challenge too.
                          Life's a dance you learn as you go
                          sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow

                          Love the new sig.
                          Sig by ME.


                            Awesome banners Estrela, I really like the Amanda one and the Galaxy Defenders artwork, it looks really cool


                              Gah! It's been so long since I was on GW, let alone able to do and/or see art other than a massive RL project!

                              I can't remember everyone who did such wonderful arties in the last couple of weeks, so this is a blanket statement--but very true. Great arties!!! Hoping to find time this week to get a challenge entry ready for this new one.

                              Speaking of new art, finally had time to make a new set for myself.

                              Last edited by ladygris; 12 March 2013, 05:50 AM. Reason: Adding Wallie Thumbnail


                                Awesome cartooning Estrela

                                Gorgeous set lg

