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The Political Discussion Thread

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    Question for you folks not living in the US.

    Most of you are opposed to Trump becoming POTUS. Is that because you don't like how you expect his presidency to affect your country's interests, or is it because you think it might be harmful to the United States and its interests?

    Some of Trump's ideas would indeed have a positive effect on the US, but negative impact upon the interests of other countries. For example; we have trade deals with various nations that are harmful to the US, causing jobs to be outsourced. Trump wants to undo some of those deals. This would obviously negatively affect the countries that we are outsourcing jobs to, as those jobs are brought back to the US.

    Are you opposing Trump because he's harmful to the U.S.'s interests, or are you opposing him based on how it will impact other countries?


      To be honest i dont know what the heck is position is on anything, could you please list some of them?


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        Question for you folks not living in the US.

        Most of you are opposed to Trump becoming POTUS. Is that because you don't like how you expect his presidency to affect your country's interests, or is it because you think it might be harmful to the United States and its interests?

        Some of Trump's ideas would indeed have a positive effect on the US, but negative impact upon the interests of other countries. For example; we have trade deals with various nations that are harmful to the US, causing jobs to be outsourced. Trump wants to undo some of those deals. This would obviously negatively affect the countries that we are outsourcing jobs to, as those jobs are brought back to the US.

        Are you opposing Trump because he's harmful to the U.S.'s interests, or are you opposing him based on how it will impact other countries?

        I can only speak for myself but I think it's a bit of both. Positives and negatives. I just think America may not be ready for him.
        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


          Originally posted by pookey View Post
          To be honest i dont know what the heck is position is on anything, could you please list some of them?
          From his campaign website to make America great again:

          Trump's positions

          And to answer Annoyed...

          My political viewpoints align most with Bernie and Hillary to start with. However, as I have read the candidates programs (all of them - even the ones who are no longer in the race) I find that all of them have good ideas for America, and some that are quite ridiculous (a wall really?!), and some that could balance the scale of world power to a different side then intended to.

          However, personally Trump's rhetorics have been downright scary -- he will not make America great again. He will isolate it from the rest of the world, and America will wither and die.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            If ive read things right then it seems ok, but what ive read on here seems like he changes his mind when it suits him, so he is confusing, typical politician, im afraid im keeping outta this one cause i do not understand politics at the best of times


              Trump's strong points for me are Trade Reform, Immigration reform (Which is tied to our economic problems as well) and the 2nd amendment.

              While the 2nd amendment is an internal issue, the other two may very well be beneficial for US, but detrimental to countries that have been taking advantage of our stupidity in signing those deals to begin with, as jobs that have been outsourced to those nations are brought back into the US. So I can expect other nations to not be so fond of Trump, but at the end of the day, we should be looking out for our own interests, first, last and always.


                Trump winning the Republician nominee solidifies that Clinton will win the presidency. Anyone having a chance of taking significant swing states for Republicians has been beaten by Trump
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
         jobs that have been outsourced to those nations are brought back into the US.
                  The problem with that is that you do not have the technology expertise that would require those jobs to come back to the US.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    Trump winning the Republician nominee solidifies that Clinton will win the presidency. Anyone having a chance of taking significant swing states for Republicians has been beaten by Trump
                    You might end up being right. But.
                    1: Hillary may be under indictment by this fall. That hands the White House to Trump or the R nominee.
                    2: As you have noticed, there has been a very large and quite unexpected amount of support for Trump. That may carry over to the general election too.


                      Realistically what's the chance of Hillary being indicted?


                        I think there is a fair chance of it happening. Of course, the current occupant of the White House will issue a pardon, But the indictment itself will go a long way towards ensuring that she doesn't win.


                          I hope she wins so that America has to deal with a female president for the first time in its history, and that after a black president. She needs to rub it in.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            I hope she wins so that America has to deal with a female president for the first time in its history, and that after a black president. She needs to rub it in.
                            France's nazi party leader is also a woman (a "*******" at that) - should she also win?


                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              I hope she wins so that America has to deal with a female president for the first time in its history, and that after a black president. She needs to rub it in.
                              I have no problem with a woman or a black, or anything else being POTUS. Their views, agendas and ideas mean more to me.
                              However, I have strong objections to the current sorry excuse for a president and this particular woman. Not due to their gender or race, but due to their politics.

                              How would you feel about Clarence Thomas, for example, a conservative SCOTUS judge serving as POTUS? I would vote for him if he were running.


                                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                                France's nazi party leader is also a woman (a "*******" at that) - should she also win?
                                She's far right -- not in line with my political views.

                                Le Pen is equal to Trump.

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                How would you feel about Clarence Thomas, for example, a conservative SCOTUS judge serving as POTUS? I would vote for him if he were running.
                                The word conservative pretty much seals the deal - no.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

