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    Originally posted by magi877 View Post
    no profanity was used by me

    if someone thinks Cu****ic- which only has one meaning as a descriptor of an ethnicity, is "profanity" then perhaps they are the snowflake and perhaps crack open a book and learn some facts

    note-- current meanings "vernacular", do not supersede or nullify the original meaning or use of the word
    I think you missed Annoyed's post where he pointed out exactly what was censored. I'll give you a hint. It has four letters, it starts with an "s" and ends with a "t" and is used almost interchangeably with the "f" word. The censor program will asterisk it even if it is part of another word unless it's a fairly common word and the word you use is about as uncommon as they get. You're being paranoid.

    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    Regarding the chants at the rally, seeing as Trump did not say it, I don't think he has anything to apologize for.
    He stood by and smiled for 12 seconds. When there's a racist chant, most people reprimand that chant. He didn't. That's called "tacit support". You claim to be wise with your years yet you display a stunning lack of understanding of the concept of "tacit support". Are you sure you're as smart as you claim?

    Regarding what he did say. Yes, it was boneheaded, seeing as how 3 of the 4 people who were told to get out were not immigrants, they were born here.

    With that said, however, telling someone to "get the hell out if you don't like it here" is a common response to critics in this nuthouse. Has been for a while, and in many different circumstances. And Trump did not say anything regarding race. Nationalism, maybe. But you can't hang him for racism on this, although his opponents will certainly try.
    I wonder why all the Obama haters didn't leave the US? Hypocrisy at its greatest. what you seem to ignore is that criticizing the president is not criticizing the country. He's not Louis XIV, I'l n'est pas l'état (He is not the state).

    Honestly, how can you detect subtle anti-semitism from Omar and not subtle racism from Trump? Either you wouldn't have even picked up on Omar's subtle anti-semitism if others didn't point it out or you are willfully ignoring the giant neon "I am racist" signs that Trump displays day in and day out.
    By Nolamom


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      Yeah, they'll go and protect the offenders and hush everything up.

      You ask, I deliver:

      6 modern-day Christian terrorist groups our media conveniently ignores
      They don't get the coverage of ISIS or Boko Haram, but organizations like "The Army of God" are no less dangerous

      N° 3 is a good equivalent to IS:

      3. The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)

      The mainstream media have had much to say about the Islamist brutality of Boko Haram, but one terrorist group they haven’t paid nearly as much attention to is the Lord’s Resistance Army—which was founded by Joseph Kony (a radical Christianist) in Uganda in 1987 and has called for the establishment of a severe Christian fundamentalist government in that country. The LRA, according to Human Rights Watch, has committed thousands of killings and kidnappings—and along the way, its terrorism spread from Uganda to parts of the Congo, the Central African Republic (CAR) and South Sudan. The word “jihadist” is seldom used in connection with the LRA, but in fact, the LRA’s tactics are not unlike those of ISIS or Boko Haram. And the governments Kony hopes to establish in Sub-Saharan Africa would implement a Christianist equivalent of Islamic Sharia law.

      As does n° 4:

      4. The National Liberation Front of Tripura

      India is not only a country of Hindus and Sikhs, but also, of Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics and Protestants. Most of India’s Christians are peaceful, but a major exception is the National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT). Active in the state of Tripura in Northeastern India since 1989, NLFT is a paramilitary Christianist movement that hopes to secede from India and establish a Christian fundamentalist government in Tripura. NLFT has zero tolerance for any religion other than Christianity, and the group has repeatedly shown a willingness to kill, kidnap or torture Hindus who refuse to be converted to its extreme brand of Protestant fundamentalism.

      In 2000, NLFT vowed to kill anyone who participated in Durga Puja (an annual Hindu festival) And in May 2003, at least 30 Hindus were murdered during one of NLFT’s killing sprees.

      And here's one which lists 20 Examples of Christian Terrorism In Modern Times as part of a similar discussion.

      The list is limited to those who either stated that they acted on Christian ideology, or who identified themselves as Christians and appear to have acted on ideology associated with Christian movements (they skip KKK and the WBC for reasons mentioned in the article). And they only list terroristic acts in modern times so no Crusades and or witch trials and burnings.
      yes, the have just as crazed ideology and tactics. but the LRA had a maximum troop number of 3000 and is now thought to be about 100 members

      the NLFT has an est 500 -850 members

      neither group has ever controlled the amount of territory that ISIS had held not do they have the number of heavy weapons and other BRAND NEW (got some good Iraqi Army trucks and weapons! made in america---never fired and only dropped once!) weapon systems

      ISIS also had, at one time, multiple surface to surface missiles (mostly SCUD and FROG variants) and a very small airforce
      2 planes from the syrian AF they crashed immediately

      so yes, the same crazy stupidity exists but just not on the same level of quality or quantity


      as for the crusades

      well, thinking them a religious endeavor is what the mainstream history books want us to believe

      but they were really motivated by land grab fever

      europe, by the time of the first crusade, had largely settled down from the massive territorial shifts of the dark ages

      second and third sons--all usually landless in inheritance, and lesser nobility wanted land and the power they thought they could extract from that possession

      the church was just as interested, if not more so, in creating western european kingdoms in the middle east that could serve as a check on the Byzantine's hold over trade from the east

      a similar thing happened much later with the spanish and english with their american adventures. which were also branded with the "its god's will" moniker

      our modern day islamic and some smaller christian jihadi's are mainly not interested in gaining lands and titles for economic profit. they are only motivated by some intangible, inter subjective belief in religion at its extreme

      also, even among the moderate muslim nations, nearly everyone of them bears he official state title of "the islamic republic of...". i dont think, and i am not going to bother looking, that any christian, buddhist, hindu nations have official state names styled in the same way

      it is interesting though that so many of the euro socialist nations like great britain, iceland ,sweden ,denmark, etc do have official state religions though that is not borne out in their state names
      Last edited by magi877; 19 July 2019, 05:10 PM.


        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
        I think you missed Annoyed's post where he pointed out exactly what was censored. I'll give you a hint. It has four letters, it starts with an "s" and ends with a "t" and is used almost interchangeably with the "f" word. The censor program will asterisk it even if it is part of another word unless it's a fairly common word and the word you use is about as uncommon as they get. You're being paranoid.

        nope didn't miss it

        but on one hand it is as childish as a 6th grader -- " oooh, it has a bad word in it"

        and on the other, to willfully excise or self censor totally non offensive words from our language just because some snow flake may be triggered is absolutely ridiculous!!!

        lets see : ****ake mushroom, in hebrew the wood of the acacia tree is called ****tah

        i could go on


          Originally posted by magi877 View Post
          yes, nationalism it is
          How can it be nationalism?
          3 of the 4 are born citizens, so part of the nation, and the other is naturalized, and also part of the nation.
          Or are you suggesting there are two nationalisms in the US?
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            How can it be nationalism?
            3 of the 4 are born citizens, so part of the nation, and the other is naturalized, and also part of the nation.
            Or are you suggesting there are two nationalisms in the US?
            I mean, to invoke a bit of Godwin, so were the Jews in Weimar Germany. And homosexuals, and communists, and the disabled...etc.

            Ask them how the spread of extreme nationalism turned out for them.

            We're already at the "blame the other", and we are already at the "other" being in camps, US citizens or not. So what's next?


              Originally posted by Gen. Chris View Post
              I mean, to invoke a bit of Godwin, so were the Jews in Weimar Germany. And homosexuals, and communists, and the disabled...etc.

              Ask them how the spread of extreme nationalism turned out for them.

              We're already at the "blame the other", and we are already at the "other" being in camps, US citizens or not. So what's next?
              Oh, I agree with you Chris, but this notion of using the "right word" came up, so I'm just going with it.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

                He stood by and smiled for 12 seconds. When there's a racist chant, most people reprimand that chant. He didn't. That's called "tacit support". You claim to be wise with your years yet you display a stunning lack of understanding of the concept of "tacit support". Are you sure you're as smart as you claim?
                Or maybe he was trying to think of a way to handle that properly?

                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                I wonder why all the Obama haters didn't leave the US? Hypocrisy at its greatest. what you seem to ignore is that criticizing the president is not criticizing the country. He's not Louis XIV, I'l n'est pas l'état (He is not the state).
                How many limousine liberals were going on about leaving when Trump was elected. They're still here too, right?

                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                Honestly, how can you detect subtle anti-semitism from Omar and not subtle racism from Trump? Either you wouldn't have even picked up on Omar's subtle anti-semitism if others didn't point it out or you are willfully ignoring the giant neon "I am racist" signs that Trump displays day in and day out.
                I didn't pick up on whatever Omar said that may have stank of anti-Semitism, and I'm not all that concerned with that aspect. I'm more concerned with what she and her cohorts want to do to the United States.

                Oh, and just as an interesting coincidence, I encountered this car with out of state plates this afternoon. Was driving like a real idiot.
                First thing I thought to myself was "Go back to Florida, you moron!"

                Telling someone to get the hell out is a common epithet


                  I can't decide if your guliible or a moron. Trump delights in causing his fans to get angry. His is just using this to bait them so they will be stupid enough to vote him again.
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    How can it be nationalism?
                    3 of the 4 are born citizens, so part of the nation, and the other is naturalized, and also part of the nation.
                    Or are you suggesting there are two nationalisms in the US?
                    your last line is silly-- that would be "nationality"

                    nationalism is a state of mind that results from centuries of humans drawing lines and borders based on a co-operative intersubjective system.

                    people believe that there is a divide based on some invisible and non scientific category-- nationality

                    it would be --uh, um--- "racism" if he were referring to their skin color or appearance based on distinctions which people id with that ethnicity (ie: a big nose or tightly curled hair ), all which are objective traits. the distinctions exist whether one agrees to them or not-- "the sky is blue"

                    if it was a negative about them based on their religion then it would be a prejudicial statement based on their culture

                    but i dont think the trumpster has any idea about what he is saying--he just spouts dookie out


                      Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                      nope didn't miss it

                      but on one hand it is as childish as a 6th grader -- " oooh, it has a bad word in it"

                      and on the other, to willfully excise or self censor totally non offensive words from our language just because some snow flake may be triggered is absolutely ridiculous!!!

                      lets see : ****ake mushroom, in hebrew the wood of the acacia tree is called ****tah

                      i could go on
                      The folks that run this joint don't want it to become a sewer. Towards that end, they use automated software to scan for possible naughty words. It is a perfectly reasonable policy.

                      If you have a legitimate need to post something that trips the auto-censor, how hard is it to outthink the damned thing?


                        Originally posted by Gen. Chris View Post
                        I mean, to invoke a bit of Godwin, so were the Jews in Weimar Germany. And homosexuals, and communists, and the disabled...etc.

                        Ask them how the spread of extreme nationalism turned out for them.

                        We're already at the "blame the other", and we are already at the "other" being in camps, US citizens or not. So what's next?
                        those example are examples of cultural bias and competing ideologies

                        the Jews were hated due to the long held European belief that they were somehow intrinsically evil, the NAZI hatred of them was a development of this long held European distrust of 'the evil jew', ingrained into the religion of national socialism.

                        homosexuals were killed because of..well, pretty much any nation at that time had prohibitions against home sexuality. The US and other western nations arrested homosexuals. some nations sterilized them, including the US

                        some speculate that Hitler did not target homosexuals until after he was betrayed by the leader of the SA, a gay man named Ernst Roehm. he was pioneering the concept of 'manly homosexuality' where among other things, he argued that being homosexual or rather- avoiding sex with females, made men more capable of going after the NAZI's enemies.

                        anyhow, none of this was nationalism. prejudicial nationalism would have been the expulsion of other nationalities


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          The folks that run this joint don't want it to become a sewer. Towards that end, they use automated software to scan for possible naughty words. It is a perfectly reasonable policy.

                          If you have a legitimate need to post something that trips the auto-censor, how hard is it to outthink the damned thing?
                          its not thats not the point

                          other websites have the option for you to turn on or off the censorship for you account

                          and, its a dangerous idea. people keep saying "how hard is it to outsmart?" "what are you worried if you are not dong it?" etc

                          the growing slippery slope


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            I can't decide if your guliible or a moron. Trump delights in causing his fans to get angry. His is just using this to bait them so they will be stupid enough to vote him again.
                            and he does i- or someone is telling him to- to 'wag the dog'

                            that is to have a constant distraction effect from all the other things his admin is doing

                            illegal wars, over de-regulating and closing down entire regulatory agencies, and other real news


                            the media did not learn from last time

                            they are once again giving him free campaign air time

                            his core spt's love this stuff. when they watch liberals meltdown on CNN or msnbc over it, they love it. they love to see guys like chris cuomo and rachel maddow go bonkers over what Trump says

                            they should just stop covering his idiocy and focus on what he is actually doing --real news


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              First thing I thought to myself was "Go back to Florida, you moron!"
                              You really don't see the difference between telling an American to go back to American state and a phrase that has been used for more than a century by racists who want their neighborhoods and cities to be a little less dark/Irish?

                              Really? Is this really the hill you want to die on?


                                Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                                its not thats not the point

                                other websites have the option for you to turn on or off the censorship for you account

                                and, its a dangerous idea. people keep saying "how hard is it to outsmart?" "what are you worried if you are not dong it?" etc

                                the growing slippery slope
                                I have never encountered a message board that lets its contributors turn off language filters for posts. Yes, if you want to enable/disable filters for what you READ on a board, I imagine there might be some that allow that, but you'll have to show me the deed for one that lets you turn off the board's software so you can use foul language to your heart's content.

