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    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
    Don't you have freedom of the press in the USA?

    So how can you possibly fire reporters who criticise the government? Bannon wants reporters to just shut up. So Kellyanne stepped up to the plate like a good obedient pet.
    Well, with the mainstream media solidly in opposition to Trump and his administration, what would you expect?

    I'll tell you what I would like to expect: That reporters and news organizations confine themselves to reporting the news, not becoming a participant in it.


      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      And I wish the LSoS had done the same on Jan 20, 2009.
      Neither one of us will get our wish.
      ? he wasn't president back then, now's the perfect time for him to fire himself from office

      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      Well, with the mainstream media solidly in opposition to Trump and his administration, what would you expect?
      at least Obama respected your 1st amendment unlike the LSOS

      I'll tell you what I would like to expect: That reporters and news organizations confine themselves to reporting the news, not becoming a participant in it.
      yeah man how dare private citizens involve themselves in politics it's none of their business


        The LSOS has a meltdown everytime someone criticises him....

        How can you be so thin skinned? Be an adult man don't be a child.

        As for Kellyanne. OMG why is she having a meltdown?
        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


          I fall victim to the flu, and have three pages to catch up on...

          Let's see what I checked...

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
 obama sending arms to ISIS via 'supporting those rebel groups"...
          Which ones do you mean?

          The following two, I think...?
          Free Syrian Army - fought Daesh and Assad's Goverment Army (and the Russians)
          Peshmerga -- Kurdish fighters (both men and women) fighting Daesh

          And not this one...?
          Jabhat Fatah al-Sham -- formerly known as Jabhat Al-Nusra, formerly allied with Al-Qaeda, fought against the Free Syrian Army, Assad's army (and the Russians) and the Peshmerga -- allied with Daesh

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          IMO it seems some of you guys are so rabidly against trump, you are WANTING him to fail, just so you can go "we told ya", and are not even willing to give him a try.
          Why on this freaking green/blue earth would we even want to give that buffoon a try?
          He's already proven himself inadequate at every turn.
          Even when he was campaigning.

          Also, if this is true than I pitty your sorry asses even more -- apparently, Merkel had to explain to Trump what the Geneva Conventions were.

          I'm fairly certain it's a joke -- but considering his incompetance, I don't know. It could be true.

          Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
          Banning Muslims telling them they're not welcome doesn't prevent terrorists. It creates them. You're telling them the US hates them. Where do you think they're going to turn?
          Daesh has a Trump Fan Club -- there's no doubt about it. He's their number 1 recruiter.

          Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
          He banned all Muslims from the US on Holocaust Memorial Day. While tweeting sympathy for the victims and survivors.
          He didn't even mention the Jews in his Memorial Day statement.

          True, they weren't the only victims, but they did take up 98% of the cake in those 6 million kills. They were the target -- the rest was extra topping (gays, disabled, opponents, gypsies, ...).

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          They are not illegal immigrants, they are Alternative citizens.

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          Were you willing to give Hillary a try?
          Didn't he refer to her as Killary?

          I'd say, the answer would probably be no.

          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
          cept those rebel groups are the enemies of ISIS

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          You sure about that? NAFTA was a product of the early 90's. And middle class jobs have been vanishing overseas for longer than that. It's long past time somebody did something about it.
          I just read an article about the economic fall-out of Trump pulling back on TPP and NAFTA, and threatening individual companies. For a time, your economy might survive on its own, but in the end it will surely cost you more than what it would have been had you gone through with TPP f.e.

          TPP especially would have given you "free" access to the Asian market which is one the fastest growing economic markets in the world. By pulling out of TPP, you are giving that away to China which will take your place.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          This is completely different than what the Nazi's did, declaring otherwise legal residents to be illegal solely on the basis of their religion. Your attempt at comparing them fails.
          So, Jews weren't targeted because they were Jewish?
          That's news to me.

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          No, I mean, literally drive out away from a city close to the border and take a hike until they pass the border and that's it. They're in. There's nothing much preventing people from crossing that border.
          A wall needs to be build to stop this!

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Build a wall!!
          Nevermind, GF beat me to it.

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          "we don't need no education" - Betsy DeVos

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Remember a week ago when I said that the tech sector would not stand for this BS?

          Well, if Betsy DeVos is confirmed as Secretary for Education, Silicon Valley is doomed anyway. There just won't be any smart IT people in the US to hire, and they'll have to move to more profitable grounds. Or the technology haven moves from Silicon Valley to it's Chinese/Japanese counter parts.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Aww, too bad. They might have to hire domestic workers.
          Aw, isn't that a good, little hypocrite. Cause you know Trump's Mar-A-Lago business just hired a whole bunch of foreign workers.

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          They would need to be able to source educated people in the US.
          Or just move elsewhere.
          Like I said, with Betsy DeVos in charge (if confirmed), Silicon Valley will become Death Valley instead.

          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          Someone look this up. Just heard this that at Dulles International Airport customs people are REFUSING to let lawyers talk to people held up because of this stupid ban that isn't a ban.
          This was indeed the case.

          ACLU told people to try and reach family and/or friends in the customs zone, and make sure they didn't sign anything. And to give them access to lawyers.

          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          How are they able to defy a legal order that says lawyers have to have access to these people?
          Cause nobody knew what to do, as the EO had not gone through the proper channels. Had it gone through the proper channels, it wouldn't even have made it on Trump's desk as fast as it did.

          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          Also who the hell is running things is it Trump or Bannon, or is Trump just a puppet?
          It does look like Trump's the idiot, and Bannon the boy holding the ropes.

          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          MAGA Make America Great Again

          Actually means no abortions and no gays

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          EO to do the pipelines.. I fully agree, and as i mentioned in the discussions we HAD on those pipelines last year i hated that obama didn't give them the green light.
          Let's make a deal then: you keep your pipelines off Native-American grounds, and away from any water source, and then you can build it. Otherwise, no pipeline.

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          EO on immigration - again i fully agree with what he did, and would have LIKED to see him add maybe a few more countries TO IT.
          Notwithstanding, the order is in violation with the constitution and didn't even get vetted by the proper channels, none of the countries on the list ever yielded any terrorists in the US.

          The ones he didn't add, are where your 9/11 terrorists originated from, and where he/his kids have business dealings.

          And let's not forget, it also applies to legal green-card holders who happen to hail from any of these countries, or those with a dual citizenship.

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          EO on the wall. AGAIN fully agree with it.
          So, you'll happy pay for it?

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          EO on the ending of funding for abortions with federal dollars. MY stance on abortion and fed funding has LONG been known.
          I see you too have never heard of the Hyde Amendment. Look it up, it's a fascinating little thing which keeps federal funding being used to pay for abortions.

          I can't remember: did you allow abortion for rape and incest? And when a genetic defect causes the baby to be non-viable outside of the womb? Or when the mother's life is in danger?

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          EO on removal from TPP.. - since IMO that deal really didn't serve the US at all, much like Nafta was more of a shank to us than it was to everyone else, i have no problem with this..
          See above, in reply to Annoyed -- TPP would have given the US access to the Asian market which is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. Bye bye profits!

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          SO i see NOTHING in what he's done that is bad for the USA>.
          Until it affects you personally, probably.

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          If they have not cleared customs, then technically they are not in the USA.. See the tom hanks film, Terminal for an idea of what i am on about.
          Except that Tom's character was visiting the States on a tourist visa when his country ceased to exist, leaving him hanging in country-limbo.

          People currently detained are GREEN-CARD holders of the USA.
          People with legitimate visas, who've already gone through a 2-year vetting (or so I've heard). They've had more background checks than were ever performed on your or me (yes, I was background checked once).

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          TPP never came into effect, he killed that baby before it was born (OMG!! )

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Can't wait to hear the replacement, same with most upper tier republicans apparently.
          You know, it's going to be bigly.

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Your biggest issue regarding terrorism is not going to come from the outside, but from the inside. The chances of you being killed by terrorism is far, far outweighed by domestic terrorists than refugee's or even immigrants.
          Apparently the chance is 1 in 3.4 billion, or 0,00003%.

          Guns, on the other hand, ... far worse odds.

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Let me ask you a question though. If an issue is a clear and proven danger to the people of the USA, enough to for you to allow that thing to be banned, is that OK, and does it matter what that thing is?

          What is "gun violence"?

          Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
          LOL most reporters are self-employed contractors and most bloggers don't even have a boss, let aloine a contract. Do they expect them to stand in front of the bathroom mirror and tell themselves they're fired?
          I can already see them standing there.

          *points at mirror*

          "You! Are fired!"
          "You are fired!"
          "Fired, you are!"
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            As my late mother used to say "Somemes its best to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid, than open it and confirm it".

            Seems nobody in the Trump administration has ever heard that saying...


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              So, Jews weren't targeted because they were Jewish?
              That's news to me.
              No, you're confused.
              Hitler did indeed scapegoat the Jews, based on religion.

              But I was talking about illegal immigration and illegal immigrants, who are not being targeted because of their religion, they are being targeted because they are in the country illegally.

              Why is it that none of you on the left can grasp the concept of "being in the country illegally"??


                Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                As my late mother used to say "Somemes its best to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid, than open it and confirm it".

                Seems nobody in the Trump administration has ever heard that saying...
                They do seem to stick their foot in their mouth as often as Trump does.


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  No, you're confused.
                  Hitler did indeed scapegoat the Jews, based on religion.

                  But I was talking about illegal immigration and illegal immigrants, who are not being targeted because of their religion, they are being targeted because they are in the country illegally.

                  Why is it that none of you on the left can grasp the concept of "being in the country illegally"??
                  Since when is having a green card and/or a valid visa being illegal? Isn't it the US government who hands them out or did I miss something? Again, the ban doesn't aim at illegal immigrants from the Mexican border, but people from Muslim states who want to enter the country LEGALLY. I think you're the one who's confusing something here...


                    Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep
                    He must always defend the Dear Leader. The Dear Leader would never mislead him. He is not capable of thinking for himself. He can only do as the Dear Leader commands.
                    Ah, I thought it's a lack of reading comprehension on his part.


                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Guess you are annoyed that they have been doing exactly that then.
                      If they have been, yes i would be peeved..

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      So, Eminent domain wins. The government has a "need" for native land, so lets take it, it won't be the first time the Amer-indians got shafted. Trump is a big Jackson fan, perhaps he is gonna try to do better.
                      How is building that pipeline taking over native land, when that whole demostration we had last month was about it going under a RIVER they use??

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Like, the countries that -actually- produce and openly support anti-US terrorism?
                      He His kids have business dealings there.
                      And how much business did Hillary have with Saudi, Jordan and others??

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Mexico punk slapped trump over that debacle, and it was glorious to behold.
                      So the president pulled out of a meet. I don't consider that 'punk slapping trump.

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      It's -always- been illegal for federal funding to pay for abortions, or do you mean the global gag order?
                      Tell that to PP..

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      TPP never came into effect, he killed that baby before it was born (OMG!! )
                      It was still signed into being..

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Not to worry, if he get's all his picks, several dept's will not exist anymore and those in charge will do a Chris Christie.
                      Do a chris christie??

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      So why are people asking for people to give trump a chance?
                      Cause he's NOT a pro-amnesty nut.. WHich to me is a big no-no. Since trumps a PRO immigration control guy, i am giving him a chance to prove my faith in him right.
                      Rubio by being a member of that pro-amnesty gang of 8, is why i would NOT support him in the run-ups to the RNC picking of trump..

                      Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                      As my late mother used to say "Somemes its best to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid, than open it and confirm it".

                      Seems nobody in the Trump administration has ever heard that saying...
                      Seem to me most of the anti-trumpers here, need to follow that line too!


                        Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep


                        Because they banned Muslims? From predominantly Muslim countries. They even prevented those living in the US legally with visas/Green Cards from entering the country. Because they're Muslim.

                        It's a Muslim ban.

                        Which if it's still not clear, is a ban, on Muslims.

                        Banned, they have, Muslims from entering the US.

                        The US, Muslims are banned from going there.
                        What? Not Captain Hollister!
                        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                        The truth isn't the truth


                          Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep
                          He must always defend the Dear Leader. The Dear Leader would never mislead him. He is not capable of thinking for himself. He can only do as the Dear Leader commands.
                          I misread PH's comment; I was talking about his stance on illegal immigration in general. Not the situation with legitimate visa holders.


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            If they have been, yes i would be peeved..
                            Be peeved then.
                            How is building that pipeline taking over native land, when that whole demostration we had last month was about it going under a RIVER they use??
                            Does this river fly though the air like magic, or is it on......... land?

                            And how much business did Hillary have with Saudi, Jordan and others??
                            I'm sorry, did Hillary or Obama blacklist people from nations with an executive order?
                            The point is who DIDN'T get targeted.

                            So the president pulled out of a meet. I don't consider that 'punk slapping trump.
                            publicly, via twitter after "big man" twumpy said "well if you are not gonna put out, you may as well not come " Then he and his team tried to sell "oh it was mutual" .
                            Shot down before getting to first base. Guess Mexico don't like getting grabbed by the kitty.

                            Tell that to PP..
                            They already know.

                            It was still signed into being..
                            So has the wall, still has to go through senate and the house for appropriations, EO's are not magic. Obama found that out when he tried to close GITMO.

                            Do a chris christie??
                            Seen him lately?
                            Cause he's NOT a pro-amnesty nut.. WHich to me is a big no-no. Since trumps a PRO immigration control guy, i am giving him a chance to prove my faith in him right.
                            Rubio by being a member of that pro-amnesty gang of 8, is why i would NOT support him in the run-ups to the RNC picking of trump..
                            You are missing the point. trumpers are saying "give him a chance" yet freely admit they would not give Hillary a chance if she won.
                            Don't ask someone to do something you would not do yourself.

                            Seem to me most of the anti-trumpers here, need to follow that line too!
                            And when you are bent and broken beyond all recognition as the superpower that you -currently- are have people turn around and say "why did you not try to stop us"?
                            No thanks.
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep


                              Because they banned Muslims? From predominantly Muslim countries. They even prevented those living in the US legally with visas/Green Cards from entering the country. Because they're Muslim.

                              It's a Muslim ban.

                              Which if it's still not clear, is a ban, on Muslims.

                              Banned, they have, Muslims from entering the US.

                              The US, Muslims are banned from going there.
                              of all the things he's done & intends to do, it's very doubtful that this one will further damage his reputation
                              ditto for the mexican wall (at least until the inevitable financial side effects start affecting his electorate)

                              the media are focussing on the wrong things ffs
                              Last edited by SoulReaver; 30 January 2017, 03:14 PM.


                                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                                of all the things he's done & intends to do, it's very doubtful that this is one that will further damage his popularity
                                ditto for the mexican wall (though the inevitable financial side effects could be interesting)

                                the media are focussing on the wrong things ffs
                                This is quite true.
                                What people need to forget (and I know it's hard) is that it is a legally worded muslim ban. We all -know- that is what it is, nosferatu Gulianni bragged about that on fox, so we know from their own mouths. What the media needs to focus on is the banning of -legal citizens- and the fact that the ban promotes a religious test which again is illegal and a violation of the oath of office trump took. Forget the emotional stuff, concentrate on the -law-. The right -likes- it when the left gets emotional, it plays into their narrative of having to "deal with children" and "whiney libuurals". Smash them with facts, then deconstruct their "opinions we feel are facts" in the same way.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

