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    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    Coco, it's real simple.
    If it's news you don't agree with, it's fake.
    Unfortunately, that is not what fake news is.
    Fake news is what the store *rag* magazines like the "National Enquirer" and "The Star" and "Globe" stories make up in some portion of their printed content matter. They were also famous for being the original photo-shoppers of fake pics, or fabricating Hollywood type make-up to create sci-fi creatures, etc. and treat them as "real" entities (maybe they were real.. from the island of Dr. Moreau?).

    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    FOX News -- FOX News, ladies and gentlemen, defended CNN and called Trump out on his behavior.

    There are miracles after all...

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    FOX started changing once Ailes got the arse. Go read the comments section of a Breitbart piece and you will see many complaining / asserting that FOX has sold out and gone liberal now.
    Proof that they've probably gone liberal or moved on *over to the Dark Side*.

    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
    CNN fake? but you believe every word of Breitbart.....
    I haven't read Breitbart since the original owner passed away. Maybe I should start reading it (again) to find out what's going on over there..

    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
    ...this is why I stayed quiet for months.. not bothering to join in these political conversations about Trump. hmmmmm.

    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    You were here in December. It's January. That's not months.

    Also, are you going to be quiet for the next 4 years then? Although, he could get impeached, it might be shorter than that.
    That's not what I meant. I meant being quiet about certain *subject* matters. Specifically, the one where you'all went hog-wild crazy over the story about Trump with the prostitutes, etc. That was several months ago. Happened around the time Hillary and Trump were harping against each other's personal *moral* life. I stayed out of that whole conversation for the most part. *Unsubstantiated* info on Trump is not the same as what Bill Clinton did AND admitted to doing. Admirable trait to for Hillary to stand by her man, but to allow it to continue, that's what most Americans were ticked off about with the situation between Hillary and Bill. Most of the info got posted into the national rag magazines (see above about the "fake" news magazines).

    Besides, I've got more important things to tend to like family..
    That .. and still tending to my December injuries from unsuccessfully trying to stop a fall or "flying thru the air" because of circumstances slightly beyond my control on a moving train. Took about 2 weeks for the giant, dark purple bruises to finally fade away.


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      With what?

      Because there's lots of talk about repealing it, but replacing it with what?
      Nothings been worked out.. YET.


        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Fake news is what the store *rag* magazines like the "National Enquirer" and "The Star" and "Globe" stories make up in some portion of their printed content matter.
        I know of the National Enquirer. Don't know the other two.

        Here's an interesting site: (last updated 01/18/2016)

        Fake News | Hoax News
        Fake/Hoax News sites are satire sites that are not funny. They are an attempt to play on gullible people who do not check sources and will just pass the news on as if it were really true.

        Satire News
        Satire websites are sites that make fun of the news. The stories are typically over the top and meant to be funny. The most famous satire site is The Onion.

        Clickbait News
        Clickbait websites are sites that take bits of true stories but insinuate and make up other details to sew fear. Most of these are conspiratorial in nature are very unreliable.

        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Proof that they've probably gone liberal or moved on *over to the Dark Side*.
        Anyone not in line with Trump is therefore against him, I see.

        Yeah, what could possible be wrong with that?

        Hilarious though, how even Fox has realized Trump went too far (again).

        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        That's not what I meant. I meant being quiet about certain *subject* matters.
        Oh, okay.

        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Specifically, the one where you'all went hog-wild crazy over the story about Trump with the prostitutes, etc.

        I remember the tapes where he talked about his pussy-grabbing. Can't remember prostitutes involved.

        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Happened around the time Hillary and Trump were harping against each other's personal *moral* life.
        The tapes story, is all I can remember. Or I missed something.

        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        *Unsubstantiated* info on Trump is not the same as what Bill Clinton did AND admitted to doing.
        Tapes with his voice saying he grabs them by the ass is not so much unsubstantiated as admitting to the fact of doing it.

        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Admirable trait to for Hillary to stand by her man...
        Especially poignant since Trump's on his - what is it - third wife, fourth wife.

        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
        Nothings been worked out.. YET.
        That's the problem, isn't it. They are repealing but not replacing, leaving a gaping hole of uninsured people. First you work on a replacement, then you repeal -- is the most logic of ways, but that's clearly not the GOP's way.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          I am just going to leave this link here.

          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            So Rudy Giuliani, Trump's 'cyber security expert' runs an easily hackable, completely unprotected site built on ancient software.

            And no one knows exactly what his 'security firm' actually does.

            Really couldn't have picked a worse person for the job..


              Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
              So Rudy Giuliani, Trump's 'cyber security expert' runs an easily hackable, completely unprotected site built on ancient software.
              I think we call that an invitation.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                But.. but.. I'm trying to be good!


                  Do. Or do not. There is no try.


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    I know of the National Enquirer. Don't know the other two.

                    Here's an interesting site: (last updated 01/18/2016)

                    Fake News | Hoax News
                    Fake/Hoax News sites are satire sites that are not funny. They are an attempt to play on gullible people who do not check sources and will just pass the news on as if it were really true.

                    Satire News
                    Satire websites are sites that make fun of the news. The stories are typically over the top and meant to be funny. The most famous satire site is The Onion.

                    Clickbait News
                    Clickbait websites are sites that take bits of true stories but insinuate and make up other details to sew fear. Most of these are conspiratorial in nature are very unreliable.
                    Strange that with how often we've seen liberal media feed us false news (or news they never fact checked) that a lot more liberal media sites are NOT on those lists...


                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

                      That's the problem, isn't it. They are repealing but not replacing, leaving a gaping hole of uninsured people. First you work on a replacement, then you repeal -- is the most logic of ways, but that's clearly not the GOP's way.
                      They voted to take away coverage for pre-existing conditions, protection for veterans, and support for rural hospitals. They completely screwed over their most loyal supporters. And young adults are no longer allowed to stay on their parents insurance.

                      With no plan to replace it with anything.

                      At all.

                      They don't have a scheme in mind, that they need time to put in place. They don't have any idea what they are going to do. It could take months. Years to figure something out. Then arrange the financial plan to put it in place. And finally start rolling it out state by state, after an initial trial run to test viability.

                      They have nothing.

                      Last edited by Pharaoh Hamenthotep; 13 January 2017, 11:40 AM.


                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                        Strange that with how often we've seen liberal media feed us false news (or news they never fact checked) that a lot more liberal media sites are NOT on those lists...
                        This whole fact-checking mania is merely a smokescreen; the real message is "All news must be approved by leftie-approved sites before it can be considered legitimate."
                        The political left as well as most of the media is in a blind panic, running around like stepped-on cockroaches since their pasting at the polls, and this is just another expression of that.


                          Pasting at the polls??
                          Which polls?
                          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                          The truth isn't the truth


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            Strange that with how often we've seen liberal media feed us false news (or news they never fact checked) that a lot more liberal media sites are NOT on those lists...
                            Too bad, the right is guilty of the same thing, yet you do not mind.

                            May I introduce to the Pot, dear Kettle.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Pasting at the polls??
                              Which polls?
                              Both branches of the Fed. govt, soon to be all 3 as the SCOTUS turns, and a lot of statehouses.


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Both branches of the Fed. govt, soon to be all 3 as the SCOTUS turns, and a lot of statehouses.

                                Oh please, look at the actual results first. Republicans actually lost 2 seats net in the senate, a real pasting........
                                Republicans held something that they already had, and that's a "pasting"?
                                You really did go to trump university.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

